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Digest Number 1137:Shri Vikram's doubts

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Dear Shri Vikram

I am not an 'elder' really speaking but i just felt

like making a humble attempt to answer your questions

to my capacity by Gurugalu's grace.


You may compare the existence of a person to a chariot

driven by a sarathi and horses. The chariot is the

body, the outer covering, the horses represent the

senses, and the reins represent the mind and the

charioteer the intelligence. The traveler in this

chariot is the soul. Clearly the traveler knows his

destination but is quite dependent on the ‘sarathi’,

which is his intelligence to take him to his

destination. The senses (the horses) are the most

powerful and may sometimes just drive you wherever

they like. If the intelligence does not control the

mind (the reins), which is driven by the horses, then

the soul is forced to go wherever the mind wants and

not where the soul wants.


But in the event of such a mishap it is the traveler

or the soul that has to suffer apparently due to no

fault of his or hers.


Though it is the intelligence that is at fault (the

material brain as u have rightly said) the soul cannot

be condoned. Very rightly our senses are under strong

influence of the three modes of nature, goodness,

passion and ignorance and hence acting under the

influence of the three modes may lead us to

destinations not meant for the soul. This is where the

importance of Gurus and scriptures comes into the

picture. Gurus are enlightened persons no longer under

the influence of material modes of nature and the same

is true of scriptures (shruti etc or what they

apaurusheya, not human hence not influenced by the

material modes of nature) as well. Our material

intelligence is not in a position to understand what

exactly is the destination of the soul hence we must

follow what the Gurus and scriptures tell us. If we do

not do so the soul will forever remain trapped in the

body acting on its own will. Only by the grace of Guru

and Shri Krishna can the mind be directed to the right

path through a proper control of senses and the soul

may be liberated.

Interaction with soul is similar to interaction with

God. You may not see but you will surely feel. The

soul does feel hungry but it feels so not for tangible

food but for transcendental knowledge. The very fact

that your intelligence put forth so many questions

implies that the soul was hungry to know more about

the spiritual path. The moment you look at yourself as

a third person and see how your mind, intelligence and

senses are working, you are in fact interacting with

your soul.


I do not know if this has helped and if I have made

any sense to you.








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