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Srimad Anu Madhwa Vijaya-3 (shlokas with meanings)

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Hari Sarvothama, Vayu Jeevothama,

Sri Gurubhyo namaha


shrImatkavikulatilaka trivikrama paNDitAchAryasuta nArAyaNa paNDitAchArya

virachitA " prameya navamAlikA "


(Source: Stothra mAlika by Sri Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya, Srimad

Anumadhva Vijaya- Shri Madhvacharya

seva sangha, Chennai)


janmAdyasya yato.anvayAditaratashchArtheShvabhiGYaH svarAT.h

tene brahma hR^idA ya Adikavaye muhyanti yaM sUrayaH |

tejovArimR^idAM yathA vinimayo yatra trisargo mR^iShA

dhAmnA svena sadA nirastakuhakaM satyaM paraM dhImahi ||


shrI khilavAyustutiH (contd)


mArutiH pANDavo bhImo gadApANirvR^ikodaraH |

kaunteyaH kR^iShNadUtashcha bhImaseno mahAbalaH ||


jarAsandhAntako vIro duHshAsanavinAshakaH |

pUrNapraGYo GYAnadAtA madhvo dhvastadurAgamaH ||


tachvaGYo vaiShNavAchAryo vyAsashiShyo yatIshvaraH |

AnandatIrthaH saM nAmA jitavAdI jitendriyaH ||


AnandatIrthasannAmnAmevaM dvAdashakaM japet.h |

labhate vaiShNavIM bhaktiM gurubhaktisamanvitAm.h ||


manojavaM mArutatulyavegaM jitendriyaM buddhimatAM variShTham.h |

vAtAtmajaM vAnarayUthamukhyaM shrIrAma dUtaM shirasa namAmi ||


buddhirbalaM yasho dhairyaM nirbhayatvamarogatA |

ajADayaM vAkpaTutvaM cha hanumatsmaraNAdbhavet.h ||


tatvaGYAne viShNubhaktau sthairye dhairye parAkrame |

vege cha lAghave chaiva pralApasya cha varjane ||


bhImasenasamo nAsti senayorubhayorapi |

pANDitye cha paTutve cha shUratve cha bale.api cha ||




22. vyAkhyAM shrutvA munibhyo.abhyadhita samayato yasya labhyaM phaNIMdro

vaikuNThaM hemanAnAmaNimayasadanaM shrIshadhAmAsta doSham.h |

sAyujyAdyApta saukhyaivividhaviShayibhiH suMdarI bhoga bhAgbhiH

brahmAdyairnAthadR^igbhirvilasitamatulaM so.aanugR^iNhAtu no.alam.h ||


When once Sri Madhwa was giving discourse to his disciples, Sri Adisesha

came to listen the real purport of Sri Madhwa's Brahmasuthra Bhashya. On

returning to his abode, He was asked by Sanaka & others about the

greatness, efficacy of the study of Sri Madhwa's shastra. He explained to

them that those who devoutly imbibed His tenets & practised them would

ultimately secure grace of Sri Vishnu & thereby transported to Vaikuntha.

Vaikunta a dwelling place of Sri Lakshmi Narayana is full of gold & studded

with precious gems, where mukhthas Chaturmukha Brahma & other released

souls who had attained the four kinds of Mukthi viz... sAyujya, sAmIpya,

sAlokya & sArupya, dwell ever immersed in the blissful vision of Sri

Vishnu. There is no cycle of birth & death. There is bliss in endless

variety of things. They are in the company of youthful divine damsels

without defects.

May the author of Moksha shastra be pleased to grant us

the boon for studying & following His tenets which lead ultimately to

liberation from this samsaara & attain Moksha.





23. nAnA durnItivAdairvihita murumadaM mAyibhUtAsurendraiH

ryo.ayaM vedAMta siMho vyajayata kuravaM puMDarIkaM cha kAMDam.h |

vishvAshrcharya prakAra pravachanamakarochChaMdasAM yatspR^idhAnya-

statkurvan.h hAsya AsId.hdvijavaranikare syAma taddAsa dAsAH ||


Once certain Mayavadins who were jealous of the extraordinary attainment of

Sri Madhwa conspired & set one Pundarika who was the very embodiment of evil

designs for a debate with Sri Madhwa to establish Advaitha as the correct

vedic Siddhantha, advancing dubious arguments with mean expressions, but was

utterly defeated by Sri Madhwa in no time. Another Mayavadin, Sardula

atempted to interpret Vedic Rik failed most miserably & became the object of

contempt & derision of the whole gathering. Sri Madhwa expatiated on the

same vedic Rik cogently & lucidly which regaled the gathering.

