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Some useful information-- naivedya items & panchagnihotra yajna

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Hari Sarvoththama Vayu Jeevothama


Sri Gurubhyo namaha


Source: pATha, Hari Smarane mAdo nirantara -

Smt Vasantha Dwarakanath, Chandrika

Bhajane Mandali, Bangalore, TTD1996.



In Bhaghavath Geetha, Chapter 4- 12,


brahmArpaNaM brahma havirbrahmagnau brahmaNA hutaM |

brahmaiva tena gantavyaM brahmakarmasamAdhinA ||


He who knows that sacrificial articles (things offered) are Brahman, that

clarified butter (oblation) is Brahman, that Brahman is the fire, that

Brahman is the act of throwing the offerings into the fire & that Brahman is

the sacrifice along with meditation, is the only person that reaches Brahman


Bhaghavath Geetha Chapter 9- 27,


yatkaroShi yadshnAsi yajjuhoShi dadAsi yat.h |

yattapasyasi kaunteya tatkuruShva madarpaNaM ||


O Kunti's son, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer into

the fire, whatever you give, what austerities you practice, dedicate the

same as an offering to ME, (with a clear notion that you are not an

independent agent & that all acts are prompted by God & therefore they are

to be rendered to HIM.)




1. Stoves used in cooking--------agneya namaha, bhArgavAya namaha

2. wooden sticks, coal etc.... used for cooking------vasantha, bhArghava

3. Vessels used for cooking---------- vAruni, anantha

4. Plaintain leaf used during bhojana (eating)---------------- Durga,


5. Ghee vessel------------Saubarani, Datta




1. Annavannu: Sarasvathi

2. Tovveyannu- Sri devi

3. Bhakshyvannu- Chaturmukha Brahma devaru

4. ParamAnnavanu- Bharathi devi

5. Vegetables-- Chandra

6. Making food-- Sridevi is present. VishvAmbara nAmaka paramathma is

present within HER

7. A square patch (Mandala) is made with water on the floor & on top of

the Mandala, Plaintain leaf is kept &

Naivedya items served------Sribhudevi is present in the Mandala. Sri

Bhuvaraha paramathma is present within HER.

8. karmAbhimAniyAda puShkaranu does shuddhi to all naivedya items

9. Ganapathi & Sanath Kumar is present in the cloth which is put on top of

the naivedya items.

10. Sri devi is present in Tulasi which is put on the neivedya items.

11. While putting the neivedya, Vigneshwara is present in the screen.

Purusha nAmaka paramathma is present in Vigneshwara.








1. Anna-----Chandra------Keshava

2. Paramanna------Bharathi------Narayana

3. Bhakshya-------Surya-------Madhava

4. Ghee------Lakshmi-------Govinda

5. Milk-------Saraswathi------Vishnu

6. Mandigey------Brahma------Madhusudana

7. Butter-------vAyu----------Trivikrama

8. Curds-------Soma, Varuna-------Vamana

9. Bele (Dhal)-------Garuda--------Sridhara

10. Green leaves-------Mitra (Surya)--------Hrishikesha

11. Vegetables-------Sesha---------PadmanAbha

12. Amla (Sour)---------Gowri--------Damodara

13. Huli------------Rudra---------Sankarshana

14. Sugar/Jaggery-----Indra-----------Vasudeva

15. Condiments (Chatni, Seasoning, flavor)-----Bruhaspathi------Pradyumna

16. Pungent (Bitter items)---------Yama---------Aniruddha

17. Asafoetida, Cardomom, mustard seeds, Kesari,


18. Fried items--------Jayantha---------Adhokshaja

19. Sesame, Pumpkin---------Daksha--------Narasimha

20. Items made from Blackgram-------Swayambhuva manu--------Achyuta

21. Salt----------Nirruthi------------Janardhana

22. Fruits/juices----------Ahankaraka Prana---------Upendra

23. Betel leaf--------Ganga------------Hari

24. Swadoodaka (molasses, Syrup)-------Budha---------Sri Krishna






Eatables (Savories & Sweet)--------Sankarshana

Thicktarasa (Bitter, perpeat)---------Vasudeva

Sarvatra (in all items)-------------Narayana



(A rough translation from Kannada)


