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DC: Madhva Navami Program details 01/27/2007

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|| prathamO hanumannAma dvitIyO bhima eva cha|||| poornaprajna trRitIyastu bhagavatkArya sAdhakaah||namaskaara:


Sri Madhva Navami Celebrations in the WashingtonDC area on the 27th January 2007. The celebrations will beheld in the auditorium of Shri Mangal Mandir in Silver SpringMaryland (www.mangalmandir.org) .

Program Highlights.



1. Key note talk by Dr. Deepak Sarma Asst. Prof Case Western Reserve University. Please see attached bio for more information about Dr. Sarma.

2. Pravachana by Sri Balakrishna Bhatt and Sri Harish Bipadithaya

3. Kids program ( Jeopardy,Essay reading and Q & A)


4. We also will have a book release ceremony. Two books written by Late Prof. B.A Krishna Swamy Rao ( Father of Sri. Gopinath Bore)

I. Madhvacharya mathu avara krithigalu ( Kannada)

II. Outlines of Philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya (English)

will be released.

Here are the program details.


9:45 Recite Sri Madhva Vijaya and Sri Raghavendra Stotra

10:00 Sankalpa, Devara Puje and Abhisheka

10:30 Recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranaama

10:30 Second Sankalpa

10:50 Madhu Abhishekha to Prana Devaru reciting Shri Hari Vayu Stuti

11:05 Devara Nama by kids

11:25 Devara Naivedya Recite Dvadasha Stotra chapters 1, 3, and 8

11:40 Pravachana 1-Sri Balakrishna Bhat(MadhvaShatraDa NavaRatnagalu)

11:55 Pravachana 2-Sri Harish(VishnuTatva Nirnayadalli Veda PramaNa Vichar)

12:10 Book Release

12:25 Pravachana 3-Sri Dr. Deepak Sarma ( Madhva Vedanta 101)

12:50 Maha Mangalaarathi

01:00 Thirtha prasada ( Lunch)

02:00 Kids Program—Jeopardy

03:00 Kids Program—Essay Reading

03:30 Kids Program—Open Q & A

04:00 Mangala & clean Up

We request you to participate in the Madhva Navamicelebrations with your family and obtain the blessingsof sri hari vaayu gurugalu.

Please bring your Madi Panche/stotra books and actively participate in the recitation.Devotees are also requested to contact us at Aradhanaor (703) 881 9202 to confirmparticipation as well as sponsor the puja and make it agrand success.Krishnarpanam,Aradhana Samithi


Dr.Deepak Sarma


Deepak Sarma began his study of Madhva Vedanta as an undergraduate

at Reed College in Portland Oregon. It was at this time that he

traveled to India to send the summer studying with Sri Bannanjee

Govindacarya to facilitate work on his undergraduate Bachelors thesis

on visesa in Madhva Vedanta. Sarma then entered the graduate program

at the University of Chicago and continued his research on the Madhva

tradition. He again returned to India on a Fulbright-Hays

Dissertation Scholarship to study with Professors K. T. Pandurangi

and D. Prahladacar, both esteemed faculty members of the Purnaprajna

Vidyapitham in Bangalore. After obtaining his PhD in 1998 in the

Philosophy of Religions, Sarma taught at a number of instittions

including Vandebilt University and Yale University. He is currently

an Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University in

Cleveland Ohio.

Sarma has published a number of articles in refereed Journals in his

field as well as two books on Madhva Vedanta. The first book,

_Epistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Inquiry_, is a

revision of his dissertation and is a close study of the Madhacarya's

bhasya on the first sutra of the Brahma Sutras. His second book, _An

Introduction to Madhva Vedanta_ is written as an accessible primer on

Madhva doctrine.

You may be surprised to hear that Sarma is an ABCD and was, in fact,

born at Suburban Hospital nearby in Bethesda, Maryland. He was raised

in Stony Brook NY where his father, Raghupathy Sarma, now retired,

was a faculty member in the dept of Biochemistry.


Sri Harish Bipadithaya


Sri Bipadithaya is a Vidwat in Dvaitha Philosophy (Equivalent to Doctorate in

Philosophy) from Poorna Prajna Vidya Peetha, Bangalore, India .

Harish has a Masters in Sanskrit (M.A) from Mysore University, Mysore, India

He also has a Masters in Tantra sara agama – detailed study of the rituals,

temple construction and pooja in vaishnava tradition. Speaks fluently on Madhva

philosohphy and traditions.

More info on him at www.myhindupriest.com


Sri BalaKrishna Bhatt


Sri Bhatt is a Vidwat in Dvaitha Philosophy (Equivalent to Doctorate in

Philosophy) from Poorna Prajna Vidya Peetha, Bangalore, India .

He has a Masters in Sanskrit (M.A) from Mysore University, Mysore, India. Speaks

fluently on Madhva Sidhhantha. He is currently the Madhva priest at the famous

Sri Shiva Vishna Temple near Washington DC.

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