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shrI sarvamoola Adi-antya shloka-s of Srimad Acharya

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hari sarvotthama, vAyu jeevothamashrI gurubhyo namaha


Greetings on the occasion of "Madhva Navami"


abhramam bhaN^ga rahitam ajadam vimalaM sadhA |Anandatiirtham atulam bhaje tApatrayApaham || brahmAnthah guravah sAkShAth iShtaM dhaivaM shriyah pathih |AchAryAh shrImadhAchAryah samthu Me janmajanmani ||


na mAdhava samo dEvo na cha madhva samo guruHna tadvAkya samam sAstram brahmAnDe nAsti kinchana"yasya trINyuditAni vedavachane rUpANi divyAnyalam.h |baT.htaddarshatamitthameva nihitaM devasya bhargo mahat.h |vAyorAmavachonayaM prathamakaM pR^ixo dvitIyaM vapuH |madhvoyattu tR^itIyakaM kR^itamidaM bhAshhyaM harau tenahi


ApAda mouLi paryaMtaM guruNAM AkR^itiM smaret.h |tena vignAH praNashyaMti siddhyanti cha manorathAH ||pR^ithvI manDala madhyasthAH puurNa bodha matAnugAH |vaiShNavA viShNu hR^idayAs tAn namasye guruun mama ||




shrI sarvamoola Adi-antya shloka-s of Srimad Acharya


Source: shrI sarvamoola Adi-antya shloka-s published by Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, K K Nagar, Chennai




na mAdhava samo dEvo na cha madhva samo guruH |

na tadvAkya samam sAstram brahmAnDe nAsti kinchana ||


It is said that there is no God equal to Sri Madhava & there is no guru to equal Sri Madhwa. There is no shastra equal to the divine words of Sri Sri Madhwa & in the three words.


There is no person to equal him in knowledge, power or action. The tradition holds the view that He was the messenger of Lord Narayana & under the name Ananda Theertha wrote the thirty seven works.


Sri Madhwa's siddhantha is unique & is based on the authority of the vedas, the puranas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharatha & the pancharatra agamas. The unique feature of his interpretation is that he harmonises all the passages in the light of a single principle that they adore & glorify the infinite auspicious qualities of Lord Narayana who is the Supreme Reality. This is the cardinal precept of his Dwaita philosophy called as 'Tattvavada'. To consider oneself, Sri Madhwacharya says, as a servant of the Supreme Lord is a gift to the whole mankind in the realisation of the supreme God. Each one of his works extols the auspicious qualities of Lord Vishnu whose grace alone is the ultimate key to salvation. The vedas stress this truth.


The daily duties that are enjoined on a true Vaishnavite are five in number. If one cannot attend to all, atleast one could pray to God. A prayer should not be an enumeration of our wants, but it is an enumeration of his auspicious atributes & His wonderful creation which enables us to live. A prayer is answered only when our heart is filled with faith in Him.


In the present day of stressful circumstances & time pressure, it may not be possible to read all the works of Sri Madhwa. It is said that by reciting the first & the last shlokas ( shrI sarvamoola Adi-antya shloka-s of Srimad Acharya) of each of the great works of Srimad Acharya, one would get the merit of reading each one of his works completely. Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya (9-13) says "He who writes down even a word from His bhashya will gather abundant merit on par with the builder of a resplendent temple of Lord Vishnu on the shores of the Ganges with soaring waves."


Sri Vyasaraja in his grantha mAlika sthotra has assured us that by just reading them (meaning the shlokas by Sri Madhwa) even Madhwesha (Sri Hari) is pleased. So whosoever recites faithfully, & in proper spirit of Nishkama karma with unalloyed devotion, these shlokas shall be blessed with eternal Divine grace, material prosperity, physical & mental well being everywhere & at all times.



Sri Kesava Rao Tadipatri, needs no introduction to VMS has written the meanings of Adi-antya shloka-s which includes word to word (padaccheda) meanings of these Adi-antya shlokas. I am forwarding the urls of Adi-antya shloka-s for which he has given meanings.


It is worth taking a printout copy of all these urls below for reference & understand shrI sarvamoola grantha with tikas, tippanis under the guidance of a Madhwa guru (scholor) which will lead us to jnaana, bhakthi, vairagya . So whosoever recites these slokas faithfully (as daily "pArAyanam" ) with understanding shall be blessed with eternal divine grace, material prosperity and good health always.


