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Sri KrishNa janmAshTami fasting

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According to Panchanga from India, Sri Krishna Jayanthi is on Monday 6th September fasting & Sri Krishna Jayanthi pArane is on Tuesday, 7th September after 9 am.


However, according to NY calender,

Ashtami beginning time is 5th September night, 10:09pm, ending time is 7th September early morning 12:25 am

Rohini Nakshatra beginning time is 5th September afternoon, 2:20 pm & ending time is 6th September afternoon at 5:05 pm.


One should offer Ramaa neivedhya & prana devaru neivedhya before breaking the fast. Ramaa & Prana devaru neivedhya can be offered during the day only.


The day of fasting in United States I guess should be on Sunday, 5th September. Please check.


So, if one fasts till Rohini nakshatra & Astami ends, then the pArane, I guess (please confirm), will be on 7th early morning.


Please read the translation below for 1, 2, 3, both Rohini nakshatra & Astami thithi are present on 5th September midnight & it is called Sri Krishna Jayanthi. On Sri Krishna Jayanthi, it is mandatory for everyone to fast.


Breaking of Fast: (Sadachara Vinodha by Sri V. Prabhanjanacharya on Sri Krishnajayanthi vrata)


tithirashTaguNaM hanti nakshatram.h cha chaturguNaM |

tasmAtsarvaprayantena tithibhAnte pAraNam.h ||


The fast should be broken only after both thithi & star have passed because the thithi destroys two times the merit & the star destroys four times the merit.


(There are differences in the mode of breaking the fast; some people break the fast early the next morning after completing all pujas & celebrations. While breaking the fast, one should follow one's customs & traditions. However breaking the fast at midnight during the day of fast is not allowed.)




