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[SVBM:] Samskritam Skit by SVBM/VMS group in San Francisco Bay area, Ca........

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Dear Hribhaktas,

With the grace of Shri HariVayuGurugalu, I am

extremely HAPPY to announce that our Samskritam skit

" mahaajnaanii kanakdasaH " by SVBM/VMS was adjudged the BEST ADULT SKIT

by a panel of 4 Judges in the Samskritam Spring Festival Skit contest.

There were 6 adult skits in the contest, but our team performed so well

that it won the heart of all the audiance.


We packed the skit with clear crisp dialogues, protrayed the characters of

Shri Vysarayaru, Haridasas, the envious shishyas (towards Shri KanakadAsaru),

the conclusion with the singing of one stanza of Shri Dwadasha Stotra

(Akshyam karma....) and lit the stage with colorful Reshme shalyas - everyone

wearing Mudre, DwadashanAmAs, angAra & akshate.


We have captured all the moments with digital still photos and videos

- thanks to Smt. Poornima & Shri Ramachandra Srivatsa - our Media Genius.

We will be posting these shortly. We want to thank all the members who

participated and gave excellent performance, their families for

supporting and offering constructive criticisms. We want to also thank

Dr. Govinda Rao for suggesting this idea and translating the Kannada

version of the skit to Sanskrit and creating audio to help us with

the correct pronounciation. Dr. Govinda Rao a member of our group is a

pioneer in spoken Samskritam and he is a totally dedicated to

promoting spoken samskrit in the Bay area for the last 8-9 years.


The greatest satisfaction for us is not only in coming up on top,

but creating the Madhva awareness using this opportunity in the genearal

community. We also want to use this as a starting point and learn Devanagari

basha as one of our Madhva scholar (Shri Bandarakeri Gururaj Achar)residing

in Bangalore sent us an email encouraging and congratulating us particpating

in a Samskrit skit " I a m happy to read that u have activities for samskruta

promotion also Pl continue it because it is the only language for us to know

the treasure of jnana and sanatana culture of Bharata'.








Dear Skit Coordinator,

Here are some additional information and/or

modifications to the email that we had sent on Friday.

Please read. No need to reply unless you have a

question or doubt.


1) Reporting and re-registration is required and will

start at 4pm. Registration desk will close its shop

at 430pm.


2) Skit order has changed slightly --

Order of skits is as follows:

Skit Competition to start at 5:00

Skit 1 - yakSha-sarovaraH (A1)

Skit 2 - bhagavaan kutra? (C1)

Skit 3 – " Mustang " ashvaH vaa? (A2)

Skit 4 – puNyakoTi-kathaa (C2)

Skit 5 – atithi devo bhava (A3)

Skit 6 – loke kim madhuram? (A4)

Skit 7 - chaturaH vikretaa (C3)

Skit 8 – mahaajnaanii kanakdasaH (A5)

Skit 9 – maharShii paaNiniH (C4)

Skit 10 – bhaktaH prahlaadaH (A6)


3) Judging criteria

We will distinguish between essential and

non-essential characters. An essential character is

one without which the play is not possbile or becomes



Requirement of 3 essential (full) characters not met –

2 pts for each missing (negative points)

Additional essential (full) characters – 3 pts each

(bonus points)

Sutradhaara-role performed on the stage (as opposed to

saying it from the sides) – Max 5

Acting – Max 30

Delivery – Voice (projection and expression) – Max 25

Pronunciation - flawless language and pronunciation -

Max 10

Costumes and/or props to create the required effect –

Max 15

Introduction of characters (in samskritam) – Max 5 pts


Overall effect – Max 10

Time – subtract (5 pts for 30 sec or 1pt per 6 sec -

negative points - we were inspired by mobile phone

comapanies for making this rule)

Items 3 through 9 add up to Max 100; Items 1 and 10

can result in minus points, item 2 in plus points.


4) Prizes --

a) All child actors irrespective of the team type

(adults' or children's skit) will get trophies

(children participating in both a skit as well as in a

filler program (mostly music related activity) will

get only one participation trophy -- for skit program)


b) Top three teams in adults' group and top two teams

in the children's group will be given prizes. These

prizes will be given only to ESSENTIAL characters. It

is skit coordinator's responsibility to identify who

is essential and who is " extra " at the registration

desk. One rule of thumb -- see if the play could be

done without the extra person but at the same time,

make sure that you don't exclude someone who has been

coming to practice seriously.


5) Six of the teams have NOT sent the initial set-up

time (A1/A3/A6 and C2/C3/C4). We are assuming that

they do not require any.


5) We will have both standing as well as cordless

microphones. We do not know how many of each kind at

this time but what we intend to have should be




Samskrita Bharati Skit Coordination Team


--- " M.S. Sathya " <mssn wrote:


> Dear Haribhaktas,


> We are very happy to announce that we will be performing

> a samskritam skit on " Shri Kanakadasaru " at the Samskrita Bharati

> Spring Festival Cultural Program to be held next Sunday at Sunnyvale temple.


> We have selected the episode of Shri Vyasarayaru conducting a test to

> show Shri KanakadAsaru - a mahAn Gnyani by giving the 'kadali phala' to be

> consumed in solitude and also with the question as to who will be going to

> Moksha. This is about a 12min skit and we have about 8-10 members performing.

> We will be concluding this with singing a stanza of Shri Dwadasha stotra

> ashtamoadhyaya.


> Please attend and encourage our team and we have a few slots open for the

> shishyAs. Please send us an email if you are interested in participating.

> Please call (408)887-0473.


> NamaskAragalu,

> Sathya



> *********************************************************************

> B) Spring Festival Cultural Program

> Sun April 24 from 500pm to 730pm

> Sunnyvale Temple Auditorium


> Highlights –

> First ever samskritam skit competition

> Melodious music

> Samskritam dance-drama by children

> Songs and jokes


> If you are interested to take part in Spring Festival or would like

> to volunteer you time, please send an email to

> samskritabharati


> Thanks for reading,


> Jayatu Samskritam


> bhavadiiyaH,

> Samskrita Bharati Bay Area Volunteer Group









> Subscribe : svbm-

> Un : svbm- -

> Hari Sarvothama Vaayu Jeevothama.

> Shri Krishnarpanamastu



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