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Madhwa's Teachings - Brief report on Jnyana Satras at Shurpali.

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Madhwa's Teachings



Dear Reader,


Please find herebelow a brief report on Jnyana Satra and discourses on Shrimad Bhagvatam rendered at Shurpali from 14

th to 20th January 2007.

The Jnyana Satra held at Shurpali from 14th to 20th

Jan was a success on every count. It was a success in terms of attendance, management, and elucidation and most importantly in terms of impact on devotees, who attended it. While some devotees termed the Jnyana Satra as an unseen but perceptible footprint on the sands of time, others described it as an experience one would long for, but most of the devotees regarded it as a beacon of light that would guide them throughout their lives and renewed their pledge to tread the path shown by Shriman Bhagvatam.


On the first day ie.14th Jan 2007, there were about 400 devotees who had come to listen to the Jnyana Satra. It was Sunday and incidentally the next day was declared as holiday on account Makara Sankrant, taking advantage of which, many had come from nearby towns, but majority had arrived from Mumbai for whom organizers of the Jnyana Satra had arranged for special vehicles at Miraj for transportation to Shurpali. On arrival, the devotees were served breakfast, which they took, after bath and performing morning Sandhya Vandan.



In the afternoon, the Jnyana Satra started with Manyu Sukta homa, which was performed by Vedic scholars- local and those who had come from distant places- under the direction of Pandit. Vidyasimhacharya. It was followed by pooja of Lord Laxmi Narsimha; the main deity of Shurpali and prasad was served thereafter.


In the evening, Pandit Vidyasimhacharya commenced his discourse on Shriman Bhagvat and explained the seventh canto that dealt with Narsimha Avatar. Elaborating the importance of Narsimha Avtar, Panditji said that the moral of the story was that God, the pervader of all space and time, the all powerful and the compassionate does not let his devotees down if prayed for with all sincerity. One should unconditionally surrender to God and do one's duty without any expectations, he said. Supper was served at the temple after evening aarti and the devotees retired to the temporary quarters reserved for them by the organisers.



Next day i.e., Monday was ekadashi. Panditji started discourse at 6.30

am. It was a marathon secession that lasted up to 1.30 pm. Panditji explained the second canto. Since it was a day everyone observed fast on, many devotees rendered service to the Lord Laxim Narsimha in the form of Pradakshina. In the evening scholars gave discourse on various philosophical topics. One of them spoke at length on the importance of observance of fast on ekadashi.


Tuesday was parvakal. Braving the cold, all the devotees bathed in the river and offered tarpana under the guidance of scholars on the bank of the river and at the temple hall, where elaborate arrangements were made to accommodate a large number of devotees. Being dwadashi, prasad was served at 7.30 am. Panditji gave discourse in the evening, as usual.


Wednesday morning again witnessed another marathon secession by Panditji. The evening session was, however, devoted to singing of bhajans by devotees. The Bhajan Sandhya was a unique experience. Many devotees sang dasara padagalu. Shri Shriram Joshi, a devotee from Shurpali rendered bhajans in Kannada and abhangas in Marathi. His rendering of Bhairavi in particular – Jo bhaje Hai ko sada, wo hi parama pad pavega – popularized by none other than Pandit Bhimsen Joshi was not only an elevating experience but it was also wholly appropriate to the occasion.


Thursday was yet another day of marathon secession. Panditji spoke from 7.00 am to 2.00 pm. Thereafter the devotees had prasad and dispersed. Majority of the devotees being from Mumbai, left for Miraj by special buses arrange by the organizers.


The Jnyan Satra at Shurpali was truly elevating. The ambiance of the temple built on an elevation on the bank of Krishna river with green fields and whispering meadows all around was very captivating providing a perfect backdrop for jnyana satra. The temple complex is called tapo bhoomi for many great souls like H.H. Vidyadheeshteertha Swamiji, Yadavarya had, in the past, performed penance at the premises for long. Panditiji's faculties were at their best. His profound knowledge of scriptures, his eloquence of speech, his ability to unearth the meaning hidden underneath the texts and his sincere desire to convey the deeper meaning to the devotees in the language they understood often made the elucidation oscillate between ancient and modern times and in the process released thoughts that were hidden in the deep recesses of the devotees' subconscious mind. The continuous flow of thoughts which most of us were not aware that they ever existed, he said, was the knowledge that everyone had acquired in his past lives. Panditji said that Jnyan Satras help release such thoughts. The Jnyan Satras facilitate one's faster spiritual progress and therefore, one should not, as for as possible, miss them, he said.


Panditji said that the whole of his discourse on the Shrimad Bhagwat was based on the commentary written by Yadavarya an ascetic and a great scholar of 15

th/16th century. Expressing heart felt gratitude, Panditji gave a brief account of Yadavarya, which was most interesting.


On the conclusion of the event, a devotee asked the author how he would describe it. "An extraordinary litterateur only would be able to justice to the Jnyan Satra. I am afraid I am not so blessed", said the author.



With kind regards,


Ramchandra Tammannachrya Gutti.

B-18, Shanti CampusCHS,

M. M. Malaviya Marg,

Mulund (West),

Mumbai 400080.

Tele. No. 91 - 22 - 25613546

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