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Shri Vyaya nama Samvathsara---Panchanga shravana

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Hari Sarvoththama, vAyu jIvoththamaSri Gurubhyo namaha


Source: http://www.geocities.com/panchangaminenglish/ (Madhwa matha sampradaya calender) and NY Ganesha Temple Panchangam, Flushing, NY, http://www.nyganeshtemple.org/


This calender was prepared for NY Ganesha temple, Flushing by Shri R. Kumar of Vontikoppal Panchanga karta, Mysore. He has studied Jyothishastra. Shri R. Kumar is the karta of the panchangam published by Sosale Vyasaraja Matha, Mysore


Shri Vyaya nama Samvathsara


Panchanga: All instances of time have five characteristics viz. Vaara, Thithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana. These five characteristics are detailed for all the days of the year in an almanac which is called Panchanga. (Pancha + anga). These characteristics are derived from the positions of Sun and Moon. Positions of other planets is also required for determining Muhurthas and preparation of horoscopes

Panchanga is used for knowing the five basic characteristics of time for sankalpa, locating dates of vratas, locating dates of shraddhas, locating muhurthas and look for auspicious / inauspicious times by the common user. It is used for preparation of horoscopes, fixing muhurths and predictions by Astrologers.

THITHI: The thithi sphuta is the nirayana longitude of the moon minus that of the sun. First thithi (Prathama) begins when thithi sphuta is 0 degree & end when it is 12 degree; 12 degree to 24 degree is dvithiya; 24 degree to 36 degree is Tritiya etc... 168 degree to 180 degree is Poornima; 180 degree to 192 degree is Dark Fortnight Prathama; 192 degree to 204 degree is dvithiya etc.... 348 degree to 360 degree is Amaavasya. So, there are 30 thithis where 15 is sukla paksha or bright fortnight or waxing phase), the other 15 is Krishna paksha (Dark Fortnight or waning phase).

It is to be noted that the Full Moon is the moment of opposition of moon with the sun whereas Poornima thithi is the time interval from the instant at which thithi sphuta is 168 degree to the instant when thithi sphuta is 180 degree. Similarly, new Moon is the moment of conjuction of the moon with the sun but Amavaasya is the time interval between the instant when thithi sphuta is 348 degree & the instant at which thithi sphuta is 0 degree.

The thithi of a day is usually taken to be the thithi current at sunrise on that day. Since the moment of sunrise is not the same at all places it is to be noted that occasionally a thithi current at sunrise at one place may not be current at surise at another place. It is also possible for a particular thithi to be current at sunrise on two successive days. So, when two successive days have the same thithi associated with them, the 1st day is called Tridina. It is also likely that a thithi may begin after sunrise & end before the next sunrise. In such a case, a thithi is skipped over & that day is called AVAMA.

VAARA: The day is divided into 24 parts of equal duration called hours or horas. Each hour is associated with a planet in the solar system or the sun or the moon & the hours following each other are named after these heavenly bodies in the manner stated: If the first hour or horas of a certain day is associated with the sun, say, the day is named Sunday. The 22nd hour or horas after three repetitions will belong to Sun, 23rd hour or hora to Venus, 24th hour or hora to Mercury & the 25th hour or hora is i.e. the first hour or hora of the next day will belong to Moon & is therefore called Monday. The names of the successive days are given in this way & this is the familiar order of successions of the days of the week.

Days of the week: Adhithya vaara (Sun), somavara (Moon), mangalavaara (Kuja or Mars), Budhavaara (Mercury), Guruvaara (Brihaspathi or Jupitar), Shukravaara (Venus), ShanivAra (Saturn).

NAKSHATRA: The moon's path lies within the zodiacal belt which is the region extending to about 9 degree on either side of the ecliptic. The moon completes a circuit of its path with respect to the earth in about 27 1/3 days. Hence the zodiacal Belt is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degrees 20'' second each called nakshatras. The first segment (measured from Meshadi) longitude of the moon 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20'' second is called Ashwini, the second 13 degrees 20'' second to 26 degrees 40'' second is Bharani, the third 26 degrees 40'' second to 40 degrees 0 second is termed Krithika & so on.....346 degrees 40'' second to 360 degrees is Revathi.

