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Interesting Article

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Srimad Madhwacharya has clearly stated that women and sudras are not

eligible to read vedas.If u cannot accept this,hope ur against Madhwa






On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 Prahlad Kulkarni wrote :



>I agree to the Carbon dating inaccuracy but not to the statement:


> " Thus, Vedas, Ramayana and Gita confer authority on sudras to

>possess and read all these. "

>The above statement is not against Madhwa philosophy.

>If we look at the essence of the artice, which conveys prohibition of casteism

is indeed in

>agreement with the essence of Vedas and Bhagavadgita.

>Lord Sri Krishna says “Chaturvarnyam mayaa sristam gunkarma vibhajanah”. It is

to be observed that

>the division here is based on 'Gunas' and it has nothing to do with caste.

Unfortunatley, in

>English, there is no synonym for sanskrit word 'Varna'. 'Varna' is not 'Caste'

which is a

>classification based on birth! There is no such mention in Bhagavadgita.

Depending on the nature

>of the person, that person can be called Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Sudra.

For example, if a

>family has four sons, one of them may be Brahmana, if he is more inclined

towards intellectual

>activities (towards knowing about Brahma). One who is interested in knowing

about Brahma Jnana is

>a Brahmana. Other person may be Kshatriya, oriented more towards physical

activities and

>protecting the house, other person may be Vaishya, oriented towards handling

the day-to-day

>business of the family, and the last might be Sudra, interested in doing


>It's the dominant presence of one quality and subtle presence of all other

three qualities makes a

>'Jiva' belong to that 'Varna' whose presence is predominant.

>As we know that Jnana, Bhakti and Vairagya (Knowledge, Devotion and Detachment)

alone can help us

>attaining Moksha, it paramounts to saying that none other than one belonging to

'Brahmana' caste,

>is eligible for Moksha. Looking from the caste perspective, the Lord who

preached Bhagavadgita and

>the reciepient Arjuna, both are not Brahmins by caste!

>It's the duty of the learned in Vedas to impart the knowledge to the aspirant

who is interested in

>knowing Brahman. It is really unfortunate that since so many years, people

belonging to Brahmana

>'caste' have mis-interpreted the Vedas to their advantage and created the caste

based society!

>I understand that it's a hard paradigm shift to accept this, but that's the

true spirit of Vedas.

>Just think about it! A saatvic soul who desperately wants to know about Brahman

cannot be deprived

>of the knowledge just because that soul is not born in a Brahmana caste!



>Prahlad Kulkarni



>--- Vadiraj <skvadiraj wrote:

> > Namskara,

> >

> > Certainly not.It is not interesting rather it is quite

> > misleading.

> > The person who has written this article has just taken the literal

> > translation out of whatever he has read(Vedas,Manusmriti).Just

> > read the following statement which is enough to say the article is

> > not worth reading:

> >

> > " Thus, Vedas, Ramayana and Gita confer authority on sudras to

> > possess and read all these. "

> >

> > The above statement is against Madhwa philosophy.

> >

> > This article definitely increases our mithya jnana if we think

> > it's good and may lead to andan tamas.It's better if we ignore

> > these articles.

> >

> >

> > Vadiraj

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 Rajaraman Nagarajan wrote :

> > >The articles seems interesting, however we must

> > >keep in mind about the accuracy of the period

> > >they are stating i.e 5000 bc , obtained by

> > >some artifacts and calculated through carbon dating.

> > >Off late Carbon Dating has not been found accurate.

> > >

> > >--- Madhusudan Bheemasenarao <madhusudanb

> > >wrote:

> > > >

> > > > skumar [skumar]

> > > > Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:13 PM

> > > > Vedas, Hindu scriptures prohibit casteism

> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I think you might find the following story

> > > > interesting!

> > > >

> > > > Vedas, Hindu scriptures prohibit casteism

> > > >

> > > >

> >



> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Sharat

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> > > > taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> > > > tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH

> > > > punaH |

> > > > karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA

> > > > ||

> > > >

> > > > " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the

> > > > actions that I do are His worship. Even then, the

> > > > worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

> > > > That devotion and the fruits of the actions that

> > > > come to me are due to His recurring grace "

> > > > If one always practices to do actions with a

> > > > dedicated spirit to Hari, in this way, it pleases

> > > > Vishnu.

> > > > --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in

> > > > GitA tAtparya

> > > > --

> > > > To send an empty E-mail (without subject

> > > > and body info.) to

> > > > -

> > > > --

> > > > Visit VMS at http://www.madhva.org

> > > > View the latest events in the US by selecting the

> > > > 'Events' link

> > > > --

> > > >

> > > >

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It was not an argument for ur kind information.It was a discussion

and some good info was provided by people like Mr.KrishnaKadri.




