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[Duties of Madhva Householder

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Finally there is a very convincing message regarding

the duties of a Madhva Householder. It is strange that

some of the post actually defied the opinion of

scholars of the Vidyapeetha and said that there were

no good enough reasons for Madhvas to send their

children/only child to Vidyapeetha. The fact that most

of us shudder at that thought and rely so much on

'loukika' education is just our lack of good karma and

thorough conviction in Shastras. Blessed are those

families who indeed do the best for their

children/child by engaging them completely in Shastra

patha so as to develop unconditional devotion towards

Shri Hari and His devotees.


Instead of trying to console/escape or even speculate

that there are other ways to the ultimate success

(read moksha or even developing shuddha Bhakti towars

Vasudeva) we must sincerely pray that at least in the

births to come we get a desire to engage ourselves

fully in Dhyana of Shri Hari and serve Him always.







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The question is why Children from more middle class families are not taking up fulltime Madhwa shastra instead of general school education?

Madhwa brahmin basically knows the value of Madhwa shastra but problem mainly is in implementation of the same life.


I think learned people should give good practical ideas/ way to attract more children to study Madhwa shastra.

Definitely there is a problem of getting a job(suitable to follow Madhwa shastra daily) after completion of SudhaMangala.

All the students may not be good in delivering pravachanas. So some alternative areas to be developed linked with Madhwa Shastra so that people can plan the future.

Hare Srinivasa,

Prasannapushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:

Namaskaras.Finally there is a very convincing message regardingthe duties of a Madhva Householder. It is strange thatsome of the post actually defied the opinion ofscholars of the Vidyapeetha and said that there wereno good enough reasons for Madhvas to send theirchildren/only child to Vidyapeetha. The fact that mostof us shudder at that thought and rely so much on'loukika' education is just our lack of good karma andthorough conviction in Shastras. Blessed are thosefamilies who indeed do the best for theirchildren/child by engaging them completely in Shastrapatha so as to develop unconditional devotion towardsShri Hari and His devotees.Instead of trying to console/escape or even speculatethat there are other ways to the ultimate success(read moksha or even developing shuddha Bhakti towarsVasudeva) we must

sincerely pray that at least in thebirths to come we get a desire to engage ourselvesfully in Dhyana of Shri Hari and serve Him always.Krishnaarpanamastu. Music Unlimited Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.http://music./unlimited/

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On 10/13/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:


> Finally there is a very convincing message regarding

> the duties of a Madhva Householder.


Which message is this?


> It is strange that

> some of the post actually defied the opinion of

> scholars of the Vidyapeetha and said that there were

> no good enough reasons for Madhvas to send their

> children/only child to Vidyapeetha. The fact that most

> of us shudder at that thought and rely so much on

> 'loukika' education is just our lack of good karma and

> thorough conviction in Shastras.


While I agree on the part about the gap in the conviction, rest of the

message that extolled sending children to vidyApITha missed reality by

miles. As Sri NAPS Rao mentioned, the ratio of success to failure

stories is so minimal that one cannot take a stance just by looking at

Sri Prabhanjanacharya or Sri Bannanje. Another point missed is that

many people, who do send their children to vidyApITha, do so not out

of conviction on shAstras but merely because it makes economic sense

to do so. The vidyApIThAs take good care of the children at no cost to

the parent, who finds it tough to make his own ends meet.


And I am not sure if the scholar from vidyApITha would take his stance

with so much conviction if all brahmins were to actually give up

loukika jobs and get enrolled in the vidyapitha. The reality of

economics -- a losing supply/demand curve, patrons turning competitors

-- will hit soon and hard. If you actually visit a vidyApITha, check

out the number of students who spend time in learning jyotiShya and

paurohitya. The number is clearly on the higher side. Why? Pure

economics. Mind you, these are the days where the term 'rAjAshraya'

does not even have a meaning.




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Krishna K <krishna.kadiri

Re: Re: [Duties of Madhva Householder


On 10/13/05, pushkarni panchamukhi

<pushkarni_p wrote:


> Finally there is a very convincing message regarding

> the duties of a Madhva Householder.