So, it is clear that in the panchanga (or in Astrology) Nakshatra (or star) is only one of the 27 segments of the zodiacal Belt whereas in astronomy stars are heavenly bodies twinkling in the sky.

The segment in which moon lies at the time of birth of a person is called janma nakshatra (birth star) of that person. When the longitude of the moon is 133 degrees 20'' second to 146 degrees 40'' second at birth, the janma nakshatra is Poorva phalguni.

YOGA: Yoga sputa is the sum of the niryana longitudes of the sun & the moon. So, there are 27 yogas. When yoga sphuta is (0 degrees to 13 degrees 20 seconds), it is 1st yoga & so on....

KARANA: Karana is half a thithi. Karana sphuta is same as thithi sphuta, & therefore, there are 30x 2 or 60 Karanas. There are seven chara (moving) karanas called bava, balava, kaulava, taitila, gara, vanij & vishti (or Bhadra) & there are four sthira (fixed) karanas-- sakuni, chatuspada, nagava, kimstugna.

Beginning with the second half of sukla prathama, the seven chara karanas are repeated eight times upto first half of krishna paksha chaturdashi. The second half of Krishna paksha chaturdashi is sakuni, the first & second halves of Amavasya are chatushpada & nagava respectively; finally the first half of sukla prathama is kimstugna. Thithi & karana are not dependent on ayanamasa whereas nakshatra will change with ayanaamsa.



AYANAMSA: Just as the position of a point in a plane is uniquely determined by its distances x, y from two perpendicular lines x & y axes, the position of a heavenly body is uniquely determined by longitude & latitude. The plane of the apparent path of the sun in relation to the earth cuts the celestial sphere in a great circle called an ecliptic. The plane of terrestrial equator cuts the celestial sphere in a great circle known as celestial equator. This & ecliptic intersect at diametrically opposite points. The point where the sun crosses the equator from south to north is called The First poiont of Aries or Mesha & the other point is called First point of Libra or Tula. The angular distance of from the first point of Aries to foot of the secondary to the ecliptic through the celestial object is called the longitude of the celestial object.

The First point of Aries moves backward at the rate of about 50.3 '' a year. The longitude measured from this moving First point of Aries is called Sayana longitude. This is used by western astronomers. But the Hindus measure the longitude from a fixed point of ecliptic called Meshadi. The distance between this fixed point Meshadi & the moving first point of Aries is called Ayanaamsa.

The government of India appointed a calender reform committee which after an exhaustive & impartial discussion came to the conclusion that these two points coincided & the ayanamsa was zero on March 22, 285 A. D. The ayanamsa based on the year 285 A. D. as the zero year is called Chaitra Patusha Ayanaamsa which is widely used. We also follow the same.

RASIS: The zodiacal Belt is divided into 12 equal parts called Rasis. The entry of sun into a rasi called sankramana or Sankrant. The entry of Sun into Makara is called the Makara sankranthi.


All thithis' commencement time and endingtime is universally same.Thithis are calculated based on themovement of sun and moon. .This is true for nakshatras, yogas and karanasalso. Therefore, the time difference between India and your area does notapply to the commencement / end times of thithis. Or in simple terms thethithis are at the same times as in India.The calculation method is same for everybody (all siddhanthas). For sankalpa, the thithi, nakshatra, yoga, karana and the Vaara rulingone and a half hours before sunrise has to be used.

Most of our festivals are observed on days in which certain thithi isprevalent during a specified interval at the place of observance. THITHIS & NAKSHATRAS being a GEOCENTRIC phenomenon, the ending moment of a thithi iscalculated as such & is equally applicable to all parts of earthsimultaneously. Although a thithi usually occurs on the same date in mostparts of the earth, it is possible that the prevalence of a particularthithi at a specific part of the day may occur on an earlier date in NorthAmerica or any other region than in India.However, the moments of sunrise will differ for each place on earthdepending on its latitude & longitude & therefore, the hours of duration ofthese phenomena will vary for each place.