On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 Ramadasa Hari wrote :


>Arguing about who is eligible to read the

>Vedas and who gets Moksha first etc...are not going

>help any of us in our individual spiritual

>pursuits. We should leave this activity to

>those who are supremely qualified to do so....




>--- Krishna K <kadirik wrote:

> > >

> > > Prahlad Kulkarni [kprahlad]

> >

> > > Thursday, January 30, 2003 9:17 PM

> >

> > > Namaskara,

> >

> > > I do not have a formal learning in Vedas to

> > initiate a

> > > discussion on Vedanta about casteism.

> > > My opinion is purely a reflection of my listening

> > to the

> > > cassette 'Giteya Belaku' by Sri Bannanje

> > > Govindacharya.

> > > With all due respects to what Krishna has

> > mentioned in his

> > > e-mail, if any of the members of this

> > > list happen to be in Bangalore, should visit or

> > talk to Sri

> > > Bannanje Govindacharya, if they are

> > > interested in knowing the Truth.

> >

> > If somebody is interested in knowing the truth,

> > there's a better way.

> > Pls take the verses and quotes in my original mail

> > that are given by

> > Srimad Acharya in his works and check if they get to

> > the same

> > translation that I have given. If it doesn't pls

> > point out. If it does,

> > check with others if it is OK. If it is, then check

> > with Sri Bannanje if

> > he is giving a figurative meaning and in case he is,

> > ask the need for a

> > figurative meaning, forsaking the straightforward

> > meaning. And ask him

> > for a pramANa to check if figurative meanings are

> > upheld by our

> > illustrious Acharya and his commentators somewhere.

> > If he has pramANa

> > for every figurative meaning he gives (like Sri

> > Raghavendra Tirtha who

> > refers to Aitareya Upanishad's 'dasha' iti sarvaM to

> > hold that the

> > puruSha-sUkta's 'atyatiShThat.h dashAN^gulam.h'

> > refers to the Lord

> > Hari's surpassing this world by an infinite amount,

> > instead of just 'ten

> > fingers'), well and good. Never assume that he or

> > anybody will have a

> > pramANa just because they have furnished pramANAs in

> > the past.

> >

> > This is a process that will introduce one to 'formal

> > learning' in my

> > opinion. This will also help us remind ourselves

> > that the Purnabodha,

> > Srimad Anandatirtha is our Acharya, and not others,

> > who are there only

> > to help us. Sri Jayatirtha, Sri Vyasatirtha, Sri

> > Vadiraja tirtha, Sri

> > Raghavendra tirtha and so many others have always

> > quoted and

> > cross-referenced Srimad Anandatirtha himself; for,

> > he alone can be

> > 'shuddhaM pramANaM sa me' (for me, He is a pramaNA

> > by himself) as said

> > by Sri Jayatirtha in Nyayasudha.

> >

> > All said and done, I doubt, though I haven't heard

> > that cassette, that

> > you have misinterpreted Sri Bannanje. Or that you

> > have taken his words

> > in isolation.

> >

> > > of it. That's why Sri Madhwacharya had

> > > taken the avatara to help us understand the right

> > meaning.

> > > Let us have the spirit of finding the correct

> > answer and not

> > > accept what we believe is right.

> >

> > The last line cuts both ways.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna

> >





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>nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

>taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

>tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

>karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I

>do are His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His

>grace and not otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the

>actions that come to me are due to His recurring grace "

>If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to

>Hari, in this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya


>To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body

>info.) to -


>Visit VMS at http://www.madhva.org

>View the latest events in the US by selecting the 'Events' link




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Dear Sir,


I will put some thing which I know about this subject.


" Here caste means probably caste(varna) of jeeva swaroopa,not the

body " .

As a social system since it is not possible to determine swaroopa-

varna,we follow body-caste. But if it is possible determine once

swaroopa by his deeds and acts definately he is eligible for study of

highest text " this what Acharya Madhwa mean as per Mr.Bannanje.


This is only my opinion baseed on what I heard from cassets of

Mr.Bannanje and few of the texts I read. I am in infant stage on my

study of this great jnana bhandara.


Kind pranaamaas all adhyatma bhandhus,


Lakshmi narayana Rao,



Prahlad Kulkarni <kprahlad

Friday, January 31, 2003 10:51 pm

RE: Re: Interesting Article


> --- Krishna K <KADIRIK wrote:

> > >

> > > Prahlad Kulkarni [kprahlad]

> > > Thursday, January 30, 2003 9:17 PM

> >

> > > Namaskara,


> > All said and done, I doubt, though I haven't heard that

> cassette, that

> > you have misinterpreted Sri Bannanje. Or that you have taken his

> words> in isolation.


> To prove that the concept of 'Caste System' has not been

> misinterpreted by me or understood it in

> isolation, I would like to quote a real life example exactly as

> narrated by Sri Bannanje in his

> cassete 'Giteya Belaku'.


