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Interesting discussion!

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As you know, the Advaitins [sankaracharya's followers]

are indeed Vedantins, but in recent times we see many

self-styled 'staunch Advaitins' who don't even care about

vedas. If they don't believe in vedanta, can they *even*

be called neo-vedantins?


Any way, if you are curious to browse their discussions with

some staunch dvaitins, please check out the 'hindunet' forum

where there was some 'interesting' discussion re Dvaita

viewpoint--- this thread itself is not really new in that forum,

and it was there even two years ago, but the recent ones can

be found from page 17-25, at:


http://www.hindunet.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat= & Board=dwaita & Number=4757 & page=0

& view=collapsed & sb=5 & o= & fpart=18 & vc=1


[all in one line]




Meera Tadipatri

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I am willing to know about " Mayavadha Khandana " by Madhvacharya. I searched

dvaita site. No info is available on any work of Acharya except two. Please let

me know of a web site which educates common people like me about Acharya's






> Hello,


> As you know, the Advaitins [sankaracharya's followers]

> are indeed Vedantins, but in recent times we see many

> self-styled 'staunch Advaitins' who don't even care about

> vedas. If they don't believe in vedanta, can they *even*

> be called neo-vedantins?


> Any way, if you are curious to browse their discussions with

> some staunch dvaitins, please check out the 'hindunet' forum

> where there was some 'interesting' discussion re Dvaita

> viewpoint--- this thread itself is not really new in that forum,

> and it was there even two years ago, but the recent ones can

> be found from page 17-25, at:



http://www.hindunet.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat= & Board=dwaita & Number=4757 & page=0

> & view=collapsed & sb=5 & o= & fpart=18 & vc=1


> [all in one line]


> Regards,


> Meera Tadipatri



> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya

> --

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> ramachandran [ramachandran]

> Sunday, January 05, 2003 6:52 PM


> Re: Interesting discussion!


> I am willing to know about " Mayavadha Khandana " by

> Madhvacharya. I searched dvaita site. No info is available on

> any work of Acharya except two. Please let me know of a web

> site which educates common people like me about Acharya's works.


There were some nice postings done by Sri. G.V.Bindu Madhavan on the

dvaita list dealing with the Dasha prakaranas. Some links (accessible

using 'dvaita' as userid and password) are given below:




http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_05/msg00008.html (Mayavada Khandana is

in this posting).

http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_05/msg00022.html (Upadhi Khandana)

http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_05/msg00012.html (Prapancha

mithyatvAnumAna khaNDana = PMK)







You will also find postings on PMK by Sri NAPS Rao, a partial set on

Tattvaprakashika by Sri Shrisha Rao (in:

http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_07/), a partial but detailed writeup on

Tattvasamkyana by Sri Srinivasa Varakhedi (at

http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_18/msg00077.html). There are many more

series you can find, if you search through the archives.


My favorite is this on the Brahmasutras at

http://www.dvaita.org/madhva/brahma_suutra.html and the PDF at the

Poornaprajna vidyapeetha site:

http://www.vidyapeetha.net/articles/bsb.pdf (This one is excellent).


Sorry for giving so many links when you just asked for Mayavadakhandana

and hope it doesn't hurt.




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On Sunday, January 05, 2003 ramachandran wrote:


> > I am willing to know about " Mayavadha Khandana " by

> > Madhvacharya. I searched dvaita site. No info is available

> > on any work of Acharya except two.


I don't know where you searched...






I guess you are referring to the text resources at www.dvaita.net,

where nearly seven works of Acharya are available. The focus of this

site is to create a long lasting artifacts for serious study. Here,

90% of what one sees is accomplished in 10% of the time and the 10%

of the rest takes 90% of the time! The goal is to bring out critical

editions by referring to several standard editions and proofing

thoroughly. A lot of effort is taken to give specific [existing]

agama reference to the quotes that Acharya Madhva has used in his

works. The e-books on Acharya's works are complete with a detailed

preface, listing of verses in albhabetical order, and list of sources.


> Please let me know of a web site which educates common people

> like me about Acharya's works


Please note that the site admins, and core members are all common

people only, so errors are possible. Please proceed with care!


There is a wealth of information in the archives at:



password and user ID both : dvaita


Apart from what Krishna Kadiri has given, here are some more:


Since the archive is quite exhaustive, I've just given below the

pointers to some of the postings, and if you need further help in

locating the materials, please feel free to contact:



As a beginner to siddhanta, I personally like, " Shri Madhva's

Teachings In His Own Words " by Dr. BNK Sharma.


1. Madhva's Teachings by Dr. BNK, [MT] starts with:


[spans to several postings]


2. Prameya-shloka



3. Gita-Saroddhara by Pejavara Swamiji:



4. Essentials of Upanishads by Sri KTP:



5. Essentials of Gita by Sri KTP:



Please note that the following postings are made by individuals,

and errors may be possible.


6. KhaNDana-traya:





7. KrishnAmruthamahArnava:


[starts with the above, and spans to list #24 and #25

This list also contains a very superficial translation on



8. Dvadasha Stotra :[comm. by Sri Vishvapati Tirtha]starts with...


and spans over couple of years,and ends with



9. Basics of Pramana-laxana:




10. Nakha-stuthi:



11. Kanduka-stuthi:



12. ANu-bhAshya: starts with...


spans to 4 postings]


13. Bhagavath-gita: starts with...


[spans to several postings]


14. SundarakAnda-nirnaya: starts with...


[spans to several postings]


15. Yamaka-bhArata: starts with...


[spans to several postings]


16. Adi-antya shloka of R^ig-bhashya:


[posting on adi-antya of Acharya spans to several years]


17. ANu Madhva Vijaya: starts with...


[spans to several postings; this list also contains Kanakadasa-s



18. MBTN- BhAva-sangraha[of Rayaru]: starts with...


[spans to 32 postings in the same month]


19. Brahma Mimamsa: starts with...


[spans to several postings]


20. Sumadhva-Vijaya [summary]


[starts with the above and spans to few more postings]


21. ShUnyavAda-mAyAvada:[4 postings]



22. Bhaja-madhvesham starts with...


[spans to several postings]


23. Bhagavatha mahApurAna: starts with...


[spans to some postings]


24. MadhvanAma of Sripadaraja: starts with...


[starts with the above and spans to few more postings]


25. Life and teachings of Madhvacharya: starts with...


[spans to several years]






Meera Tadipatri

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> On Sunday, January 05, 2003 ramachandran wrote:


> > > I am willing to know about " Mayavadha Khandana " by

> > > Madhvacharya. I searched dvaita site. No info is available

> > > on any work of Acharya except two.


> I don't know where you searched...


> http://www.dvaita.net/

> http://www.dvaita.org/index.shtml

> http://www.dvaita.org/list/



I searched dvaita.org site under Ananda tirta. Only 37 works of Madhvacharya

are present without any explanation of each.

Thank you very much for the pointers. It will be a tedious job for any common

person like me to search your mailing list and get the information.If the

information is made available in a easily retrivable manner in the website it

will be of immense help.My search also yielded another website eventhough not

complete, it gives information in a easily accessible form.




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