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prAtah sankalpa gadyaM - 4

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Hari Sarvottama Sri Gurubhyo namaha

Vayu Jeevothama




Pratas-Sankalpa Gadyam, Sarva-Samarpana Gadyam & Gayathri

By Srimushnam V Nagarajachar, Published by Devarnama Bhajana Sangha,

Srirangam, 1972.


pUjyAya rAghavendrAya satyadharmaratAya cha |

bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||


shrIsudhIndrAbdhisambhUtAn.h rAghavendrakalAnidhIn.h |

seve sadAGYAnsaukhyArthaM santApatrayashAntaye ||


|| shrImaddhanumabhImamadhvAntargatarAmakR^iShNAvedavyAsAtmaka

shrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH ||


atha shrImandrAghavendra yati shiromaNibhiH virachitaM




NOTE: The whole text of Pratah Sankalpa Gadyam is one sentence, as also

the other work, Sarva Samarpana Gadyam. If the text is shown as passages &

numbered, it is all for the convenience of easy reading by laymen &

therefore imaginary.



7. praNavAdyasheSha

vaiShNavamantroddhArakANAM, bhagavati bhaktyatishayena bhagavadupAsanArthaM

svechChayA gR^ihItarUpANAM,


8. tatra tatra pR^ithak.h pR^ithak.h


pR^ithakpR^ithagvedoktatadanukta bhAratokta tadanukta sampradAyAgata






9. tathA vedokta



bhagavadupAsakAnAM, paramadayAlUnAM, xamAsamudrANAM, bhaktavatsalAnAM

bhaktAparAdha sahiShNUnAM, svabhaktAn.h durmArgAduddhR^itya






Sri Vayudevaru is the cogniser & deliverer of all Vaishnava mantras, the

first & foremost of which is Pranava Mantra. He is ever absorbed in the

japa of all these mantras. He has achieved the fruits of the japa of seven

crores of Maha mantras. To worship the Lord in His countless forms, Sri

Vayu assumes countless roopas at His will.






The number of Mantras existing in the sanskrit language is generally stated

to be seven crores. This gives us a rough idea. However, the exact

number is 67,108,863.


Mantras being the combination of sounds to suit a specific purpose, they

may be either of single syllable or of thousand syllables. Thousand is the

maximum limit. Every mantra (of any number of syllable) must fall under one

of the 26 kinds of chandas or metre. These donates the 26 ways in which

different sounds can be arranged, taken one at a time, two at a time & so

on... The total number of ways in which they can be so arranged may be

worked out in the form of algebra 2 to the power of 26 minus 1. It comes to

67,108,863. rounded off to the nearest crore, this comes to 7 crores.


The source open to ordinary beings to acquire divine knowledge are two, viz

the vedas & the Mahabharatha. However, Sri Vayudevaru acquires the divine

knowledge even from the third source- The Tradition (Sampradaya).

With his illimitable knowledge, Sri Mukhyaprana correlates the countless

divine forms & attributes which are of positive & negative character. This

correlation is Upasamhara.


He is extremely compassionate towards Bhakthas & saves them from falling a

prey to the evils in life. With His inexplicable Shakthi & Visesha, the

Supreme Being allows contradictions to co exist in Him. Attributes &

actions of contradictory nature- contradictory only in our understanding-

co existing in Him in perfect harmony. For instance, He can see with ears,

& hear with His eyes & it is not contradiction in Him. This grasping of

harmony of the various divergences in the Lord is known as " Upasamhara " .


upasaMhArO nAma EkashAkhoktaguNAnAM shAkhAntarokta guNaissaha

ekabhuddhiviShayIkaraNAM ||


sUtrArthamaNIma~njarI (3-3-6)


To visualize the Moola roopa of the Lord in each of his innumerable other

Roopas, is Roopa Upasamhara.


