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Gita book publication - VMS/SMSO Sabha Project

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Dear Sri Hari bhaktas,


By the grace of Sri Hari, Vayu, Gurugalu, Vishwa Madhva Sangha (VMS) is undertaking a joint project with the venerated Sri Madhva Siddhannohini (SMSO) Sabha (more than 100 years old in India) to republish the book on Bhagavat Gita by Late Sri C. M. Padmanabachar. This book is a classic book in English published in the early last century and is held in high esteem for the shastric scholarship of the author (a leading attorney in the British times in India), the lucid style of the written English appealing to the modern times, presentation of each shloka in Sanskrit followed by the text in English giving the bhashyas of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva as well as the pertinent tikkas, tippanis etc. and provides a wonderful wholesome study of the first 6 chapters of the Gita for the devotees in the present time. This republication is expected to produce a total of about 1200 printed pages in two volumes having about 600 pages in each volume of the book.

Books on Gita giving the Dvaita points of view in English are quite rare and this project addresses this void. It is planned to bring out a total of about 1000 copies in this republication and it is expected that there will be a wide distribution and appeal to this book since it is in English. The actual reprinting is set to commence soon and the release of the newly printed books in an appropriately arranged book-release function in India is expected in the next few months.

It may be recalled that VMS provided funds to SMSO Sabha a couple of years ago for the republication of the other classic " Life and Teachings of Sri Madhvacharya " by the same author. It may also be recalled that SMSO Sabha sent the copies of this book (500 pages) by courier service to the VMS donors in the USA.

Planned republication cost of the Gita book is about $8000 and already a VMS devotee in New Jersey who wishes to remain anonymous has provided his initial contribution of $4000 to VMS for this project. We are making our earnest appeal to all our fellow devotees to generousely provide their financial support for this worthy project. SMSO Sabha in India is making plans to send both the volumes of the book free of cost by courier service to donors in the USA giving more than $100 to VMS for this project. Your contribution to VMS is exempt from the federal income tax in the USA since VMS is a tax free organization in the USA. Please mail your check to Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana, Treasurer, VMS, 20217 Las Ondas Way, Cupertino, CA 95014 and a receipt will be issued to you for your tax exempt charitable contribution records for your annual federal income tax filing to the IRS. Your mailing address will be provided to SMSO Sabha in India for the purpose of sending both the volumes of the book by courier service to you, if your contribution to VMS exceeds $100.

Devotees who wish to provide their contribution in rupees are requested to send their cheques in rupees drawn in favour of SMSO Sabha and mail to Sri Ananthan, Secretary, SMSO Sabha, 15 Ram Nagar, First Street, Thiruppur, India 641602 (tel 0421-2243832).

In order to move ahead with this project we need to know your pledges as soon as possible and hence please do not delay in letting me know your pleadge, followed by your mailing your check to Sathya in California (or Ananthan in India, if cheque is in rupees). Please respond and please do not delay.

Vande vandhyam sadaanandam Vasudevam niranjanam










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Dear Sri Hari bhaktas,


New pledges received were $1700. In addition, an overseas devotee has written that he will give Rs 10,000 for this project.


This brings the total US dollar pledges to $5700. Our goal is to generate $8000. Please help.


There is enormous punya in helping to spread our acharya's siddantha to the sajjanaru worldwide. As all of you are aware, there indeed is the need of the hour in India and abroad to provide the spark of inspiration for shastra pravesha by making available suitable books in English to our adults and children. This project addresses this need. Hence your contribution, however small it is, helps a noble cause. Please come forward and help us to move this project forward.


