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prAtah sankalpa gadyaM- 10

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Hari Sarvottama Sri Gurubhyo namaha

Vayu Jeevothama




Pratas-Sankalpa Gadyam, Sarva-Samarpana Gadyam & Gayathri

By Srimushnam V Nagarajachar, Published by Devarnama Bhajana Sangha,

Srirangam, 1972.


pUjyAya rAghavendrAya satyadharmaratAya cha |

bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||


shrIsudhIndrAbdhisambhUtAn.h rAghavendrakalAnidhIn.h |

seve sadAGYAnsaukhyArthaM santApatrayashAntaye ||


|| shrImaddhanumabhImamadhvAntargatarAmakR^iShNAvedavyAsAtmaka

shrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH ||


atha shrImandrAghavendra yati shiromaNibhiH virachitaM



NOTE: The whole text of Pratah Sankalpa Gadyam is one sentence, as also

the other work, Sarva Samarpana Gadyam. If the text is shown as passages &

numbered, it is all for the convenience of easy reading by laymen &

therefore imaginary.


36. tvadAGYayA

tvatprasAdAt.h tvatpreraNayA tvatprItyarthaM tvAmuddishya tvAmanusmaranneva


niyatena manniyAmakena

37. sattApradavAyunAmaka


dhAraNAprada dharmanAmaka muktipradabhaktinAmaka


38. maddhR^idisthitena

paramadayAlunA xamAsamudreNa bhaktavatsalena bhaktAparAdhasahiShNunA

sarvasvAminA sarvaprerakeNa sarvatAchvikadevatAprerakeNa


39. tathA tatpreraNAprayuktAsheShadurmatabha~njakena ata eva


pratidinaM pratixaNaM buddhishodhakena

40. sarvakarmakartrA sarvakarmakArayitrA

sarvakarmasvAminA sarvakarmasamarpakeNa sarvakarmaphalabhoktrA


sarvakarmaprerakeNa sarvakarmodbodhakena sarvakarmashuddhipradena


sarvakarmaniShThena sarvakarmasAxiNA sarvakarmaniShThabhagavadrUpopAsakena


41. svechChayodbodhakena tadvAchakakapilopAsakenaramAvyati


anantaguNaparipUrNena sarva-


42. tvacchittAbhiGYena tvacchittAnusArichittena


43. madyogyatAbhiGYena shrIbharatIramaNena

rudrAdyasheShatAtvikadevatopAsitaracharaNena mama

sarvAsvavasthAsu chitradhA vichitradhA tvadupAsakena shrImukhyaprANena

preritaH san.h


PLEASE NOTE: ** This is just a rough translation taken from a tamil book

Sri Pratah Sankalpa Gadya by Sri R. Sridharan fom VERSES 36 to 43. I have

referred Sir M. Monier -Williams Sanskrit to English dictionary published

by Motilal Banarsidass, 1984 publication for

this translation.


If there is better way of presenting the meanings or

interpreting the verses or if you find errors in my translation, please do

correct by posting it to

the list. Thankyou**



Sri Mukhyaprana is glorified in all passages from 36 to 43.



36. tvadAGYayA tvatprasAdAt.h tvatpreraNayA tvatprItyarthaM tvAmuddishya

tvAmanusmaranneva tvadAGYayA niyatena manniyAmakena-


GIST: On your orders, by your grace, by your instigation (Prerana), for


satisfaction/joy, for your eminence ???, thinking of you, on your order, my

governer (vayu) performs religious duties, I do samkalpa.


37. sattApradavAyunAmaka


dhAraNAprada dharmanAmaka muktipradabhaktinAmaka



GIST: Sri MukyaprAna who is ever existing with the name of Vayu, Sri


who provides mobility / movement with the name of prAna, Sri MukyaprAna who

provides support with the name of dharma, MukyaprAna who is called bhakthi

which begets liberation / mukthi; thru that MukyaprAna who posses these

special names and forms, I do samkalpa.


