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Bhagyadha Lakshmi Baaramma

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Sources: Smt Latha Narasimha Rao

Satthathwarathnamala, Thatwasuvvali, Mahabharatha Thathparya Nirnaya



Bhagyadha Lakshmi Baaramma

To distribute mangoes grown in her house, Ambabai proceeded to Ramadevi’s house in the same locality. Ambabai was surprised to see there Sugunabai and Subhadramma also. They were all seated in the middle of what seemed like a cotton factory. Cleaned Cotton (rid of the seeds), Hoo batthi (an erect wick for lighting a lamp), Mangalarathi batthi (stick like wicks used in mangalarathi), Gejje Vastra (a cotton garland looking like made of beads (bells)) were stacked well. Further, they were busy making Kamalada batthi (an artistic erect wick), Pavithrada batthi etc.

Ambabai inquired "What is this pile of cotton wicks?"

Ramadevi replied: We are getting ready for the season of festivals which is just approaching. During the month of Shraavana, Subhadramma has many festivals like Sampatthu Shukravara, Shanivara etc. She felt that she may not get time later. And it was decided that if we all sit together in the preparation, we can help each other.

Don’t you have Sampatthu Shukravara, Lakshmi Kalasha? asked Ambabai. "All these are observed in my mother’s house. In my in-law’s house we have only Vara Mahalakshmi vratha" said Ramadevi. No sooner she completed the sentence, her daughter in law Geeta who was in the adjacent room busy with knitting sweater rushed in and asked her mother in law "Then, Do you belong to a different caste?" The mother in law just said "Keep Quiet" as though she was angry. They were a friendly mother in law – daughter in law pair.

Geeta continued: Why differences in customs (sampradaya), while belonging to the same subdivision (pangada). After a brief pause Ambabai said "It is all regional practices. Hundreds of years ago, people who have migrated from Maharashtra to different parts of the country are trying to retain their customs and culture. These poojas are indicators of the same. In order to make the pooja colourful, songs are composed with many interesting stories woven into them.

Be it as it is. Now we all know Lakshmi as Provider of Wealth, Longevity to spouse (soubhagyadayini), and Progeny. If we know more about Lakshmi and worship her with that knowledge, there will be increase in our respect to her (gourava), dedication (bhakthi) and keenness (shraddhe).

Mukta, the second daughter in law of Ramadevi, who was engaged in embroidery of her daughter’s dress, was listening to the conversation all along. She moved in and occupied a seat by the side of Geeta. She curiously interjected "What you say is true, but where do we get the information?"

Pat came the reply. Ask your mother in law. She will tell you. Both daughters in law looked at their mother in law Ramadevi. Ramadevi said "I do not know anything. I have just listened here and there some lectures (pravachanas). Sugunabai added "We have listened / read now and then. But it is a little here and a little there. We are unable to summarise and tell anybody". Subhadramma joined "Ambabai, you keep going daily to Bhajana Mandali, Lectures (Upanyasas / Pravachanas). You please tell us"

Ambabai concluded "It is nothing as big as you people think. We should tell something and not say NO to youngsters like Geeta and Mukta when they ask."

"Please tell us" went up the chorus.

The word VaraMahalakshmi stands for Lakshmi who has become Great/Superior (shreshta) by her own abilities (mahimas): Maha = Full of abilities, Vara = Great/Superior. The name Varada Mahalakshmi is also in use.

I will start from the beginning of evolution (srushti). At the time of pralaya there was only water. Water is a form (roopa) of Lakshmi named Shreedevi. On the water a leaf of a pupil tree (aalada ele) was present. This leaf was Lakshmi’s form named Bhoodevi. Darkness is Lakshmi’s form named Durgadevi. On the leaf lied Shri Hari in the form of a child.

Ramadevi asked "Ambabai, we have heard of Bhagavantha as one who is as bright as a Crore Suns. You are mentioning darkness where he is present!"

Here, Darkness does not mean absence of Sun. (At that point of time, Sun is yet to be created.) Knowledge of Vedas and such others were in a sleeping mode (sushuptha) hidden within Bhagavantha. This state was called Darkness.

At that place and time, only Narayana and Lakshmi are present and nothing else. For srushti, at the appropriate time, Bhagavantha will come out of Mahalakshmi’s embracement and take innumerable Male forms (Purusha roopas). He instructs Mahalakshmi to take innumerable forms. Thus for every male form of Bhagavantha there is a matching form of Mahalakshmi. For example: Shridhara + Shridhanya, Vamana + Shrivrushakapi, etc.

Sugunabai interrupts: Ambabai, Vamana is a brahmachari (bachelor). From where did this wife come? Ambabai smiled and said "Please listen . . .

