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Isha ninna charana bhajana

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Hari Sarvotama, Vayu jIvothama Sri Gurubhyo namaha


Source: 1. Keshava nAma (song with meaning in English) by published Sriman Madhwa Siddhantonnahini Sabha, Tiruchanur -517503.. Based on Kannada commentary by Vidwan Ramavittalacharya; Rendered into English by Smt. Jyothi Raghavendra Rao.. Thanks to Smt. Vani Rao of Baton Rouge, LA, USA for providing this book to us.


2. Harikathamruthasaara saurabha-- (Kannada) by Sri K. M. Krishnarao


3. The Glories of Gayatri: by Pandurangacharya Srinivasacharya Waiker


4. Sadachara Vinoda: by Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya


5. http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_54/msg00029.html; Username/Password: dvaita


This song is composed by Sri KanakadAsaru. His ankitha is "Adikesava". More about Sri KanakadAsaru. http://www.dvaita.org/haridasa/dasas/kanaka.html



Ishaninna charana bhajane Aseyinda mAduvEnu dosha rAsi nAshamAdO SrishaKESHAVA (1) ***


O Lord ! I worship Your feet with love & devotion. You are the controller of this universe. O Lord of Lakshmi devi ! You are the destroyer of the demon called Kesi & so You are known as Keshava. May you destroy the mountainous pile of my sins.


keshava - padma, shaN^kha, chakra, gada.

Lakshmi rupa- shrI. In this rUpa, Lord resides in the Avvyakta tattva. Syllable of Gayathri: ta

Abhimani devatha- ramA (Lakshmi); Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha- anna/Chandra



sharanU hokkenayya yenna maranasamayadallininna charana smarane karunisayyaNARAYANA (2) ***



O Narayana. I take refuge in you. The shAshtras proclaim that one should always remember Lord Narayana & especially so at the time of departing from this world. Our next birth depends on our thoughts during the last moment of our life. Therefore, I beg You to grace me with Your remembrance at the time of my death. You are full of auspicious qualities & devoid of all defects. Hence, You are known as Narayana. You are the refuge of Sri Lakshmi herself. What then need be said of a mere mortal like me? Therefore, You are my only refuge.


nArAyaNa - shaN^kha, padma, gadA, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- Lakshmi. In this rUpa, Lord resides in Mahat tattva. Syllable of Gayathri: Tsa

Abhimani devatha- brahma, vAyu, saraswathi, bharathi. Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: paramanna/Bharathi


Shodhisayya bhavda kalusha bodhisayyajnanavenage bAdhisuva Yamana bAdhebidiso MADHAVA (3) ***



Madhava! I am entangled in this worldly life (samsara) & I am full of worldly desires which lead to anger, greed, delusion, pride & jealously. O Lord, cleanse me of all these vile qualities & fill me with right knowledge. Madhava, You are the master of brahmavidya which leads to Moksha. Therefore bless me with right jnana. The upanishads proclaim that right knowledge is obtained only from those masters who teach Madhwa siddhantha. Madhava ! You are the master of all & you are the master of Yama, the god of death. Therefore, You can save me from the clutches of Yama. Yama who is the humble servant of Lord Narayana has ordered his fearful looking emissaries not to go anywhere near the devotees of Lord Narayana. Therefore, Lord Maadhava, enlighten me & save me from Yama.


mAdhava- gadA, chakra, shaN^kha, padma

Lakshmi rupa- kamalA. In this rupa, Lord resides in AhaN^kAra tattva. Syllable of Gayathri: vi Abhimani devatha- garuDa, Shesha, rudra, sauparNi, vAruNi, pArvati. Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha; bhakshya/Surya

hindanEkayOnigalali bandubandu nOndenAnu indu bhavada bandha bidiso tandeGOVINDA(4) ***




I have taken innumerable births earlier & in each birth, I have undergone suffering. Now I have taken birth as a Vaishnava & I repent for all my earlier sins. I pray that you save me from the bonds of samsara. All along, I have lived liek an animal, merely eating & sleeping with no thoughts of You or my spiritual upliftment. You are Govinda- the cowhead boy. Though I have lived like an animal, pray do not forget me. Put me on the right path & free me from the web of samsara.


govinda- chakra, gadA, padma, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- padma . In this rupa, Lord resides in manas. Syllable of Gayathri: tuH

Abhimani devatha- indra, kAma Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha; Ghee/Lakshmi


bhrashtanenisabEda Krishna istu mAtra bEdikOmbe shishtarolage ittu kastabidisO VISHNAVE (5) ***



