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pArthiva samvatsara Phala.....

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Dear Haribhakthas,


Below is the generalized Samvatsara Phala of this year {Paarthiva Samvatsara }.


" Paarthiva Naama Samvatsara Phala "



This is 5106th year of the second parardha Shwetakalpa’s 7th vaivastava manvantara’s 28th Mahayuga’s 4th quarter of kaliyuga. The year is 1927th in 3rd shalivahana shaka and it is Paarthiva nama Smavastara. The planets portfolio is as follows:


King is Shani

Prime Minister : Budha

Chief of Army: Kuja



General Predictions: (Based on Udupi Shri Krishna Mukya Prana Panchanga)


This year is generally good. It is going to rain a lot. People will be happy. All the countries will become more prosperous. Shani being the King is not good as it leads to wars and diseases. This is balanced by Budha being the Prime minister. Kuja leads to wars. All the other planets like Guru, Moon etc are in charge of other departments.

Jaista masa Shukla paksha Chaturdasi night Sun is entering Aaridra Nakshatra. Since Sun is entering Aaridra in the night, it leads to extensive rain. Again in Chaitra masa Shukla paksha panchami which is a Thursday Sun enters Mesha Raashi. Brass and Gold will become more expensive. General things which people need will be available in abundance. So this year should be better than the last year.


Profit and loss














Ashvini/Bharani/Ktihtika 1







Krithika 2,3,4/Rohini,Mrigashira 1,2







Mrigashira 3,4/Aridra/Punarvasu 1,2,3







Punarvasu4,Pusha, Aslesha







Magha,Poorva, Uttara 1







Uttara 2,3,4/ Hastha, Chitta 1,2







Chitta 3,4/Swathi/Vishaka 1,2,3







Vishaka4/ Anuradha/Jesta







Moola,Poorvashada/Uttarashada 1







Uttarashada 2,3,4/Sharavana/Dhanista 1,2







Dhanista 3,4/Shatabhisha/PoorvaBhadra1,2,3











Raashi Phala:

This year is generally good for everyone compared to last year. All the raashi have either equal or more profit than loss except Karkataka.

Major planets influencing the raashi’s phala or results are Saturn/Jupiter and Raahu this year


Mesha: Saturn is not well disposed until September of this year. After Sep Saturn is good till the end of the year. During the first half of the year Saturn is responsible for bad health. At the same time you will have income from multiple sources. There will be peace in the family. June is the month of expenditure. You may get eye infection. There is travel during the middle of the year. You earn more this year and you spend more too. Health is not generally that good.


Vrishabha: Satuen is very well disposed. Business people ill really do good this year. Raahu is also well disposed as for as the finance goes. Only the very beginning of the year is not good. You will have good health. People involved in Textile business will do good. You feel tired very easily. People involved in Gold business also will do good. January is the best month. You will have income from more than one source. Year end months (mar/April) are also good months.


Mithuna: You are in 7 ½ years of Saade Saathi. Generally not a good year. You feel week. Raahu is well disposed. Beginning of the year is good. But the rest of the year is not that good. You will get help from your friends. You will get promotion at your work place. You will be blessed with children. You will buy gold.


Karkataka: You are also in the 7 ½ years of saade saathi. Unfortunately Jupiter and Raahu are also not well disposed. Only April is a good month. May/June/Jly and August are not good. Sept again is a good month. Your income will increase this year. Nov is not a good month. So some months are good and some are not.


Simha: Saturn again is not well disposed. Jupiter is good during the first half of the year. Later he will make you move to a different place. Raahu is the cause for bad health. People involved in the business of Gold and Copper will do good. June is the month of travel. You will buy new vehicles. Children will bring happiness. Financially it is a better year.


Kanya: Saturn is in a good position throughout the year especially – finance. Do not expect anything from Guru the first 6 months. Raahu is also not friendly. You take more time to finish any work but will finish them successfully. June is the good month. Expect promotion after Oct. Year end will lead to travel and expenditure. You will visit from your relatives.


Tula: Saturn gives you lot of troubles like; loss of money, Bad results in education, unnecessary travel etc. But Rahu keeps you always happy. Beginning of the year is not good and you will successfully finish all the projects you start this year. You feel tired and face many obstacles. Venus always protects you this year. You earn more and spend more too. As the year passes, things will improve and you will buy gold and new vehicles.


Vrishchika: Not a good year. Saturn leads to bad health related to heart. Rahu also doesn’t give you peace of mind. On the other hand Jupiter gives you good results during the first half of the year and gives you success in every ventures. But do not expect anything from Jupiter in the second half of the year. So during the first half of the year your health will improve, your financial position will improve. Later you travel a lot. You will be blessed with children. People will be surprised at your success. Year end is good as your health and wealth both improve.


Dhanu: Saturn will keep the family members in different places. Jupiter is not disposed well during the first half of the year. But the second half of the year is good. You will get promotion, You will earn more. Children will make you proud. You will have lot of visitors. You will be blessed with children. Second half of the year is better than the first half. You get fame, money and property.


Makara: Jupiter gives you happiness,money and intelligence during the first half of the year. Beginning of the year is not good for health. You feel good about your achievements. You will earn good name. You will get success in court cases. You get success in new ventures. Oct is an exceptionally good month. You will have good times with friends and relatives. People in textile industry or business will do good this year.


Kumbha: First half of the year is not good. But the second half of the year is very good. Saturn gives good results throughout the year. Raahu is not disposed well. April is a good month. Both your income and expenditure will increase this year. Health will improve during July. Enemies will move away from you. You will get promotion at your workplace. You will buy new vehicles. Children will bring you happiness.


Meena: Saturn is not well disposed throughout the year. But during the first half os the year Jupiter will bless you with health, wealth and fame. During the second half of the year Jupiter will make you feel tired, cause unhappiness. You travel a lot this year. You will be blessed with children. December is an exceptionally good month. Children will bring you happiness. Only end of the year (next march and April) are not that good.


Any one who listens to this Rajadhi Phala today will be blessed with good health and wealth. Their longevity will increase. Their wishes will be fulfilled and it is equivalent to bathing in Ganga.

Extracts from: - Udupi Sri Krishna Mukhyapraana Panchaangam. Udupi Sri Puthige Math


In the service of the Lord..


Kiran Kumar [priest]

Sri Venkatakrishna Kshetra

Chandler, AZ , USA

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