Even while leaving every contact and taking sanyasa

Keeping you always on his chest

Hey Mayadevi, you have mesmerised Him ||

[sarvasangava bittu sanyasiyaada kaalakkoo

Sarvadaa thannedeya mele bidade ninna dharisippanthe

Maralu maadikondeyalle Mayadevi || ]

Now, what do you say? There is no separation to Lakshmi Narayana. Immediately, Geeta questioned "Do you say this even after Seethapaharana (Seetha being taken away) during Ramayana?" Ambabai replied "Wait, I will reply this later" and continued.

Next was the turn for srushti of all inanimate objects (jada vasthu) and Brahmanda. Raw material is required. Bhagavantha himself placed the raw material inside Lakshmi’s stomach and commanded "Give". Lakshmi Devi gave out Sathwa, Rajo and Thamo gunas. Shri Roopa is the abhimani for Sathwa, Bhoo Roopa for Rajas and Durga Roopa for Thamas. These three gunas were mixed in different proportions and Avyaktha thathwa was created. This was the creation of Brahmanda and the inanimate objects. Lakshmi is also known as "Mahadbrahma" as she harboured all the raw material required for the creation of the entire universe. Thus Lakshmi is the abhimani for the moola avyaktha thathwa.

After the srushti of Brahmanda, Shri Hari took the form of Kurma (Tortoise). Lakshmi also took Kurma roopa and sat on the back of Bhagavantha and carried Brahmanda. Just like Shri Hari, Lakshmi is also omnipresent (sarvavyapta) and timeless (kalathitha). In view of this similarity, she is called Samana. As she does not possess as many qualities (gunas) as Him, she is also called Asamana. From the navel of Shri Hari, Kamala (the lotus flower) was produced (uthpatthi). Who is this Kamala? None other than Bhoodevi. From the kamala Brahma was produced. The land on which we stay is also called Bhoodevi. So she is called Jagadambe. Shri Lakshmi Devi has no birth or death. Therefore she is called Anadinithya (one who is beginning less (anadi) and permanent (nithya). Word Kshara stands for Loss. Akshara stands for one who has no loss. The name Akshara represents her as she has no harm to her body. She has no old age. Hence the name Ajara.

This appeared to be the turn of Mukta and she questioned: I have heard that she was born in the ocean of milk (ksheerasamudra). Ambabai continued: That was an enactment to provide some entertainment to Brahma, Rudra and the rest of Gods. Infact, Lakshmi was wearing a mangalya while coming out of the ocean. This meant that she was already married!

Srushti of Devathas and Daithyas was over. Shri Hari says "At all times, at the time of production of Jeevas among (Human, Animals and Birds etc.) I will sow the seed like a father. Lakshmi will be present in the feminine (mother) as platform (kshetra) and hold (dharana).

Shri Hari has his own Ornaments and Weapons because of his swaroopa. Even then, Lakshmi has taken the form of ornaments and Peethambara (silken robe of Narayana) in order to decorate Him. She is present in the Conch (Shankha) as Shree, in Padma as Bhoo and in Chakra (divine wheel) as Durga.

Immediately Sugunabai said "I know, I know and sang:

From Umbrella, Fan, Chamara, Cot

Take each and every role

She is performing uninterrupted seva to the Historical ShriHari

[ Chatra, Chamara Vyajana paryanka

Pathraroopadali ninthu

Chitra charitanada hariya nityaseve maduthihalu ]

She has cooked the food; she has taken the form of the dishes in order to serve Him. She is taking the Food leftover by Him.

Even with all this, it is said that she does not know about all His qualities (gunas). By His grace (anugraha) she is continuing to learn about His qualities during every moment. She already knows about a crore times the number of qualities that Brahma knows about Him. Not only that, she also knows the minutest points (sookshma athisookshma) of the qualities which Brahma does not know. She further prayed Him her intention to know more minutely, when He in the form of Mahidasa advised her about His qualities. Bhagavantha is also the Guru of Lakshmi Devi. Thus Lakshmi Devi cannot be fully understood even by Brahma, as their acquisition of knowledge (jnanabhivruddhi) is only upto the time of their attaining mukthi. On the other hand Lakshmi Devi, even though is a Nithya Mukthalu (one who has attained Moksha on an eternal basis) is continuously acquiring Jnana for the sake of her own enhancement of Ananda (pleasure). She has brought into this world innumerable number of Brahmas and Rudras and enabled them to attain Moksha. Therefore, it is needless to say how great she is in comparison to Brahma. In fourteen worlds, after Bhagavantha, she is the sarvajne.

Bhagavantha is impressed by the depth of dedication (bhakthi) and keenness (shraddhe) shown by her and has bestowed her powers by which even with the tip of her eyesight she can start the eight processes of Srushti (srushtyadi ashtakarma). Just like Hari, she also has no shadurmis (six stages of life like garbhavasa (incubation), shaishavasthe (infancy) etc.). However, during her incarnation as Seetha, Rukmini and Padmavathy she has just exhibited baalya (childhood) and youvanavasthe (youth). She possesses a body made up of Jnana and Ananda (one which is not available in the world – aprakrutha). She is permanently in her youth (chira youvane). She has unmatched beauty.

