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RE: RE: Support for Book publication, Life and Teachings of Sri Madhva-Update-2

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Dear Sri Krishna Bhaktas,


As far as I know, the total pledges have grown to $958. The gap remaining to the

target is $542.


Please come forward and provide your support, however small it may be, as a seva

to our Lord Hari. Providing support to publication of a good book merrits a lot

of punya in the eyes of our Lord since such a seva helps dispel ignorance in

this world. Firm spiritual advancement is possible only thru acquisition of

correct knowledge. A small seva offered to our Lord is returned back magnified

many times over to us by our ever kind Lord.


In the true spirit of giving, one of our scholarly VMS members included the

following Dasa mahaniyaru's amruta vaani with his generous financial pledge:


" Kereya Neeranu Kerege chelli, Varava Padedavarante Kaaniro

Hariya Karuneyolada Bhagyava Hari Samarpane Maadi Badukiro "






Madhavan,G V. Bindu

Friday, December 05, 2003 9:56 AM


Dear Sri Krishna Bhaktas,


Thanks for the many private e-mails to me informing me of your pledges of

support. VMS and sajjanaru around the world are greatful to all of you for your

generous support to this noble cause. So far, the total of the pledges to my

knowledge is $600. Still, there is the gap of $900 for the total of the target

of $1500 and time is rather limited to initiate the printing process in India

this month itself. Hence, please hurry up and provide your support, however big

or small be the amount of your contribution.


As communicated in the previous mail, please make checks payable to " Vishwa

Madhva Sangha " and mail to the following address:


Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana

Treasurer, Vishwa Madhva Sangha

20217 Las Ondas Way


California 95014

U. S. A


Your contributions are tax free since VMS is a tax exempt organization in the U.

S. A.


Ranga ninna kondaaduva mangalaathmara sangha sukava ittu kaayo karuna sahara






Madhavan,G V. Bindu

Thursday, December 04, 2003 2:28 PM


Dear Sri Krishna Bhaktas,


Thanks for your individual, private mails to me asking for the mode of payment

and the address to which the payment should be sent.


Please make check payable to " Vishwa Madhva Sangha " and mail to the following

address. Checks can be in any national currency. I am doubtful about Indian

rupees though whether the bank where VMS account is held can handle checks in

rupees (probably the handling charges or Bank commision etc may be prohibitive).


Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana

Treasurer, Vishwa Madhva Sangha

20217 Las Ondas Way


California 95014

U. S. A


Checks in Indian rupees can be sent to the following:


Sri R. Ananthan

SMSO Sabha

15 Ram Nagar, First Street



India 641602.






> Madhavan,G V. Bindu

> Thursday, December 04, 2003 1:17 PM

> To:

> Support for Book publication, " Life and Teachings of Sri Madhva "


> Dear Sri Krishna Bhaktas,


> On this auspicious Ekadashi day, when our mind is on our Lord, I am placing

before you an earnest appeal for your generous financial support to our Vishwa

Madhva Sangha (VMS) for sponsoring the re-publication of the classic " Life and

Teachings of Sri Madhva " by Late Sri. C. M. Padmanabachar. This publication is

being brought out by the venerated SMSO Sabha (Sri Madhva Siddhanthonnahini

Sabha, Thiruchanur) for marking the continueous, yeomen service provided by the

Sabha to sajjanaru over the past 125 years!!


> SMSO Sabha is the prestigious, scholarly organization devoted to our Madhva

cause and our VMS is most honored to render support to the Sabha in the

republication of this classic book in English (currently out of print). SMSO

Sabha has published quite a long list of well written books by the contemporary

as well as past scholars. His Holiness Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji, Puthige

Matha, Udupi and Honorary President of the VMS has provided congradulatory

message to the Sabha on behalf of our VMS which will be published in this book.

The book is ready for printing this month in India as soon as VMS provides the

funds, $1500, to the Sabha. A total of 1000 copies is being planned for

publication in this edition.


> The first publication of this book was in the year 1909!! The author was a

very erudite scholar and was a lawyer. This book was one of the very early works

in English. The presentation of the doctrines in simple but elegant style, the

flow of the language, the scholarship of the author had made this book a true

classic. VMS believes republication of this book will largely help propagation

of Madhva doctrines among the English literate public in India and abroad.


> As you all know, VMS is not a cash rich organization since our structure is

quite informal to facilitate free spirited discussions for understanding of and

cherishing Sri Madhva's philosophy, mainly thru internet. Our focus remains

" spiritual " and hence the funds with the VMS are quite modest. Current funds

with the VMS are as a result of largely unsolicited donations from gatherings of

our members in a few of our active centers in this country (USA). It is our fond

hope and prayers that our members, spread all over many continents, will come

together and support VMS for worthy projects, such as providing support for

republic> ation of this book. Just as few drops of water from each of many

sources make a river or an occean, even modest contributions from many of us,

blessed with more valuable currency than Indian rupees, can make projects, such

as this republication of this book, successful. All of us in this VMS have been

brought together by the Divine Grace, we all feel like we are in one single

" spiritual " family every day, thirsty for spiritual betterment, and how

nostalgic and blessed our feelings will be when we hold a copy of this book in

our hands in the next couple of months, made possible by our coming together,

offering our humble financial support. Your financial contributions to VMS are

tax free in this country (USA) since VMS> is a duly registered non-profit

organization in the USA.


> I humbly pledge $100 to our VMS for this project. Please come forward and

announce your pledge, however large or small it is, which can stimulate and

motivate others too to come forward and provide their support. Total target is

$1500, to be raised in the next few days, by the Grace of our Lord.


> Daya maado Ranga Daya maado


> Namaskaragalu


> Bindu

> On behalf of VMS
























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