The highest number of attributes open to human comprehension are (Sat, Chit,

Ananda & Atma) though the scriptures posit an infinite number of attributes

of Supreme Being. (Human) souls that can not concentrate on more than one

attribute are termed " tR^ina jIvAH " by Sri Madhvacharya. The range of

attributes upon which superhuman souls like the gods & Rishis can meditate

is much wider & only the four faced Brahma can meditate on most of them.


sacchidAnanda Atmeti mAnuShaistu; sureshvaraiH

yathAkramaM bahuguNaiH brahmaNA tvakhilairguNaiH


upAsyaH sarvavedaishcha sarvairapi yathAbalaM

GYeyo viShNurvisheShastu GYAne syAduttarottaraM------ brahmAsutrANubhAShya


This sort of contemplative correlation & sublimation of both positive &

negative attributes of the Divine Being is known as guNopasaMhAra.


For instance, He is smaller than the atom (aNu) & yet larger than the

Universe. (aNutva mahatva).


When different kinds of Lord's actions of positive & negative descriptions

are correlated & understood to be in perfect harmony, it is kriyopa

samhara) (for instance, to understand Him as the One who walks without

feet, takes without hands, sees without eyes & hears without ears).


apANipAdo javano grahItA pashyatyachxuH sa ShR^iNotyakarNaH




vedokta, tadanukta bhAratokta, tadanukta saMpradAyAgata


It is said in Shruthi that there are occasions when the Lord chooses to

enlighten Chatur mukha Brahma orally & personally, in addition to that is

already revealed in the four vedas & Mahabharatha. These oral revelations,

not being open to all, are handed down only to those competent to receive

them. Sri Vayu receives this exclusive personal revelation of Divine

glories from Brahma & this source is known as Sampradaya or Tradition.




Thus the very concept of Sampradaya originated from the Lord & He is the

originator for Sampradayas. Varaha Purana (Bhoo VarAha stothra)

specifically refers Him as the originator of Sampradaya.


karmakR^it.h karmakANDasya saMpradAyapravartakaH ........bhUvarAha

aShTottaraM shloka..14)





To the question whether Mahabharatha reveals things that are not revealed in

the vedas, the answer is in the affirmative " Narayana Kalpa " as quoted by

Sri Madhva in Gita BhAshya says:


lokeshA brahmarudrAdyAH saMsAre kleshinaM janam.h

vedArthAGYamadhIkAravarjitaM cha shriyAdikaM

avexya prArthayAmAsuH deveshaM puruShottamaM

tataH prasanno bhagavAn.h vyAso bhUtvA cha tena cha

anyAvatArarUpaishcha veda anuktArthabhUShitaM

kevalenAtmabodhena dR^iShTaM vedArthasaMyutaM

vedAdapi paraM chakre pa~nchamaM vedamuttamaM

bhArataM pa~ncharAtraM cha mUlarAmAyaNaM tathA

purANAM bhAgavataM cheti sambhinnashshAstrapu~NgavaH..........iti gItA



**Source: Translated Gita BhAshyam by Sri B. N. K. Sharma.**


The Lords of the world Brahma, Rudra & others, perceiving the women & other

folk suffering in Samsara without the right to study & know the meaning of

Vedas, prayed to the Supreme Purusottama, on their behalf. Responding

graciously, the Lord manifested Himself as Vyasa & composed the fifth Veda

(Mahabharatha) surpassing the others. It contains truths comprehended by

Him & by others avatars & which are not confined to the Vedas alone, being

intuited by immediate Divine Knowledge & consistent withal with the revealed

Vedas. The premier Shastra is diversified as Mahabharatha, Pancharatra,

Mularamayana & Bhaghavata Purana carrying an integrated message (Narayana

Asktakshara Kalpa)..........


