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Pravachanas on Makara Samkranthi day in SF Bay Area, California on Saturday Jan 14th, 2006............

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|| Shri Harih Om ||

|| Shri Gurubhyo namaha ||


|| Hari Sarvottama || || Hare Srinivasa || || Vayu Jeevotthama ||



Dear Haribhaktas,

Smt Sudha, Shri Prabhu Murthy and Chi. Sanjeev

are hosting the satsangha at their residence on Makara Samkrathi festival in the

evening on

January 15th, 2006 from 4 to 8.00 PM. We will have a POTLUCK, please bring

non-rice items. Please

coordinate with the hosts regarding the menu for potluck.


We will have two special guests on this occassion - Shri Udupi


Gururajachar and Shri G.R.Raghunatha Rao, whom you are all familiar with his

writings in the

dvaita list - especially his emails on the important festival/aradhane dates

through out the year.

He will be visiting California for a week and has been kind enough to attend and

will be

delivering a lecture on Haridasa sahitya and reciting some of the rachanes

(ugabogas) or Shri

Haridasarathna Gopala dasaru. Please attend and get the blessings of Shri Hari,

Vayu, Gurugalu and





Address of the venue:

Sudha and Prabhu

34732, Bowie Common

Fremont, CA 94555

510 745 1809




The program is as follows:



4 - 4.45 PM - Sankshipta tAratamya bhajane

4.45 - 6 PM - Lecture by Shri G.R.Raghunatha Rao on


6.00 - 7.15 PM - Pravachana by Shri Bandarakeri Gururajachar

on Shrimadbhagavadgeetha (chapters II & XII)

and also significance of Makara Samkranthi,

Uttarayana punyakAla.

7.15 - 7.30 PM - Mangala & MangalArathi

7.30 - 8.00 PM - PalahAra




1. From San Jose

Take 880 North towards Oakland


(Ignore FREMONT(South) exit near Automall Pkwy)

Turn Right on FREMONT BLVD

Follow as in 3.


2. From Oakland

Take 880 South towards San Jose


Turn left on FREMONT BLVD

Follow as in 3.


3. Turn Right on PASEO PADRE PKY

Turn Left on SIWARD DR

Turn Left on HAMMER TER

Turn Left on BOWIE COM

House is # 34732 at the corner of BOWIE COM and MENDOCINO TER on the right side


Guest Parking : Turn right on MENDOCINO TER and immediately to theright side

next to mail box.





Excerpts from the posting by our guest Sri G.R.Raghunatha Rao "

<grrrao on dvaita list




a) Makara SaMkramaNa.

b) UttraayaNa PuNya kaala

c) Sankraanthi Habba


“Bandhithu Bandhithu Samkraanthi

Thamdhithu Thamdhithu SuKh Shaanthi is the “Kavi VaaNi”


What is Sankraanthi?


Sankranth is the ushering of the harvest season, often termed as “Suggiya

Kaala” .


The trees,the plants, herbs and the nature are subjected to the rough

rainy season, the autumn , biting chill, and the freezing cool atmosphere

that normally exists in the DakshiNaayana. The UththaraayaNa welcomes the

spring season. The temperate weather, the balanced season, the harvest, the

good health that man enjoys, the granary that is being filled with so many

yields after hard work etc are all the characteristics of the

UththaraayaNa. That is why it is named as “PuNyakaala”.


Bhagawaan Soorya is known from the Vedic times. He is worshipped by all.

Every day we offer prayer to him. Perform Soorya Namaskaara. Especially on

SankramaNa, eclipse days, Ratha Sapthami.


Our ancestors have said in their vaidhika mantra ”Sham NO Bhavathu

Aryamaa”. Meaning that Soorya Deva may protect us. The “Krupa or blessings

” of Soorya Bhagaawaan is always on us. That is why, as a sort of offering

gratitude and gesture, Sankraanthi is observed.


It is the harvest festival when agriculturist worship the sun as well as

their cattle by way of thanks giving for the bumper harvest.(The rationale

of Hindu Festivals)


The “ AcharaNe” part of it ,is in the same form with different names in

different parts of Bhaaratha. Kodavas(Coorg) perform “Huththari

Habba”offering prayer to “Igguthappa”, the god who gives abundant paddy to



Called by the name Pongal in Tamil Naadu.


In Andhra Pradesh they call it by name “ Pedda Panduga” They keep the Gowri

Vigraha Worship after three days they take it to a lake or tank and perform

Visarjana. They consume the vegetables tied to the mantapa, preparing”

Palya” or Kootu” or Saambaar or HuLi”. It is called “Gobbi Koora’ and

consuming such vegetables is stated to be good for health. They keep Dolls

like Navarathri.

In north, they call it “ Kanoo Habba” the day on which Lord Krishna lifted

the Govardhana Giri mountain protecting the yaadavaas, Gopis, cowherds and

the cattle.


Tham Sooryam Jagath Karthaaram

Mahaateja Pradeepanam


thamSooryam PraNamaamyaham!!


