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Shri Thulasi Mahathme

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S. Narasimha Rao




I am Narasimha Rao's son. ..............



Previously, We had sent one of my mother's articles to you. I have been instructed to send another recently published piece. Titled "Bhagyada lakshmi Baarama" it is in both English and Kannada. The pieces were published in Aacahara Vichara English and Kannada magazine's August edition. As usual you may circulate the same to your network. Comment, feedback and discussions are welcome.

Please circulate the same to your network. Comment, feedback and discussions are welcome.



Hope you find it interestingRegards,Pavan Rao



Shri Thulasi Mahathme

-- Latha Narasimha Rao--


Based on: Shri Jagannatha dasa’s Tatwa Suvvali


Thungamma completed her usual pooja of Thulasi brindavana and Thulasi plant in front of her house and was about to get into the house when she spotted Sarala, the neighbour. Both exchanged smiles as usual.

Thungamma is a housewife of about 55. She has settled in her hometown of Kanakapura after the retirement of her husband. Sarala is about 35, a housewife looking after the welfare of the in-laws, husband and children.

Thungamma inquired naturally "Have you finished thulasi pooja?" Sarala replied shaking her head "We do not have the practice in our house". Thungamma was wonderstruck and wondered if she had not heard Sarala properly and again inquired "What did you say?" Sarala replied clearly "In our house, we do not have the habit of doing pooja to thulasi". Thungamma had assumed Sarala’s family to be of the same denomination as herself and naturally was surprised at the information. She was not inclined to continue the conversation for the present and told Sarala in a friendly manner "Come home with your mother-in-law when you find time". Sarala, the friendly lady accepted the invitation with a "Yes".

After a few days, Sarala accompanied by her mother-in-law Seethamma visited Thungamma’s house one afternoon. Thungamma heartily welcomed them and offered seats. Once the usual enquiries were over, Thungamma not interested in gossip, came straight to the topic.

"I have not been able to believe whatever you said about the thulasi pooja", said Thungamma. "Yes, auntie. If you desire, you can inquire with my mother-in-law" said Sarala. "Yes, Yes, my mother-in-law was also saying the same thing" added the elderly lady Seethamma. Thungamma thought for a moment about the possibility of these persons being atheists and her wasting time lecturing on thulasi mahathme and cleverly asked "Do you have a separate pooja room in the house? Or .." Sensitive Sarala said "We have a separate pooja room. Once my father-in-law finishes the sandhyavandana, mother-in-law gets in, lights up the lamps for the lord and garlands photos / decorates photos with flowers." Thungamma felt much relieved.

Thungamma said "Some practices, right or wrong, would have got embedded into families. It is our duty to examine them properly and make corrections where necessary. If you people do not mistake me, I will share with you a few facts about thulasi. It is upto you to perform thulasi pooja or not." Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law enthusiastically said "You must, we are eager to know."

During the churning of the Ocean of milk (Ksheera sagara mathana), Shri Hari came up in the form of Dhanvanthari carrying the kalasha of Amrutha. At that time some drops of Hari’s tears of joy fell into the Amrutha kalasha. Thulasi was born out of those tears of joy. Having been born out of tears of joy, she herself gives joy. She has Lakshmi devi’s amsha in herself. That is the reason for the celebration of marriage of Thulasi with Shri Krishna on every Karthika shuddha dwadashi day. Hari likes her very much. It is believed that Hari is present wherever Thulasi is present.

Thulasee kaananam yathra | yathra padma vanaani cha |

Vasanthi vaishnavaa yathra | thathra sannihitho harihi ||

Hari will reside wherever thulasi garden, pond with lotus flowers and pure vaishnavas reside. Garden does not mean acres of garden. A minimum of three plants qualify for being called a garden.

Thulasi was born on the Earth as King Dharmadhwaja’s daughter. She was an epitome of beauty and was blessed with an amsha of goddess Lakshmi. The king gave her the appropriate name of Thulasi. Thula means equal, meaning equal to Lakshmi. But, nowhere is it said that Thulasi herself is Lakshmi. Vishnu wore the garland of Thulasi to fulfil Thulasi’s desire to be always in the company of Hari. Vishnu also gave a boon to Thulasi that "she would attain the company of Vishnu through the thulasi dala (a bunch of thulasi leaves formed at the end of the branch) given by the devotees".