10. svabhaktaM mAmuddishya bhagavataH puraH paramadayAlo

xamAsamudra bhaktavatsala bhaktAparAdhasahiShNo tvadadhInaM dInaM

dUnamanAthaM sharaNAgatamenamuddhareti viGYApanakartR^INAM,


11. sarvaGYashiromaNInAm, asheShagurvantaryAmiNAM, sadA bhagavatparANAM,

bhagavato.anyatra sarvavastuShu manassa~NgarahitAnAM,


12. sarvatra sarvadA

sarvAkAra sarvAdhAra sarvAshraya sarvotpAdaka sarvapAlaka sarvasaMhAraka

sarvaniyAmaka sarvapreraka sarvapravartaka sarvanivartaka yathAyogyaM

sarvaGYAnAGYAnabandhamoxaprada sarvasattAprada sarvashabdavAchya


nimittasarvaguNAtiparipUrNatamasarvadoShAtidUra sarvAchintya sarvottama


sarvAtyantavilaxaNa svagabheda vivarjitatvAdinA svabhagavadruShTR^INAM





" Myself being his humble Bhaktha " says Sri Raghavendra Theertharu, " Sri

Mukhyaprana is sure to save me by representing my utter helplessness to the

merciful Almighty & by earnestly appealing to Him to graciously life me up

from the miseries of Samsara & grant me ever lasting happiness " It is

implied that this faith is applicable to any devout individual reader.


Sri Mukhyaprana is the greatest among the seers & he is spiritually present

in the hearts of all those noble men whom we respect as Guru & from whom we

learn Sri Madhva Shastra. He is the best of Yekantha Bhakthas & the

embodiment of true love based on flawless convictions. His sublime love

emotion is never turned towards unworthy objects of the world but ever

turned towards the Almighty, the worthiest of the worthy.


He visualises God pervading through every conceivable atom of the universe,

occupying every point of space & ever engaged in creation. Preservation,

Destruction & all the rest. Again, He conceives the Lord prompting the

jeevas individually governing & directing them into actions. It is

perceptible to him (Sri Mukhyaprana) how the Lord confers knowledge on some

& ignorance on others in order to regulate the jeevas either to eternal hell

for which each one of them had qualified itself. It is open only to Sri

Vayudevaru to clearly comprehend & conceive how the Supreme Being is

infintely Perfect & absolutely blemishless (ananta guNaparipUrNA nirdoSha).






" According to Madhva's theology, Jeevas are competent to worship God only

through Mukhyprana. The theory is that Vayu or Mukhyaprana is the presiding

deity of life & dwells within every jeeva; the latter cannot approach the

Lord except through Prana. He is the inseparable companion of the Lord.

He is the intermediary between all beings on the one hand & the Supreme Lord

on the other. "




gunapUrNa nirdoSha- " full of perfect attributes & free from defect " . It

is an article of creed, that every devotee should seize hold of this & lay

it into his heart. "


Meditation on God is to conceive the duel aspects of the Lord's essential

nature; viz., He is infintely perfect & absolutely blemishless (anantapuNa

paripUrNa & nirdoSha). Similarly, His prasada is also of positive &

negative character, viz.' iShTaprApti & aniShTanivR^itti- granting of

what we want & removing from us what gives us pain. Sukha is therefore,

defined as aniShTa nivR^ittipUrvaka iShTaprApti.


Sweet & delicious food served in plenty would be useless to a person who has

stomach pain. Granting of food in plenty is iShTaprApti in this analogy &

the removal of disease or any other cause that prevents one from enjoying

the food is aniShTanivR^itti. Only with the combination of these two, one

finds real sukha. In the absence of the one, the other is meaningless.


Shastras declare that the positive iShTanivR^itti is achieved by meditating

on the Lord's positive aspect that He is guNapUrNa (infintely perfect). The

negative part, aniShTanivR^itti is achieved by meditating on His negative

aspect that He is nirdoSha (absolutely blemishless).



shrImadrAghavendratIrtha gurvantargata shrI bhAratIramaNa

mukhyaprANAntargata sItApati shrI rAmachandra charaNAravindayoH samarpyate

shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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