Seetha when God was Rama, Rukmini when He was Krishna. These are the only two incarnations (avatharas) of Lakshmi! Subhadramma sought a clarification for her doubt. Yes, when He was Krishna, He had 16,106 wives with each of them having the presence of Lakshmi. Other than this Lakshmi in the form of Rukmini and her own replica in Sathyabhama were his wives. He will not accept any woman in whom Lakshmi is not present (sannidhya) as a wife. That is why Lakshmi is present in all those women like Thulasi, Brunda, Thrivakra etc. and the Gopikasthrees who desired body companionship of Krishna.

Lakshmi can show the eight prowesses like Anima (present in an atom), Mahima (present inside and outside Brahmanda), etc at the same time. She is the controller of Jagrata (Awakened state), Swapna (Dream state) and Sushupthi (Sleep state). She also has thousands of Heads, Limbs etc. Some portions of Veda only are exclusive to Shri Hari while the rest apply to both Shri Hari and Lakshmi. She is the abhimani of Veda and she herself represents Veda.

That clearly means Lakshmi and Narayana form one group, Brahma and other Gods form another group. Do you agree Subhadramma? Asked Sugunabai. Subhadramma nodded in agreement.

Ambabai said "Wait for a while." Only Hari forms a group called Ishakoti. All jeevas from Lakshmi form a group called Jeevakoti. The reason for this classification is that Hari alone is independent (Swathantra) while all others are dependent (on Hari) (Aswathantra). However, Lakshmi cannot be classified totally under Jeevakoti. There is yet another group called Para-Shukla-Thrayaru. This is a group of just three persons. Lakshmi Devi, Brahma (Vayu) and Saraswathi (Bharathi) form this group. Gods from Garuda (downwards in hierarchy), Indra etc are not members of this.

What is the speciality of this group? asked Ramadevi.

Members of the group do not have any doubts, disbeliefs about the Qualities (guna) and Capabilities (Samarthya) of Paramathma. They do not see any fault in them either. This is because: Kali is in charge of Ajnana (Lack of Knowledge), Samshaya (Doubts) and Viparita Jnana (Perverted Knowledge). Kali’s shadow also will not fall in the direction of these three persons. Therefore they are called Shukla (Bright) / Shubra (Pure) Thrayaru (Threesome).

Mahalakshmi is the first reflection of Bhagavantha. Just then Geeta pleaded "Ambabai, Please explain in detail". Ambabai faced Geeta and asked "If you dress up and stand in front of a full length mirror, how will you look?" Geeta blushed a little and answered "I will look beautiful". All laughed at her statement.

Ambabai continued, you are beautiful no doubt. That is not what I asked. Your left will appear as right, right as left. Can you see your back? No. Can you smell the fragrance of the flowers bedecked on your head in the image? No. If you sing in front of the mirror, lips move in the image but no sound emanates from the image. Do you agree?

Well, I had not thought of all these said Geeta.

This establishes that all qualities that you possess are not shown in your own image. This summarises the Bimba (Object) – Pratibimba (Image) bhava (concept). Lakshmi is the first Sthree pratibimba of Shri Hari. Very many (eshto) gunas of Hari are not present in Mahalakshmi. Brahma (Vayu) is the first Purusha pratibimba of Shri Hari. The pratibimba in case of BrahmaVayu has lesser number of gunas than that of Mahalakshmi.

Ambabai, I have one doubt. Please do not mistake me and clarify said Mukta and asked "Lakshmi and Narayana never quarrel is it?"

This question did not occur to any of us, How is it you . . . said Ambabai, It is your age, it is OK, listen! I will explain: Lakshmi is an indivisible part of Narayana’s body (just like Ardhanari). However, Lakshmi in the name of Dakshina is residing at the heart of Paramathma by name Yajna, is of exceptional beauty. In the circumstances, how can there be a quarrel? Still, in order to provide entertainment to the people at large, she has enacted as though she became angry with Narayana and moved away to Kolhapur. Geeta! Did you get an answer to your old question about Seetha’s separation?

Lakshmi has declared that her husband has granted her powers to confer the positions of Brahma, Rudra etc to anybody of her choice. Further she has said, she has the right to recommend moksha (salvation) to anybody who has done their prescribed duty with nishkama (without any expectation).

Therefore, let us pray Mahalakshmi during this year’s VaraMahalakshmi vratha: Shri Roopa for wealth, Bhoo Roopa for Samsara bharana (Day to day requirements of samsara) and Durga Roopa for arresting the thamas in us. Let us also pray for moksha.

Ambabai said "It is getting late, I will start".

Other guests also said, we will also start, permit us by giving kumkuma. Today, we did God’s work and our own work. This time, we will definitely have extra dedication (bhakthi) and keenness (shraddhe) in the VaraMahalakshmi pooja. Do you agree Ramadevi?


[in Marathi, Amba means mango. Further, Goddess Mahalakshmi of Kolhapur is referred as Ambabai.]

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