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Some useful information- Nithya karmagalali Bhaghavath smarane

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Hari Sarvothama, Vayu Jeevothama

Sri Gurubhyo namaha


Source: Hari Smarane mAdo nirantara - Smt Vasantha Dwarakanath, Chandrika

Bhajane Mandali, Bangalore, TTD1996.


" sarvesha kAleshu mAmanusmara " Sri Krishna said in Bhaghavat Gita.


Jagannatha dAsaru in his magnus opus Harikathamruthasaara has written


makkaLAdisuvAga madadhiyoLaLakkaradhi nalivAga

hayapallkkigaja modhalAdha vAhanavEri merevAga

bikkuvAgAkaLisuthali dEvakithanayana smarisuthiha

narasikkanu yadhutharige AvAvalli nOdidharu HKS 13-1


While playing with children, while speaking affectionately with wife, while

driving the horse, Vimana with decoration, elephant etc... & coming round the

town as a procession, while hiccuping, while yawning, in all such times,

Lord Sri Krishna who took avatara as the son of Devaki should be remembered.

Such devoted persons would be never snatched by the messengers of Yama




maluguvAgali ELuvAgalu kuLithu mAthAduthali maneyoLu

kelasagaLa mAduthali maidhoLevAga meluvAga

kaluShadhorana sakala tAvili thiLiye thaththannAmarUpava

baLiyalippanu omdharekShaNa bittagalanavara.. HKS13-3


While sleeping, while raising up, while sitting & talking, while doing the

routine work in the house, while taking bath, while taking food, in all such

times, Paramathma who is without any defect & is pervading in all places,

has to be known. Paramathma is risiding in all such places with those

necessary rupas & names should be known. Like that, Paramathma's smarana

should be there of God, then, Paramatma would not leave such devotee even

for a fraction of second & would be protecting him constantly.



shravaNaM kIrtanaM viShNoH smaraNaM pAdasevanaM |

arcanaM vandanaM dAsyaM sakhyamAtmanivedaM ||

iti puMsArpitA viShNau bhaktishchennavalaxaNA |

kriyate bhagavatyaddhA tanmanye.adhItamuttamam.h ||


Hearing the glories of Lord Vishnu, chanting His names with the right

attitude, thinking of His nature & His supremacy, serving His devotees,

worshipping the Lord, prostrating at the Lord's feet, realizing His

supremacy & serving Him, treating Him as your friend, & totally surrendering

to Him & realising the fact that the Lord is the inner strength of all

beings in both the worlds--here as well as after salvation 'iha & para' are

the different aspects of Bhakthi. Listening to His stories creates

awareness, which becomes the part & parcel of the epitome of Bhakthi.

According to Prahalada, developing these nine types of devotion to the Lord

Vishnu is the best lesson learnt by him. The innate devotion though latent

in ones heart has to be kindled by listening to the glories of the Lord



This nine types of devotion are

Shravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevena,

Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhyam, Atmanivedanam


shrI vishhNostu shravane parIxidabhavat.h |

vaiyAsakiH kIrtane prahlAdassmaraNe ||

tadanghribhajane laxmiH pR^ithuH pUjane |

akrUrastvabhivandane kapipatirdAsye cha ||

sakhye.arjunaH sarvasvAtmanivedane |

balirabhUt.h kaivalyameshhAm phalam.h ||


shravana - parIxit

kIrtana - Shuka maharshhi

smaraNa - Prahlada

pAdasevana - Laxmi

archana - pR^ithu (king)

vandana - akrUra

dAsya - Hanuman

sakhya - Arjuna

Atmanivedana - Bali




For every work we perform, there is a special rupa of Paramathma which we

have to pray.