Jambavathi is the best (shreshta) among the six great women (shanmahishis) of Shri Krishna. Lakshmi devi is present in a special form (vishesha sannidhana) in her. Jnanis (learned ones) say that it is Jambavathi in the form of Thulasi, who is worshipping Vishnu on a daily basis (Thulasee Jambavathee proktha). There is a saying by Dasaru "Ellaa saadhanaviddu thulasi illada pooje ollano hari kollano" meaning the pooja with all items but thulasi is not accepted by Hari which you would have also heard said Thungamma. The mother-in-law - daughter-in-law nodded their head and said "Yes".

All flowers are not available in all seasons. However, thulasi which has the essence of all flowers concentrated in itself is available round the year. Thus, offering of thulasi dalas to Shri Hari is equivalent to offering all the best flowers.

Jnanis say, seeing (darshana) of thulasi in the morning erases all sins. This is said in:

Yanmoole sarva theerthaani yanmadhye sarva devathaa |

Yadagre sarva vedaashcha thulasee thwaam namaamyaham ||

At the base of the Thulasi plant all River’s (theertha’s) abhimani devathas are present, in the middle all Devathas are present and in the tip all Vedas are present. I prostrate this thulasi.

Go koti daana sadrusham phalamaapnuvanthi ||

Thulasi’s darshana is equivalent to gifting away (daana) of one crore cows. All sins will be erased by darshana, body will be cleansed (deha shuddhi) by touching (sparsha), diseases will be removed by prostration (namaskara), escape (parihara) from Yama’s clutches by watering thulasi plant, development of Hari bhakthi by growing thulasi plant, obtaining salvation (moksha) by offering of thulasi to Shri Hari are the various benefits of thulasi. These being so, what could be the benefit of thulasi pooja with utmost devotion? - Good things (shubha) in both this world and the other world (iha and para).

Poojiparige parama mangalada padavitthu salahuvi |

Dasaru has said, thulasi will recommend grant of salvation (moksha) with Shri Hari for those who worship her.

Daily during early mornings, the thulasi brindavana placed in the front of the house should be seen (darshana), clean the frontage with water, and decorate with rangoli (floor decoration with white stone powder), recite:

Thulasee Shree sakhee Shubhe paapahaarini punyade |

Namasthe naaradanuthe naaraayana manah priye ||

Hey Thulasi, friend of Lakshmi Devi, embodiment of mangala, one who erases sins, bestow punya, beloved of Shri Narayana, who is prostrated by Narada, I prostrate to you.

Water the plant, perform pooja using turmeric, kunkum, and flowers and offer for naivedya only items already offered (naivedya) to Shri Hari. Elders say, only persons eligible for salvation (mukthi yogya) will develop interest in thulasi darshana, sthothra. Thungamma ended by saying "So much is the information about thulasi".

Sarala inquired "Why is brindavana built only for thulasi plants?" Thungamma said "Oh! I had forgotten about it, good you reminded me" and continued:

Brunda is a chaste wife of a demon Jalandhara. He had obtained eternal status (avadhyathwa meaning one who cannot be killed) using the chaste character of his wife and was indulging in all kinds of crimes. Once Shri Hari came to her in the form of her husband and embraced her. Though she lost her chastity, she obtained the divine grace of Shri Krishna, became a temple (mandira) for thulasi, and one who is worshipped (poojya) by devotees (bhakthas). She became an eternal (nithya) one who is worshipped with all mangala items (sumangali). Therefore, thulasi platform (also called katte is the brindavana or the pot/container in which the thulasi is grown) gets the first pooja followed by the plant. This means pooja to a thulasi plant without a platform (the one grown on soil without a platform or a container) is not the best. Thus, thulasi has provided a shelter to Brunda and through that a status also.

One official’s wife of Moraba family was issueless for 12 years. On the advice of Shri Vishnu Theertha Swamijee, she watered a thulasi plant located outside the town in the hot summer and begot an issue.

There are two varieties of thulasi plants viz. Shri thulasi and Krishna thulasi. Krishna thulasi has blackish leaves. This is more suited for pooja in the brindavana. On the other hand Shri thulasi which has green leaves is more suited for offering to Shri Hari. Women are entitled to water the thulasi plants and worship them. They are debarred from plucking the dalas. The thulasi flowers (thene), kudis or dalas have to be removed regularly by men, which will make the plant spread and grow well. Plucking of thulasi dalas/kudis/flowers is banned on Tuesdays, Fridays and dwadashi days, before bath and after meals. So also transplanting of thulasi plants. Plants can be grown from seeds and saplings (the smaller ones that grow near the big plants due to seed dispersal). Generally these plants do not get any disease. They grow well with sweet water in a moderate climate where it is neither too hot nor too cold.