It is also the day on which Soorya enters Makara Raashi leaving the Dhanur

Rashi which is called Sankraamthi. It is nothing but worshipping Soorya

Bhagawaan. “Soorya Athma Jagathaha ChakShushascha”. Soorya Deva is nothing

but Athma of the universe. As well as Eyes of the Universe. It is on account

of this only,the rain we observe,the harvest we see,the world gets

happiness.Not only Hindus,the Muslims also knew the power of Soorya

Bhagawan. Badshah Akbar ordered that everybody should offer prayer to Soorya

Bhagawan four times a day.


In this connection we remember the Keerthana “ Soorya Murthe” in Saurashtra

raga composed by the great Sri Muththuswamy Dikshithar.

His disciple Tambiyappan had a peculiar stomachache. The medicines did not

work.Tambiyappan approached an astrologer. The astrologer suggested

Gurugraha Shanthi. The patient had no Vedhaadhikaara. Thus the astrologer

refused to perform Shanthi. Having heard about this Sri Dikshithar composed

a Krithi on BRUHASPATHE (AtaNa Raaga )and taught Tambiyappan and the stomach

ache got cured after reciting, practising for 8 days. Then Dikshithar

composed the Navagraha keerthanas for the welfare of the citizens. Soorya

Murthe in saurashtra Raga is one among them. This keerthana depicts the

glory of Soorya Bhagawaan.


DakshNaayana is called PitrugaLa kaala and UttaraayaNa as DevathegaLa kaala.

That is why Bheeshma chaarya was waiting eagerly for UttarayaNa to come

and was lying on the Shara Shayya waiting for the birth of UttarayaaNa to

leave this world.


In other words, it means that for not only for living, but also to die one

would wait for UttaraayaNa.


Ganaga, Thunga, KrishNa, Kaveri : Bhakthas perform Theertha Snaana in

these rivers at the Punya Kaala time. It is famous as Makara SamkramaNa at

Prayaaga. The Maagha MeLa starts from that day. The Swaragadha Baagilu are

opened on this day.Dhaana Dharma done on this day would fetch two fold

Phala.That is why all auspicious like Yajna,yagaadhi, samastha Devathaa

Karya’s are done during UththaraayaNa.


“Geographical importance”


“Ayana” means Movement. Path. The sun who was leaning towards dakshiNa will

start changing his path leaning towards UthThara. He rises up and up making

the day more and night less. So as per PuraaNa, Devathas enjoy day (

Hagalu) and Rakshasas will have the night (Rathri, So also people enjoy the

heat. That seems to be the reaon for taking oil bath in Thil Oil (Seasame

oil), wearing new clothes, eating well and celebrate the day.


“ Shanke illadhashtu dhaana maadu” is the saying in Kannada.

youngsters offer “ ELLu Bella” to elders and after performing “ Namaskraam”

seek blessings from them.” ELLu bella thimdhu, OLLe maathaaadu” is the

proverb. Distributing sugar cane, Jagerry, ELLU mixture with sugar candy is

the sampradaya in Karnataka.


“Shastraas point of view of Sankraanthi”:


About this festival NiRNaya Sindhu says like this:


Thasyaam krishNa Thilai Snaanam

Kaaryam chodvarthanam ShuBhai


Thilaa Deyaashcha VipreBhyO

Sarva DevOththaraayaNe


Thila ThailEna Deepaashcha

Deyaa Devagrihe ShuBhaah.!


Skaanda puraaNa says:


DhEnu tilamayaam raajan



VidaMte paramam sukhaM!!


VishNu Dharma says:


UttarEtyayanE vipraa

VasradaanaM mahaaphalaM

Tila poorNa manaDwaahaM

DattwaarOgyaH pramuchyatE !!


(DevategaLu mattu HabbagaLu, by Sri M.Sridhara Murthy)


On Sankranthi day one should take bath with black sesame seed (Ellu), Ellu

should be given as Danam. At temples one should lit Deepam with Sesame oil.


Dharma Simdhu says like this:


Sankraanthau yaani daththaani

Havya KavyaaniDhaathriBhi


Thaani Nithyam DhadhaathyaaRkaha

Punar Janmani Janmani


Thilaa DeyaaShcha Hothavyaa

BhakShayaashcheVOththaraayaNe !!


If one performs Daana- Dharma on the UththaraayaNa puNyakaala day, the

saying is that Soorya Bhagawaan would protect always us for many Janmaas.

On this day significance is attached to Thila dhaana, thila Homa, Thila


( Hindu HabbagaLa Amtharanga,Bahiramga by Vidwan VN Bhat ( pages49-53)


On the Ugadi day we have Bevu bella. Similarly on this day we have ElLLu

bella, forgetting all bitter Bhaavanaas(ill feelings) filling in its place

sweet memories( Sihi Bhaavaana) getting united together as one, living in

harmony and peace, for a bright future. We do not have show of any fire

works etc like DeepavaLi or Ganesh Chathrurthi for this festival. But the

message it leaves is superb.


Yellu- Thil should be ground into a paste and applied to the body and bath

taken. One should lit Yellu deepa. While doing vaishya Deva , Homa should be

done with yellu also. All Pitrus should be given Yellu TaRpaNa, Yellu and

Jagerry should be mixed and offered as dhaanam, given to relatives and

consumed. By so doing in these 6 methods, one is rid of all sins


************************ S V B M / V M S ***********************






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