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Mettilotsava Vs Controversy in madhva groups

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Dear Haribhakthas,


I would like to share with you all a true but highly bitter

incidents. I am not here to provoke anything, but just wanted to

share the pain and the mental agony of many people here.


Incident 1. A Sanskrit professor of a college in Bellary was coming

out of the college campus. As soon as he entered the road, a gang of

three people attacked him and started beating. The professor fell

down. One of the attacker started lifting a nearby heavy stone to

crush the professor's head, but the gang had to ran away seeing a

jeep coming to the spot. They warned the professor that they are

going to take action on him as well as other two scholars sooner.

Their crime was preaching the mahima of their Guru.


Incident 2. A group of people nearly 100 members, in two buses and a

couple of vehicles reached Panjamaru, small village near Udupi, where

a non-controversial swamiji was camping. The group wanted to show

their might & power and thus wanted to make the swamiji to apologize

for something irrelevant incident, which the group thought, is a

prestigious issue for them. The police force has to enter into the

spot to maintain law and order. The swamiji agreed to talk to one

representative and asked him whether anything wrong by the mata or

swamiji in person. The representative said nothing was wrong by the

swamiji or mata but some people have made some remarks in the

function held at XXXX sometimes back and they have to apolozise.

Swamiji said that it would be discussed in a bigger forum and

clarified soon. The group had nothing to talk and could not defend

their action of coming in mass to disturb the mata's peaceful

environment. They returned back shamefully.


Well, it looks to be a nothing serious, but a usual news in a lower-

caste matas, but the painful thing is that the people are non but

madhvas alone, that too one madhva group against another madhva

group. Is this what our madhva philosophy preaches? Doesn't this kind

of arrogance towards fellow madhvas show to the whole world

how 'silly' or 'narrow-minded' our community is?


Our great gurus never fought even with opponents. They conveyed their

message and convinced their philosophy but only with peaceful talk

and discussions. But now, we followers started fighting among

ourselves, that too for silly reasons.


The question is if one mata follows certain rituals / beliefs, then

why and for what good reason the other mata has to interfere in that.

Each mata is having their own specialties and faiths for their own

reasons. It is left to individuals to accept or reject that. The

greatest paradox is that we have multiple Ekadahis and could not

decide upon that. Thank God, the groups have not yet started

fighting, to impose their Ekadashi on other group.


Who is responsible for this kind uncivilized culture around the mata

or swamiji? Is it not the responsibility of the swamiji to prevent

his followers, from physically assaulting a senior professor? Does

the swamiji not aware of these sinful acts of his followers?


The purpose of writing this is to request the VMS community to think

about such growing black spots in our community. The VMS group is

considered to be the cream of the community and is really capable of

thinking and analyzing the facts with much more unbiased viewpoint.

This community can also impact or influence the fighting groups, to

think and behave rationally and not emotionally.


From a distant land, when anyone hears some speeches/pravachanas/CDs

or hears about some functions/celebrations, it looks that mata,

swamiji, his followers are doing great service to community but this

kind of unhealthy parallel development goes unnoticed. The VMS

community needs to try to bring more value and harmony in the

community and society. Else it will become one more group of blind

folded followers, indirectly supporting such uncivilized activities.

So my request is to spare few minutes to think how this group can

contribute to bring harmony among the fighting groups and stop groups

advancing to such unhealthy developments. Also the VMS group needs to

discuss this issue and stop blindly supporting any one in any form,

even if whatever other hundreds of good reasons one may find.


The integrity of the community is the first and foremost requirement

of the day and we need to think in that direction, otherwise we will

be sinning, calling ourselves followers of Shri Madhanandathiirtha



I am sorry if I have taken your valuable time, but otherwise I feel

guilty for being one among you. Shri Havanur has published an article

which clearly stats the facts & figures and the whole story behind

the incidents, but I am not sure how many in this group spent time to

read that and thought about that seriously. We can never stand

isolated from the community and community related issues.


VMS is celebrating Mittilotsava and Annual conference and I pray Lord

Srinivasa to bless all the members to with right thoughts and actions.


Please pardon me for anything wrong.




udhara vairagyavidhu !!!!!

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