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SVBM/VMS celebration of Sri Rama Navami, Sri Hanuma Jayanthi and Prarthasmaraneeya Sri Satyadhyana Teertha Aradhane in SF Bay area, Ca..........

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|| SrI laXmI VenkaTeshAya namah ||

|| SrI madhvAya namah ||

|| SrI gurubhyo namah ||


|| Hari sarvoththama || || VAyu jeevoththama ||


DhyAna Shlokas:


rAmAya rAmabhadrAya rAmachandrAya vedase|

raghunAthAya nAthAya sEthAya pathaye namah||



Sathya Gnana Karaambhojodhaya Guro Shree rama padaashryah|

PrathyaRthebha KumBhadhalane Simha PrabhaRhaayakah||

BhruthyaaBhishta Phalapradhe Suradhrumasamah|

Twatpaadhe PraNamaami Sathyadhyanna Yatiraat Twam Paahimaam KaruNayaa||





Dear Haribhaktas,


Here's the forwarded mail from Shri Sateesh Jamakhandi. Please attend

and get the







With the prerane of Shri Hari, Vayu, Gurugalu - Smt & Sri. Madhwarao

Managoli, Smt & Sri.

Sanjeev Managoli and Smt & Sri Sateesh Jamakhandi families are hosting the SVBM


celebration of Sri Rama Navami, Sri Hanuma Jayanthi and Sri Satyadhyana Teertha

Aradhane on April,

16th, 2006. Please attend the day long activities and get the blessings of Sri

Hanuma, Bheema

Madhvantargata Sri Sitasameta Sri Ramachandra Devaru.



The program schedule is:


9.30 - 11.30 AM - Taratamyokta Stotra Pathane including Sri Venkatesh Stotra,

Sri Vishnusahasra

Nama, Sri Rama Raksha Stotra, Sri Hari Yayu Stuti, Sri Raghavendra Stotra and

Sri Rama Charitrya


11.30 - 12.15 - Chi. Krishna's NaamakaraNa

12.15 - 12.30 - Managalarati and Naivedya

12.30 - 3.00 - Teertha Prasaada

3.15 - 4.00 - Upanyasa (TBD)

4.00 - 6.00 - Taratamyokta Bhajane with special emphasis on Sri Rama Devaru and

Sri MukhyapraNa


6.00 - 7.00 - HarivaNa Seve.


Please RSVP to savigouri or call to confirm your attendence.

Contact: Veena @ 510-494-9596 or Sateesh @ 510-377-3596



Managoli and Jamakhandi Families



34762 Comstock Common, Fremont, CA 94555



http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q & hl=en & q=34762+Comstock+Common,+Fremont,+CA+94555

Parking: Open parking slots infront of the house. Pl. note - No Parking on the





Excerpts from Shri G. R. Raghunatha Rao sent to dvaita email list




c) Shree Sathyadhyanathirth P.D.(Pandarapur)


38th pontiff of Shree Uttaradhi Mutt

Brindavan at Pandarapur on the banks of the river the Bhima.

Remembered as a great " Yathi " for doing " Anna, Vidya, DhanAdhi Daanam " .

Versatile in teaching Sudhadhi Granthas, winning against Advaithas in the

debates, written many works,, distributed free of cost all granthas after

publishing them.


" Shree VisNu is SaRvoththama " - was the statement made by Sri

Madhacharya. To follow this without break, under any circumstances, one who

observed scrupulously was Shree Sathya Dhyana Thirtha. Encouragement to

students, protecting the Vidwans, incessant " Upadesha " debate with

DhuRVaadhis, Spending time in works, Answering questions from learned,

speaking out the right thing at the right time etc were the characteristics

of this great Saint.


When he took Ashram, the first success was at Kashi .

He debated with Shiva Kumara Mishra and the latter accepted the defeat.

Kashi pundits bent their head for the scholarly talent he had.


In 1917, at Chikkodi, he had a debate with Lokamanya Thilak for 6 days.

Thilak in his book on Gita's KaRma Rahasya, had raised certain objections on

Dvaitha .He made known to him that there were no sentences in favour of

Advaitha in the Gita. While discussing on the subject " Lokopakara in Gita " ,

the saint explained to him in detail. He said that for doing " Upakara " one

should have knowledge. The Upakara should be done to the deserving. That too

without going beyond shastras. Tilak was impressed by his explanations and

nodded his head in praise of the vyakhyana.



