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Shri Vadiraja gurusarvabhoumara Aradhana at Sode

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Hare Srinivasa!

Last weekend, Saturday and Sunday, were Aradhana days of Shri Vadirajaru and Shri Vyasarayaru and I am sure all of youhad made best use of the weekend to visit nearby holy place / mata andparticipate in the Aradhana functions. Hope you will share whatever youlearnt / experienced during these holy days in the satsanga.

At Sode, the aradhana was celebration was very grandas usual, with lot of upanyasas, cultural programs, aashirvachanas by swamijisand so on.

Shri Vidyadeesha swamiji of Palimaru mata and ShriLaxmivara Theertha swamiji of Shiruru mata were camping at Sode for the Aradhanacelebration. The annual car festival of Lord Trivikrama andthe aradhana comes very closely ( only three days gap) and so mostof the devotees attend both the function and do seva for a week long at Sode.

Apart from Pravachanas and other cultural programs,the added attraction of this year is the inaguration of three specialitems as follows.

1) " Shri Bhavisameera Gurukul": This gurukul isgoing to start from this Academic year from June 2006. It planned to provide allthe traditional Dvaitha education for the kids and also impartEnglish and computer education. The kids will be given free boarding, lodging and also scholarships. It is really a great opportunity to study at thisholy place, having the opportunity to witness the grand pooja ofShri Thrivikrama Devaru, pamcha Vrandavana and Shri Boothrajaru. Shri swamijiwill be oberving his Chaturmasya every year in Sode and he will be training thestudents. Kindly pass it on this information to all who are looking for asuitable place to provide shastra education to their son. With the blessings ofShri Vadirajaru and Shri Bootharajaru, there is no doubt that the kids will becoming out as brilliant scholars.

2) Model of Boogola as explained in Bhogolavarnane of Shri Vadirajaru : Under the guidance of Shri Nagabhushan Rao who is agreat scholar as well as an Engineer, Shri Sudheendra and team has prepared amodel of Bhoogola, a unique and first of its kind. It just provides us all thedetails mentioned in the Bhogola varnane ( at reduced scale). All the sevenupper lokas, the swetha dweepa, ananthasana, Vaikunta, Meru parvatha,narakas, Shri Sesha dhevaru, Vayu Kurma etc are all shown in this threedimensional model with a transparent cover. The whole model is nearly 1 meterglobe mounted on big "Kurma" of proportional size. It is really veryexiting to see that and the team has really worked hard to find out thefabricator, get the things done, ship all the items to Sode and assemblethere.

Please make it a point to see this model whenyou visit next time.

3) Inauguration of "AnuVrundavanakhyana Shilaalekha".

One of the greatest work of Shri Vadiraja swamiji is "Shri Swapna Vrandhavana - Akhyana". After entering to Pancha Vrundavana, fewyears later, ShrI Vadiraja Gurusarvabhomaru used to appear in thedream of one of his staunch devotee who used to be like a deaf & dumb man,and preached him few shlokas everyday for nearly 10-12 years. The brahmin usedto recite the same shlokas in front of the then swamiji of Sode mata, ShriVedanidhi Thirtharu and his devotee Shri Ramachandra Acharya used to write downthe same. Hence over a period of time, nearly 2258 shlokas were told and theyare written down on daily basis.


After completion of the whole grantha, ShriVedanidhi Thirtha swamiji was instructed by Shri Rajaru to createa micro version of the big grantha which is more popularly known as "ShriAnu Vrundhavana Akhyana". This was inscribed on a stone and installed next tovrandavana of Shri Vedavedya Thirtharu and is being worshiped daily sincethat day (nearly 400 years). This is not clearly visible to everyone. Soan alternate is now available for public view. Shri Chenthan Jayaram has createdone more similar Shila lekha of " Anu Vrundavana Akhyana" on a blackgranite embellished with golden colour. This was done at Bangalore and carried to Sode and inagurated by Shri Swamiji on the Aradhanaday. Please make it a point to see the same when you visit Sode nexttime.


4) Release of "Shri Bhavisameera MahimaDarpana" book, published by Shri Bhavisameera thathva prasarana Prathistana. Asmall book highlighting the great events in the life history of ShriVadirajaru.

Also a ashtoththara satha namavali of ShriVadirajaru composed by Shri Vijayashimhachar, a scholar and professor wasreleased on this great occasion.

May Shri Vadirajaru and Shri Vyasarayaru bless us toproceed in the path of Sadhana.

namaskAra B.Gopalakrishna Varna



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