Thraahi thraahi Jagannatha Vasudeva Achutaavyaya maam sammudhara Govinda dukka samsaara saagarath







On Behalf Of Madhavan,G V. BinduMonday, June 26, 2006 3:34 PM Gita book publication - VMS/SMSO Sabha Project


Dear Sri Hari bhaktas,

By the grace of Sri Hari, Vayu, Gurugalu, Vishwa Madhva Sangha (VMS) is undertaking a joint project with the venerated Sri Madhva Siddhannohini (SMSO) Sabha (more than 100 years old in India) to republish the book on Bhagavat Gita by Late Sri C. M. Padmanabachar. This book is a classic book in English published in the early last century and is held in high esteem for the shastric scholarship of the author (a leading attorney in the British times in India), the lucid style of the written English appealing to the modern times, presentation of each shloka in Sanskrit followed by the text in English giving the bhashyas of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva as well as the pertinent tikkas, tippanis etc. and provides a wonderful wholesome study of the first 6 chapters of the Gita for the devotees in the present time. This republication is expected to produce a total of about 1200 printed pages in two volumes having about 600 pages in each volume of the book.

Books on Gita giving the Dvaita points of view in English are quite rare and this project addresses this void. It is planned to bring out a total of about 1000 copies in this republication and it is expected that there will be a wide distribution and appeal to this book since it is in English. The actual reprinting is set to commence soon and the release of the newly printed books in an appropriately arranged book-release function in India is expected in the next few months.

It may be recalled that VMS provided funds to SMSO Sabha a couple of years ago for the republication of the other classic "Life and Teachings of Sri Madhvacharya" by the same author. It may also be recalled that SMSO Sabha sent the copies of this book (500 pages) by courier service to the VMS donors in the USA.

Planned republication cost of the Gita book is about $8000 and already a VMS devotee in New Jersey who wishes to remain anonymous has provided his initial contribution of $4000 to VMS for this project. We are making our earnest appeal to all our fellow devotees to generousely provide their financial support for this worthy project. SMSO Sabha in India is making plans to send both the volumes of the book free of cost by courier service to donors in the USA giving more than $100 to VMS for this project. Your contribution to VMS is exempt from the federal income tax in the USA since VMS is a tax free organization in the USA. Please mail your check to Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana, Treasurer, VMS, 20217 Las Ondas Way, Cupertino, CA 95014 and a receipt will be issued to you for your tax exempt charitable contribution records for your annual federal income tax filing to the IRS. Your mailing address will be provided to SMSO Sabha in India for the purpose of sending both the volumes of the book by courier service to you, if your contribution to VMS exceeds $100.

Devotees who wish to provide their contribution in rupees are requested to send their cheques in rupees drawn in favour of SMSO Sabha and mail to Sri Ananthan, Secretary, SMSO Sabha, 15 Ram Nagar, First Street, Thiruppur, India 641602 (tel 0421-2243832).

In order to move ahead with this project we need to know your pledges as soon as possible and hence please do not delay in letting me know your pleadge, followed by your mailing your check to Sathya in California (or Ananthan in India, if cheque is in rupees). Please respond and please do not delay.

Vande vandhyam sadaanandam Vasudevam niranjanam




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Dear Sri Hari bhaktas:


We happen to have a copy of this great book originally published in 1916. I thought I would share with you certain info about this book for your benefit.


The book contains first six chapters of Gita in 1108 pages, 25 pages of detailed content in English and Sanskrit, 108 pages of Index at the end. It contains each Bhagavad Geeta verse in Sanskrit with word by word meaning in English. Then it has a detailed discussion in English for each verse comparing commentaries from various authors of the three primary vedanta schools.


Certain excerpts from Words By the Author is given below:


Source: A Critical Study of Bhagavad Geeta by Sri C.M. Padmanabhacharya, (pages containing the publisher info is missing).


A Few Words By the Author


"...... In trying to do justice to my work, I was forced to make something like a comparative study. This opened to my eyes a vista of interesting information. Day by day, the conviction grew upon me that Sree Madhwa's interpretations were preferable to those of others, based, as they invariably were, on sound texts of authority and vigorous common-sense.....


