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Srimad Anu Madhwa Vijaya- 1 (slokas with meanings)

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Hari Sarvothama, Vayu Jeevothama,

Sri Gurubhyo namaha


shrImatkavikulatilaka trivikrama paNDitAchAryasuta nArAyaNa paNDitAchArya

virachitA " prameya navamAlikA "


(Source: Balittha Suuktha- Dvaita list archives, Stothra mAlika by Sri

Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya, Srimad Anumadhva Vijaya- Shri Madhvacharya

seva sangha, Chennai)


janmAdyasya yato.anvayAditaratashchArtheShvabhiGYaH svarAT.h

tene brahma hR^idA ya Adikavaye muhyanti yaM sUrayaH |

tejovArimR^idAM yathA vinimayo yatra trisargo mR^iShA

dhAmnA svena sadA nirastakuhakaM satyaM paraM dhImahi ||


shrI khilavAyustutiH


vAyurbhImo bhImanAdo mahaujAH sarveShAM cha prANinAM prANabhUtaH |

anAvR^ittiderhinAM dehapAte tasmAdvAyurdevadevo vishiShTaH ||


prathamo hanUmAnnAma dvitIyo bhIma eva cha |

pUrNApraGYastR^itIyastu bhagavatkAryasAdhakaH ||


brahmAntA guravaH sAxAdiShTaM daivaM shriyaH patiH |

AchAryAH shrImadAchAryAH santu me janmajanmani ||


GYAne virAge haribhaktibhAve dhR^itisthitiprANabaleShu yoge |

buddhau cha nAnyo hanumatsamAnaH pumAn.h kadAchit.h kvacha kashchanaiva ||


vAtena kuntyAM balavAn.h sa jAtaH shUrastapasvI dvIShatAM nihantA |

satye cha dharme cha rataH sadaiva parAkrame shatrubhirapradhR^iShyaH ||


yasya trINyuditAni vedavachane rUpANi divyAnyalaM

baT.h taddarshatamitthameva nihitaM devasya bhargo mahat.h |

vAyo rAmavachonayaM prathamakaM pR^ixo dvitIyaM vapu-

rmadhvo yattu tR^itIyametadamunA granthaH kR^itaH keshave ||


mahAvyAkaraNAmbodhimanthamAnasamandaram.h |

kavayantaM rAmakIrtyA hanUmantamupAsmahe ||






The BaLitthA Suukta (Rg Veda I.141. 1-5), (diirghatamA R^ishhiH,

maatarishvo devataa, jagatI chhandaH) is the Shruti reference that is

quoted by Srimad Ananda Tiirtha himself to show that he is the third

avataara (incarnation) of Mukhya PraaNa, also known as Vaayu. His first

avataara is Hanumaan, the servant of Raama, and the second, Bhiimasena,

the destroyer of the Kaurava army. After the advent of the Kali Yuga,

when Lord Vishnu was obscured in the minds of man, and when men began to

think that the world is false, has no ultimate basis in reality, and

that there is no Ishvara (Supreme being), but the jiiva (soul) itself is

Brahman, the Absolute Being -- then took place the third avataara of

Vaayu, as Madhva, who came to Earth and established the absolute glory

and greatness of Vishnu.


yasya trINyuditAni vedavachane rUpANi divyAnyalam.h |

baT.htad.hdarshanamitthameva nihitaM devasya bhargo mahat.h |

vAyo rAmavachonayaM prathamakaM pR^ixo dvitIyaM vapuH |

madhvo yattu tR^itIyametadamunA granthaH kR^itaH keshave ||


The deity whose three divine forms are spoken of in the Vedas,

as one whose nature is that of great wisdom and ability, is the

support of the activity of the worlds, is very worshipful (of

Vishnu), and who incarnates with his full potency (with no

diminution); that Vaayu, in his first avataara, carried the

message of Raama, destroyed a fearsome army in his second, and

in the third, as Madhva, composed this work (the

Vishnu-tattva-vinirNaya) as a service to Keshava. "


Shri Narayana Pandithacharya composed Prameya navamalika or Anu Madhwa

Vijaya on the life & work of Sri Madhwa, the world's greatest Guru whose

tenets & teachings are the only way to attain Moksha. This is the abridged

form of his bigger work called Sri Madhwa Vijaya, easy to recite at the time

of pooja & get the same benefit of reading Sri Madhwa Vijaya.





kAntAya kalyANaguNaikadhAmne

navadyunAthapratimaprabhAya |


shrIprANanAthAya namaskaromi ||


My prostrations to the resplendent Lord Narayana, the prime abode of every

auspicious attribute, the efficient cause of all existence, the master of

(Goddess) Maahalaxmi & Mukhyaprana & similar in splendour to the early

rising sun.


