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a doubt in gita!

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gita says- " devaan devayajoo yanti yaanti madyaaginopi maam' " .

what does this actually mean?

if those who worship other devas attain those devas as their

goal,then will it not be a paradigm on the part of devas not leading

their devotees to the right knowledge?for eg:should not b a true

shankara devotee be guided by shankara himself ,the right knowledge

of vishnu sarvottamatva?

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Dear Pradip,


> gita says- " devaan devayajoo yanti yaanti madyaaginopi maam' " .

> what does this actually mean?


To find out what this Geetha-shlOka actually means,

we need to understand its context in the flow of

thought within the 7th chapter of Geetha.


yO yO yAm yAm tanum bhaktaha shraddhayA architum icchati |

tasya tasya achalAm shraddhAm tAmaeva vidadhAmyaham || (7.21)

(The particular interest, shraddhaa in a particular God,

that a particular individual has I will make that interest firm in him)


sa tayaa shraddhayaa yuktaha tasya ArAdhanamIhatae |

labhatae cha tataha kAmAn mayyaiva vihitAn hi tAn || 7.22

(Equipped with this, he worships that particular God.

Because of this worship, he obtains what is given to him

only by Me).


antavattu phalam taeshAm tat bhavatyalpamaedhasAm |

devAn devayajO yanti yAti madbhaktAyaanti mAmapi " || (7.23)

(The result (phala) of taking refuge in other Gods is

partial(alpa). SriKrishna has called them as " alpamaedhasAm "

- people with very little knowledge, and in this context he says

Devotees of other gods reach them, and My devotees reach Me).


Now coming to your doubt,


> if those who worship other devas attain those devas as their

> goal,then will it not be a paradigm on the part of devas not leading

> their devotees to the right knowledge?


The so called other gods (devas) are as much paratantra

as their devotees are. The only difference is that their devotees are

" alpamaedhasAm " about this dependency on SriKrishna

while those gods are better off when it comes to this knowledge.


Geetha (7.22) makes it clear that none of these gods are capable

of giving anything to anybody on their own. This is what is

called phala-paratantra in shaastra, ( the other three being :

svabhaava paratantra, anya-vastu paratantra, sannivaesha paratantra).


'tantra' means work or kaarya, paratantra means 'work of svatantra'

thus phala-paratantra means " granting the 'phala' is work of svatantra " .


Since both the devotee and this so-called other 'God' are equally

dependent on SriKrishna, it is only the Svatantra that can

grant a devotee's wish through these other Gods.


These other gods are only so-called because, they don't even have

a name on their own, as made clear by Shruti


" nAmAni vishwAbhi na santi lOke, yadaa virAsiit anrutasya sarvam

nAmAni sarvANi yam Avishanti, tam vai vishNum paramam udAharanti "


I hope it is clearer.



Jay Nelamangala





Monday, December 23, 2002 8:22 AM

a doubt in gita!



> if those who worship other devas attain those devas as their

> goal,then will it not be a paradigm on the part of devas not leading

> their devotees to the right knowledge?for eg:should not b a true

> shankara devotee be guided by shankara himself ,the right knowledge

> of vishnu sarvottamatva?



> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

due to His recurring grace "

> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya

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Dear Pradip,> gita says-"devaan devayajoo yanti yaanti madyaaginopi maam'".> what does this actually mean?To find out what this Geetha-shlOka actually means,we need to understand its context in the flow ofthought within the 7th chapter of Geetha.yO yO yAm yAm tanum bhaktaha shraddhayA architum icchati |tasya tasya achalAm shraddhAm tAmaeva vidadhAmyaham || (7.21)(The particular interest, shraddhaa in a particular God,that a particular individual has I will make that interest firm in him)sa tayaa shraddhayaa yuktaha tasya ArAdhanamIhatae |labhatae cha tataha kAmAn mayyaiva vihitAn hi tAn || 7.22(Equipped with this, he worships that particular God.Because of this worship, he obtains what is given to himonly by Me).antavattu phalam taeshAm tat bhavatyalpamaedhasAm |devAn devayajO yanti yAti madbhaktAyaanti mAmapi" || (7.23)(The result (phala) of taking refuge in other Gods is partial(alpa). SriKrishna has called them as "alpamaedhasAm"- people with very little knowledge, and in this context he says Devotees of other gods reach them, and My devotees reach Me).Now coming to your doubt,> if those who worship other devas attain those devas as their> goal,then will it not be a paradigm on the part of devas not leading> their devotees to the right knowledge?The so called other gods (devas) are as much paratantraas their devotees are. The only difference is that their devotees are"alpamaedhasAm" about this dependency on SriKrishnawhile those gods are better off when it comes to this knowledge.Geetha (7.22) makes it clear that none of these gods are capableof giving anything to anybody on their own. This is what iscalled phala-paratantra in shaastra, ( the other three being :svabhaava paratantra, anya-vastu paratantra, sannivaesha paratantra).'tantra' means work or kaarya, paratantra means 'work of svatantra'thus phala-paratantra means "granting the 'phala' is work of svatantra".Since both the devotee and this so-called other 'God' are equallydependent on SriKrishna, it is only the Svatantra that cangrant a devotee's wish through these other Gods.These other gods are only so-called because, they don't even havea name on their own, as made clear by Shruti"nAmAni vishwAbhi na santi lOke, yadaa virAsiit anrutasya sarvamnAmAni sarvANi yam Avishanti, tam vai vishNum paramam udAharanti"I hope it is clearer.________________________________Jay Nelamangala-<pradeepts181Monday, December 23, 2002 8:22 AM a doubt in gita!> if those who worship other devas attain those devas as their> goal,then will it not be a paradigm on the part of devas not leading> their devotees to the right knowledge?for eg:should not b a true> shankara devotee be guided by shankara himself ,the right knowledge> of vishnu sarvottamatva?>>> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||>> "I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do areHis worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and nototherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me aredue to His recurring grace"> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, inthis way, it pleases Vishnu.> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya> --> To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body info.) to- > --> Visit VMS at http://www.madhva.org> View the latest events in the US by selecting the 'Events' link> -->>

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