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Hari Sarvottama Sri Gurubhyo namaha

Vayu Jeevothama




Pratas-Sankalpa Gadyam, Sarva-Samarpana Gadyam & Gayathri

By Srimushnam V Nagarajachar, Published by Devarnama Bhajana Sangha,

Srirangam, 1972.


pUjyAya rAghavendrAya satyadharmaratAya cha |

bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||


shrIsudhIndrAbdhisambhUtAn.h rAghavendrakalAnidhIn.h |

seve sadAGYAnsaukhyArthaM santApatrayashAntaye ||


|| shrImaddhanumabhImamadhvAntargatarAmakR^iShNAvedavyAsAtmaka

shrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH ||


atha shrImandrAghavendra yati shiromaNibhiH virachitaM


NOTE: Sarva Samarpana Gadyam is one sentence. If the text is shown as

passages & numbered, it is all for the convenience of easy reading by

laymen &

therefore imaginary.


11. AharniyAma kAharnAmaka---- Oh You known as ahaH (the day) & who

controls the day. The connection that exists between God & the material

objects is tadUpaka, tannAmaka, tad.h guNa, tadantargata, tanniyAmaka,

tadvilaxaNa ! i.e.e one who is the form, quality & the name of the

substance, who is in it, controlling it & yet not that matter. This

differentiates matter & God.


12. mukhya prANopAsya----- Oh You propitiated by the chief of pranas known

as Vayu


13. ramAyukta puruSha rUpAtmaka----- Oh You in the form of a male exist

with the female concept called ramA or laxmI. (Note: Lakhmi co exists with

Narayana in space & time only but not in qualities.)


14. prAdeshamAtrahR^idayavyApaka prAdeshaparimitasthAneshAtmaka------ One

who is occupying the space in one's heart akin to one's fore finger


15. dehAntargata dehA~NguShTha parimita------ One who is within the

living body wiht the dimension of one's thumb


16. jIvAntargata jIvA~NguShTha parimita------ One who is within the life

of a being of the dimension of the thumb of the natural body of the soul

called svarUpadeha


17. svahR^idayakamalakarNikA mUlasthitamUleshAtmaka----- One who is of the

name & essence of Mulesa (the fundamental deity) occupying the bottom region

of one's heart lotus stamen (the raised yellow portion containing the seeds

at the center of lotus, encircled by petals).


18. tAvat.h parimita karNikAgrasthita----- One who is of the same

dimension as mUlesha but occupying the Upper region of the stamen of the

heart lotus.


19. bimbarUpe jIveshatvadR^iShTyA.anAdikAlataH

prAptamadIyashubhAshubhakarmaNormadhye shubhakarmAnusArataH tatpreritena



You are the controller of my three states of wakefulness, dreams & dreamless

slumber, through the chief of pranas & in his turn through the deities

functioning my organs of sense & action, causing me to do good acts only

from time immemorial on the basis of the " Object & image theory " by which

God is the sole object & the souls are various images of Him through the so

called reflecting media of our innate bodies attached to the souls (Svaroopa



20. anubhava kAlaghaTita shrIviShNu svAtantrya smR^itipradAnaka------ You

giver of the knowledge of your Supreme independence & of the dependence of

other souls & matter, from time immemorial based only on the experience of

souls, the capacity to experience given only by you.


21. nitya naimittikakAmyabhedena


phalenAparoxaGYAnAtpUrvamantaH karaNashuddhiddvArA tadupAsakena tataH paraM




You full of existence, knowledge & bliss, being the very essence of the

Bimbamurthi the reflecting original of all souls, which could be seen

directly only after a proper initiation by a proper & preordained preceptor

appointed & directed by His grace only & that too after a prolonged

disciplined mental & physical training, which discipline could be acquired

only by the obsolute dedication of all acts to Him, acts that are physical,

mental or oral being done dailly, occasionally or with desire according to

one's individual position in life.


22. caturguNAdyupAsanajiGYAsAdyupAsAdibhiH svabimbAparoxaGYAnotpAdakena

manuShyottamArabhya chaturmukhaparyantAnAM pa~ncavidhamuktiyogyAnAM cha

svabimbopAsibhirli~NgApagame svarUpAnandAvirbhAvavaichitryAnandapradaGYAnena

tvayi samarpitena tvatpUjaivAstu


You the giver of the magnificient & wonderful bliss which is the

manifestation of the soul's bodies (svaroopa deha) after the destruction of

all the three outer bodies (Gross, Aniruddha & Linga) & which could be

achieved only by the five fold souls (Viz., Rijus eligible to become as

Chaturmukha Brahma, non eligible devas, Rishis, Monarchs & the best among

men by a prolonged worship of Him by meditating on His four chief qualites

viz., satyaM, GYAnaM, anantaM & Brahma (truth, knowledge, bliss & other

divine qualities in full). With this knowledge everything is dedicated into

Thee & let this be accepted by You as Your worship.


23. tathA madIyashubhAshubhakarmaNormadhye.ashubhakarmAnusAreNa tvatprerita

mukhyaprANena tachvAbhimAnyasuramArabhya kaliparyantAnAM tamoyogyAnAM

pApabAdhibhirgadAyudhapradAnena mahAtamasi sthitAnAM duHkhAnubhavena

svarUpabhUtaduHkhAtishayapradAteti GYAnena tvayi samarpitena



In the midst of actions good & bad, according to the evil effects of the

latter, Mukhyaprana ordained by you, strikes with his mace, all the eveil

mongers ranging from the devils presiding & spoiling our senses to the worst

Kali & casting them into eternal darkness to experience all the grief

available there to them according to their qualifications & merit manifested

out of their own evil soul bodies.


Let this knowledge be dedicated to you & You be pleased to accept this as

worship to THEE.



|| iti shrI rAghavendragurusArvabhauma praNItaM sarvasamarpaNAgadyaM

saMpUrnaM ||



shrImadrAghavendratIrtha gurvantargata shrI bhAratIramaNa

mukhyaprANAntargata sItApati shrI rAmachandra charaNAravindayoH samarpyate

shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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