1. Kapila nAmaka paramathma is seeing a person eating food.

2. Narahari nAmaka paramathma is in the nose smelling food.

3. Bharghava nAmaka paramathma is in the mouth.

4. Mathsya rupa paramathma is in the tougue tasting food

5. Hamsa nAmaka paramathma is in the teeth.

6. Hayagriva rupa paramathma is in the speech

7. Sankarshana Pradhyumna rupa paramathma gives the strength to swallow


8. Aniruddha-Narayana rupa paramathma is present & gives protection to


9. Sri vAsudevavannu gives some breathing space to the stomach after eating


10. In Annamaya kosha, Shanthipati Aniruddha is present in 8251 rupas

11. In Pranamaya kosha, Kritipathi Pradhyumna is present in 5543 rupas

12. In Manomaya kosha, Jayapathi Shankarshana is present in 5, 62,107


13. In VignyAyamaya kosha, mAyapathi vAsudeva is present in 4374 rupas

14. In Anandhamaya kosha, Lakshmi pathi Narayana is present in 5125 rupas.





( SOURCES TAKEN FROM above SOURCE written in Kannada & Sadachara Sangraha

(collection of dailly rituals like devara puje, sandhyavandane etc... &

festivals in a year with explanations in English, published by Sri Krishna

Sri Raghavendra Trust, Unit of Sri Pejawara matha by Vidwan T Vishnumurthy



**This procedure should be done by Brahmachari, Grahasthas only**


Make a square patch (Mandala) with water, place plantain leaf on it, pour

ghee on it, serve all dishes & rice, pour ghee, place five Tulasi on leaf,

chant Om bhurbhuvasvah, sprinkle theertha on rice, pour water in palm,

chant during daytime * Satyantvartena Parisincami * &

during night time * R^itantva Satyena Parisincami * & pour water around


place some rice on right side of leaf five times chanting

Chitraya (sUrya) namaha, ChitraguptAya (chandra) namaha, yamaaya namaha,

yamadharmAya namaha, sarvebhyo bhutebhyo namaha.

Pour some water on fingers &

push the offerings away (visarjane). Show tArkshya & dhenu mudra to the

naivedya (to remove poison, if any, and to make the food nectar-- like



antashcharati bhUteShu guhAyAM sarvatomukhaH |

tvaM yaGYaH tvaM vaShaT.hkArastvaM viShNuH puruShaH paraH ||


Chant above mantra touching the neivedya, pour theertha with Tulasi into

palm, with the ringfinger & thumb of the left hand touching the leaf. Take

theertha after thinking of Govinda (chant " Sri ramaa ramana Govinda,



(The theertha should be given by brahmana. If not, wife. Left had should

not be used for pouring theertha).



**(Rough translation from Kannada to English)**



**( There are panchaagni in a our body. In the mouth, Avahani agni

(praNa), in

the Hrudaya, gArhaspathya (apaNa), in the navel, dhakshinAgni (vyANa), in

the right side

of the navel, sharabhi agni (udANa), & in the left part of the navel

avasharabi agni (samaNa)

VaishvAnara nAmaka paramaathma controls these pancha agni & ever present

in the body.)**


prANAya svAhA: Use thumb, index or point & middle fingers to pick rice from


EASTERN side & swallow with tulasi **(Mukhyaprana named Surya is the

presiding deity in the eyes (Chakshus) & he is also called Prana.