.....The following are the chief works consulted by me in my efforts to make a comparative study:-

1. Sri Madhwa's Geeta Bhashya

2. Sri Jayatheertha's Premeya Deepika thereof

3. Sri Madhwa's Geeta Tatparya

4. Sri Jayatheertha's Nyaya Deepika thereof.

5. Sri Raghavendra Swami's Geeta Vivriti

6. Sankaracharya's Geeta Bhashya

7. Anandagiri's gloss on Sankara Bhashya

8. Other Adwaitic comentaries from

a) Madhusoodana Saraswati

b) Sankarananda

c) Neelakanta

d) Sridhara

e) Abhinava Guptacharya

f) Sankara Bhashyotkarsha Deepika

g) Brahmanandagiri of Vencatanatha


9. Ramanujacharya's Geeta Bhashya

10. Vedanta Desikar's gloss thereof, known as Tatparya Chandrika.


......Week after week, as I worked through Sree Madhwa's Commentaries and compared them with those of other schools, the feeling became strong in my mind that this system deserved better of the public and that its languishment arose partly at least from want of presentment in accordance with modern methods. I therefore thought that no apology was necessary to give an English rendering to Sree Madhwa's Bhagavad Geeta. The only aplogy that was called for lies, however, in the circumstance that I, of all persons, should take up the role of being Sree Madhwa's interpreter.....


..... I leave it to the reader to appraise the value of, and the necessity for, this work. No doubt, I have freely criticised wherever I thought criticism necessary. But I have never done so in malice. People may differ from me and feel unconvinced by my reasoning; but I pray that no motives be attributed to me. It is nothing but the exigencies of frank discussion that have called for the language used and not a carping spirit of fault-finding....


....The volume deals with the first six chapters of the Bhagavad Geeta. I have stopped at this point as my poor scholarship and poorer health would let me advance no further....."


In the next e-mail, I will share with you the discussion presented in the book on a Geeta verse as an example and to give you a flavor.




GV Srinivasan


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:34 PM


Gita book publication - VMS/SMSO Sabha Project




Dear Sri Hari bhaktas,

By the grace of Sri Hari, Vayu, Gurugalu, Vishwa Madhva Sangha (VMS) is undertaking a joint project with the venerated Sri Madhva Siddhannohini (SMSO) Sabha (more than 100 years old in India) to republish the book on Bhagavat Gita by Late Sri C. M. Padmanabachar. This book is a classic book in English published in the early last century and is held in high esteem for the shastric scholarship of the author (a leading attorney in the British times in India), the lucid style of the written English appealing to the modern times, presentation of each shloka in Sanskrit followed by the text in English giving the bhashyas of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva as well as the pertinent tikkas, tippanis etc. and provides a wonderful wholesome study of the first 6 chapters of the Gita for the devotees in the present time. This republication is expected to produce a total of about 1200 printed pages in two volumes having about 600 pages in each volume of the book.

Books on Gita giving the Dvaita points of view in English are quite rare and this project addresses this void. It is planned to bring out a total of about 1000 copies in this republication and it is expected that there will be a wide distribution and appeal to this book since it is in English. The actual reprinting is set to commence soon and the release of the newly printed books in an appropriately arranged book-release function in India is expected in the next few months.

It may be recalled that VMS provided funds to SMSO Sabha a couple of years ago for the republication of the other classic "Life and Teachings of Sri Madhvacharya" by the same author. It may also be recalled that SMSO Sabha sent the copies of this book (500 pages) by courier service to the VMS donors in the USA.