1. shrIshaprItyai prajAtaH sumahita mahimA shrIhanUmAnnideshAt.h

rAmasyolla~NghitAbdhiH saharirathagataH setunA piShTaduShTaH |

bhUbhR^innIrAvaNAriM puragamurudayaM pUjayitvA sasItaM

pashyan.h kiMpUruShe taM satatamapi mahAn.h prANamukhyo.avatAnmAM ||


Sri Narayana Pandithacharya begins his work with the incarnation of Sri

Vayu as Sri Hanuman, the foremost among all devotees in order to please Sri

Narayana and Sri Mahalakshmi and for our emancipation. At the behest of Sri

Rama, Hanuman lept over the sea and delivered Sri Rama's signet ring to Sri

Sita. He set fire to Lanka and killed many Raakshasas; lept back to Sri

Rama and presented the chUdamani to him with Sri Sita's message. Later on,


Rama with Hanuman & other vAnaras built a cause way over the sea & entered

Lanka. Sri Hanuman showed his strength to Ravana by

striking at Ravana's chest with his fist. Sri Hanuman sportively brought

Gandhamadana mountain twice, once to relieve the distress of Sri Laxmana,

and second time to enliven the monkeys

lying unconscious on the battlefield. Sri Rama after slaying Ravana

returned with Sita to Ayodhya where Sri Rama was.

May Sri Hanuman, the foremost among pranas, who, by nature, is devoted

to Sri Rama and earned his plentiful grace and who is now worshipping Sri

Rama continuously by being in Kimpurusha Khanda, full of kindness and



2. bhImo.abhUdyo.anabhedyashchakitaripukR^itApatpraNodI salIlaM

raxodhnaH prAptakR^iShNo makhakR^idutavane, duShTahA kIchakadhnaH |

hatvA duryodhanAdIn.h svapadamadhigato yadviShaH krodhataMtrA

bhUtvA bhUmau kushAstraM vyadhiShata maNimatpUrvakAH pAtu so.asmAn.h ||


This sloka has reference to the birth of Sri Bheemasena who is another

one of Vayu's avatharas. When he was 10 months old, he slipped from the

hands of his mother,

Kunthi, in a mountainous terrain. The mountain which he fell broke into one

hundred parts - and it came to be known as Satasringa-- without the

slightest injury to the baby. Such was his body even when he was a child.

To get rid of Bheema, Duryodhana & other cousins made vain attempts to kill

him; gave poisoned food, set venomous snakes to bite & threw him into the

Ganga bound by ropes. But Bheemasena everytime emerged victorious. At the

instance of Sri Vedavyasa, Bheemasena took Draupadi as his wife. He

performed Rajasuya yaga killed Jarasandha & other demons. While in exile,

he killed Kichaka along with other 105 upakichakas. In the famous

Kurushetra battle, he killed Duryodhana & his brothers & regained his

kingdom & retired to his celestial abode with his brothers & Draupadi.


Let Bheemasena who killed demons be pleased to protect us from being misled

by the blasphernous sastras written by this tribe to avenge their defeat at

the hands of Bheemasena.




3. aGYAnotsAdanArthaM suravaravachasA sUchito rUpyabhartrA

jAto madhyAlayAryAd.h gurumatitapaso vAsudevAbhidhAnaH |

godAtre moxadAtA rajatapatipadA sevako bhUtabhartrA-

mAnyaH prANaH kulitthairapi nijasahajAtarpitaH prIyatAM me ||


Sri Narayana who saves the righteous, at the prayers of Indra & others

caused a disabled person to climb the flag mast of the Anantheswara temple &

declared that the all knowing preceptor, Mukhyaprana, would take birth soon

to dispel ignorance & faulty knowledge. Thus, Sri Vayu was born as

Vasudeva to Madhyageha Bhattas after their twelve years of penance to Sri

Anantheswara at Rajathapeetapura (Udupi). He was endowed with 32 laxanas

(bodily qualities) that made him a Jagadguru. Even as an infant, Vasudeva

caused a brahmin who gifted a cow for the supply of milk to child Vasudeva,

to get Moksha with the concurrence of the Lord. As a crawling child,

hepropitiated the lotus feet of the Lord of Rajathapeetapura i.e. Sri

Anantheswara. When some people were going to Pajakakshetra one night, a

demon got into a person & said that the child Vasudeva would protect them

from all evils; the demon further said that he was made powerless to kill

people because of Vasudeva's presence. When the mother was away, child

Vasudeva was given boiled horse gram to eat unwittingly by his sister which

on eating, did not upset the child !

May this great Vasudeva be pleased to shower his grace on us.


