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Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda PrabhuThe Supreme Personalities of Godhead


Hare Krishna! Please join my new group about the Supreme Lordships Sri Gauranga and Sri Nityananda.

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The Supreme Lord of the Lords, Sri Krishna



Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga - The golden volcanoes of divine love.

All glories to Sri Gaurasundara, the supremely powerful Lord of pure transcendence. He has an aura of molten gold, with lotus petal eyes, and His long graceful arms extend to His knees. While He sings the glories of the Lord, He dances in various pleasing postures, His heart inundated by the ecstatic emotions of devotional mellows.

All glories, all glories to the moonlike Sri Krishna Caitanya. He is the fully independent Supreme Person, always engaged in transcendental pastimes. He is the Lord of the universe, the supreme controller of all controllers, and the personification of transcendence. All glories, all glories to the devotees of Sri Gauracandra. All glories, all glories to the ecstatic dancing of the Lord's intimate associates.


Hare Krishna Mantra Yoga

Quickly Attain the Topmost Spiritual Realizations unattainable even after practicing all kinds of Yoga combined together for millions of lives! Get instant and permanent relief from each and every problem in life including all kinds of physical (diseases), emotional, mental stress, external influences etc.! Solve all your financial problems in life! Permanent Fulfillment of all desires in life! Gain complete control over your present and future and change your past too! Feel the ultimate happiness, peace, satisfaction, harmony and prosperity in life not available by any other means! Become a great success in whatever you do! Realize, control and experience the power of your every breath (prana) and every second of your life! Gauranga-Kriya is the topmost welfare activity for your own self and for the whole of humanity! Experience the real energy, strength and confidence from within! Unlimitedly increase your memory, will-power, determination and efficiency! Dovetail yourself ina a a the supremely blissful service of the Cosmic Controller! Awaken the universal love, kindness and compassion which is lying dormant in your heart! Instantly illuminate and open all your chakras and raise your kundalini permanently to the topmost perfection! Gauranga-Kriya is the culmination and essence of all kinds of Yoga, Mahapranayams, Mahakriyas and Mahamudras! Give 30 minutes daily for the most powerful Gauranga-Kriya in Kali-yuga, the One and Only Permanent and Free Remedy for everything!Simply Chant:Hare KrishnaHare KrishnaKrishna KrishnaHare HareHare RamaHare Rama Rama RamaHare Hare

The Highest Magnanimity

Because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes from the highest position, he cannot give ordinary things, and his attention must be drawn to the most needy. Is it unnatural? The highest magnanimity must take notice of the lowest and most needy. And if he wants to help them, he will do so with his own coin. He cannot distribute to them only glass or stone chips. When he has the opulence of jewels and gems, why should he distribute stone chips to the lowest level? He must extend his real wealth to the lowest and poorest people. So we should all fall at the feet of the great messiah, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. His devotees say, "If we had to conceive of a place where Gauranga had not appeared, we could not maintain our lives. We shudder to think of living without such a magnanimous friend as Sri Gauranga." How could one live his life without Gauranga? It is impossible.

The world is not worth living in without Gauranga. Sri Gauranga is most magnanimous. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his associates, the Panca-tattva, have come to raise all souls from their fallen condition. Generally, only deserving persons can gain entrance into Vrindavan, into Krishna pastimes. But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna himself has come down to cure the offenders of their offenses and grant them entrance into Vrindavan. Simply by chanting the names of the Panca-tattva and by remembering their pastimes, we can be purified even from the lowest position and prepare for participation in Vrindavan pastimes.

In Goloka Vrindavan, Radha Govinda are enjoying their pastimes of divine love within their own circle. And there is another quarter, where Radha Govinda are combined as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - Krishna himself in the mood of Radharani is tasting his own sweetness with his entourage. We have to realize this through the recommended process. Who is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu? He came here to bestow upon us the gift which will promote us to the highest goal of life. To bring Sri Gauranga nearer to our soul is to get, even unconsciously, a guarantee of our achievement in Krishna pastimes. For the fallen souls it is more useful to cultivate devotion for Sri Gauranga. That will give us the complete fulfillment of life with the least trouble.

Devotion to Gauranga will not lead to any haphazard or misconceived Krishna consciousness, but real Krishna consciousness. We can have full Krishna consciousness - plus something more. What is that? The distribution of Krishna consciousness. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami, the giver of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, the most valuable theological literature which has ever seen the light of day, has written: "What is Krishna pastimes? It is the real essence of nectar. It is the gist of sweetness, happiness and ecstasy. The sweetness of the sweetest thing that can ever be conceived is represented in Krishna pastimes. Then what is Caitanya pastimes?

In Caitanya pastimes, that sweet nectar of Krishna pastimes is flowing in all ten directions in hundreds of streams as if from a fountain. That fountain is Caitanya pastimes." Although Caitanya pastimes appears later than Krishna pastimes, Caitanya pastimes is the source, the foundation. We see that Krishna appeared in Dvapara Yuga, in the previous age, and then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared later, in Kali Yuga. Still, their pastimes is eternal. First there is the giver, then the gift. And the gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is that in all ten directions, he is distributing unlimited streams of sweet Krishna pastimes to the world. Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami concludes, "O devotees, come! Like so many swans, you must swim in the lake of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes. From that lake Krishna pastimes is flowing to the world in different streams. Devotees, like clouds, take nectar from that lake, and distribute that nectar freely to the fortunate souls. Come and live in that lake. Ask the swan of your mind to take shelter there. May that swan swim in the nectarine lake of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life and precepts, from which so many hundreds of streams of nectar are flowing in all directions. O devotees, I offer this humble prayer to you."

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