Planned republication cost of the Gita book is about $8000 and already a VMS devotee in New Jersey who wishes to remain anonymous has provided his initial contribution of $4000 to VMS for this project. We are making our earnest appeal to all our fellow devotees to generousely provide their financial support for this worthy project. SMSO Sabha in India is making plans to send both the volumes of the book free of cost by courier service to donors in the USA giving more than $100 to VMS for this project. Your contribution to VMS is exempt from the federal income tax in the USA since VMS is a tax free organization in the USA. Please mail your check to Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana, Treasurer, VMS, 20217 Las Ondas Way, Cupertino, CA 95014 and a receipt will be issued to you for your tax exempt charitable contribution records for your annual federal income tax filing to the IRS. Your mailing address will be provided to SMSO Sabha in India for the purpose of sending both the volumes of the book by courier service to you, if your contribution to VMS exceeds $100.

Devotees who wish to provide their contribution in rupees are requested to send their cheques in rupees drawn in favour of SMSO Sabha and mail to Sri Ananthan, Secretary, SMSO Sabha, 15 Ram Nagar, First Street, Thiruppur, India 641602 (tel 0421-2243832).

In order to move ahead with this project we need to know your pledges as soon as possible and hence please do not delay in letting me know your pleadge, followed by your mailing your check to Sathya in California (or Ananthan in India, if cheque is in rupees). Please respond and please do not delay.

Vande vandhyam sadaanandam Vasudevam niranjanam




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Dear Sri Hari Bhaktas,


New pledges of $1311 were received. In addition, a devotee has written that he is sending Rs 5000 to SMSO Sabha for this project.

This brings the total US dollar pledges to $7011 and total rupees pledges to Rs 15,000.


Our goal is to raise $8000. Please help.


Ananda Mukunda Aravinda nayana Ananda Theertha paraananda varadha





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Dear Sri Hari Bhaktas,


New pledges of over $1000 were received. By the grace of Sri Hari, the total pledges received have now exceeded our goal of $8000, in addition to pledges in rupees of Rs 15,000. Any interested devotees still interested in offering their support are encouraged to do so and SMSO Sabha in India will mail the books to the donors who offer in excess of $100 to the VMS for this project.

We have communicated to the SMSO Sabha to proceed with the reprinting of the book. All the US dollar donors are requested to make their checks payable to Vishwa Madhva Sangha (VMS) and mail to Sri M. S. Sathyanarayana, Treasurer, VMS, 20217 Las Ondas Way, Cupertino, CA 95014. Please mail your checks with out delay. Sri Sathya will consolidate all the checks received and issue a single check from the VMS to the SMSO Sabha in India.

The rupee donors are requested to make their checks payable to SMSO Sabha and mail to Sri Ananthan, Secretary, SMSO Sabha, 15 Ram Nagar, First Street, Thiruppur, India 641602 (tel 0421-2243832). Please do not delay mailing your checks.

It is expected that it will take a couple of months for the reprinting and the production of about 1000 copies of each of the two volumes of the book in India. Then SMSO Sabha will organize a book-release ceremony in India. After this event, SMSO Sabha will send the copies of the book by courier service to the overseas donors. Devotees in India can obtain copies of the book from SMSO Sabha by COD (cash on delivery) basis and for further details please contact Sri Ananthan copied in this e-mail.

Akshayam karma yasminpare swarpitham

Prakshayam yaanthi dukhaani yannaamathaha

Aksharo yojara sarva daivaamruthaha

Kukshigam yasya visvam sadha jaadhikam

Preenayaamo Vasudevam devathaa mandala akanda mandalam

Sri Bhaaratiramana Mukyapraanaanthargatha Sri Krishnaarpanamastu









Madhavan,G V. Bindu

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:04 AM

; satsangha_east

Cc: Ananthan(SMSS) (rananthan); puthigeshree

Re: Gita book publication - VMS/SMSO Sabha Project


Dear Sri Hari Bhaktas,


New pledges of $1311 were received. In addition, a devotee has written that he is sending Rs 5000 to SMSO Sabha for this project.

This brings the total US dollar pledges to $7011 and total rupees pledges to Rs 15,000.


Our goal is to raise $8000. Please help.


Ananda Mukunda Aravinda nayana Ananda Theertha paraananda varadha





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