While we were in Delhi, our neighbours were of different religion (Islam, Christian). I was surprised to see thulasi plant in their house and inquired "Why they have a thulasi plant?" They replied "Why are you asking like this? We grow it for medicinal purposes". Thungamma exclaimed "Seethamma! Our thulasi cures illness and also sins". Seethamma was surprised and just nodded her head.

Thungamma continued: Thulasi is valuable just like an elephant both during its life time and afterwards. The dry stem of the plant is used to make beads used in garland for wearing. It is used in homas and havanas. It is also ground on a stone surface, the resulting paste used in the preparation of gandhodaka used for Theertha preparation. One more thing Sarala: If we use the dry stem dipped in oil/ghee for transferring the light from one lamp to another it is said that each lamp lighted is equal to 10 lamps lighting. When the stem of the thulasi flower is used in the preparation of mangalarathi batthi (cotton wick used for mangalarathi), it is the best (shreshta), batthi will be straight, preparation also is easy. Thungamma concluded by saying "Enough, I am afraid that I have created real headache to you for having visited our house for the first time." The mother-in-law – daughter-in-law pair, who were immersed in the information flow, came down to the world.

Raghavendra Rao, Thungamma’s husband who was relaxing in a room had also listened to the conversation, stepped in. Thungamma introduced the visitors to him and went in to prepare the set of betel leaves.

"Did my wife bore your ears?" inquired Rao. "No, No, we were introduced to a new topic. We did not know that thulasi plant has so many stories behind it and it has so much greatness (mahime)." Sarala concluded with a question "Uncle, can everybody worship thulasi?" Rao replied "All persons of three varnas can worship. Those of fourth Varna can grow the plants and that itself is a means of earning punya".

By that time, the portrait of a young couple hung on the wall attracted the attention of the visitors and Seethamma inquired "Is this your son and daughter-in-law?" Rao said "Yes, they are in USA," incidentally I am reminded "It seems in USA, at the ISKCON temple, thulasi plants are grown in weather controlled rooms. Plants are distributed free to devotees on request with the instructions "This is our beloved daughter brought up with utmost care and love, please take care of her well, if you have difficulty in looking after her during winter please bring her back". Thulasi is addressed in feminine gender only. Look, our thulasi is shining across the sea also.

By that time, Thungamma returned with turmeric, kunkum and thamboola and gave them with affection to Seethamma and Sarala. The Thungamma, Rao couple came upto the front door to see off the visitors. At that time, Sarala inquired "Auntie, do you decorate thulasi brindavana with rangoli on a daily basis?" Thungamma replied "I get enthusiasm with the questions raised by you" and continued: "Hanumantha, while in Lanka saw in front of a house thulasi brindavana, rangoli depicting shankha (conch), chakra (divine wheel), padma and concluded that to be some vaishnava’s house. He ensured that fire he lit to Lanka did not touch that house. Sarala, can you guess whose house it was?"

Sarala, hesitatingly said "It might be Vibheeshana’s house". Thungamma encouraged Sarala by saying "You said it right". She continued: "Presence of thulasi brindavana, symbols of shankha, chakra in front of the house wards away all evil forces."

"What all pictures should be used as decoration in rangoli?" inquired Seethamma. "Shankha, chakra and padma are important. Anything else we can add" said Thungamma. Observing the rangoli in front of the brindavana, Seethamma exclaimed "You have used many colours!" Thungamma replied in a humble way "I am a retired person, I have completed all my responsibilities, I spend my time like this, and I have prepared my own colours". Sarala in her enthusiasm interjected "How?Yellow is served by turmeric, for red I use turmeric mixed with white calcium (Sunna in kannada, Chunnambu in Tamil), for green it is powder of Agase leaves, for black it is powder of Nalli kai seed, that is all" said Thungamma.

"Hey! You have placed an idol in the brindavana" said Seethama. "Why a thulasi without Krishna? So I have placed a Krishna’s idol" said Thungamma.

Thungamma and Rao were reminiscing "Probably, these two persons will not even sleep with their head towards our house, after all who would like to be drilled like this?"

Surprisingly, the mother-in-law daughter-in-law duo jointly said "Please favour us with a thulasi sapling". What! My one hour’s lecture has so much influence! Jai Thulasee maatha! thought Thungamma and said "Not today, tomorrow is Wednesday, I will give you with dakshine before meals" and bade farewell to the in-law duo. Seethamma and Sarala had a grateful face and thought they indeed have a good neighbour.








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