Shobha Srinivasan












Greetings,One of Srimadaanandatitra's 37 works is "Sri kR^shna Jayanti nirNayaH". In 16 shlokas of this work Srimad Achaarya explains how to celeberate "Sri Krishna Janmaashtami". To this e-mail, I have appended an ITRANS encoding of "Sri kR^shna Jayanti nirNayaH".Except for two or three shlokas, I could find the translation of all other shlokas in "Sri kR^shna Jayanti nirNayaH". The available translations are also appended to this mail. I would appreciate if some one can translate the shlokas for which translations are not provided.Although I wanted to e-mail this before "Sri Krishna Jayanti", time constraints did not permit me to do so. I would like to thank Shrisha for his wonderful help in editing the same.Regards,MurthyPS: I used Dr. V. Prabhanachaacharya's "Sadaachara Vinoda" as a reference for translations.------ ----{shrI gurubhyo namaH hariH OM} atha shrImadaanandatiirtha bhagavatpaadaachaaryavirachitaH} shrii kR^ishhNajayantii nirNayaH}rohiiNyaa madhyaraatre tu yadaa kR^ishhNaa(kaalaa)shhTamii bhavet.h |jaya.ntii naama saa proktaa sarvapaapapraNaashanii(naM) || 1||yasyaaM jaato hariH saakshaanni shete bhagavaanajaH |tasmaattaddinamatyarthaM puNyaM paapaharaM shubhaparaM || 2||tasmaatsarvairruposhyaa saa jaya.ntii naama saa(vai) sadaa |dvijaatibhirvisheshheNa tadbhaktaishcha visheshhataH || 3||yo bhuN^kte taddine mohaa(loobhaa)t.h puuyashoNitamatti saH |tasmaadupavaasennitya(puNya)M taddine(naM) shraddhayaanvitaH || 4||kR^itvaa shauchaM yathaa nyaayaM snaanaM kuryaadata.ndritaH |prabhaata kaale kurviita yogaayetyaadimantrataH || 5||nityaahnikaM prakurviita bhagava.ntamanusmaran.h |madhyaahnakaale cha pumaan.h saayaN^kaale tvatandritaH || 6||snaayiita puurvamantreNa vaasudevamanusmaran.h |tataH puujaaM prakurveta vidhivatsusamaahitaH || 7||yaj~naayeti cha ma.ntreNa shraddhaabhaktiyutaH pumaan.h |kR^ishhNaM cha balbhadraM cha vasudevaM cha devakiiM || 8||na.ndagopaM yashodaaJNcha subhadraaM tatra puujayet.h |(arghyaM datvaa samabhyarchyaarbhyudite shashimaNDale) |jaataH kaMsavadhaarthaaya bhuubhaarotthaaraNaaya cha || 9||kauravaaNaaM vinaashaaya daityaanaaM nidhanaaya cha |paaNDavaanaaM hitaarthaaya dharmasaMsthaapanaaya cha || 10|gR^ihaaNaarghyaM mayaa dattaM devakyaa sahito hareH |arghyaM datvaasamabhyarchyaabhyudite shashimaNDale || 11||kshiirodaarNavasaMbhuuta atrigo(ne)tra samudbhavaH |gR^ihaaNaarghyaM mayaa dattaM rohiNyaa sahitaH shashin.h || 12||datvaarghyaM manunaanena upasthaaya vidhuM budhaH |shashine chandradevaaya somadevaaya chhendave || 13||mR^igiNe shii(si)ta biMbaaya lokadiipaaya diipine |(rohiNiisaktachittaaya kanyaadaanapradaayine)shiitadiiditibiMbaaya taarakaapataye namaH || 14||upasaMhR^itya tatsarvaM brahmachaarii jite.ndriyaH |vishvaayeti cha ma.ntreNa tataH svaapaM samaacharet.h || 15||tato nityaanhikaM kR^itvaa shaktito diiyataaM dhanaM |sarvaayeti cha mantreNa tataH paaraNamaacharet.h |dharmaayeti tataH svastho muchyate sarvakilbishhaiH || 16||iti srimadaanandatiirtha bhagavatpaadaachaarya virachitaH||}shrii kR^ishhNajayantiinirNayaH saMpuurNam.h||}{bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANAntargata shrIkR^ishhNArpaNamastu}\Translation:Sri Madwaacharya explains the way Krishnaashtami to be celeberated in his work "Jayantii nirNayaH".1 & 2) Dark ashhtami of shraavaNa month is called Krishnaashhtami. If there is Rohinii nakshatra (star) during mid-night on this day, then it is known as sri krishna jayanti. This sacred vR^tha gets rid of all kinds of sins; on this day during mid-night Lord Hari who is free from everything was born as Sri Krishna. Therefore, this day is most sacred to accrue punya, lose paapa. It is a very auspicious day.3) On Krishna Jayanti, it is mandatory for everyone to fast. Bramhins and devotees should observe fast in a special way.5 & 6) On the day of Sri Krishnaashtami, people should wake-up at arunoodaya and take their bath by chanting the "Yoogaye" mantra:yogaaya yogapataye yogeshvaraaya yoga saMbhavaaya shri govi.ndaaya namoo namaH ||yogaaya yogapataye yogine yogashaMbhave |yogeshvaraayadevaaya govi.ndaaya namo namaH ||After the bath they should complete sandhyaa and other nityaanhikas. People should also take the bath (while chanting the same mantra) during afternoon and evening on this day.7, 8, 9,10, 11) Later, in the evening, the Lord should be worshipped with shraddaa and bhakthi using the "yaJNaaya" mantra:yaJNaaya yaJNapataye yaJNesvaraaya yaJNaSaMbhavaaya shri govi.ndaaya namo namaH ||yaJNaaya yaJNapataye yaJNaanaM saMbhavaaya cha |yaJNeshvaraaya gopaaya govi.ndayya namo namaH ||On this day, sri Krishna, balaraama, vasudeva, devaki, na.ndagopa, yashodaa and subhadra should be worshipped.After the moon raise, argyaM should be given to the Lord using jayantii nirnayaH's mantra:jaata kaMsa....devakyaa sahito hareH.O Hari, you were born to kill KaMsa, reduce the evil weight on the earth, to kill kauravas, to finish demons, to protect paandavaas, to protect dharma. Please accept my argyaM along with devakii.12, 13, 14, 15, 16) After giving argyaM to the Lord, another argyaM should be given to moon using the 12th shloka (KsheerodaarNa.. sahitaH shashin.h). O chandra (moon), who was born in the ocean of milk, who was present in atri's wife (anasuuya) please accept my argya.M along with rohiNii. After that chandra (moon) should be worshipped using the "shashine.. taarakapataye namaH" of jayantii nirnayaH. (I don't have the exact translation for this mantra). Later people can sleep after chanting the vishvaayeti mantra:vishvaaya vishvapataye vishveshvaraaya vishvasaMbhavaaya shri govi.ndaaya namo namaH ||vishvaaya vishvapataye vishvaanaaM saMbhavaaya cha |vishveshvaraaya gopaaya govi.ndaaya namo namaH ||16) next day after completing the nityaanhikas in the morning, to the best of one's ability money should be given out as daana (shaktito diyataam dhanaM). "Sarvaaya" mantra should be chanted before the paarana (consumption of food):sarvaaya sarvapataye sarveshvaraaya sarvasaMbhavaaya shri govi.ndaaya (baala kR^ishnaaya) namo namaH ||



Vasu Murthy

Shobha Srinivasan

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:54 PM

Sri KrishNa janmAshTami fasting


GV, Shobha,

Namaste, Please send clarification on KrishnAshTami fasting to the VMS list. I and others are confused if fasting needs to be done on Sunday and Monday or just on Monday.


Thanks and Namaste,





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