Concentrate on Dhyu nAmaka Bharathi ramana prANAntargata Shanthi pati

Aniruddha bhinna praana naamaka VaishvAnarAya namaha & chant prANAya



apAnAya svAhA: Use thumb, middle & ring finger to pick rice from SOUTHERN

side & swallow with Tulasi. **(Mukhyaprana named Vahni, also known as

Apana presides over the faculty of speech(vAk). Concentrate on pR^ithvi

nAmaka Bharathi Ramana apANAnthargata kritipati pradhyumnA bhinna apANa

nAmaka VaishvAnarAya

namaha & chant apAnAya svAhA)**


vyAnAya svAhA: Use thumb, ring & little finger to pick rice from WESTERN

side. **(Mukhyaprana named Chandra also known as Vyana presides over the

ears (Srothra). Concentrate on Dhik nAmaka bhArathi Ramana vyAnAnthargata

Jaya pati Shankarshana bhinna vyANa nAmaka VaishvAnarAya namaha & chant

vyANa svAha)**


udAnAya svAhA: Use thumb, index or point & little fingers to pick rice from


NORTHERN portion.

**(Mukhyaprana named vAyu is known as udAnA presides over the akAsha

(space). Concentrate on vAnk nAmaka Bharathi Ramana udANAntargata mAyApati

vAsudevA bhinna udANA nAmaka VaisvAnarAya namaha & chant udAnAya svAhA)**


samAnAya svAhA: Use all fingers to pick rice from the CENTRAL portion

(Mukhyaprana named Indra also known as samAna presides over the mind

(manas). Concentrate on Vidyuth nAmaka bharathi ramana samANanthargata

lakshmipathi nArAyanabinna nAmaka VaishvAnarAya namaha & chant samAnAya




brahmane svAha: **(In addition to these 5 agnis (panchagni), the body has

jaTharAgni (the digestive fire of the stomach, the gastric juice) again pick

rice in the CENTER with all 5 fingers. Concentrate on Bharathi Ramana


prANAntargata BrahmA bhinna (AthmAbhinna) VaishvAnarAya namaha & chant Om

brahmane svAha.


Lastly, concentrate on 24 Kesavadhi rupas plus Vaishva,

Taijasa, prAgnya, Turya, Athma, AntharAthma, paramAthma, gyAnAthma (8 nAmAs)

with the total of 32 bhaghavat rupas & take 32 spoons (kannada word-

thutthu) & eat food.)**


Meditating on Lord Govinda, partake of neividhya. AmrtApidhAnamasisvAha.

Chant above mantra, take some water poured by brahmana (if not, wife) into

palm & sip it.


(The 5 Ahutis i.e. prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana is mentioned in

ChAndogya upanishads, Purusha Suktha, Taithtriyopanishads &

Harikathamruthasara Chapter 4-1 in detail)


While eating, Bhaghavath naama smarane:




1. ParamAnnavanu-------Kritipati Pradhyumna

2. Anna-------mAyApati vAsudeva

3. Vegetables--------vAmana, Dhanvanthari

4. Tovve (Dhal), Huli etc...---------- GarudAruda nArAyana

5. BakshagaLannu--------Jayapati Sankarshana

6. Butter, Ghee-----------Shantipati Aniruddha, tAndava Krishna

7. Fried dishes, oil--------Vaikuntapati Venkatesha

8. Curds--------------Srinivaasa

9. Fruits---------bAlakrishna

10. While drinking water----------Vishnu

11. For every spoon of food------------- Always chant Govinda Govinda


raurave.a puNyanilaye padmArbudanivAsinAM |

arthinAmudakaM tattamaxayyamupatiShThatu ||


A small portion of all dishes except ghee & pAyasa, should be set aside on

the leaf during the meal. After sipping theertha at the end, pick up the

remains & place them on the left side of the leaf & pour some water on it,

chanting above mantra. Wash hands & legs, perform achamana four times.


idamannaM pavitraM syAtpAnIyaM chAtipAvanaM |

bhuktapItavishudhdyarthaM hareH pAdodakaM pibet.h ||


Chanting above mantra, sip theertha once.


bhojanAnantaraM viShNorarpitaM tulasIdalaM|

bhaxaNAtpApanirmuktashchAndrAyaNashatAdhikaM ||


Chanting above mantra, sip theertha once & swallow three tulasi leaves.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu

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