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prAtah sankalpa gadyaM - 5

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Hari Sarvottama Sri Gurubhyo namaha

Vayu Jeevothama




Pratas-Sankalpa Gadyam, Sarva-Samarpana Gadyam & Gayathri

By Srimushnam V Nagarajachar, Published by Devarnama Bhajana Sangha,

Srirangam, 1972.


pUjyAya rAghavendrAya satyadharmaratAya cha |

bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||


shrIsudhIndrAbdhisambhUtAn.h rAghavendrakalAnidhIn.h |

seve sadAGYAnsaukhyArthaM santApatrayashAntaye ||


|| shrImaddhanumabhImamadhvAntargatarAmakR^iShNAvedavyAsAtmaka

shrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH ||


atha shrImandrAghavendra yati shiromaNibhiH virachitaM



NOTE: The whole text of Pratah Sankalpa Gadyam is one sentence, as also

the other work, Sarva Samarpana Gadyam. If the text is shown as passages &

numbered, it is all for the convenience of easy reading by laymen &

therefore imaginary.


13. abhimAnAdi sarvadoShadUrANAM asUyerShyAdyasheShamanodoShanivartakAnAM,


14. nityAparoxIkR^ita

ramAyuktAsheShabhagavadrUpANAM ata eva vilInAsheShaprakR^itibandhAnAM, ata


dUrotsAritAsheShAniShTAnAM, ata evAsheShabhaktAsheniShTanivartakAnAM,



15. & 16. praNavopAsakAnAM, asmadAdigurUNAM, shrImadAnandatIrtha



aniruddha pradyumna sa~NkarShana vAsudevAtmaka shrImadhvavallabha shrIlaxmI-






The pure & powerful Sri Mukhyaprana is capable of purging our mind of all

its impurities such as Abhimana, Asooya, intolerance etc...




ABHIMANA: Abhimana is to assume a thing as one's own when it is not really

so, & to grieve for it when it is lost. (asvIye svIyatA buddhi). Thus, it

is not a virtue but a mental defect or dosha causing obstructions in the

path of spiritual progress. It is closely related to material pleasures &

pain. To live in misplaced attachment is certainly an ill rewarding

programme of existence.




The polluted mind cannot bear the nobility of another man. Searching for

faults in good persons is its nature. It is known as Asooya or jealousy or

envy. parotkarSha asahiShNutvaM asUyA parikIrtItA. ErShya is the younger

sister of Asooya. These are also the deadly thorns in the path of

religious life of an aspirant.




Ever absorbed as he is, in the sublime vision of countless forms of the Lord

& Lakshmi, Sri Pranadeva is beyond the binding limits of Prakriti. And

since he is not bound by Prakriti, he is not also fettered by adversities

of any kind & he is, therefore, powerful enough to life up his Bhakthas from

their own adversities.




It is noteworthy that the fruits of Aparoksha (God vision) are enumerated in

the order of their sequence. When the jeeva has visioned the Lord in

Aparoksha, he is assured of eternal release from samsaric bondage. The

adversities in life are due to samsaric bondage, & with the bondage cut off,

the adversities also vanish. Himself free from fetters, he is able to free

others from their bondage. The glories so far attributed to Sri

Mukhyaprana are ascribed in toto to his Avatara roopa, Sri Ananda

Theertharu, the Adi Guru.




A guru is general & particularly a guru in Madhva system is considered

sacred because his heart is the Divine abode where the Lord is ever present

in His five forms (Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana, Vasudeva, Narayana)

as (It is only these five forms of the Lord are invoked in five Alankara

brahmanas seated during the Aradhane of a Guru.)


By virtue of constant meditation, the Guru elevates himself to the

spiritual heights of an AtmaGYAni & he therefore derives the blessings from

all the five Bhagavad Roopas seated at his heart.


Our prayer to Guru for progeny is placed at the feet of the creator Sri

Pradyumna Moorthy seated in the heart who gives us the fruit that we

deserve. If our prayer is for well being in life, he turns to the

Universal Protector Sri Aniruddha Moorthy seated at his heart & brings us

the happiness & so on... These Moorthies are within the reach of an Atma



Mundaka Upanishads says:


yaM yaM lokaM manasA saMvibhAti

vishuddhasatvaH kAmayate yAshcha kAmAn.h |

taM taM lokaM jayate tAmshcha kAmAn.h

tasmAdAtmaGYanaM hyarchayet.h bhUtikAmaH || .........mu III-1-10


Whatever he desires for, whatever blessings he may yearn, the Atma Gyani

obtains all & therefore any one who desires to prosper, shall worship the

Atma gyaani. The name of Guru Sri Madhvacharya is so sweet to Sri

Raghavendra Theertharu that he very reverentially & ceremoniously describes

him in the next passage.


15. & 16. THE GIST:


My Adi Guru Sri Ananda Theertha is the greatest Pranava Upasaka in whose

heart, the Lord dwells in the forms of Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana,

Vasudeva. & also in the form of Sri Lakshmi Veda Vyasa.




On rising up from bed early in the morning, the first thought that comes to

the mind of Sri Raghavendra Theertharu is that of his Upasana Moorthy Sri

Ramachandra. This thought brings in its wake, a train of other thoughts in

which the author visualises Sri Ramachandra as no other than the Moola Roopi

Paramathma & further goes on to describe the Moola Roopa as it appeared

before the creation of Brahmanda.


The author is thus absorbed in extolling his Upasana Murthy in several ways

& it is this Sri Ramachandra who is described in so many words in all the

passages from 15 to 34. In Passage 35, He is directly addressed by that



A better comprehension could be had by appending " Sitapati Sri Ramachandra "

at the end of each passage from 15 to 34 (except 21 to 21-1).



shrImadrAghavendratIrtha gurvantargata shrI bhAratIramaNa

mukhyaprANAntargata sItApati shrI rAmachandra charaNAravindayoH samarpyate

shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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