Sri Jayatheertharu in His Sriman Nyasudha has described the pathway to jnaana, bhakthi, Vairaghya.


parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH

(Source: Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.


[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya), reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief & selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.




shrI sarvamoola Adi-antya shloka-s of Srimad Acharya


dvaita list archives- username/password: dvaita 1. shrI gItAbhAshya [1]2. shrI brahamasUtrabhAshhyam.h [1]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_24/msg00307.htmlReply: http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_43/msg00055.htmlReply: http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_07/msg00045.html

3. shrImadaNubhAshhyam.h [2]4. shrImadanuvyAkhyAnam.h [2] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_25/msg00030.htmlReply: http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_25/msg00036.html5. shrIpramANalaxaNam.h [3] 6. shrIkathAlaxaNam.h [3]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_25/msg00084.html7. shrIupAdhikhaNDanam.h [4] 8. shrImAyAvAdakhaNDanam.h [4] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_25/msg00157.html9. shrImithyAtvAnumAnadhikhaNDanam.h [5] 10. shrItattvasaN^khyAnam.h [5]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_26/msg00015.html11. shrItattvavivEkaH [6]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_26/msg00075.html12. shrItattvodyotam.h. [7]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_26/msg00091.htmlReply: http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_26/msg00111.html13. shrIkarmanirNayaH [8] 14. shrIvishhNutattvavinirNayaH [8]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_27/msg00053.html15. shrIR^igbhAshhyam.h [9]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_28/msg00133.html 16. shrIaitareyabhAshhyam.h [10]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_29/msg00086.html 17. shrItaittirIyabhAshhyam.h [11]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_30/msg00003.html18. shrIbR^ihadAraNyakabhAshhyam.h [12]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_30/msg00089.html 19. shrIIshAvAsyabhAshhyam.h [13]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_32/msg00096.html20. shrIkaThakabhAshhyam.h [14]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_32/msg00111.html21. shrIchhAndogyabhAshhyam.h [15]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_33/msg00032.html22. shrIatharvaNabhAshhyam.h [16]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_34/msg00015.html23. shrImANDUkopanishhadbhAshhyam.h [17] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_35/msg00001.html24. shrIshhaTprashnabhAshhyam.h [18]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_35/msg00004.html25. shrItaLavAkAropanishhadbhAshhyam.h [19]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_35/msg00005.html26. shrIgItAtAtparyam.h [20] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_35/msg00014.html27. shrInyAyavivaraNam.h [21] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_36/msg00083.html28. shrInarasiMhanakhastutiH [22]29. shrIyamakabhAratam.h [22]http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_36/msg00085.html30. shrIdvAdashastotram.h [23] http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_37/msg00014.html


31. shrIkR^ishhNAmR^itamahArNavam.h [24]



32. shrIta.ntrasArasa.ngrahaH [25]



33. shrIsadAchArasmR^itiH [26]



34. shrIbhAgavatatAtparyanirNayaH [27]



35. shrIbhAratatAtparyanirNayaH (MBTN) [28]



36. shrIyatipraNavakalpa [29]



37. shrIjaya.ntInirNaya [30]




38. shrIkR^ishhNa(kanduka) stutiH [31]




paramAtmane satatamekarUpiNe

dasharUpiNe shatasahasrarUpiNe |

avikAriNe sphuTamanantarUpiNe

sukhachitsamastatanave namo namaH || 8-41 ||



To Lord Narayana who is of the form of Supreme Paramathma, who has one essential form, who has such ten forms as those of Mathsya & others, who has such a hundred forms as those of Narayana & others, who has such a thousand forms as Visvam, Vishnu & others, who is free from changes (such as those of birth, death & others in all forms, who has distinctly endless forms & who has a complate body of the form of happiness, knowledge & others, I offer salutations (again & again). (Refer to Br. Upa 4-5-19)




Many many salutations to the supreme Lord Narayana always the same in his Mula rupa & also in his Avatara rupas (being so propagated by the shrutis) free from all blemishes (not subject to any transformation such as birth & death) incarnating in ten distinct forms as those of Matsya, in a hundred forms like Narayana, in thousand forms as those of Vishwa & other myriad embodiments like Ajita every form constituted of knowledge & bliss, perfect & full.



bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu

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