Prartha kAladali ( early morning hours)- Sri Kesavaaya namaha

Madhyana kAladali (afternoon)- Sri Vishnuve namaha

Between afternoon & evening- Sri Madhusudhana namaha

Evening hours- Sri MadhunAmaka paramathmane


Between evening hours & night- Sri HrushikeshAya namaha

The first part of Night hours- Sri PadmanAbhaaya namaha

The second part of night hours- Sri VatsAya namaha

Sangama kaladali (night to Dawn hours)- Sri Govindaaya namaha





Guru bhakthya cha karma nijam.h nitya haripada vinamra diyA satata


HaridAsaru has written the proper procedure how we should

think of Paramathma in the form of songs, ugaa bhoghagalu, Suladis.



1. While getting up (Pratha Kaladali)-------- Bharathi ramana

MukyaprAnAnthargata Sri Narayanaya namaha

2. While in the bathroom (Malamutra visargane)----------- Sri Kesavaaya


3. While brushing teeth------------------ Sri Hareya namaha

4. While washing hands/legs------- Sri TrivikramAya namaha

5. Washing face--------------- Sri mAdhavAya namaha

6. While prostrating the cow------ Sri UdgeetA bhinna Shri KrishnAya namaha

7. While milking the cow--------- Sri GopAla Krishnaaya namaha

8. While prostrating to Tulasi plant----- Sri Vishnave Namaha

9. While bathing-------------------Sri Trivikrama varAhAbinna davarUpi Sri

Hariye namaha

10. While wearing clothes----------- Sri Upendraaya namaha

11. While sitting for Sandhya vandane--------- SanaishvarAthtargatha


ramana Mukyapranaanthargata Krishnaaya namaha

12. While putting Gopi chandana---------- Rathipathi manmathargatha

umapathi RudrAntargatha, Bharathiramana Mukhyapraananthargatha BHUVARAAYA


13. dvAdasha nAmagalu----Shuklapaksha Kesavaaya namaha to dAmodhara (12

nAmas) & during Krishnapaksha , it is Sri Sankarshana to Sri Krishna

14. While putting chakra mudre----------kAmAntargata dyunAmaka bharathi

pati prAnantargata ShrinkArA bhinna krithdholAya namaha (hiMkAra nAmaka


15. While putting Shankha mudre------- Prithvi nAmaka bharathi pati

apANantargata pati maholkAya namaha ( pratihAra nAmaka bhaghavadrupa)

16. While putting gadhA mudra---------dignAmaka bhAratipati vyAnantargata

Lakshmipati nidhanA bhinna vIrolkAya namaha (nidhana nAmaka bhaghavadrupa)

17. While putting padma mudra---------vAng nAmaka bharatipati

updAnAntargata prasadAvAbinnadkulkAya namaha (prastAva nAmaka bhaghavadrupa)