Which message is this?





The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.

Apologies for not having mentioned it in my previous



I am not saying that all Brahmana householders must

start sending their children to Vidyapeetha, even if i

said no body would given an ear to it. While I

completely agree that such knowledge is the only

perfect knowledge and the only means to spiritual

promotion, I know it is difficult or rather

impractical to take it up full time in Kali yuga. But

what i would like to point out is the following:


1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this

word) religous instituions survive mainly because of

charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri

Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma

within these householders to donate to these

institutions. Wherever there is pure devotional

service Shri Krishna will take care of the material

needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and

faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial



2. If we ourselves can't /and cannot send our children

to vidyapeethas then it is either because we feel that

we will be able to get the same knowledge at home from

parents( or give the same knowledge to our children)

or that we feel that we need to be sound financially

first and rest can follow later. The former is an

acceptable good reason but the latter again shows our

priority to spiritual life. Rather than feeling bad

about it if we justify it by being proud that we are

the main supporters of vidyapeethas and that they are

surviving because of us, then we will loose. That is

why I said, we at least pray that in births to come we

realise our priorities and also be able to practise

accordingly.Even if the Vidyapeetha goes bankrupt if

most Madhvas start enroling their children there, it

is also true that the Madhvas who did not do so and

involved themselves completely in loukika jnyana,

would have missed the bus.The scholars from

vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of

shastra paatha and not advertising for their



Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame

acquired is again very subjective and very

superficial. True that neither 'rajashraya' is left

nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.

But the importance of shastras as an important channel

to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise

it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or

not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under

the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough

wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other

basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and

society's pressures, we often miss the bus.




<pushkarni_p wrote:


> Finally there is a very convincing message regarding

> the duties of a Madhva Householder.


Which message is this?


> It is strange that

> some of the post actually defied the opinion of

> scholars of the Vidyapeetha and said that there were

> no good enough reasons for Madhvas to send their

> children/only child to Vidyapeetha. The fact that


> of us shudder at that thought and rely so much on

> 'loukika' education is just our lack of good karma


> thorough conviction in Shastras.


While I agree on the part about the gap in the

conviction, rest of the

message that extolled sending children to vidyApITha

missed reality by

miles. As Sri NAPS Rao mentioned, the ratio of success

to failure

stories is so minimal that one cannot take a stance

just by looking at

Sri Prabhanjanacharya or Sri Bannanje. Another point

missed is that

many people, who do send their children to vidyApITha,

do so not out

of conviction on shAstras but merely because it makes

economic sense

to do so. The vidyApIThAs take good care of the

children at no cost to

the parent, who finds it tough to make his own ends



And I am not sure if the scholar from vidyApITha would

take his stance

with so much conviction if all brahmins were to

actually give up

loukika jobs and get enrolled in the vidyapitha. The

reality of

economics -- a losing supply/demand curve, patrons

turning competitors

-- will hit soon and hard. If you actually visit a

vidyApITha, check

out the number of students who spend time in learning

jyotiShya and

paurohitya. The number is clearly on the higher side.

Why? Pure

economics. Mind you, these are the days where the term


does not even have a meaning.










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Dear friends,

I believe sincerely that there is a definite abyss between the ideas

expressed by some (unnamed) Vidyapeeta scholars, which seem to have

excited the imagination of some us and the realities of the present day

world. It is perhaps not noticed that many, if not most Vidyapeeta

scholars themselves have also tried quite properly to give modern

education to their children, along with religious education also. What

is perhaps not feasible is to accept that Vidyapeeta education alone

is sufficient to enable an acceptably adequate life. What I objected

in my earlier posting was the use of a couple of successful names, who

seem to have done well by being popular Pravacahanakaras, as

justification that such a course is possible for all. The V P scholars

themselves really owe their possibly comfortable status to the untiring

and visionary efforts of Sri Pejawara Swamiji. In fact it is a cause for

worry that there are very few like him today, and whether equally

capable successors will take over the job in future is still to be

satisfactorily realised..