Panchanga Shravana

Samvathsara Phala:

Ranathathparabhuubhruthaam balaihi sahithaa sthuraagaadi sankulaihi |

janthaaSthinathaa rathaa vyaye dhanadhaanyaadi sukhaanvithaa vyaye ||

Rulers will get ready for war with their regiment of horses and horsemen. People will be humble, spend (Vyaya) all their possessions and be happy.Raja is Guru. Brahmins will be busy performing yajnas and yaagas. Rajas will work for the welfare of citizens. Problems will reduce and People will concentrate on their routine work. Manthri is Shani. Evils will increase in the world resulting in losses due to Fire, loss of Food grains. Illness among people will increase and they cannot see happiness. There will be reduction in rains.Senadhipathi is Shukra. Good rainfall resulting in more than sufficient plantlife and greenery. Subhiksha (goodness - plentifulness) will be everywhere. Men and women will be busy in their mutual enjoyment.Sasyaadhipathi is Ravi. Reduction in all kinds of plants. But plants of Paddy, Horsegram (Huruli) and Bengalgram (Kadale) etc. will increase.Paschimadhaanyaadhipathi is Shani. Plantlife will be of Medium quantity. However, there will be good production of Horsegram (Huruli), Bengalgram (Kadale), Blackgram (Uddu) and Greengram (Hesaru).Arghyaadhipathi is Guru. Good rainfall resulting in all round subhiksha. Brahmins and Rulers will initiate Yajnas and Yagas resulting in all round festivity.

Meghadhipathi is Guru. Good rainfall resulting in plenty of plant life. All pervasive awareness of Dharma will result.Rasadhipathi is Chandra. Cows will consume fodder well and yield good quantity of milk. There will be increase in Yajnas and Yagas resulting in all round subhiksha.Neerasadhipathi is Shani. Prices of black metals like iron will increase.VarunaMegha. Very cruel rainfall accompanied with winds results in medium plant wealth. Seashores will have very heavy rainfall.Guru in Vruschika rashi. Good rainfall resulting in plentiful plantwealth. Increase in all-round happiness will be seen. The downtrodden castes will suffer.Shani in Karkataka rashi. Good rainfall resulting in plentiful plantwealth. Doctors (Medical) and Artisans will perish.Shani in Simha rashi. People will use improper ways. Flowers and Kanyas of Beluchisthan, Afghanisthan & China and Prostitutes will perish.

Makara Sankranthi Purusha Lakshana: Ghora is the name - indicates Peeda to rakshasas. Bathes in Agaru (an essence), sitting on Tiger, holding Khadga (a variety of sword) in hand, wearing blouse of Rathna, clothes of Rathna, smeared Chandana (a paste of a wood), wearing Mudra jewellery, holding a blood red colour umbrella, uses akshatha (grains) of jave godhi (a variety of wheat), wearing Jaji flowers, holding Silver vessel, eating Plantain and Curd rice. Is young, belongs to Sarpa Clan (serpants), has an angry face, is in an enjoying posture facing East and is moving towards South in night time. Phala: All items used by the Sankranthi purusha will either become costly or perish.

Braahmanyam paripaalayanythu mukhajaaha sweeyaan smaranthonwayaam

Rajaanaha paripaalayanthu pruthiveem sathyaikasandhaasswayam

Sweswekarmanisakthimethya kapata dweshou thyajanthu prajaaha

Kaalevarshathuvaaridaha kshithithale sukhyanthu sarvejanaaha ||

|| Sarveshaam samastha sanmangalaani bhavanthu ||

Let - Brahmins be interested in sathkarmaas (activities of yajna, yaaga etc.), Rulers follow truth, Everybody stop cheating and hatred and follow their traditional dharmas with souharda (good heartedness), There be suvrushti (rainfall of goodness), Everybody live happily.

Let everybody obtain all sanmangala (goodness).


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu

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