18. While putting Narayana mudra-------vidyunnAmaka bhaarathi pati

samAnAntargata udgeetha bhinna sahasrolkAyanamaha ( udgitha nAmaka


19. While taking NirmAlya theertha---------------- visvAya namaha

daijasAyanamaha, prAkjnAya namaha

20. NirmAlya theertha prokshane------------ Sri TuryAbinna MukundAya


21. While doing Sandhya vandane-------------- Sri Raamaaya namaha

22. While putting Yagnopavitra sacred thread---------------- Sri vAmanAya


23. Shankha Theertha prokshane------------------- Sri MukundAya namaha

24. While taking Theertha---------------Sri Raamaaya namaha, Krishnaaya

namaha, VedavyAsAya namaha

25. While singing devaranaama---------------Sri YogeesvarAya namaha

26. While putting Tulasi----------------Sri rAmAya namaha

27. While prostrating to Guru & elders--------------GarudAntargata Sri

Hariye namaha

28. pradakshine mAduvAga------------------Sheshaantargata haraye namaha

29. While donating (dhana)------------------ParashurAmAya namaha

30. While accepting donation ----------------Sri vAmanAya namaha

31. While walking--------------------Sri BhuvarAyA namaha

32. While crossing rivers etc....while in water----------mathsAya namaha

33. While traveling-----------nArasimhAya namaha

34. While travelling by air (AkAshadalli prayAnAnisuvAga)------------

TrivikramAya namaha

35. While walking in mountains-------------- ParashurAmaaya namaha

36. When one is sick--------------Dhanvantarayai namaha

37. While taking/applying medicine---------Vaidya rupa nArAyanaaya namaha

38. While wearing flowers---------kapilAya namaha

39. While eating or accepting Tambula------------pradhyumnAya namaha

40. While playing with babies/children------------KrishnAya namaha

41. While playing games----------------GovindAya namaha

42. While being happy & listening to Harikathe------------hayavadanAya

namaha, vedavyAsAya namaha

43. While enjoying the pleasures of family life (Rathi

krideyalliruvAga)----------------------GopijanajAra krishnAya


44. While sleeping---------------------PadmanAbAya namaha






AMSHA means fraction; AMSHI is the whole containing fraction.

The Lord takes two types of forms. He Himself manifest by directly

descending known as SAAKSHAAD roopas & in some case only His presence is

experienced at times, which is otherwise known as AVESHA roopa. The direct

forms of the Lord are in no way inferior to His original form known as the

MOOLA roopa.



Srimad Bhaghavatha describes more than 50 forms of the Lord & to mention

some of them as follows: During Svayumbhuva Manvantara, Sri Hari took the

form of Sanat Kumara, Yagna Varaha killed Hiranyaksha who came out from

Brahma's left nostrils, Aitareya MahidAsa, Nara-Narayana (Avesha-Moola

roopa), Kapila Vasudeva, Dattatreya, Yagna, Rishabha. During Vaivasvatha

manvantara, Sri Hari took avataras as Matsya, Kurma, Dhanvantri,

Mohini, Varaha kills Hiranyaksha (Diti's son), Narasimha, vAmana,

Trivikrama, Parashurama, Vyasa

took avatara 5 times during 3rd, 5th, 16th, 25th Mahayugas & became Veda

Vyasa during 28th Mahayuga, Rama, Krishna, Buddha (Daithya vimohaka, a

creator of illusion for the evil forces), Kalki, Ajitha ( during

Chaakshusha manvantara), tApasa (tApasa



Avesha roopa of the Lord are Balarama, Nara, Prithu.


(Source from Bhaghavatha Pravesha by Sri Sagre Raghavendra Upadhyaya, the

book translated into English by Anuradha Sridhar.)


Purusha Roopa for the creation of " Mahat Tatva " ; Vishnu Roopa taken to


the penance of Chathurmukha Brahma & to protect his creations; Hayagriva

Roopa taken during the performance of a sacrifice by Chathurmukha to impart

the knowledge of the Vedas; Sanatkumara Roopa for preaching Brahmacharya to

Brahma, Aitareya Mahidasa roopa to preach 'sathvatha tantra' to Narada;

Dattatreya roopa was taken to fulfil the prayers of the great Sage Atri &

his wife Anasuya & also preached the metaphysical truth to Alarka &

Prahalada. Kaarthaveeryarjuna was taught the secrets of 'Animadhisiddhi'.

Yagna Roopa was born to Akuti & Ruchiprajapathi; who was on the throne of

Indra during Svayambhu Manvantara. Svayambhu Manu in IshavAsyopanishads

also praised Him. Tapasa Roopa protected the elephant Gajendra from the

clutches of the crocodile. Vasudeva Roopa blessed Dhruva on the completion

of his penance with the kingdom for thirty three thousand years & gave him

the position of Dhruva star (pole star) & also gave him salvation.

Simshumara Roopa being in the form of a scorpion; controlling various

prajapathies & is the basis of all astrological calculations. The Sanakas

asked Chathurmukha Brahma various questions on Yoga Shaastra. Chathurmukha

prayed to Narayana who took Hamsa Roopa & cleared their doubts.