May Sri Madhwa be pleased to fulfil our desire to become the

servant of his servant.


24. padmAkhyaM siMdhurAjaM priyajanaparamAgaskR^itaM prApya bhIte

ranyAnkurvANamagre sapadinijagR^ihe gogaNairmadhvapArtheH |

yo yaddAsoktibANairvidalitahR^idayA dudruvurmAyidaityA-

ssarvaGYAhvo hariryo jagati vijayate saMpradadyAjjayaM naH ||


A Mayavadin by name Sri Padma Theertha unable to argue with Sri Madhwa stole

His reference books thereby hoping to defeat Sri Madhwa. But Sri Madhwa

having known this, challenged him for a discussion & routed him. In this

Padma Theertha is compared to Jayadratha (brother in law of Duryodhana) who

abducted Draupadi while the pAndavas were in exile, & Sri Madhwa to Arjuna

who redeemed her from his clutches by his strong arrows. Here Sri Madhwa

redeemed the stolen books from Padma Theertha by his arrow like Bhashya.

Sri Madhwa's pupil made the accompanying men of Padma Theertha to take to

their heels with broken heart by arguments piercing like bundles of arrows.

May Sri Madhwa known as Sarvajna be pleased to grant success

in refuting Mayavada propaganda.




25. shrIkAtAMghripasaMgAdadhikashubhatamo yAnyathA gAMga ogho

rAGYA saMvaMditAMghrissakalaguNagaNopetapAdAdikAMtaH |

sarveShAM darshanIyo likuchakulabhavo vedashAstrAnusArI

prApAyugvikramAryo yamakhilagurumAnandatIrtharyamIDe ||


Sri Madhwa's thirty two features of physiognomy (laxanas) were all perfect &

He was extremely fascinating with a towering personality. His lectures &

teachings were unabating & purifying like the Ganga, born of the Lotus feet

of the Lord of Sri Lakshmi. Apart from his thoughts, words & deed his

presence was sacred & purifying.

When Sri Madhwa was camping at Vishnumangala,

Trivikramapandithacharya, a scion of Likucha family, who was well versed

in the vedas & scrupulously following them approached Sri Madhwa whose

philosophical tenets he had heard & read. He was eagerly awaiting for a

thorough discussion & evaluation of the Shastras to clear his own

shortcomings of Advaitha siddhantha, & secured the true perspective as

taught by the vedas after he approached Sri Madhwa, the Jagadguru.

May Sri Madhwa bestow Tattvajnana on us.




26. labdhagraMthastuto.alaM likuchakavivareNeha ninye dinAni

shrIbhartuH prItivR^id.hdhyai vividhashubhakR^itIH kevalaM yastu kurvan.h |

nirlepo dagdhakarmA matikR^itikaraNairlokashixAM cha kartuM

devairvR^iShTAmR^itArchaH pravachananirato me pravak.htR^itvadassyAt.h ||


King Jayashima prayed Sri Madhwa to pardon Padma Theertha who returned the

books stolen by him. Sri Madhwa agreed & asked Shankara Bhatta the

librarian to take possession of them. Then Sri Trivikrama with his brother

Shankara Bhatta went through the books with great interest & joy, & praised

Sri Madhwa in glowing terms. Sri Madhwa unaffected by Sanchitha & Agami

karmas ever engaged himself in the service of His Lord in a spirit of

dedication thereby setting an example for others to follow. Sri Madhwa's

dailly acts of observances like pooja, pravachanas & again Pooja purely to

please Sri Vishnu impressed the people. This had inculcated in the minds of

all sAtwic persons the desire to perform their observances by his own

example. His pooja of Saligramas was witnessed by devathas like Indra in

heaven, who showered nectar on them.

May that Sri Madhwa be pleased to endow us with the capacity to

propagate His Siddhantha.


27. snAto devAbhiShiktA sadaridaradharastaMtrashAstrAnusArI

samyak.h saMpUjya viShNuM varatulasikayA darshanIyo.atha bhuktvA |

nAnAlokAbhinaMdI gururatha vilasat.h vyAkhyayA sAMdhyakR^ityaM

kR^itvA goviMdalIlA kathaka urukathAM vaiShNavIM vAchayennaH ||


Sri Madhwa after His morning lessons took His mid day bath & put on

gopichandana (Urdhrapundra nAmAs at twelve appropriate places) with


mudras of Shanka & Chakra. Later he performed with great devotion abhisheka

to Saligramas with the necessary Anusandhana (feeling the presence of Sri

Vishnu in them) with Tulasi, gandha, Pushpa as laid down in TantrasAra. He

offered sixteen cordialities to the indwelling God in them. He then took

Theertha, tulasi, gandha & offered them to His disciples. He spent the

afternoon in pravachanas & discussions on Srimad Bhagavatha; & in the

night, He used to engage His devotees with glorious episodes of avataras of

Sri Vishnu & stories about Vishnu Bhakthas.