4. AnaMdaM maMdahAsAmR^itarasakalayA saMdadhAnaH prajAnA

mAsyendoH shobhamAnairapi kalavachanairbAlalIlAvilAsaiH |

gopuchChAlaM banAdyairvR^iShapati vihitApatpraNodI praNudyA-

daGYAnAdyApadaM me svayamiha bhagavAn.h vAsudevo.asudevaH ||


The child Vasudeva pleased not only his parents but others as well by his

playful pranks & nectar dripping smiles from his moonlike face. He gave

immense happiness to his kith & kin by his peregrination holding on to the

tail of his father's bullock. (This has an esoteric meaning which suggests

that when taken to Dharma ultimate release from samsara is assured.) When a

merchant pervented the father of Vasudeva from taking food because the later

had not paid the cost of the bull supplied, Vasudeva gave the merchant, in

return, tamarind seeds for the money & the merchant went away fully

satisfied since they turned out to be gold coins later.

May Sri Vasudeva, the incarnation of Mukhyaprana who warded off the

troubles of his father & satisfied the seller of the bull, be pleased &

relieve us from the difficulties of samsara & lead us on to emancipation.




5. ekAkI yojanAbhyAMvyavahitamagamadyasrivarSho.amarauko

yolAlyo lokamAtrA svalipiparichaye tAtavismeratAkR^it.h |

prAGYaMmanyaM shivAkhyaM pariShadi jitavAn.h shAkhinAmarthamUche

durgaM pitropanItaH suravaramahito mahyatAM me vachobhiH ||


Three year old Vasudeva quitely went to Vishnu temple at a distance of two

miles through the forest to meditate when his parents were busy with a

function in a relative's house. The child's safety was taken care of by Sri

Durga devi, the Universal mother who was installed by Parashurama at

Pajakakshetra. When Vasudeva's mother took him to attend a discourse on a

purana, he challenged the speaker Siva Bhatta about the latter's wrong

interpretation & silenced him by his own lucid & correct interpretation to

the pleasant surprise of the audience. When his father gave a wrong meaning

for the word 'Likucha' in a discourse, he gave the correct meaning of the

word Likucha, as the name of a plant & pleased the audience. He had his

Upanayanam duly performed which was witnessed & propitiated by the Devathas

in the heavens.

The author humbly prays that his work of praise may be heard by the

blossoming Jagadguru & be pleased.



6. pAyAnmAM yo bhujaMgaM sadarimadamayaddAgupAdhyAyasevI

vishvebhyovegadUraplavanajavaniyuddhAdivIryAtishAyI |

yenAstA mUDhasha~NkA shrutishuchivachasA.alaMguroH shIrShashUlA

sakhyurnArAyaNaGYo.atha ya upaniShadaM vyAkhyatAsmai surArthyaH ||


A rakshAsa in the guise of a poisonous snake descended from the nearby

Vimanagiri & tried to bite Vasudeva by injecting deadly venom, Sri Vasudeva

killed the serpant with his toe. Sri Vasudeva excelled over all his

classmates not only in learning, but in sports & in wrestling too. He

miraculously cured the acute headache of the son of his guru by blowing air

into his ear. He expatiated on the secrets tenets of Aitareya Upanishad in

private to his guru as his gurudakshina. Devatas praised him for possessing

the true & correct knowledge of Sri Narayana & his mission of expounding the

Supremacy of Sri Vishnu.

May Sri Vasudeva who was invoked by the devathas for preaching true

& valid knowledge of Sri Narayana be pleased.




7. sanyAse baddhabuddhiH kR^itaharinamanaH pArthapUjyaM yatiM prAk.h

prAGYAM gurvAGYayA.alaM saguNaharividaM sattapastR^iptadaivAt.h |

prAptaM sarvaGYashiShyAkhyavaramupagato dviHsvatAtaM niShedhduM

prAptaM chAnuttaraM yovyadhita sahajavAnmAtaraM chAvatAnmAM ||


Sri Vasudeva with a strong desire to take to sanyasa prayed to Sri Hari

immanent in everything, although the idea was opposed twice by his parents.

While refuting, his father unwittingly fell at the feet of his son

Vasudeva, which act of falling at the feet of a youngster signified that it

was the will of God that he should become a sanyasin, non plussed his

parents. Again, when his father contended that it was undutiful to desert

aged parents with no one to take care of them, Vasudeva replied that

another son would soon be born to them for which hsi father had no answer.

This made his mother also to give consent.

Then Sri Vasudeva approached Achyutapreksha, who was pure in thought,

word & deed, to accept him as his pupil. Achyutapreksha was well versed in

all shastras & in his previous birth had taken food from the hand of

Draupadi. He had devotedly served Lord Anantheswara for a long time.