Krishna ! Please do not consider me as a fallen person. If You do so, I will lose the company of virtuous people. If I am far from noble people, I am also far from You. Krishna, I ask You to pull me away from wicked people & place me in the midst of the virtuous & free me from difficulties, O Vishnu.


viShNu- gadA, padma, shaN^kha, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- padmini . In this rupa, Lord resides in shrOtratattva (ear). Syllable of Gayathri: va

Abhimani devatha- dhikdevatas: iMdra; AgnEya (SE)- Agni;daxiNa (S)- yama; nairutya (SW)- niruR^iti; pashchima (W)- varuNa; vAyuvya (NW)- pravahavAyu; uttara (N)- kubEra; IshAnya (NE)- R^idra; Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Milk/Saraswathi


madananayya ninnanmahime vadanadinda nudiyuvante hridayadalli hudugisayyaMADHUSUDHANA (6) ***



O Madhusudhana! Before anything else I worship Your feet with joy & happiness. You, who ever resides in my heart, make me aware of Your presence. May I behold You in my heart.


madhusUdana- chakra, shaN^kha, padma, gadA

Lakshmi rupa- kamalAlaya. In this rupa, Lord resides in mr^idula tvak (core skin).

Syllable of Gayathri: re

Abhimani devatha- ahaMkArika prANA Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Mandigey/Brahma

kavidukondu iruva pApa savidu hOguvante mAdu javana bAdheyannu bidisu SriTRIVIKRAMA (7) ***



O Trivikrama, I am engulfed in the darkness of sin. Redeem me from the clutches of endless wants & desires. You stand above the three qualities of sattva, rajas & tamas. Only You can save me from sin.


trivikrama- padma, gadA, chakra, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- ramA . In this rupa, Lord resides in eyes (chakshus). Syllable of Gayathri: Ni

Abhimani devatha- Surya Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Butter/Vayu


kAmajanaka ninnanAma premadinda pAduvantha nEmavenage pAlisayya swami VAMANA(8) ***



Lord Vamana! Makes me to sing Your glory with devotion & with Your grace may it become a steadfast habit with me. I am caught in the clutches of worldly desires & I do not sing Your glories with love & devotion. You are the motivator of all my desires. I pray that You motivate me to sing. Your glorious names with devotion.


vAmana- shaN^kha, chakra, gadA, padma

Lakshmi rupa- vR^iShAkapi . In this rupa, Lord resides inside the tongue(jihve). Syllable of Gayathri: yam

Abhimani devatha- varuNa Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: curds/Varuna

modalu ninna pAdapUje odaguvante mAdu enna hridayadolage sadanamAdO mudadiSRIDHARA.(9) ***



Sridhara ! Fill my heart with Your joyful presence so that Your glory is always on my tongue. The tongue speaks of what is in the heart. If my tongue has to speak about Your glories, You should reside in my heart.


shrIdhara- padma, chakra, gadA, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- dhanya . In this rupa, Lord resides in interior nose (ghrANa tatva). Syllable of Gayathri: bha Abhimani devatha- Ashwini Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Bele/Garuda

husiyanAdi hotte horeva vishayadalli rasikanendu husige hAkadiru ennaHRISHIKESHANE (10) ***



In the struggle of life, I have uttered many untruths to make a living. I have immersed myself in enjoying worldly pleasures. Hrsikesa ! You are the controller of all my organs. I pray that You inspire them to turn towards You & serve You.


hR^iShIkeSha- gadA, chakra, padma, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- mangaLa. In this rupa, Lord resides in vadana (vAk) (inside the mouth); Syllable of Gayathri: rgo

Abhimani devatha- agni Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Green leaves/Mitra


abdhiyolage biddu bhavadanEkajanma baddhanAgi kalushadinda geddu pOpa buddhi tOroPADMANAABHANE (11) ***



I have fallen in this ocean of worldly life (samsara) & I am in sorrow. Kindly guide me to succeed in coming out of it so that I can reach You. Padmanabha.


padmanAbha- shaN^kha, padma, chakra, gadA

Lakshmi- yagna. In this rupa, Lord resides in pANendriya[inside the hand]. Syllable of Gayathri: de

Abhimani devatha- dakshaprajApati Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Vegetables/Shesha


kAmakrodha bidisi ninna nAma jihveyolage iriso Srimahanubhavanada DAMODARA(12) ***



O Damodara ! Free me from the clutches of desires & anger. Make my tongue to chant Your name O great Damodara. I wish to tie You in my heart with bonds of devotion but worldly desires (kaama) & anger (Krodha) prevent me from doing so. I pray that You free me from desire, anger, greed delusion, arrogance & jealousy & make me chant Your glorious name & allow Yourself to be tied by bonds of my devotion.