Let Sri Madhwa grant the grace to emulate Him for our

Antahkarna Siddhi & Bhakthi.




28. mAnyopanyAsadhanyo hariramitaguNo brahmavedaikavedyaH

kartA vishvasya moxaM shubhasukhaviShayaM rAti bhaktebhya ittham.h |

sattarkaiH sAdhayitvA shrutishatasahitaiH sUrisUnaM vijitya

vyAkhyAtA tasya pUrNapramatiranudinaM vyAkhyayApyAyenmAm.h ||


Sri Madhwa, an unrivalled exponent of Shastras argued with Sri Trivikrama

for 15 days explaining the infinite fine attributes of Sri Vishnu who is the

Paramathma denoted & connoted by the word Brahma. He is knowable only

through the vedas, He is the very embodiment of spotless Jnana & Ananda,

and He bestows the enjoyment of intrinsic eternal bliss to the deserving

individuals who contemplate on Him. Sri Madhwa in his discourses

established these propositions amply supported by the Vedas & by invincible

reasoning. Sri Trivikrama was convinced beyond His expectation & had to

admit his defeat & requested Sri Madhwa to accept Him as His pupil. Sri

Madhwa gave lessons on Brahmasutra Bhashya & other works.

Let Sri Madhwa be pleased to ordain & enlighten us to learn

His works.


29. sAmnastraivikramAryAd.h vyarachayadanubhAShyaM shatagraMthakartA

sodaryaM svaM viraktaM yatimakR^itamahA sadguNaM viShNutIrtham.h |

vAdIMdraM padmanAbhaM priyamatha cha parAn.h sadgunAn.h shrlAghyashiShyAn.h

yo.anekAn.h sadgR^ihasthAnapi sa vijayate kaNvatIrthAMtikasthaH ||


Sri Madhwa was earnestly prayed by Trivikramapandithacharya to compose a

comprehensive interpretative work on the Brahmasutras called Anuvyakhyana

for better understanding & conviction of His system. Sri Madhwa readily

agreed & this resulted in His Meru Kavya, the unsurpassable & infallible

AnuvyAkhyana, the teeka for which Sri Teekacharya wrote another magnus opus

called Sriman Nyaya Sudha.

IT seems Sri Madhwa dictated four chapters of Anuvyakyana to four

disciples simultanously. He then ordained his youger brother who had good

qualities of Jnana, Bhakthi & Vairaghya into sanyasa by naming Him as Vishnu

Theertha. The great Sobhana Bhatta, a doyen of debates also became his pet

student. He gave Vaishnava Diksha & Tapta Mudra to innumerable Satvic

Grihasthas & took them into His fold as disciples.

May Sri Madhwa who moved on later to the banks of Kanva

Theertha be resplendent with all the glorious deeds of victory over opposing

systems of philosophy be with us.




30. saMstavyo vedamAnaM samavitumatanodoShadhIryaH xaNAMte

dIptAMguShTaH shilAnIH shrutivivaraNakR^iddhardhitastaMbhitAbdhiH |

aMgulyA guMDavATAvatulabalachaNau chAlane yasya nAlaM

prAgvATovAvaDUDho mama manasilaset.h apyalAbdaikalomA ||


When an evil minded king asserted that Vedas & vedic mantras were false &

ineffective, Sri Madhwa took up the challenge & after reciting the

appropriate vedic hymns caused some seeds in His palm to sprout putting

forth leaves, flowers & fruits & demonstrated thereby the validity &

effectiveness of the Vedas. It is understood that their effectiveness was

dependent on the worthiness of the person handling them.

When once the lamp got extinguished during the discourse, he caused

light to emit from the nail of His toe & lighted the place & continued the

lessons. On another occasion, the thundering noise of the waves of the sea

was disturbing His lectures; by the show of his palm, He made the sea

become still. Such was His divine power. He carried alone a very huge

boulder which could not be lifted by a hundred persons & placed it at an

other place exhibiting His incarnational identity with Sri Bheemasena.

He showed His extraordinary strength when two very stron

men, Gandavata & Pragvata could not move even his finger. But at the same

time, He was carried to the temple by a small boy on His shoulders. The

former showed His garima (became heavy) & the later laghima (becoming light)

which are parts of Ashta siddhis.

Let Sri Madhwa endowed with such supernatural strength &

power guide us.


