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Fwd: Shri Madhva Navami Celebrations in SFO Bay Area - Report

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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Balachandra Krishna

> <bala.krishna.18

> Jan 29, 2007 2:28 PM

> Shri Madhva Navami Celebrations in SFO Bay

> Area - Report


> Shri Bharathi Ramana Mukhya prAnAntargatha

> Shri mAdhava abhinna Shri Lakshmi Narasimha praSeda



> Dear Shri Vishnu Bhaktas,

> We were blessed to be in the auspicious presence of

> Shri Shrigalavaru of

> Shri Puthige matha. Last Sunday was a memorable day

> having the celebrations

> of Shri Madhva Navami and aradhana of Shri Purandara

> dAsaru at Livermore

> Temple.

> A brief summary report is enclosed.


> Shri Shrigalavaru was was welcomed and greeted with

> poorna kumbha honors by

> the devotees in Livermore temple. Shri Shrigalavaru

> performed the grand mahA

> pooja of Shri Vijaya Vittala and other devathas in

> the temple. Shri Vittala

> Devara mahA pooja photos at :






> As per the orders of Shri Shrigalavaru, there was a

> grand RathOthsava having

> Shri Sarva mUla gramthas placed in the ratha and all

> Vishnu Bhaktas offered

> narthana seva singing various Shri hari dAsara

> padagalu. It was a wonderful

> sight to see Vishnu Bhaktas doing the narthana seva

> in the holy presence of

> Shri Shrigalavaru. Narthana Seva photos at:




> Shri Shrigalavaru was felicitated by the devotees

> and a humble kAnike was

> offered by the devotees. Pushpa vrusti on Shri

> Shrigalavaru was also

> performed. Please see the photos at :







> All the devotees had a great opportunity to have

> theertha prasAda in the

> temple. Shri vAdeesha Acharya, Shri JayarAmacharya

> and other devotees

> prepared the adige having the bhAva of 'anubhavadha

> adigeya mAdi'...


> After the theertha prasAda, it was time for our kids

> to perform in the holy

> presence of Shri Shrigalavaru. The kids program was

> the main highlight of

> Shri Madhva Navami celebrations having various

> dance programs and Shrimadh

> rAmAyana Skit by Bala Mukunda. All the kids

> displayed their excellent

> talents and it was a wonderful sight to watch the

> program.

> Please watch the photos of Shrimadh rAmAyana skit by

> Bala Mukunda kids and

> other kids program at:











> We sincerely thank Smt Suma Srihari, Smt Pushpa

> Ravi, Shri Ravi Subba Rao

> and all others who helped us in coordinating and

> making Shrimadh rAmAyana

> skit by Bala Mukunda a grand success.


> In a form of prasAda, Shri Shrigalavaru distributed

> certificates and medals

> to all kids who performed in the kids program. We

> hope all the kids liked

> the certificates and medals given by Shri

> Shrigalavaru. Please watch the

> photos of the kids receiving prasAda from Shri

> Shrigalavaru at:





> Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali is conducting classes for

> kids by name Bala

> Mukunda <http://svbm-kids.blogger.com/> and for

> adults by name

> JnanavAhini <http://jnanavahini.blogspot.com/> . We

> have a great teaching

> faculty for both the classes. All the teachers

> received prasAda from Shri

> Shrigalavaru in the form of certificates. Please

> watch the photos of

> teachers getting prasAda at:






> Shri Shrigalavaru gave lots of fantastic discourses

> at various homes of

> devotees and at Livermore Temple.

> Shri Shrigalavaru stressed the importance of

> Sumskruta at Shri Govinda Rao's

> home. Sumskruta is a 'sulabha', 'sulalitha',

> 'Sundara' deva bhAsha. All our

> puranas, vedas, bhashyas, tIkas, tippanis from

> various tatva vAda scholars

> and other schools are in sumskruta. Shri

> Shrigalavaru also mentioned that

> Sumskruta is the mother of all languages by giving

> examples like 'mAtha' is

> Mother, 'pIta' is father, 'Bhrathru' is brother,

> 'sOnu' is Sun etc.


> Shri Shrigalavaru mentioned how the pratima of Lord

> Shri Krishna was

> obtained by Shrimadh Acharyaru. Shri dEvaki dEvi was

> craving to see the bAla

> leela of Shri Krishna. Shri dEvaki tells Shri

> Krishna that he is referred as

> yashOdA nandana, yashOdA kanda etc and in truth it

> is actually Devaki

> nandana. Shri Krishna wanted to satisfy her mother's

> desire and at that very

> instant took the form of Shri Vittala which is none

> other than the bAla rUpa

> of Shri Krishna. Then, Shri Vittala started

> pestering Devaki to give butter

> and milk. Devaki devi tells Shri Vittala that she

> has to biol the milk, make

> curds and then prepare butter. Shri Vittala was

> impatient to wait that long

> and broke the pot having butter in it and it got

> scattered all around the

> home. Shri Vittala then started telling 'I conquured

> my mother'. Devaki devi

> was upset wanted to discipline Shri Vittala and came

> towards him. Shri

> Vittala was holding the churning rod in the right

> hand and a rope on his

> left hand. All these events were watched by Shri

> Rukmini Devi the concert of

> Shri Krishna. It was such a wonderful sight to watch

> her(Shri Rukmini's)

> husband's bAla leela. Shri Rukmini devi was so

> excited, came towards Shri

> Vittala and tried to embrased him. With in no time,

> Shri Vittala (bAla rUpa

> of Shri Krishna), took the form of Shri Krishna and

> stood Smiling. Shri

> Krishna then ordered deva shilpi Shri Vishwa karma

> to carve a beautiful icon

> of Shri bAla Krishna with the churning rod and rope

> in his hands. This icon

> of bAla Krishna was worshiped by Shri Rukmini dEvi.


> Time passed by and after nearly 4000 years, a

> merchant from dwAraka was on a

> ship coming towards Malpe, KN, India. There was a

> severe storm and the ship

> started sinking. Shrimadh Acharyaru was doing the

> aAnhEka at the sea shore

> and saw the ship sinking. Shrimadh Acharyaru, being

> Shri vAyu devaru, just

> waved his hand, stopped the storm and rescuced the

> ship. The merchant was so

> happy and offered the whole ship to Shrimadh

> Acharyaru. Shri MadhvAcharyaru

> came to know from his jnAna dhrusti that there was

> the same icon of Shri

> Bala Krishna with in gOpi stone in the ship.

> Shrimadh Acharyaru just asked

> the stone of gOpi and the merchant gave it to

> Shrimad Acharyaru. The gOpi

> stone was cleaned and cut open to see the beautiful

> idol of Shri bAla

> krishna. Shrimadh Acharyaru was extremely excited

> and Shri dwAdasha Stothra

> started flowing out from the sumukha kamala of

> Shrimadh Acharyaru. Shrimadh

> Acharyaru did the prathisTaapane of Shri Krishna

> during UttarAyana punya

> kAla in Udupi.


> Shri Shrigalavaru also blessed all the kids in Bala

> Mukunda, participants of

> JnAnahAvini and blessed all of us with the anugraha

> vachana. Shri

> Shrigalavaru mentioned that let Bala Mukunda and

> jNanavAhini be very

> successful under VMS/SVBM.


> We like to thank all the Shri Hari Bhaktas for the

> help extended and making

> Shri Shrigalavara visit a grand success.


> In the seva of Shri Hari, vAyu and Gurugalu,

> Shri VyAsa Bhajana Mandali / VMS.








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