dAmodara- padma, shaN^kha, gadA, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- indira. In this rupa, Lord resides in pAda[inside the leg]. Syllable of Gayathri: va Abhimani devatha- jayantha (Lord Indra's son) Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Amla (sour)/Gowri



pankjaksha nIne yenna manku buddhiyannubidisininna kinkaranna mAdikolloSANKARSHANA (13) ***


O lotus eyed one ! I pray that You free me of my dull wit & stupidity. Make me Your servant. O Sankarshana. I am stupid as I am always thinking of 'I' & 'mine'. Because of my ego, I am far removed from You. You are called Sankarshana as You attack everyone. But right now, I am pulled by the attractions of this tinsel world. Destroy my ignorance & draw me to Yourself.


saN^karShaNa- gadA, shaN^kha, padma, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- hiraNya . In this rupa, Lord resides in pAyu sthAna[excretory system].

Syllable of Gayathri: Sya

Abhimani devatha- mitrAkhyasUrya Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Huli/Rudra

Esu janmabandarEnu dAsanallavEno nAnu ghAsi mAdadiru nInu VASUDEVANE (14) ***


Though I have had several births, I am Your devotee. You are my saviour. Pray do not make me suffer any more. O Vasudeva, You are the bestower of salvation. Kindly save me from this samsara.


vAsudeva- gadA, shaN^kha, chakra, padma

Lakshmi rupa- hariNi. In this rupa, Lord resides in upastha [private parts]. Syllable of Gayathri: DhI

Abhimani devatha- svayambhuva manu Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Sugar, Jaggery/Indra


buddhisunyanAda enna baddha kAya kuhaka manava tiddi hridaya shuddhi mAduPRADYUMNANE (15) ***



O Lord Pradyumna, I have committed several mistakes as I lack in intelligence. I have a wicked vbent of mind & my heart is sullied. Kindly rectify my mind & purify my heart O Pradyumna. You are the giver of right knowledge to Your devotees. Grant me the right knowledge to know You & bless me with a pure heart so that I may reach You.


pradymna- chakra, shaN^kha, gadA, padma

Lakshmi rupa- nitya . In this rupa, Lord resides in the tanmAtra, shabda[sound]. Syllable of Gayathri: Ma

Abhimani devatha- brahaspati Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Chatni, seasoning,flavor/ Bruhaspathi


janani janaka nIne yendu yenuvenayya dInabandhu Enage mukti palisinnuANIRUDDHANE (16) ***



O Aniruddha ! You are my mother & You are my father. I have gone through innumerable parents in each life but You are my real & constant mother & father. You are the true friend & protector of the afflicted souls struggling in samsara. O Aniruddha! grant me salvation.


Aniruddha- chakra, gadA, shaN^kha, padma

Lakshmi/Narayana rupa- satya . In this rupa, Lord resides in Sparsha [touch].

Syllable of Gayathri: Hi

Abhimani devatha- apAna Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Bitter items/Yama


harushadinda ninna nAma patHisuvante mAdu kshema irisu charanadalli premaPURUSHOTTAMA (17) ***


O Purushottama ! Grant me joy in remembering Your name & may I have devotion to Your (lotus) feet I am deeply engrossed in worldly affairs & overly attached to transient things & temporary relationships. Bless me to overcome the pulls of this world & make me meditate upon You with a joyous heart. May I be filled with love & adoration for Your (lotus) feet.


purushottama- chakra, padma, shaN^kha, gadA

Lakshmi rupa- AnaMdani. In this rupa, Lord resides in rUpa [form]. Syllable of Gayathri: Dhi Abhimani devatha- vyAna Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: asafoetida, cardomom, mustard seeds, kesari, jeerige/ Manmatha


sAdhusanga kottu ninna pAdabhajan ittu enna bhEda mAdi nOdadirO ADHOXAJA(18) ***


A Adhokshaja! Keep me in the company of virtuous people. Bless me with devotion & may I worship Your (lotus) feet. You can be known only through the company of the virtuous for it is they who reveal to us the message of the scriptures. You can be known & understood only through the vedas & the scriptures. It is the virtuous people who can reveal to us the message of the scriptures. Therefore, their company is of utmost importance for the spiritual aspirant. Hearing about Your glories from enlightened people will make the seed of devotion sprout in my heart.


adhoxaja- padma, gadA, shaN^kha, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- sadAshrya . In this rupa, Lord resides in rasa[liquid]. Syllable of Gayathri: Yo

