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Upakarma--- For your reference-2

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Hari Sarvothama, Vayu Jeevothama

Sri Gurubhyo namaha


Shree Moola rama vijayate


Source: Shri U S Pantulu, C-12, Officers Quarters, BEML Nagar, Kolar Gold Fields, 563115. Thanks to Sri G R Rao for providing this book for referal.Request TO READERS: These postings are meant for beginners. Upakarma done under the guidance of revered Achar is highly recommended. I would greatly appreciate any correction & please post it to the list ASAP if any.


To expiate the sins of wrong intonation, lack of devotion during the chanting of mantras & not being seated properly during the chanting of mantra, this upakarma is performed. The mantras lose their potency & do not fetch any merit if upakarma is not performed. It is a compulsory ritual. All brahmins must sit through the entire ritual & take part in it. In upakarma, puja is performed to the sata rishis to whom Vedic mantras were revealed & to the devathas who are the abhimanidevathas of those mantras. Then the yajnopavita is worn.




Then do Desakalocharana as follows:


Sree Govinda Govinda Sree maha vishno

Rajnayah pravartha Manasya Adya Brahmanah dvitiya paradhe, swetha varaha kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare, aShTAviMshatitame kaliyuge, prathama pade, **jambudweepe, bharata varshe, bharata khande, Dandakaranye, Godavai Dakshinateere, Salivahana Sake, Bhoudhavatare Rama kshetre,** Swagruhe (own house) or ** appropriate location .....**


Asmin vartamana, vyavaharika chandramanena ...........year (vyaya nAma samvatsara), dakshinayane, varsha rutho, Sravana mAse, Sukla pakshe.........Thithou Vasare Shubha nakshatre, Shubha yoga, Shubha Karana, Evam Guna, Viseshana Visistayam, Shubha Thithau Arundhati Sameta Kasyapadi Sapta Rishi Antargata (Rigvedis) or prajapatyadi Nava Rishi Antargata (Yajurvedis) Bharathi Ramana Mukhya pranAntargata Sree Vedavyasa Preranaya Sree Vedavyasa Preetyartham Mama, Sarvesham Maha jananamcha Adhita nam chanda deenam yata yamata nirasardham Utsarjanardham karma thadha Adhyesya mananam chanda deenam virya vatva sidhyardham, Sriman..... (tell your name) Sarmanam.....Gothrasya, Asmaka Sakutumbanam, Kshema, Sthairya, Vijaya, Abhaya, Ayur Arogya Eishwaryabhi Vridhyaradham Dharma Artha, Kama Moksha Chaturvidha Phala purushartha Sidhyartham, Satsantana Sowbhagya putra poutra Sidhyartham poorva janma krita samasta papa parihardham, budhi jnana bhakthi sakthi vairagya yoga sidhyartham Bharathi ramana Mukhya pranatargata, Sree Madhwa Vallabha Janardhana Vasudeva Preranaya Sree Madhwa Vallabha Janardhana Vasudeva Preethyartham, Sroutha, Smartha Nithya Karmaanushtana yogyata Sidhyartham, Yagnopaveetha Abhimantrana, Dharanam Thadhanga Ganapathi poojam thatha Rishi poojan Karishye...




Adhou Nirvignardham Ganapati Poojyam karishye


Recite Shloka: Suklam bharadharam Vishnum Sasivarnamam Chaturbhujam prasanna Vadanama Dhyayet Sarva vignopa santaye


Keep a Ganapathi idol or Tumeric paste cone on a broad betal leaf, opposite to you.


Sree Ganadhi patheya namaH --- Dhyayami

Dhyanam Samarpayami ----- Put Akshathas

Avahayami Asanam Samarpayami --- Put Akshathas

Padayo Padyam Samarpayami --- Take water, uddharne full & leave in the Arghya patre

Hastayo Arghyam Samarpayami- do same as above

Mukhe Achamaniyam Samarpayami ---- do same as above

Madhuparka Snanam karishyami -- with a flower, pour water on idol

Suddodhaka Snanam samarpayami - do same as above

Vastra Yugmam Samarpayam --- Put Akshatas on idol

Abharanardham Akshaatan Samarpayami --- do same as above

Yagnopaveetam Samarpayami ---- do same as above

Srigandham lepayami -----Put some sandal paste

Samasta parimala putra Pushpani poojayami----- put flowers


Recite the following:


Om Ganapateya namaH , Om Ekdantaya namaH,

Om Soorpakarnaya namaH, Om Gajananaya namaH,

Om Vakratundaya namaH, Om Vignahartre namaH


Dhoopam Aghrapayami --- Light Agarbathis

Deepam Darsyami ---- Light lamp

Nivedyam Samarpayami --- A plantain or jaggery piece or freshly cooked food to be offered.