> English translation of what Sri Bannanje narrated in Kannada:

> " A non-Brahmin student approached Pejawar Mutt Swamiji at

> Bangalore Vidya Peetha and asked for

> admission in Vidya Peetha to study Shastras as he is deeply

> interested in learning it. I also

> happened to be present there when the student approached. Even

> though Swamiji knew that he

> deserves to be taught, Swamiji had to reluctantly say 'NO' to him

> so as to please the other

> 'Brahmin students'. I offered the student to teach Shastras. He

> started learning Shastras from me

> and he was doing really good. Everything was going smoothly but he

> was very disturbed by the fact

> that he is not made to sit with the Brahmin students while taking

> Prasada in temple premises. He

> was also subjected to other mockery which made him feel so

> insulted that he decided to leave the

> place. Thus, I lost a very good student. "


> The above incident clearly depicts that Sri Bannanje does not

> support the _caste system by Birth_.


> > This is a process that will introduce one to 'formal learning'

> in my

> > opinion. This will also help us remind ourselves that the

> Purnabodha,> Srimad Anandatirtha is our Acharya, and not others,

> who are there only

> > to help us. Sri Jayatirtha, Sri Vyasatirtha, Sri Vadiraja

> tirtha, Sri

> > Raghavendra tirtha and so many others have always quoted and

> > cross-referenced Srimad Anandatirtha himself; for, he alone can be

> > 'shuddhaM pramANaM sa me' (for me, He is a pramaNA by himself)

> as said

> > by Sri Jayatirtha in Nyayasudha.


> I agree without any second thought that Srimad Anandatirtha is our

> only Guru.

> 'Acharyaha srimadacharyaha santhu mey janma janmani'

> Without the grace of Sri Hari and Vayu we cannot obtain Moksha.

> Having said that, let us face some real facts. In this age of

> Kaliyuga, with alpa Jnana, alpa

> Buddhi etc. coupled with the 'Job' we have to do for living, does

> not leave us with sufficient

> time to understand and interpret the monumental works of Srimad

> Acharya and his disciples.

> I being a layman, to begin with, depend on the 'Pravachanas' given

> by learned scholars of our

> times. Sri Bannanje is also one among them, as he has aptly been

> called 'Vidyavachaspati' by the

> learned. So, whatever he says, should be taken seriously.

> However, I think any further discussion about this is futile until

> what Sri Krishna K has written

> is presented before Sri Bannanje. Or anyone in the list who has

> more proofs against what Sri

> Krishna K has presented.


> I have seen that a lot of exchange of emails have been happening

> and personally I have benefitted

> a lot from some of the emails by the scholars. Some of them feel

> that the very nature of numerous

> exchange of emails tells that the subject matter is very

> important. Nevertheless, I agree to Sri

> Keshava Rao that this list is for discussion and we being the part

> of the Madhwa family should

> discuss anything related to Madhwa Philosophy in a spirit of

> harmony.


> However, for a moment, let us think how the 'Caste system' is

> going to affect our lives. If a

> Shudra by Birth, thinks that he does not have the authority to

> read and understand Vedas, there is

> no reason why that person should be disappointed. As quoted by Sri

> Krishna K in his earlier

> e-mails, Sri Vedavyasa composed 'Mahabharata' for that reason.

> 'Mahabharata' is the essense of all the four Vedas, and hence it

> has been called 'Panchama Veda'.

> (Fifth Veda) It is also said about 'Mahabharata' that whatever is

> not there in 'Mahabharata'

> cannot be found anywhere! It is the summum bonum, quintessence of

> all Vedas.

> A Saatvic soul, which is 'Moksha Yogya' can attain Moksha if they

> cultivate Bhakti and try to

> understand the Supreme through 'Mahabharata' and the Puranas. It

> is to be understood that Grace of

> God alone gives 'Moksha' and Bhakti alone is responsible for Grace

> of God. (Bhakti being defined

> by Sri Acharya as 'Mahatma gyana purvaka sudrudaha snehaha iti

> bhaktirithi proktaha')

> The ultimate interest of a Sadhaka should be towards knowing the

> spiritualstic interpretation of

> Vedas (Apara Vidya) and not ritualistic interpretation of Vedas

> alone(Para Vidya).

> 'Para Vidya' does not lead one to Moksha Sadhana.

> Whatever Jnana we strive to acquire either through Shravana-Manana-

> Dhyana and discussions in this

> list, should help towards increasing the Jnana, Bhakti and

> Vairagya otherwise such Jnana is only

> 'Bandhaka' to 'Moksha'.


> Regards,

> Prahlad




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> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I

> do are His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His

> grace and not otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the

> actions that come to me are due to His recurring grace "

> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to

> Hari, in this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya

> --

> To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body

> info.) to -

> --

> Visit VMS at http://www.madhva.org

> View the latest events in the US by selecting the 'Events' link

> --



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