I think either sweeping the problems under the carpet or taking

recourse to the tenets of high philosophy such as Jiva asvatantrya etc

is evading the issues raised. Simply expressing an unsupported opinion

against another without answering points raised or giving suitable

reasoning for one's own position is also simple evading the issue and

living in a Make-believe world.

Let us have a constructive debate, if at all possible as to how to

ensure suitable religious education to all madhva children, along with

what ever is needed for practical reasons to live in the modern world.

This would involve all of us contributing ideas, efforts, money and

other resources to help those who need such assistance. If such an

effort is not attempted, the discussion will not only be one sided, but

will also be useless.


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If good mathematics/english/hindi included in the Vidyapeeta curicullam should be enough to handle the todays world.

Main need of the todays world is good citizens which naturally comes to students of VP assuming they are good in learning madhwa shastra.

Other loukika things can be mastered if the student can learn & have a knowledge of Madhwa tatva.


"What is perhaps not feasible is to accept that Vidyapeeta education alone is sufficient to enable an acceptably adequate life"--Quote from below mail.


This can be achieved only there is enough money coming to the student who finishes the 12 years.

He can get married & buy a place to live only if he earns money.

The question is how to earn the money.

The opportunities are limited. Here comes the requirement of public

help who can provide jobs in banks/offices/universities.

"napsrao" <napsrao wrote:

Dear friends,I believe sincerely that there is a definite abyss between the ideas expressed by some (unnamed) Vidyapeeta scholars, which seem to have excited the imagination of some us and the realities of the present day world. It is perhaps not noticed that many, if not most Vidyapeeta scholars themselves have also tried quite properly to give modern education to their children, along with religious education also. What is perhaps not feasible is to accept that Vidyapeeta education alone is sufficient to enable an acceptably adequate life. What I objected in my earlier posting was the use of a couple of successful names, who seem to have done well by being popular Pravacahanakaras, as justification that such a course is possible for all. The V P scholars themselves really owe

their possibly comfortable status to the untiring and visionary efforts of Sri Pejawara Swamiji. In fact it is a cause for worry that there are very few like him today, and whether equally capable successors will take over the job in future is still to be satisfactorily realised.. I think either sweeping the problems under the carpet or taking recourse to the tenets of high philosophy such as Jiva asvatantrya etc is evading the issues raised. Simply expressing an unsupported opinion against another without answering points raised or giving suitable reasoning for one's own position is also simple evading the issue and living in a Make-believe world.Let us have a constructive debate, if at all possible as to how to ensure suitable religious education to all madhva children, along with what ever is needed for practical reasons to live in the modern world. This would involve all of us contributing

ideas, efforts, money and other resources to help those who need such assistance. If such an effort is not attempted, the discussion will not only be one sided, but will also be useless.NAPSRao

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On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:


> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.


Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the ground

realities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihastha

can equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who have

done sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It is

indeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are many

such people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.


> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this

> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of

> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri

> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma

> within these householders to donate to these

> institutions.


Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out of

shAstra education. So, why bother?


> Wherever there is pure devotional

> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material

> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and

> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial

> understandings.


May be, but that's how things work.


> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of

> shastra paatha and not advertising for their

> vidyapeetha.


Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out a

comfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And that

precisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussing

about people who don't study shAstra at all here.


> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame

> acquired is again very subjective and very

> superficial. True that neither 'rajashraya' is left

> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.

> But the importance of shastras as an important channel

> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise

> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or

> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under

> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough

> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other

> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and

> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.


Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on the

extreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering the

extremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studying

shAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,

people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and should

be done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and

(detailed) shAstric study as well.




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Could some one pl. define "loukika job"?

The following message also lost direction & went on to justify the present trend.

Bottomline is very clear as per madhwa tatva,Every JEEVA has to do what our Yathi's has done if MOKSHA is a target.The path is clearly defined by Parabrahma.

Even when you follow madhwa tatva full time one can have self in control in todays world.