Hold a flower in right hand, keeping left hand fingers on the right arm, show Nivedyam to lord. Recite the following:


Om pranaya svaha, Om Apanaya svaha, Om Vyanaya svaha, Om udanaya svaha, Om Samanaya svaha


Put two drops of water (with the flower) on the neivedyam.

Chant Madhya Madhye pAniyam Samarpayami

Tamboolam Samarpayami --- Give Tamboolam

Sarvopacharam Samarpayami ---- Do Sarvopachara

Maha Niranjanam Samarpayami --- Light camphor, with bell ringing, Do harathi

Mantrapushpam Samarpayami - Give flowers

Pradakshina Namaskaran samarpayami --- Do Pradakshina & then Prostrate


Recite the following taking flowers in hand, with folded hands,


Vakratunda mahakaya koti surya sama prabha |

Nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaryeshu sarvada ||


Leave flowers at the the idol. Then recite


Anaya yadha sakti maya krita dhyana vahanadi shodasopachara poojaya,

Shri Ganapati Antargata Vishwambharah Suprasanna Shri Bharati ramana mukhya prana supreeto varado bhavatu


Leave some water & akshata in Arghya patre


Atah Ganapati Pooja Samapathah ||




Take a plate, spread rice on it uniformly & put one dharba. This is the seat for the Rishis being invoked.


Arrange 8 betal nuts (not powder) separately on the rice, in the plate. Put flower petals on each nut. Recite the following


Kasyapam--- Avahayami

Atrim----- Avahayami


Vishwamitram---- Avahayami



Vasistam ------Avahayami

Arundhatim -----Avahayami


After the above, recite the following.


Asanam samarpayami--- Put some Akshatas on the betal nuts.

Padayo padyam Samarpayami--- spray water with a flower

Hastayo arghyam samarpayami---- 3 times water to be left in the Arghya patre

Snapayami----Put water with flower on the 8 nuts

Achamaniyam Samarpayami---- 3 times water to be left in the Arghya patre

Vastram Samarpayami---- Put Akhatas on the nuts

Yagnopaveetam Samarpayami--- Put Akshatas on the nuts

Gandham Samarpayami---- Put Sandal paste on the nuts

Puspani Samarpayami----- Put flowers on the nuts. Put flowers & akshatas on each nut calling the name of each Rishi


For example: Om Kasyapaya namaH


After the names of eight rishis are chanted, as above, offer Dhoopa, Deepa, & lighted camphor & neivedya.


Nivedya for the rishis is 3 spoonful of fried rice flower mixed with 1 1/2 spoonful of curd.


After the above, offer flowers, Akshatas.


Chant the following:


Kasyapadi Rishibhyo namaH

Mantra puspanjalim Samarpayami

Anaya Poojaya Kasyapaadi Rishinam

antargata Sree Bharati Ramana mukhya prana antargata

Sree vedavyasa priyatam prito Bhavatu.


After the above, offer Rishi Tarpana. Keeping the yajnopaveeta in *GARLAND* position. While offering Tarpana, the right hand four fingers (excluding thumb) should be folded. Take few akshatas in right hand palm. Pour water on the palm with uddarne & guide Akshatas & water on the arghyapatre slightly inclining towards left.


