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prAtah sankalpa gadyaM - 2

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Hari Sarvottama Sri Gurubhyo namaha

Vayu Jeevothama




Pratas-Sankalpa Gadyam, Sarva-Samarpana Gadyam & Gayathri

By Srimushnam V Nagarajachar, Published by Devarnama Bhajana Sangha,

Srirangam, 1972.


pUjyAya rAghavendrAya satyadharmaratAya cha |

bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||


shrIsudhIndrAbdhisambhUtAn.h rAghavendrakalAnidhIn.h |

seve sadAGYAnsaukhyArthaM santApatrayashAntaye ||


|| shrImaddhanumabhImamadhvAntargatarAmakR^iShNAvedavyAsAtmaka

shrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH ||


atha shrImandrAghavendra yati shiromaNibhiH virachitaM




NOTE: The whole text of Pratah Sankalpa Gadyam is one sentence, as also

the other work, Sarva Samarpana Gadyam. If the text is shown as passages &

numbered, it is all for the convenience of easy reading by laymen &

therefore imaginary.








xamAsamudra bhaktavatsala bhaktAparAdhasahiShNu



3. aGYaGYAnArthiGYAnayogyabhagavatkR^ipApAtrabhUtasallokakR^ipAlu

brahmarudrAdyarthitabhagavadAGYAM shirasi


tathA.asheShadevatAprArthanAMhAravaddhR^idi nidhAya

sarvasvakIyasajjanAnugrahechChayA karmabhuvyavatIrNAnAM




The spotless purity of Sri Mukhyaprana, his being free from any sin or

pollusion, his immeasurable Vishnu Bhakti, his being praised in the entire

range of vedic texts next only to Paramathma & Lakshmi, his being the ruler

of the entire mass of souls in the whole of this universe, his being the

dearest servant to the Lord & his (Mukhya Prana's ) limitless compassion

towards his Bhathas are described in passage number 2.


Such a supreme servant of God condescended on earth, as necessitated by

three circumstances.

1. The innocent & deserving souls were suffering in the utter darkness of

ignorance, misconception & intellectual confusion wrought by the propagators

of Maya & Soonya.

2. Gods Brahma, Rudra & others in their supreme mercy, desiring to redeem

these deserving souls from their sufferings prayed Paramathma.

3. The Lord entrusted the mission to Sri Mukhya prana. Accordingly, Sri

Vayu descended on earth as Sri Madhvacharya. Sri Mukhya prana was chosen

because he alone is free from kalidosha (Satanic influence).




pApAviddha daityapUgAviddha means free from sin & from the satanic





Sins are due to the devilish play of the Satan or kali on almost every soul.

Even though it has no access into the soul's spiritual cells, yet it keeps

out of the spirit's frame work & magnetizes the soul from without & drives

it into wickedness. Mukhyaprana & his consort Bharathi devi are the only

jeevas who are absolutely unaffected by Kali's influence & utterly beyond

the pale of his magnetism. Lakshmi devi also is unaffected by Kali.

These three viz...Lakshmi devi, Brahma/Vayu, Saraswathi/Bharathi

constitute Para Sukla Traya group says Mahabharatha Tatparya Nirnaya.


tasmAdeko vAyureva dharme bhAgavate sthitaH

laxmIH sarasvatI cheti parashuklatrayaM smR^itam.h


This group is eternally pure in thought, word & deed in their Moola roopa as

also in their avatara roopas.




pUrvaprasiddhavyatirikta anantavedapratiprAdya mukhyatamaH


This is an epithet to Sri Vayudeva & require a brief explaination. This has

the direct reference to the following words of Sri Madhva quoted from his

Bhasya on Rig Veda:


devatA sarvavidyAnAM svayaM nArAyaNaH prabhuH

R^Ite tatra prasiddhAshcha devatA shrIstathA.atra cha


R^Ite prasiddhA brahmaiva tatastena krameNa cha

pUrvaprasiddhavarjaM tu shakrAntA devatA matAH




Lord Narayana is the over all devata (Pratipaadya devata) in respect of all

the vedas. However, there are certain portions in vedas like Purusha

suktha, Narayana suktha, Vishnu Suktha & so on, which are exclusively set

apart for Narayana alone. Excepting these, Lakshmi is the Pratipadya

devata (presiding deity) in respect of the other vedic texts.


