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Kittel on Krishnadasa

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Kittel on Krishnadasa


Text Box: Ferdinand Kittel worked as a prostestant missionary for the Basel

Mission in the Kannada speaking area in south India. His broad interest in

Indian culture is reflected in his various publications about the language,

literature, religion, folklore and music of southwest India. His most celebrated

work is the Kannada - English dictionary, which is held in high esteem till

today. Dr.Havanur's book on Rev, Kittel






Text Box: EXTRACTS FROM " The Indian Antiquary " , November 1873 The Karnataka

Vaishnava Dasas, By Rev. Ferdinand Kittel (1832 - 1903) " Varaha Madhva's

Krishna came to Chandrapura . No doubt, as if on e had brought and put up Varaha

Timmappa, well dost thou stand (there O Krishna!) " Speaking somewhat

allegorically about the ashes used for marks on the forehead, Varaha Dasa

observes: " That Smartas put on the name (the sectarian mark on the forehead of

Vaishnavas) and largely spread the name of Hari, is a writing! Put on ashes!

Suddha Vaishnavas have heard and know the root of them. " ( P 310) Regarding the

service (seva) of the Dasas, Varaha prays: " Through Vyasa is the Veda service,

through Parasara the Smriti service, the wholesome Vrata (vow) service through

Rukmangada; make thou the service to become a Dasa rise in me! " I will become a

servant (sevika)! " " Thy service (seva), thy worship (puja), thy name are on my

tongue, O Varaha Timmappa! " " If Hari's thought (dhyana), Hari's worship (puja),

the praise, (kirtana) of Har's name, the dance (nartana) of Hari's devotion

(bhakti), Hari's services (seva) do not appear (to thee) severally with

perseverance call Varaha Timmappa, O mind! " (P 312) November 1873 The

Karnataka Vaishnava Dasas, By Rev. Ferdinand Kittel (1832 - 1903)




Text Box: The Dasa whom I have called Varaha may perhaps be as properly called

Varaha Timmappa, as this signature of his may mean either the " Timmappa of

Varaha " or " The deity that is Varaha Timmappa " . His beloved place was Tirupati's

or Timmappa's hill, to which he gives also the names of Ahirajagiri, Uraga giri,

Naga giri, Phani giri,Seshadri, Kandali giri, Bangaradri (Gold-hill), Anjanadri,

Vedachala, Srisaila, Sripati giri. Venkatachala, Atisreshtha giri, and sometimes

only Giri, or Betta (Hill). Like Purandara he calls the hill also Mudal giri and

Mel giri, occasionally, Mudal Kadegiri i.e. the hill towards the East. He

thought also very highly of Udupu, saying, for instance: " The feet that ascend

the hill on which Varaha Timmappa is, are the feet that remain firmly standing

in Udupu. " Timmappa, as another name for the idol Tirupati or Venkata Ramana,

was, also used by Purandara. ( P 308) Some of Varaha's experssions are: " Where

the lord of Madhva sits is Kasi " " People, seeing (him) say with a sneer: " Pray

near Varaha Timmappa who is on the eastern hill, eats jungle fruits and plays on

the summit!' (Wait only!) The Kali king has come! " (That is probably Kalki)

" Varaha Timmappa, as the son of Nanda Gopa, saw the ansterities of Anandatirtha

(Madhvacharya), and seated himself in Chandrapura (i.e, Udupu) " . " The glorious

Madhva Raya became a Suddha Vaishnava, raised the world, brought the dear idol

of Krishna (to Udupu), and put it up. Bow down all to Madhva Raya! All the

doctrines of all the Rishis hid themselves; the doctrine of Madhva Rishi became

apparent. " " Thou, You O Krishna, placedst thy foot and seatedst thyself in

Udupu, that is the best place in the world. " " On the throne, called Sidhanta

Vaishnava, he (Krishna) appears in his lovely form. Accepting the pleasing pooja

with the sounds of musical instruments, Madhva's Krishna came to Chandrapura .

No doubt, as if on e had brought and put up Varaha Timmappa, well dost thou

stand (there O Krishna!) " Speaking somewhat allegorically about the ashes used

for marks on the forehead, Varaha Dasa observes: " That Smartas put on the name

(the sectarian mark on the forehead of Vaishnavas) and largely spread the name

of Hari, is a writing! Put on ashes! Suddha Vaishnavas have heard and know the

root of them. " ( P 310) Regarding the service (seva) of the Dasas, Varaha prays:

" Through Vyasa is the Veda service, through Parasara the Smriti service, the

wholesome service through Rukmangada; make thou the service to become a Dasa

rise in me! " I will become a servant (sevika)! " " Thy service (seva), thy

worship (puja), thy name are on my tongue, O Varaha Timmappa! " " If Hari's

thought (dhyana), Hari's worship (puja), the praise, (kirtana) of Har's name,

the dance (nartana) of Hari's devotion (bhakti), Hari's services (seva) do not

appear (to thee) severally with perseverance call Varaha Timmappa, O mind! " (P



For further detail on Nekkar Krishnadasa log on to web site WWW.NEKKARS.ORG




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