" murthyn Save Address - Block Sender


RE: Lokamanya Tilak and SwamigaLu

Sat, 17 Mar 2001 04:32:27 +0000


Sri Lokamanaya Tilak had raised some objections against Dvaita's

interpretations of Gita in his " Gita Rahasya " . Sri Sathya Dhyana swamigaLu

debated him in a place called Chikkodi and convinced him. Sri SwamigaLu also

published the same rebuttals in his marati publication " Madhwa Sudhakara " .

Sri Tilak was also very humble and had great respects for the swamiji. One

famous quote of their debate was, when SwamigaLu asked Sri Tilak to sitdown

in Chikkodi, Tilak said - " when I don't even deserve to stand in front of a

mahAjnAni like you, how can I sit down? "

I guess there are more details on this Chikkodi debate in Tatva Vaada of

October 1964. I obtained the above information from a kannada book called

" Sri Sathya Dhyanaru " published by Navarathna Narayanamurthy of Sathya

Dharma Vrunda, Bangalore.

Regards, Murthy

I have heard that Sri Satyadhyana Tirtha Swamigalu, debated with Lokamanya

Tilak. I am interested in the exact subject of the debate between the two.

Does anyone know details about this debate?

--Mokashi. "



In Bombay one noted Advocate " KanE " said that DhaRma should change according

to the time. The saint did not agree. The work done by us are according to

shastras. One cannot amend or treat the work relevant to Papa(Sin) as PuNya

on account of circumstances or time. . He further says that even though

Poison is named as Amritha , it would not change its characteristics.

Papa(Sin) would remain as such. " KaNe " could not find the answer. He simply

bent his head.


At Kumbhakonam, a seminar with many advaithas took place. for 21 days. The

arguments and conclusions are available in his grantha " Kumbhakona Sabha



For " Achara " Jnana Sadhana is the main step. Therefore he wrote a Book

called " Panchanga NiRNaya " . He invited a number of astrologers writing

panchangams to assemble at Dharwad. . All of them discussed his works. They

unanimously agreed that what the saint said was " PramaNa Bhadhdha " .

Sampradhaya Parishudhdha. Therefore it appealed to all and had the

consensus of all Shasragnas.

To spread the Madhwa sidhdhantha he undertook tours like Shree Anandha

thirtha. His scholarly mind, vast knowledge in Shastras, oratory,

intelligence, his dignified arguments, eloquence, dignified way of handling

situations and discussing the points at the debate, convincing everybody

about what Madwar had told ,made people to award him the title

" Abhinavanadha thirtha. "


(Translation of the article by Vidwan Kheda Keshavacharya on Vibhuthi

Purusharu Sri Sathyadhyanathirtharu- vide page 41-42, " Prasanna " (24-4-1993),

a special publication brought by Sri Uttaradhi Mutt, Bangalore in connection

with golden jubilee(50 years) of Sri SathyaDhyana Thirtharu, entering



Dhyana Sloka:


Sathya Gnana Karaambhojodhaya Guro

Shree rama padaashryah|

PrathyaRthebha KumBhadhalane

Simha PrabhaRhaayakah||

BhruthyaaBhishta Phalapradhe


Twatpaadhe PraNamaami

Sathyadhyanna Yatiraat Twam

Paahimaam KaruNayaa||


Compositions on him:

1) Aanamipe Shree Sathyadhyana yathigaLige in Raga Kambhodi set to

Jampathala by Thandhe Venkatesha Vitalankitha.


2)Pandu nanadhana ranthe Thoruthiharu Pandithoththama SathyaDhyanathirtharu

by Shyma sundarankitha in raga Kambhodi set to jampathala.


3) SathyDhyana Nithya Smarisi KruthaKruthyanu Neenaago by KaRpara Narahari

Amkitha in raga Kambhodi set to jampathala.


4) SathyaDhyanara Paadha Nithyadhi Bhajisuva Bhruthyane balu Dhanyano by

Guru Govinda vitalankitha in Raga Ananadha Bhiaravi set to Chaputhala.





Sathyadhyaana Guruh Paathu

Yatheendrairapi poojithah||


May Sri Sathydhyana Thirtha bless all Haribhakthas.







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