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Dear All

There has been a whole lot of debate reg rjuthva of

Sri vadiraja. Once in a while such discussions do come

up in our society. I am giving a few examples that

came up in the early part of this century.

1. Some Madhva scholars raised objections to worship

of Brindavanas of yatis as not being Vedic.

2. If the pravachanakara of Bhagavata is from a

different matha while the organiser/financier is from

a different matha whose guru parampara gets eminence?

There are many such examples.

The interesting thing is the person who defended the

worship of Sri Raghavendra's brindavanas and that of

other yatis was a leading Utharadi Math scholar Sri

Bhagavatha Ranganathacharya of Kumbakonam. In the

second case he resolved the dispute, all with valid

pramanas, that the pravachanakara represents Sri

VedaVyasa and hence the pravachanakara's guru

parampara gets eminence.

The interesting point to note in the above examples is

the catholicity of the scholar who studied under Sri

Sathyadhyana. In addition, today we do not even debate

such issues, as there are more important ones which

the Madhva community needs to handle.

Let us not fritter our energy in debating the Rjuthva

of Sri Vadiraja or whether Sri Sathyasandha was

prahlada's amsha etc. They are divine persons and

their works should be followed by us.In all such cases

let us follow what our matha says as aptha vakya.


Reg the utharadi matha website is concerned, it is

perhaps due to an overenthusiastic webmaster. Why

blame the Swamiji for it. Often when great people like

pitadhipathis of various mathas are concerned we talk

in terms of Vayudeva's sannidhya in them for their

knowledge and achievements.After all we say to move

even a finger one needs Manoniyamaka Srirudra's grace.

Therefore, let us take it in the right spirit when

somebody says Vayudeva's sannidhya in a great yati or

when someone talks of the sannidhya of Ashtamahishis

of Srikrishna in Ashta mathas of Udupi. For instance,

it is said in great kings and leaders, Lord

Bhuvaraha/Upendra is present. Hence they get the

respect. In our philosophy everything is derived from

the Lord and his agent Sri Vayu.


Two years back I queried a leading scholar from whom

I had learnt many things about identifying satvic,

tamasic souls etc. He admonished me in a friendly

manner, asking me to focus on knowing myself and not

get into such debates which interefered in spiritual



Sri Bhagavatha Ranganathacharya whom I referred to

earlier, not only defended the worship of Brindavanas,

but also lobbied hard with the then influential people

of SRS matha to get the works of Sri Vijayindra

published and not focus on displaying paraphernalia.


Let us learn from our mothers who may originally hail

from another matha/sisters who get married into

families belonging to another matha and not impose or

views on each other. The community has many problems

on all fronts in the context of

globalisation.Remaining a Madhva to the best of our

ability is itself a challenge (I can say this having

lived in locations in South India where there were

just 3 Madhva families in the entire city and one

faced onslaughts of people belonging to other

religions) Networking across mathas and matha

affiliations is the need of the day.


Let us remember


Acharyo pavano asmakam

Acharyani cha bharathi

Devo narayana shrishaha

Devi mangala devatha








Suresh at Bangalore




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