Can any one imagine if Madhwa Tatva is learnt as a pass time can lead to Moksha.


Always the fact/truth will be hard to digest.


I feel the direction has to be "how to bring the full time Madhwa tatva education in to our children."

If some one has a gurantee that the next birth will be as a Madhwa Brahmin, then continuing this topic the following way is worth.



BharatheeshaKrishna K <krishna.kadiri wrote:

On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the groundrealities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihasthacan equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who havedone sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It isindeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are manysuch people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma> within these householders to donate to these>

institutions.Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out ofshAstra education. So, why bother?> Wherever there is pure devotional> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial> understandings.May be, but that's how things work.> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of> shastra paatha and not advertising for their> vidyapeetha.Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out acomfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And thatprecisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussingabout people who don't study shAstra at all here.> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame> acquired is again very subjective and very> superficial. True that neither

'rajashraya' is left> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.> But the importance of shastras as an important channel> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on theextreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering theextremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studyingshAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and shouldbe done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and(detailed)

shAstric study as well.Regards,Krishna

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Dear friends,

All of you are again and again restating the problem and reiterating the objectives, which are undoubtedly correct.

Is it not better to try to give suggestions about solving the problem?

Some one else referred to traditionalists vs. modern protoganists and suggested that one should not assume a superior air. But, the problem started with an incorrect premise that absolute faith in God and following the duties of a madhva householder (as stated by some Vidyapeeta scholars) would also bring material prosperity, quoting examples of a few distinguished persons. Isnt it obvious that material prosperity is irrelevant to the issue. All of us have heard the statement of the Supreme Being - Thasya vittham harAmyaham". Apparently, God does not want his devotees to be wealthy, lest they be distracted from their main focus of attention. Except for a few souls destined to enjoy Sukha Prarabdha, most of the devotees have always lived in Dire poverty. Giving the apparent incentive of wealth attained by studying Shasthras, is not only incorrect, but is also against the above basic tenet itself.

Some of us have tried to point out that the reality on the ground is so totally out of the imagined goals that the advice given is not likely to be followed by those it is meant for. Now comes the really offensive part - the initiators of this idea train, have no solutions to offer, except an implied statement that such persons have wasted their life, by not even trying the path of attaining Mukthi. May I suggest reading Harikathamruthasara, Kalpa sadhana Sandhi about the course followed by the aspirants, before jumping to such conclusions?

Lastly, it is beyond doubt that the main emphasis should be on studying Madhva Shasthras, under qualified teachers, which will create the neecssary inducement in the person from inside to better his own living. Let us do it to the best of our ability.

NAPSRao B Blast <b_blst wrote:


Could some one pl. define "loukika job"?

The following message also lost direction & went on to justify the present trend.

Bottomline is very clear as per madhwa tatva,Every JEEVA has to do what our Yathi's has done if MOKSHA is a target.The path is clearly defined by Parabrahma.

Even when you follow madhwa tatva full time one can have self in control in todays world.

Can any one imagine if Madhwa Tatva is learnt as a pass time can lead to Moksha.


Always the fact/truth will be hard to digest.


I feel the direction has to be "how to bring the full time Madhwa tatva education in to our children."

If some one has a gurantee that the next birth will be as a Madhwa Brahmin, then continuing this topic the following way is worth.



BharatheeshaKrishna K <krishna.kadiri wrote:

On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the groundrealities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihasthacan equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who havedone sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It isindeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are manysuch people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma> within these householders to donate to these>

institutions.Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out ofshAstra education. So, why bother?> Wherever there is pure devotional> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial> understandings.May be, but that's how things work.> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of> shastra paatha and not advertising for their> vidyapeetha.Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out acomfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And thatprecisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussingabout people who don't study shAstra at all here.> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame> acquired is again very subjective and very> superficial. True that neither

'rajashraya' is left> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.> But the importance of shastras as an important channel> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on theextreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering theextremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studyingshAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and shouldbe done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and(detailed)

shAstric study as well.Regards,Krishna



India Matrimony: Find your partner now. B Blast <b_blst wrote:


Could some one pl. define "loukika job"?