31. pAraMtIshAbhinaMdI sapadi cha saritAmaMtare varShayadyo

grIShmo mitrIchakArApyahitamatagato vaidyanAthaM svabhUtyai |

ChandaH khaMDArthavAdI jitakumatikulo durjaneShyAbhyupexI

laghvannaM bR^iMhayedatyatibahudhaninAmalpakalpena tuShyet.h ||


Sri Madhwa reconsevrated the temple of Sri Vishnu at Paranthi which was

worshipped by the pAndavas but now in neglect & without puje. When at one

place, peopl were suffering with acute water scarcity, he caused an

instantaneous downpour in mid summer & made the wells & tanks overflow to

the wonderment of the local people. Several defeated & disgruntled people

incited a local king to attack Sri Madhwa. But the poor king on approaching

Sri Madhwa was subdued & made to prostrate & surrender.

Sri Madhwa on reaching a place called Vaidhya matha so called for

its temple dedicated to Dhanvantari composed " Krishnamrutha Maharnava " .

Some brahmins well versed in Karma kanda with the evil idea to defeat Sri

Madhwa came thinking that he being a monk did not know anything about karma

Kanda. But Sri Madhwa silenced them in no time & for the benefit of all,

he wrote Karma Nirnaya expounding on the rituals exhibiting the depth &

exposure of His knowledge.

By the superhuman powers, he rendered small quantity of food

offered by poor devotees sufficient for a large gathering; while large

quantities offered by rich people were hardly sufficient for a few people.

May Sri Madhwa be pleased with our small but sincere

offerings & shower the grace on us.


32. vR^iShTyAdInAM niyaMtetyabhihita charitaH sarvagIrvANaratnaiH

gaMdharvaigIryamAnaidyusadasi sakalaiH kautukAdgumyamAnaH |

dR^iShTvA saMstUyamAnaH suratarukusumairArya AkIryamANo

madhvo dedIpyate.asau jagati vijayate satsabhAmaMgalAya ||


Sri mAdhwa completed the mission of his incarnation by exposing the

misguided interpretations of other systems and resusciating the true and

real purport of the Vedic religion as instructed by Sri Vedavyasa. His

achievements & writings were most reverentially praised by Garuda, Sesha,

Rudra & other Devathas at the assembly of Indra. His great deeds were sung

by Gandharvas which was no wonder for he would verily be the future Brahma.

In ecstatic celebration of Sri Vayu avatarabhuta Sri Madhwacharya

expatiating on His very dear Aitareya Upanishads, showered on Him the

celestial flowers. From then onwards though Sri Madhwa disappeared from

human vision may be pleased to come down tothe world again & again whenever

His immortal & monumental, soul emancipating works are studied, taught or

discussed for our liberation leading to Moksha.


33. dashaprapati vikramaM bahuvidhAtmanA hemavat.h

sumadhvavijayAbhidhaM vyadhita bhAvadIpAhvayam.h |

prameyanavamAlikaM punarimAM cha daxAM cha tAM

satAM shravaNabhUShaNa vyatanutaiSha nArAyaNaH ||


Sri Narayana Pandithacharya, the author of this work concludes in the form

of an epilogue that he had composed Sri Sumadhva Vijaya & a gloss called

Bhavadeepa describing elaborate life history of Sri Madhwa. Again in 32

shlokas he has brought out this Prameya Navamalika with the important events

of Sri Madhwa's life in the form of Chapter summary of the original Sumadhva

Vijaya as an ornament of the ear to the righteous people.

Let this translation generate among sAtvic souls a desire to

recite Sri Anu Madhwa Vijaya everyday to imbibe the teachings of Sri Madhwa

& through them the Grace of Sri Vishnu.


iti shrI madaNumadhvavijaya samAptaH




namaste prANesha praNatavibhavAyAvanimagAH

namaH svAmin.h rAmapriyatama hanUman.h guruguNA |

namastubhyaM bhIma prabalatama kR^iShNeShTa bhagavan.h

namaH shrImanmadhva pradisha sudR^ishaM no jaya jaya ||


Oh Lord of the senses, accept our humble & hearty salutations. (in your

three embodiments). You have descended on the earth to bestow the wealth of

the highest glories of life on the righeous ones who salute you in total

surrender. Obeisance to you, Master Hanuman, the bosom of exquisite

virtues, most dear to Sri Ramachandra. Salutations to you, illustrious

Bheemasena, the most potent & Supreme, thevery life breath of Sri Krishna.

Respectful adorations to you, Acharya Madhwa, the mine of lore infinite.

Enlighten us with wisdom.


Let victory crown you ! Let success smile on you !!


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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