Srimad Bhaghavatha tells us about the Lord's various Upendra roopas in

different Manvantaras. In Swarochisha Manvanthara as Vibu; in Uttama

Manvantara as Satyasena; in Raivatha Manvantara as Vaikunta, in Savarni

Manvantara as Sarvabhauma; for Dhaksharsravarni Manvantara as Rishabha; In

Brahmasavarni Manvatara as Vishvaksena, in Dharmasravani Manvantara as

Dharmasethu, in Rudrasavarni Manvantara as Svadhama; in Devasavarni

Manvantara as Yogeshwara & Brahatbhanu in Indrasavarni Manvantara.




nere nambidhe madh hrudaya

mantapa dOlu pariShObhisuthiru Sri pAnduranga

sharana janara samsAra mahA bhaya

harana karuna siri Sri pAnduranga


Oh lord, I have belief in you, please come and reside in my heart with

great brilliance, Sri pAnduranga

The fear of samsAra is destroyed for those who have taken refuge in you,

Sri pAnduranga


neredhiha bahujana rOlu iDharu mana

sthira vidu ninnali Sri pAnduranga

pari pari kelasavu ninna mahA pooje

nirutha yanage kodu Sri pAnduranga


Although I may be in a group of people, please make my mind focussed at your

great pAda, Sri pAnduranga

All the work that is done, let it be your pooja, please give this mentality

always, Sri pAnduranga.


para dEvane ninna leela smruthiyanu

nirutha yanage kodu Sri pAnduranga

pararApEkshaya bidisi niranthara

paragathi patha thOru Sri pAnduranga


The supreme lord, give me an opportunity to praise your leelas always, Sri

pAnduranga. Please do not make me to ask worldly things

and please show me the path to vaikunta, Sri pAnduranga.


sukhavAgali bahu dhukhavAgali

sakha nEnAgiru Sri pAnduranga

nikhilAnthargatha sri vYasa vittala thava

mukha pankaja thOrO Sri pAnduranga


Whether I am happy or sad, please be my best friend, Sri pAnduranga

Oh lord, the one who is present everywhere in this universe, please show me

your beautiful face Sri pAnduranga.




hari bhajane mADo niraNtara, paragatigidu nidhAra

modale toruvude madhura viShayasukha

kaDeyali dukha aneka


vedashastragaLa nodidarenu

sAdhanakidu nidAra


sArvo bahu saMhAra vuvechaka

sero shrI hayavadananamma




hari naama jighve yolu gira beku

naranaadha mele


kaama krodava taa bida beku

taapaka vellava kaleyalu beku

maatu maatige hari yenna beku..


veda shastrava oodalu beku

bodha tatvava tiliyalu beku

maadhavana smarane maadalu beku


tande krishna daya padeyabeku

banda dhella sukha padabeku

chandaagi jagadolagira beku


Bhootadaya paranagira beku

patakavellava kaleyali beku

mathumathige hari yenna beku


aaruvargavanu aliyali beku

mooru gunangala meerali beku

seri brahmanolu ira beku


Shanti kshamedame pidiyali beku

bhranti krodhava kaleyali beku

shantara sangadolira beku


Guruvina charanake eragali beku

tarunopaya vanariyali beku

viraktimargadalira beku


Bandaddundu sukhisa beku

nindastutigala talali beku

tande purandaravittala ena beku




aaneyu karadhare, Adi moola bandante

Druva rAyara karadare, Sri Vaasudeva bandante

Ajamila karadare, Narayana bandante

Vibheshana karadare, Sri Rama bandante

Prahlada rAyara karadare, Sri Naarasimha bandante

sabheyalli droupathi karadare, Sri Krishna bandante

ee dAsana dAsannu naa karadare, yenna pAliso purandara vittala


indhina dhinave shubha dinavu

indhina vAra shubha vaara

indhina kAle shubha kAle

indhina karana shubha karana

indhina yoga shubha yoga

indhina lagna shubha lagna

indhu purandara vittala raayane, nenesidha dhinava shubha dhinavu



bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu

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