38. maddhR^idisthitena

paramadayAlunA xamAsamudreNa bhaktavatsalena bhaktAparAdhasahiShNunA


sarvasvAminA sarvaprerakeNa sarvatAchvikadevatAprerakeNa



GIST: Sri MukyaprAna who stays in my heart, who is very kind, who forgives


mistakes committed by devotees (of Hari) with a heart like an occean, who is

dear to devotees (of Hari), who withstands the mistakes (aparAdha) committed

by devotees, lord of all (except Hari, Lakshmi and Brahma), who instigates

all jIvas, who instigates thathva abimAna devathAs, who destroys thathva

abhimAna asurAs (?), thru that MukyaprAna, I do samkalpa


39.. tathA tatpreraNAprayuktAsheShadurmatabha~njakena ata eva


pratidinaM pratixaNaM buddhishodhakena


GIST: Sri MukyaprAna who splits and destroys all the evil schools of


instigated and propagated by evil persons and by other people instigated by

evil forces, who is hence called as prabanjana (destroyer by splitting),

who makes (my) intelect purer everyday, thru him, I do the samkalpa


40. sarvakarmakartrA sarvakarmakArayitrA sarvakarmasvAminA

sarvakarmasamarpakeNa sarvakarmaphalabhoktrA sarvakarmaphalabhojayitrA

sarvakarmaprerakeNa sarvakarmodbodhakena sarvakarmashuddhipradena

sarvakarmasiddhipradena sarvakarmaniShThena sarva karma sAkshina




GIST: Sri MukyaprAna, who does all karmas (actions), makes karma done by


(jivas and tatva abimana devathas), is lord of all karmas, submits all

karmas to lord Sri Hari, enjoys the fruit of all (good) karmas, makes the

jivas enjoy the fruit of the karmas, kindles the jiva to do karma, kindles

the samskara behind the karmas, purifies all the karmas, makes all karmas

yield fruit, injects seriousness always in all karma, is witness of all

karmas, does upAsana (meditation & pooja) on rUpas of Lord who kindles

action, can see the dharma and adharma in all the karmas of jIvas since

infinite time, - thru that MukyaprAna, I do the samkalpa.


41. svechChayodbodhakena tadvAchakakapilopAsakenaramAvyatirikta

pUrvaprasiddhavyatirikta AnantavedapratipAdyamukhyatamena

anantaguNaparipUrNena sarva doShadUreNa


GIST: Sri MukyaprAna, who rouses up or excites the fruit of karmas, gets


udbodhaka sakthi by meditating (upAsana) upon lord Sri Kapila who ultimately

has the ownership of udbodhaka, is previously primarily surpassing or

excelling, is especially extoled by the infinite vedas (after Sri Hari and

Lakshmi), filled with infinite ( kalyana -auspicious) gunas

(characteristics), far from all doshas (inauspiciousness), thru that

MukyaprAna, I do the samkalpa.


42. tvacchittAbhiGYena tvacchittAnusArichittena



GIST: Sri MukyaprAna, who understands or knows Your (the Lord's) mind /


who can perform acts as per Your (the Lord's) mind / thinking, who possess's

Your great blessings, thru him, I do the samkalpa.


43. madyogyatAbhiGYena shrIbharatIramaNena

rudrAdyasheShatAtvikadevatopAsitaracharaNena mama

sarvAsvavasthAsu chitradhA vichitradhA tvadupAsakena shrImukhyaprANena

preritaH san.h


GIST: Sri MukyaprAna, who knows my ability or capability, who is the

husband of Bharathi, whose feet is meditated upon by rudra, sesha and other

devathas, kindled by that mukyaprAna who meditates upon your amazing forms,

I do the samkalpa.




44. tvatsaMsmR^itipUrvakaM shayanAtsamutthAyAdyatanaM svavarNAshramochitaM


vasthochitaM nityanaimittikakAmyabhedena trividhaM tvatpUjAtmakaM karma


yathAGYapti yathAvaibhavaM kariShye |

45. madAGYAkAribhirvidyAsambandhibhirdeha-




kArayiShye cha ||


44. When I set out myself to my duty, whether it is of routine nature

(nityakarma like sandhya vandana, devara puje etc...) or they be

incidentally occasional (naimittikarma- like parents' ceremonies etc...) or

the duties performed for a particular object in mind (kAmyakarma like yAga,

yagnya etc...). I shall deem these three kinds of work as the three kinds

of pooja to you & therefore perform them with full justice to my capacity,

knowledge & wealth.


I shall also persuade my subordinates, disciples & kith & kin to carry out

their work in the same spirit & with an awareness that You are the true doer

& the ultimate cuae of all activities.


Oh Ramachandra ! even this awareness is prompted by Sri Mukhya prana who

worship you in various ways, who controls me at your behest, with your

grace, by your prompting & for your pleasure; who also dwells at my heart,

helping me in so many ways.


In the name of Sri Mukhyaprana, he gives me the very existence. In the

name of Prana, he makes my movements possible. In another name of DhArana,

he gives me sustenance & again, he leads me to Mukthi through Bhakthi. Such

a great & worshipful Vayudeva is extremely merciful, an ocean of

forbearance, kind & loving unto his devotees & forgiver of every short

coming of his devotees.


Being the Universal master next only to Sri Hari, He is the unseen prompter

in everybody, including the powerful tatvaabhimani devatas. He is the

destroyer of the evil forces working as Tattwik asuras. To signify this

aspect of his greatness, Sri Mukhyaprana bears the name " Prabhanjana " (one

who completely destroys). His destroying the evil prompters means of

purifying our intellect constantly everyday, every minute.


Thus concludes the work Pratas Sankalpa Gadya.


shrImadrAghavendratIrtha gurvantargata shrI bhAratIramaNa

mukhyaprANAntargata sItApati shrI rAmachandra charaNAravindayoH samarpyate

shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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