Abhimani devatha- udAna Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Fried items/Jayantha

charucharana tOri enage pAragAnisayya konege bhArahAkirUve ninageNARASIMHANE (19) ***



Lord Narasimha! Reveal to me Your beautiful feet & save me from this samsara. I place all my trust in You, O Narasimha ! The child Prahlada with unconditional faith in Your lotus feet overcame the evil machinations of Hiranyakasipu & with Your grace, he beheld Your glorious man-lion form. You are the destroyer of this world. Takign the form of Narasimha, You dry up all the waters in the ocean. Similarly, I pray that You destroy the waters of my samsara & save me from the whirlpool of ignorance, doubt & false knowledge.


nArasimha- chakra, padma, gadA, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- sakhApati. In this rupa, Lord resides in gandha [smell]. Syllable of Gayathri: Yo

Abhimani devatha- samana Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: sesame, Pumpkin/ Daksha


sanchitAda pApagalu kinchitAda pIdegalu munchitAgi kakedu poreyO swamiACHYUTA (20) ***



I have committed countless sins in my previous lives. As a result of these sins, I am experiencing pain & suffering now. O Achyuta, rid me of all pain & sorrow & save me. Your name Achyutha signifies that You are imperishable. I pray that You destroy all my sins & grant me everlasting knowledge & happiness.


achyuta- gadA, padma, chakra, shaN^kha

Lakshmi rupa- saugaMdini. In this rupa, Lord resides in Akasha[space] Syllable of Gayathri: naH

Abhimani devatha- mahAgaNapati Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: blackgram/Swayambhuva manu;


jnAna bhakuti kottu ninna dhyanadalli ittu sadA hIna buddhi bidiso SriJANARDANA (21) ***



O Janardhana ! I pray that You grant me right knowledge & devotion to You. With no more delay, remove my lowly thoughts & make me to meditate upon You always. O Janardhana, Your name signifies that You have no births or deaths & You destroy our samsara. I pray that You destroy my sins & free me from samsara & grant me salvation.


janArdana- padma, chakra, shaN^kha, gadA

Lakshmi rupa- suMdarI. In this rupa, Lord resides in Vayu [air]. Syllable of Gayathri: pra

Abhimani devatha- pravahavAyu Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Salt/Nirruthi


japatapAnushtanavillade kupathagAmiyAada yenna kripeyamAdi xamisabEkuUPEMDRANE (22) ***


Being immersed in worldly affairs, I have forsaken all my religious duties & strayed from the right path. Please show mercy on me & forgive me.


upendra- shaN^kha, gadA, chakra, padma

Lakshmi rupa- vidya. In this rupa, Lord resides in tejas [fire]. Syllable of Gayathri: cho Abhimani devatha- agni Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: AhankArika prana/Upendra


moReyaniduvenayya ninage shardhishayanashubhamatiya irisu bhaktaroLu paramapurusha SRI HARE (23) ***



I plead with You Sri Hari, free me from the bonds of samsara & keep me in the company of Your devotees. You destroy the sins of Your devotees & so You are called Hari. You also destroy the entire world, hence to destroy the bonds of my samsara is no difficult task for You. Therefore, I ask You to free me from this worldly life & give me the company of Your devotees.


hari- shaN^kha, chakra, padma, gadA

Lakshmi rupa- susheelA. In this rupa, Lord resides in Ap [water]. Syllable of Gayathri: da

Abhimani devatha- varuNa Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha


puttisalE bEda innu puttisidake pAlisinnu istu mAtra bEdikOmbe SRIKRISHNANE(24) ***



O Krishna, I beg You not to give me any more births. now that I am in samsara, I request You to protect me. This is all that I ask of Thee, Sri Krishna.


kR^iShNa- shaN^kha, gadA, padma, chakra

Lakshmi rupa- sulaxNA. In this rupa, Lord resides in PR^ithvi [earth]. Syllable of Gayathri: yAt.h

Abhimani devatha- dharAdEvi/shanaishvara Neivedya item/Abhimani devatha: Swadoodaka (molasses, Syrup)/Budha



satyavAda nAmagalanu nityadalli paThisuvarige arthiyinda salahutiruvakartruKESHAVA (25) ***


All the names of Sri Hari are meaningful & true. Whosoever chants His names everyday, Lord Kesava will protect him. mareyadale Hariyanama baredu Odi kElidarge karedu mukti koduva NeleADIKESHAVA (26)


One should never forget to chant the names of Sri Hari. Sri Hari in all earnestness gives salvation to those who write, read & listen to His glorious names. Constantly & devotedly chanting the names of Sri Hari is the only remedy for all sins & sorrows. He is our refuge & He is our goal.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu

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