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FW: Minutes of Satsanga & session at Palimaru mata

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"Varna, Gopalakrishna "<gopalakrishna.varna wrote:



Hare Srinivasa!

Thanks to all those who spared their time for thesatsanga at Palimaru mata Malleswaram. I specially thank those who took extra interest to bring their spousefor the session so that it turns out to be a family orientedsession.

I can not describe how good, useful, informative,educative the session was. I can only say that it is a lifetime opportunity.Don't take a chance to miss it and you will surely never get it back.Listening to someone who was a software engineer in US 6 years back, took a'u' turn in the life & dedicated his life for the study of Tatvavada, nowcompleted his "Sudha mangala" recently and totally surrendered to theLotus feet of Lord is something unique and simply superb. ShriRaghavendra Rachuri knows what is the problem of younger generation, wha!t is the conflict we are facing, what are our requirements and which isthe best method applicable to this forum.

The traditional method oflearning our shastras starting from 'Manimanjari" or" Sumadhva Vijaya" andthen going through the classical texts one by one up to the magnum Opus" Sriman Nyana Sudha", is something being practiced bygenerations, but is very difficult for the people who start at a later part oflife, especially those who spend 10-12 hours in office. We need some differentmethod by which we can grasp immediately the quintessence of the shastras,practice and experience the same. The difficulties of s/w professionals can be best understood only by another s/w professional and heonly can suggest the best solution. By HIS blessings we have Shri Rachuri withus who has understood our difficulties and ready to provide a frame work withthe help of which we can climb the ladder faster. We need sometechnique by which we can quickly learn all the following fourtogether.

1) Sanskrit - the language of communicationof our Sanathana Dharma - Devabhasha, 2) The philosophy - way of life and thoughts as per our Dvaithaschool, 3) The 'achara'and 'practices' - the day to day living as per Madhva Tradition, 4) The logical explanation for the'Achara', to convey and to convince our younger generation - the answers for"why"s for every action, sampradaya.

All these can be thought together by only thosewho has undergone the pain of understanding all these simultaneously andfound the answers for everything simultaneously. He who has climbed up canshow us and tell us how to climb up. Hence we started our class with atextbook called "Vishnu for Beginners". Shri Raghavendra Rachuri hasauthored this book, with all his experience of east and west , to meet therequirements of people like us.

VISHNU FOR BEGINNERS: Twostudents, Rohit & Sita, brother and elder sister, who are studying in 8th & 10th Standard, in a modern school in Chennai and notmuch exposed to traditional life either at house or school, visit theiruncle Murthy at Bangalore who is following the traditional life andteaching the same to their children Vidya and Ravi studying in 10th and 8thstandard. Seeing the various practices in the day to day life, Rohit andSita ask lot of questions and various spiritual concepts arerevealed though out the book as a discussion and dialogues betw! eenthese family members. This is a truly wonderful and unique effort to bringdifficult spiritual concepts to ordinary people and in very simple terms thephilosophy as a way of life is explained for beginners. There is nopre-requisite, no previous knowledge to follow this book except for thekeen interest to practice Tatvavada. The book contains Q & A session, Points to remember, Try yourself, Sanskrit Guide etc so thatlearners can learn get acquainted with every aspect of culture andphilosophy.

During the two hour session, Shri Rachuri hasexplained lot of concepts, many simple at the same time veryvaluable points, traditional practices and their values & importance, things which we need to follow etc. At the same time heintroduced the richness of the Samskrit and encouraged everyone to start witha open mind to learn Sanskrit to enjoy better the reading , chanting andlearning of any texts/stothras.

Thanks once again and please make it a point topass on this to someone nearer and dearer to you so that he/she can also getbenefited by these session.

Those who want this book may kindly let me knowso that I can try to arrange to get the book to you.

namaskAra B.Gopalakrishna Varna



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