Chant name of each Rishi & offer Tarpana individually. Example *Kasyapa" Tarpayami


|| Atha Rigveda Rishi Pooja SamaptaH ||




Incase of Yajurvedis, nine different Rishis have to be invoked (Avahayami). Their names are as under:


1. Prajapathi Kanda Rishim

2. Somam Kanda Rishim

3. Agnim Kanda Rishim

4. Vishwam Devan Kanda Rishim

5. Samhitir Devatha Upanishada

6. Yagnakir Devatha Upanishada

7. Varunir Devatha Upanishada

8. Brahmana Swayambhoovam Upanishada

9. Sata Sathpatim


Avahana, Pooja, Dhoopa, Deepa, Harati, Naivedhya, Nivedana are similar to that of Rigvedis. Howerver, Neivedya for the Rishis will be 3 spoonful fried rice, jaggery & some sesame seeds mixture.


After Nievidya, offer flowers, Akshatas.


Chant the following:


Prajapathyadi Rishibhyo namaH

Mantra Pushpanjali Samarpayami

Anaya Poojaya Prajapatyadi Rishinam

Antargata Sree Bharati Ramana Mukhya prAnan antargata

Sree Vedavyasa Priyatam Prito bhavatu.


Take water, Akshatas in right hand & leave in Arghyapatre.


After the above, offer Rishi Tarpana. Keeping the Yajnopaveeta in *GARLAND* position, chanting the names of Rishis individually.

Example: Prajapathi Kanda Rishim Tarpayami


|| Atha Yajurveda Rishi Rooja SamaptaM ||




After smearing Kumkum/Turmeric, new Yagnopaveeta should be kept on a brass/copper/silver plate. Take the plate in left hand, close yagnopaveeta with Right hand palm & recite the Gayathri mantra 3 times, Start & end with OM.


After that, put Akshatas on yagnopaveeta. Chant the following:


Omkara Agni-- Naga Soma, Pithru, Prajapathi, Vayu, Surya

Viswa devan Navarantu Ghanyasami Rig, Yajur Sama Adharva vedan grandhau nyasami


Show the Yajnopaveeta towards Sun, Recite the following:

Udutyam jatavedasam deva vahanti kesava drise viswaya suryam


Sprinkle water on the yajnopaveeta & chant:


brahmane namaH, Vishnuve namaH, Rudraya NamaH. After this chant 12 namas of Lord Vishnu & do Achamana.


Then wear each strand of Yajnopaveeta, reciting the following:


Om yagnopaveetam param pavithram prajapatheh yat sahajam purasthath ayushya margyam prati muncha subhram yagnopaveetam bala mastu tejah.


Recite Gayathri Mantram 10 times.


Jeerna yajnopaveeta visarjane


12. Remove old Yagnopaveeta down waist without touching feet. Recite the following:


Upavitam bhinna tamtum jeernam kasmala dooshitam visrujami jale brahman vartcho dheergha ayurastu me.


Old yajnopaveetha should be disposed in a secluded place or on upper branches of a green tree.


There is a practice at this stage recite Purusha suktham, Vishnu Sahasranamam, & selected verses from Bhaghavat Gita & Dwadasha stothram.


13. Finally, pithru Tila tarpana should be offered to all Pithrus.


14. SAMAPTHAM: After Tarpana recite:


Yasya smrithyacha Namaktyo tapah pooja kriyai deeshu.

nyunam sampoornatam yati sandhyovande te matchyutam


mantra heenam kriya heenam bhakthi heenam ramapathe

yat krityantam to maya deva paripoornam tadastu me


anena yadha shakthi mayakrita utsarjana yajnopaveeta dharanena bhaghavan Sri Madhwacharyanam hrit kamala madhya nivasi ananta kalyana guna pari poorna

kshirabdi sayi nirdhoshajnana anandatmaka vayu Hanumad bheema Madhwantargata masa niyamaka vrisha sametha Sravana Sridhara Roopathmaka, chaturmasa niyamaka dharani sametha bhuvarah Roopatmaka Shri Vedavyasa priyatham Supreeto Varado Bhavathu.


Leave water & Akshathas into the Arghya patre.


DO ACHAMANA again recite:


Madhye mantra tantra swara varna lopa dosha prayashchitartham nama traya mantra japan karishye.


3 times AchyutayanamaH, Ananthaya namaH, Govindaya namaH.

Achytanantha Govindo bhyonamaH


kayena vatcha manase yandreiyairva bhudhyatmanam prakrute (anushtute) svabhavath

karome yadyat sakalam parasmye sriman narayaneti Samarpayami


bhAratIramaNa mukhyaprANAntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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