The following message also lost direction & went on to justify the present trend.

Bottomline is very clear as per madhwa tatva,Every JEEVA has to do what our Yathi's has done if MOKSHA is a target.The path is clearly defined by Parabrahma.

Even when you follow madhwa tatva full time one can have self in control in todays world.

Can any one imagine if Madhwa Tatva is learnt as a pass time can lead to Moksha.


Always the fact/truth will be hard to digest.


I feel the direction has to be "how to bring the full time Madhwa tatva education in to our children."

If some one has a gurantee that the next birth will be as a Madhwa Brahmin, then continuing this topic the following way is worth.



BharatheeshaKrishna K <krishna.kadiri wrote:

On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the groundrealities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihasthacan equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who havedone sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It isindeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are manysuch people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma> within these householders to donate to these>

institutions.Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out ofshAstra education. So, why bother?> Wherever there is pure devotional> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial> understandings.May be, but that's how things work.> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of> shastra paatha and not advertising for their> vidyapeetha.Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out acomfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And thatprecisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussingabout people who don't study shAstra at all here.> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame> acquired is again very subjective and very> superficial. True that neither

'rajashraya' is left> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.> But the importance of shastras as an important channel> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on theextreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering theextremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studyingshAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and shouldbe done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and(detailed)

shAstric study as well.Regards,Krishna



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naps rao <naps_rao wrote:



Dear friends,

All of you are again and again restating the problem and reiterating the objectives, which are undoubtedly correct.

Is it not better to try to give suggestions about solving the problem?

Some one else referred to traditionalists vs. modern protoganists and suggested that one should not assume a superior air. But, the problem started with an incorrect premise that absolute faith in God and following the duties of a madhva householder (as stated by some Vidyapeeta scholars) would also bring material prosperity, quoting examples of a few distinguished persons. Isnt it obvious that material prosperity is irrelevant to the issue. All of us have heard the statement of the Supreme Being - Thasya vittham harAmyaham". Apparently, God does not want his devotees to be wealthy, lest they be distracted from their main focus of attention. Except for a few souls destined to enjoy Sukha Prarabdha, most of the devotees have always lived in Dire poverty.


Giving the apparent incentive of wealth attained by studying Shasthras, is not only incorrect, but is also against the above basic tenet itself.




--This statement looks misguiding.

Above when Sukha Prarabha is accepted --- contradiction is seen in the statements.


There is a contradiction of messages aired by the writer in this message & the previous ones in this thread.

This gives me a feeling that the writer is totally confused about Madhwa Tatwa.


Some of us have tried to point out that the reality on the ground is so totally out of the imagined goals that the advice given is not likely to be followed by those it is meant for. Now comes the really offensive part - the initiators of this idea train, have no solutions to offer, except an implied statement that such persons have wasted their life, by not even trying the path of attaining Mukthi. May I suggest reading Harikathamruthasara, Kalpa sadhana Sandhi about the course followed by the aspirants, before jumping to such conclusions?

Lastly, it is beyond doubt that the main emphasis should be on studying Madhva Shasthras, under qualified teachers, which will create the neecssary inducement in the person from inside to better his own living. Let us do it to the best of our ability.

NAPSRao B Blast <b_blst wrote:


Could some one pl. define "loukika job"?

The following message also lost direction & went on to justify the present trend.

Bottomline is very clear as per madhwa tatva,Every JEEVA has to do what our Yathi's has done if MOKSHA is a target.The path is clearly defined by Parabrahma.

Even when you follow madhwa tatva full time one can have self in control in todays world.

Can any one imagine if Madhwa Tatva is learnt as a pass time can lead to Moksha.


Always the fact/truth will be hard to digest.


I feel the direction has to be "how to bring the full time Madhwa tatva education in to our children."

If some one has a gurantee that the next birth will be as a Madhwa Brahmin, then continuing this topic the following way is worth.