Pleased with his penance, the Lord blessed him with a boon, " Thy disciple

will reveal to you the true path. " This eminent & versatile pupil was none

other than Sri Vasudeva, who cleared all the doubts of his guru with correct

knowledge for his emancipation.

May Vasudeva protect us.


8. pUrNapraGYAkhya AsIdyatikulatilako yaH shubhAchAra Isha

prattosmA IshvarAGYAgatasurasariti snAnakR^ijjaitrapatraH |

duShpadyaChijcha loke pravachanachaturaH satpurANotihAsa

syoktau medhApradarshI dishatu shubhaddrushaM mahyamR^ijvagraNIH saH ||


Sri Vasudeva received the holy orders of sanyasa from Sri Achyutapreksha who

conferred on him the most appropriate name Poornaprajna meaning he is

" completely enlightened " . He richly deserved this name for he had all round

knowledge. He was a prince among sanyasins. Poornaprajna was the gift of

Lord Anantheswara to Achyuthapreksha. When once Vasudeva was seeking

permission of his guru to go to Varanasi to take bath in the Ganga, by the

command of Anantheswara, celestial Ganga presented herself in the tank now

called Madhwa Sarovara for his bath (at Udupi). He easily vanquished round

about his place all the formidable opponents & got testifmonials of victory

from them. Sri Achyutapreksha, pleased with his disciple's success, to make

him an invincible scholor, started giving lessons in Ishtasiddhi, an

advaitic text. But to his disappointment & wonder, Poornaprajna criticised

the very first shloka as having 32 inconsistencies; the corrected version

by Poornaprajna regaled the gathering.

Poornaprajna was a propounder of an excellent new system of

philosophy based on Vedas, Puranas, Ithihasas. He exhibited his R^iju

knowledge, extraordinary skill in explaining & interpreting Srimad

Bhaghavatha & Mahabharatha according to Sri Vedavyasa. He gave there a

clear indication of his being an avathara of Sri Vayu.

Thus let the controller of all beings be pleased to

grant the correct siddhantic knowledge for the emancipation of the soul.




9. sAxAdAnandatIrtho.anumitibhirurujidyo.anumAtIrthanAmA

vidyAbdhi vAdisiMhaM sapadi vijitavAn.h duShTabhAShyApanodI |

achChedyoktiH pramodaM piturapikR^itavAn.h narmagarbhaM gurUkto

bhAShyaM kartuM hyavochatpriyasakhayataye sUtrabhAvaM sa mA.avyAt.h ||


Sri Achyuthapreksha, pleased with his disciple's resounding successes,

enthroned him on to the vedantha samrajjya & gave the name Ananda Theertha

meaning the author of a system of philosophy which gestows Ananda or Moksha.

The name was connotative of one having Sri Ananda nAmaka paramathma Sri

Narayana as his refuge. Since his powers of reasoning & its methodology

were invincible he came to be known as Anumana Theertha. Vidyasagara known

for his knowledge & Vadisimha for his debating talent were put to shame by

Sri Madhwa in no time. He showed the untenability of their interpretation &

explained with sound reasoning the true meaning in conformity with Sri

Vedavyasa. Once, when his guru was giving meaning of the Brahma Sutras,

Sri Madhwa pointed out to many wrong interpretations to which his guru

became angry & challenging asked Sri Madhwa to write a commentary on the

Brahma Sutras if he could. Sri Madhwa took & composed a bhasya on the

Brahma Sutras.

May Sri Madhwa, the author of nectarine shastras be pleased to

protect us.


10. yAmyAshAM yAn.h prabhoktA bahuphalasamiteH xIriNIMprexyayAMtIM

syAnaMdUre cha daityaM sapadi vijitavAn.h phAlgunaM tIrthamAptaH |

setuM chAtrApahAsyaM khalamathakR^itavAn.h sarvajidraMganAthaM

natvA yAn.h vishvavaMdyohyupanadi vibudhaukasyavenmAM sa dhanyaH ||


During his South India tour, Sri Madhwa was given by a person at

Vishnumangala 200 plantain fruits to eat after his bhiksha which Sri Madhwa

consumed without any discomfort. Then at Anantasayanam (Trivandrum), He

defeated a pandit within a short time & proceeded to Kanyakumari which was

consecrated by Arjuna & visited other theerthas on his way before reaching

Rameswaram where he sat for his ChathurmAsya. Here, when the adversaries

tried to measure his strength, they received a crushing defeat. He went to

Sriranga & paid his homage to Sri Ranganatha. Proceeding northwards, He

camped in a Vishnu temple on the banks of Payasvini river.

May the most venerable Madhwa be pleased & protect us from

falling into Asat Siddhantha.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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