Similarly Lakshmi is prasied in Sree Suktha, Lakshmi Suktha, Ambrini

Suktha etc... Except these portions, the four faced Brahma is the

pratipadya devatha in respect of the remaining other portions of Vedas.


The above mentioned first three, viz Paramathma, Lakshmi, Chaturmukha

Brahma are known as poorva prasiddhas. Except the vedic portions set apart

for the above three, Sri Vayu is immediately the next pratipadya devata in

the rest of the vedic texts. Next to him , there are also other devatas

like Indra, Agni, Varuna etc... but Sri Vayu is the foremost among them.




ananta jIva niyAmakaH & anantarUpa bhagavat.hkAryasAdhakaH


Here in this work, Sri Raghavendra Theertharu presents his Adi Guru Sri

Poorna Pragnya Acharya in his true perspective as a hero of the highest

rank, such as he indeed was.


By describing him as ananta jIva niyAmaka, the author reminds that Sri

Ananda Theertharu being no other Sri Mukhya prana, penetrates into the inner

most recesses of the heart & mind of every soul, influencing in the manner

it deserves to be influenced. No jeeva can escape his command.


Sri Vayu devaru's anantajIvaniyAmakatva is beautifully explained in Madhva



akhila khala kulAnAM vardhayan.h dveSha doShaM

vidadhapi narANAM kautukaM madhyamAnAM

svagati samuchitAnAM bhUtidAyI shubhAnAM

bahula hR^idiha ninye sharvarIH kAshchidevaM .......Sri Madhva Vijaya



In the sAtvika souls, he (Sri Mukhya prana) infuses the spirit of Bhakthi,

pure love & dedication to the Lord; in the RAjasic souls, he excites by his

superhuman feats, a curiosity & awareness of the existence of the Supreme,

whom they could not ignore & in the Tamasic, he again creates the feeling

of extreme hatred towards the Lord, which ultimately takes them to the

eternal & inescapable hell.


bahulahR^it.h = shrIvAyudevaH ( shrImadAnandatIrthaH)

akhila khala kulAnAM = adhama (tAmasa) jana samUhAnAM

dveSha-doShaM vardhayan.h= AtmaviShaye, paramAtma viShaye cha dveShAkhya

doShaM vardhayan.h

madhyamAnAM kautukaM vardhayan.h = madhyama narANAM (rAjasAnAM), Atma

viShaye, paramAtma viShaye cha AshcharyaM vardhayan.h

svagati samuchitAnAM shubhAnAM = muktiyogya, sAtvika sajjanAnAM

bhUti dAyI = aishvaryasya dAyI (mukhyaprANaH)




The term 'Karma Bhuvi' in the text refers to Bharata bhumi. In the entire

universe, Bharatha bhoomi is considered the most sacred & a birth in this

holy land. Srimad Bhaghavatha has this much to say about our Bharatha:


kalpAyuShAM sthAnajayAt.h punarbhavAt.h

xaNAyuShAM bhAratabhUjayo varaM

xaNena martyena kR^itaM manasvinaH

saMnyAsya saMyAntyabhayaM padaM hareH ..........bhAgavatAM 5-9-23)


Even if it be for a very short period, life in Bharata Bhoomi is far

superior to life of lakhs of years in svarga, for by merely taking a birth

in this karma bhoomi & accomplishing his allotted karma & dedicating it to

the Lord, one is assured of eternal bliss in Vaikunta with no more

sufferings of rebirth. But this is not possible in svarga which is purely a

bhoga bhoomi. Even if one lives for lakhs & lakhs of years in svarga, he

has to come down at the expiry of his allotted period, & take birth again.


Sri Vayu devaru came down on earth to this karma bhoomi, accomplished the

duty enjoined on him by the Lord & thereby demonstrated how we should

qualify ourselves for the final emancipation through following his foot



shrImadrAghavendratIrtha gurvantargata shrI bhAratIramaNa

mukhyaprANAntargata sItApati shrI rAmachandra charaNAravindayoH samarpyate

shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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