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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 7, Part 25

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottammashrii gurubhyo namahashrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha






Krishna has described the promise knowledge of jnana (ordinary sankhya) as under:


BG 9---4-10: Hey Partha, the entire universe of living & non living things is pervaded by me who has such a small body whihc is (smaller than the smallest) smaller than a microscopic body. All things are dependent on me. I am not depending on them. Even though all things are depending on me, they do not either acquire my quality or transmit their qualities to me. You understand that is my unthinkable ability. Just like me my body also creating the whole universe & supporting everything there in, but neither I nor my body is depending on anything else. You should understand that though all things are in me there is no influence of qualities on each other. At the time of pralaya, all things join prakruthi which is under my control & dissolve in me. (living through chethana prakruthi, non living through jadaprakruthi). At the time of creation, I create them in different kinds. I use prakruthi, which is under my control, as a tool in my creation (non living prakruthi as upadhana karana, chithprakruthi as nimiththa karana). All the panchabhuthas & jeeva are with prakruthi & as such they are dependents & I create them in different ways (in every kalpa) again & again.

In the way though I do karma, I am not affected by it, because I do not expect any use for me from the creation & I do it without effort (nirayasa). In this way by me, as independent doer & prompter (preraka) & ( by subordinate doer & as matereal for it, the prakruthi) the world is created again & again. Jnana or ordinary sankhya is to understand as stated above, presence of paramathma everywhere, supporting the whole universe, though present everywhere, not being affected by the circumstances, protecting the natural quality of everything, though creating the world not being affected by the karma independent doer ship in creation, the repeated creation & the dependency of prakruti. Krishna describes vijnana or special meaning of Sankhya promised by him as under. While depreciating tose who do not know his mahatme (greatness) wit bad consequences to them & appreciating his devotees (jnanees) that render devotion to him. When it is said that paramathma is not affected by Karma he does means

1. He does not do anything to gain for himself.

2. He is poornananda.

3. He does not do any karma i.e. any misery as he is yogesvara & independent

4. Even when he accepts some good karma phala from devotees, that does not have any effect on him. He does not ask for it. He does not feel any want if he does not receive it.

5. BG 9---16-19: Hey Arjuna, since I do creation etc.... I am known by the word Krathu, I am in krathu, I am the master of Krathu, I accept the result of the Krathu. Since I know everything I am known as yajna. I accept the good result of yagna. Since I am depending only on myself. I am known as svadha. I am in svadha & I am the master of Svadha. Since I am the giver of relief to the suffering people, I am known as aushadha, I am in aushadha, I bring greatness to aushadha, I am the lord of aushadha. I am known as manthra, as I give jnana to devotees & progect them. I give greatness to Manthra & I am the lord of Manthras. Since I am better thanevery one else, I am known of Ajya. I am as Ajya. I am the lord of ajya, I give superiority (streshtathva). As I give gathi to the world, which does not have one by itself, I am known as Agni. I am in agni & give superiority to it, and I am the lord of agni. Since I am in yagna, I am known as Hutha. I am in the materials put in to Agni as homadhravya, I give superior position to it & I am the lord of such materia. I am the father, mother, protector & supporter to the universe. I am the one to be known. I am pavithra i.e. I purify those that remember me. Pranava Om represents me. Since I have been worshipped by Brahma etc.... I am known as Ruk & I am in Ruk veda & make most sacred among all the vedas, I am praised in Rig veda, & I am the lord of Rig veda. As I am equal in different appearances in different situations, I am known as sama. I am in samaveda, give sacrednessto it. As I am the God for whom yagna is performed, I am the lord of yajurveda. As seekers of Mukthi sakthi, i.e. I see every one & every thing they do. I am the shelter for all, protecter of those fear striken, I am one that does good to people even when they do not expect creater, destroyer. Supporter of all, one who keeps the whole world within him during pralaya. I am respected by the whole world. Still remain unchanged in anyway. I am in sun & give heat. I am in clouds & cause rain & stop it also. Since I aover come death, I am amrutha. When the allotted time of life is over, I cause the death for all materials for work I am the lord for all cause, I am the lord Vignana means to understand that paramathma is known by all names, present in everything by concerned name in a particular appearance. He is the controller of every item for its name, appearance, (room) action, & intrensic nature. This is special sankhya. Krishna has explained this in greater detail in Chapter 10.


Question: Krishna has said in Chapter 7 that it is ordinary jnana to know that paramathma is creator protector & destroyer etc... But again in Chapter 9, he has included the same items in special (vijanana) jnaan is this not contradictory;


Srigalavaru: Krishna who is the giver of knowledgte to devatas like brahma the world teacher, would he teach contraditory statements? He has said that general understanding that paramathma is creator, protector & destroyer is ordinary jnana. Meaning there is to known generally that the paramathma is the creator for the worle world. In the Chapter 9 BG, Krishna has said that thinking of paramathma as creator, protector, & destroyer in every individual item is vijnana. where is the contradiction?


Question: Swamy, kindly explain the meaning of other slokas which describe the greatness of paramathma.

TO BECONTINUED.................................................................Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttaradhi MuttaTranslated into English by Sri KrishnamurthyPublished by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of MumbaiPrinted at:Parishree Printers100/3 Nagappa StreetPalace GuttahalliBangalore 5600 04Telephone # (80)36828All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Muttauthorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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