BharatheeshaKrishna K <krishna.kadiri wrote:

On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the groundrealities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihasthacan equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who havedone sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It isindeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are manysuch people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma> within these householders to donate to these>

institutions.Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out ofshAstra education. So, why bother?> Wherever there is pure devotional> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial> understandings.May be, but that's how things work.> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of> shastra paatha and not advertising for their> vidyapeetha.Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out acomfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And thatprecisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussingabout people who don't study shAstra at all here.> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame> acquired is again very subjective and very> superficial. True that neither

'rajashraya' is left> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.> But the importance of shastras as an important channel> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on theextreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering theextremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studyingshAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and shouldbe done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and(detailed)

shAstric study as well.Regards,Krishna



India Matrimony: Find your partner now. B Blast <b_blst wrote:


Could some one pl. define "loukika job"?

The following message also lost direction & went on to justify the present trend.

Bottomline is very clear as per madhwa tatva,Every JEEVA has to do what our Yathi's has done if MOKSHA is a target.The path is clearly defined by Parabrahma.

Even when you follow madhwa tatva full time one can have self in control in todays world.

Can any one imagine if Madhwa Tatva is learnt as a pass time can lead to Moksha.


Always the fact/truth will be hard to digest.


I feel the direction has to be "how to bring the full time Madhwa tatva education in to our children."

If some one has a gurantee that the next birth will be as a Madhwa Brahmin, then continuing this topic the following way is worth.



BharatheeshaKrishna K <krishna.kadiri wrote:

On 10/15/05, pushkarni panchamukhi <pushkarni_p wrote:> The message I was refering was by Shri Santosh Prasad.Well, that too was a message with very little idea of the groundrealities. For example, he says that no amount of seva by grihasthacan equal a sudhApATha in sAdhana. What about those gRhasthas who havedone sudhApATha and mangaLa, and are yet in a loukika job? It isindeed possible and only needs some determination. And there are manysuch people (in Bangalore too), though the percentage is less.> 1. That Vidyapeethas and other sincere (pls note this> word) religous instituions survive mainly because of> charitable householders is misplaced. Like Shri> Santosh Prasad pointed out, it is prerane of Paramatma> within these householders to donate to these>

institutions.Similarly, it is paramAtma preraNe that many people are opting out ofshAstra education. So, why bother?> Wherever there is pure devotional> service Shri Krishna will take care of the material> needs. This of course requires lot of conviction and> faith. Supply and demand curves are very superficial> understandings.May be, but that's how things work.> The scholars from vidyapeetha are trying to stress the importance of> shastra paatha and not advertising for their> vidyapeetha.Nope. The original mail positively stressed that one can eke out acomfortable living by studying at Vidyapiitha alone. And thatprecisely is the point of contention. And btw, we are not discussingabout people who don't study shAstra at all here.> Measuring success with the help of wealth, fame> acquired is again very subjective and very> superficial. True that neither

'rajashraya' is left> nor is any other varna or ashrama in place these days.> But the importance of shastras as an important channel> to true success remains intact. Whether we recognise> it or not, whether we are able to do the needful or> not is something we need to decide for ourselves.Under> the pretext of being practical ( read earn enough> wealth so as to have at least a house, car and other> basic (!?) amenities) and keep up to parents' and> society's pressures, we often miss the bus.Your reading of being 'practical' or 'measuring success' is on theextreme and misses the reality again. Why are you considering theextremes only? Are the options of having loukika job and studyingshAstra mutually exclusive? I don't think so. And if I am not wrong,people who have so far been saying that both can be done, and shouldbe done -- are actually the ones who have had a loukika job and(detailed)

shAstric study as well.Regards,Krishna



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Dear Mr. B Blast,

Thank you for enlightening me about my confusion in Tatvavada.

It will be very kind if you can help clear this confusion!

I suppose 14 years of Shasthrapatha with one of the best teachers

available today on Tatvavada would still leave lesser mortals like me


I look forward to your enlightening explanation.


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