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To all moderators and members of Madhva groups:-


Please forward to other Madhva specific

as well. (Jignaasa, VedanthaDeepika, ITMS, etc..) to

elicit a wider response and feedback.


From time to time, we receive a large number of

requests for various kinds of financial support for

our fellow Madhva's - such as Akshara Nidhi, book

printing, preserving historical manuscripts, and also

for personal causes such as weddings, upanayanams, and

also sometimes for medical reasons. At other times,

it may be for building a new Matha or Vedic Gurukulam

or a new Kalyana Mantapa or renovation of historical

temples and idols consecrated by great sages and



Many of these emails get distributed across one or

more which could result in them being

ignored by the reader, or may make people get annoyed

with a lot of inbox clutter, or sometimes, there may

be a latency in responding and being of help to the



With this in mind, I would like to propose a separate

, specific to cater to such " request for

support " needs. It could contain all the information,

such as what purpose, (such as education, medical, any

special occasion or general), contact address and name

either in India or US. We could name it " Madhva

Support Requests " or something on those lines. There

should not be any other emails or matrimonial related

issues in that group.


This will solve many issues, including but not limited

to the following:

a) More people get access to this and may increase the

interest in the cause

b) People who want to really support the cause could

directly visit that and get information as

opposed to browsing through a huge barge of emails in

their inbox. They can respond or contribute to a

cause of their specific interest.

c) People may not get annoyed anymore due to inbox not

getting cluttered with multiple requests.

d) People who genuinely need support can directly ask

in this one group as opposed to individual persons or

multiple groups.


One of the key things however is to ensure that the

request is genuine and the person asking that is

indeed using it for that cause. If people who want to

contribute are interested in tax deductions, then this

is not the group. The source of the request should be

able to help provide tax- seductions. These two items

need to be co-coordinated properly.


Please let me know your thoughts on this; if it’s a

good idea or not, and if we need to move forward on





Best Regards








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Dear friends, Of late, we find that all kinds of messages are inserted in the VMS forum - ISKON activities, announcements of discourses in India, appeals for help, asking directions for travelling, availability of books etc. VMS is in imminent danger of being swamped by these extraneous and some times illegitimate postings having nothing to do with its objectives. The Moderators have to bestir themselves and enforce some discipline. It may be a good idea to organise the postings in sections, but in addition, please stop ISKON from such postings as the following: B V Vishnu devatha maharaj on Feb 10 th advertising a book - which for all I know may be totally unacceptable to Madhvas. If this is not done, no one will take VMS seriously as a vehicle for the Dissemination of Madhva Tenets. NAPSRao Raghu Rao <rrao115 wrote: Namaskara, To all moderators and members of Madhva groups:-Please forward to other Madhva specific as well. (Jignaasa, VedanthaDeepika, ITMS, etc..) toelicit a wider response and feedback. From time to time, we receive a large number ofrequests for various kinds of financial support forour fellow Madhva's - such as Akshara Nidhi, bookprinting, preserving historical manuscripts, and alsofor personal causes such as weddings, upanayanams, andalso sometimes for medical reasons. At other times,it may be for building a new Matha or Vedic

Gurukulamor a new Kalyana Mantapa or renovation of historicaltemples and idols consecrated by great sages andothers.Many of these emails get distributed across one ormore which could result in them beingignored by the reader, or may make people get annoyedwith a lot of inbox clutter, or sometimes, there maybe a latency in responding and being of help to thecause. With this in mind, I would like to propose a separate, specific to cater to such "request forsupport" needs. It could contain all the information,such as what purpose, (such as education, medical, anyspecial occasion or general), contact address and nameeither in India or US. We could name it "MadhvaSupport Requests" or something on those lines. Thereshould not be any other emails or matrimonial relatedissues in that group.This will solve many issues, including but not limitedto the following:a)

More people get access to this and may increase theinterest in the causeb) People who want to really support the cause coulddirectly visit that and get information asopposed to browsing through a huge barge of emails intheir inbox. They can respond or contribute to acause of their specific interest.c) People may not get annoyed anymore due to inbox notgetting cluttered with multiple requests.d) People who genuinely need support can directly askin this one group as opposed to individual persons ormultiple groups.One of the key things however is to ensure that therequest is genuine and the person asking that isindeed using it for that cause. If people who want tocontribute are interested in tax deductions, then thisis not the group. The source of the request should beable to help provide tax- seductions. These two itemsneed to be co-coordinated properly.Please let me know your

thoughts on this; if it’s agood idea or not, and if we need to move forward onthis.ThanksBest RegardsRao________Don't pick lemons.See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.http://autos./new_cars.html

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