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Janivara Mantra

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, Praveen Gopinath

<pragop> wrote:

> Hello,

> Can someone please send me or tell me where I can

> find the mantra for changing Janivara?


> Thanks,

> Praveen






I had downloaded the information on Yagnopa veeta from

www. smsosabha.org. I am reproducing the same here.


Hope this helps.



Niranjan Yerraguntla




Yajnopa-veeta-Dhaarana is the central part of Upanayana. Brahma

Sootra and Yajna-Sootra are the other names for this sacred thread

(Sootra=Thread) Yajnopaveeta is a Divine symbol on the chest and

shoulder of a Dwija's i.e, Brahmana. He wears it lifelong from the

day one of Upanayana. Shikha and Yajnopavita are the first

requirements for all the religious rites, says Dharma- Shastra :-


Sadaa upaveetinaa bhaavyam sadaa baddha-shikhena tu |

Vi-shikha: vi-upaveetis-cha yeth-karoti na tat-akritam ||


Why a Brahmana discards both his Yajnopavita and Shikha when he

becomes a sanyasi is a different subject; not touched here.




We chant this very meaningful Mantra when we wear Yajyopaveeta:-


yajnopa-veetam, paramam pavitram, praja-pate-h, yat-saha-jam

puras-taat |


aayush-ya-mag-ri-yam, prati-muncha shubhram, yajnopa-veetam, bala-

mastu teja-h ||


This question is partly answered in the meaning above. This

Yajnopaveeta is Parama Pavitra. It had its birth along with Lord

Prajapati. Let this pure and spotless white Yajna-Sootra bring me

long life. Let it cleanse all my mental impurties. Let this bring me

spiritual strength and Brahma-Tejas. This is one object.


Another object is in these words:-


Shrouta, smarta nity-karma-anushtana yeogyata sidyartham yajnopa-

veeta dharna-maham karishye |


Meaning: Shruti (Vedas) and Smriti (Puranas) have prescribed (Nitya-

Karma-Anushtaanas) daily duties to me. Yajnopaveeta is one of the

primary requirements. It makes me eligible to perform this duty.

Hence I wear this Yajna-sootra.




Our Nitya-karma is an Yajna. It is of three kinds:- (1) Deva Yajna

(2) Pitru Yajnaa (3) Manushya (Rishi) Yajna. Yajnopavita is a must

for performing these daily duties.


Upaveeti : While performing rituals for devas such as Sandhya-

vandana, Devara Puja and other Pujas, Janivara has to be on the left

shoulder. It is Upaveeti (for Deva Yajna).


Pra-china-veeti: Yajnopavita has to be on the right shoulder

while performing all pitru karyas like Shrad-dha, Pitru Tarpana etc.

It is Praa- Cheena-Veeti (for Pitru Yajna).


Niveeti: (For Manushya (Rishi) Yajna). Janivaara should be in Maala-

Kaara while offering Rishi- Tarpana. It should be rolled around the

right ear, while answering nature's call. The other occasions for

Niveeti are: while sexual intercourse and on whatever other

activities meant only for humans, including that of carrying a corpse

or attending a funeral.


Since the above rules are prescribed in the Vedas and Puranas, and

since we are duty bound to perform the said rituals for our own

welfare, we have to wear Yajnopavita.




A Janivaara has three threads. Each thread is made of three thinner

Tantus. Put together a single Yajnopaveeta has nine Tantus.

Dharma Shastras speak of nine Devatas in the nine Tantus of a single

Yajnopaveeta; namely:- (1) Omkara (2) Agni (3) Naaga, (4) Soma (5)

Pitru Devatas, (6) Prajapati, (7) Vayu (8) Soorya (9) All other



A Brahmana should always keep in mind that the Janivaara on his

shoulder and chest is very sacred. It protects him as a Kavacha if he

respects and remembers the Devatas present in his Janivara.




Yajnopaveeta should not be too lengthy or too short. It should reach

as far as the naabhi (navel). And should not go below the navel nor

above the chest. Therefore navel should be the level (Naabhi-Samam).




Brahmacharis wear one Yajnopavita. Grihasthas wear two. Because they

have to perform Shrouta-Smarta karmas as already explained.


Grihastas can also wear a third Yajnopavita. It is optional. Its

object is this:- Upper cloth (Utta-reeya) is a must for a Grishastha

during all his ritual duties. Rarely in an urgency, if the upper

cloth is not readily available, this third Yajnopavita represents an

Uttariya at that time.




Mekhala, Krishnaajina (worn on shoulder,) Danda, Upavita (Janivaara),

Kamandalu; if these things are lost in the flood-water, another one

can be substituted with relevant Mantra.




The knot in the Yajnopavita is supremely sacred. It is the abode for

Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. That is the reason why the knot is un-tied

before offering the Yajnopavita into the Homa-Agni during Upakarma



The Granthi (knot) unites and holds all the Pranas present in the

Yajyopavita. While performing PRATISHTA to Yajnopavita, prior to

wearing, this is the prayer:- we chant


Praa-naa-naam granthi-rasi, rudro maa vshaan-taka-h |

Tenaa-nne-naa-pya-ya-swa ||





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