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[Dhyana_Sandhya] FW: Spam: Kirshna krishna krishna - Devurunama by Vyasarajaru

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A very good interpretation indeed. The concept of jagara, swapna and suhupthi is the correct relation that you have brought out. I am extremely happy that I found an association like this - which helps us refresh our thoughts and try allign ourselves with the almighty. A great way of understanding and hats off to your knowledge and your interest in sharing it!!!

Thank you very much.





"Putti, Raghav" <Raghav.Puttiitpl_MF ; dhyana_sandhya ; VMS Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:36:28 PM[Dhyana_Sandhya] FW: Spam: Kirshna krishna krishna - Devurunama by Vyasarajaru


Hare Srinivasa,Dear All,Please find enclosed the interpretations / commentaries by my sister SmtR. Parimala. NamaskaraRaghav------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----Hare Srinivasa !Please accept my pranams. Here is a devuru nama by Sri Vyasarajaru whichconveys the means to reach the goal of human existence. Vyasarajaruexplains how one can lead a life of purpose by understanding thegreatness of the Lord and His benevelence .Serving the Lord as shown bythe great Haribhaktas and Gurus of Madhva paramapare is of utmostimportance to realise the goal of mukti.*****krishna krishna krishna eMdu muru bAri nenedaresaMtushtanAgi mukuthi koTTu mikka bAra horuvanu II*****bAri means times or seasons or periods of timeSri Vyasarajaru says that if one says "Krishna " three times, thenParamatmawill be pleased with him and showers his grace on

him . But one may sayitthree times and we have the experience that no such thing happens. Thishasto be understood more deeply. Here muru bari means in the three statesofjagara, swapna and suhupthi one should have his smarana continuously.thatis possible only when one is in the state of samadhi . So rememberingKrishna in all the three states that are possible for the jeeva insamsarais the goal for a mukthi yogya jeeva. If one were able to accomplishthisthen the Lord's grace is sure to encompass such a person and he can restassured that the Lord will grant him mukthi and burn off his sanchitaandagami karmas. The heavy weight that accompanies the jeeva is the weightofits karma over past lives. This weight will be unburdened by the Lordwhenthe soul is eligible for his grace. Sir Vyasarajaru says 'mikka bAra'meansthe remaining karma which has not come into play . The karma which isnot

inthe accumulated parcel but has been approved for the jeeva's experienceiscalled as prArabdha. This has to be endured even if it takes more than alife time, but Sri Vyasa rajaru gives the assurance that the jeeva willberelieved of the responsibility for the baggage of karma in store .******sakala vedA shAstra paTisi sAravannu tilidarenumakara kuMdala darana nAmakke sariyillavo II*****Study of the Veda's , Shastras is done in order to learn about thegloriesof the Lord . If one has studied the vedas and shastras and found outtheessence of them , but does not implement what he has learnt or if hedoesnot experience what he has learnt then his learning is not equivalent toonewho can call out the names of the Lord with the understanding that thenamesof the Lord are to glorify Him and not just to call him. A devotee whocanexperience the glory of the Lord by chanting his name is the

idealdevotee.In general we use names in this world to call and identify people . Butforthe Lord the names are not for just calling but for specifying theattributes of the Lord by each name. Example : In the Vishnu Sahasranamaeach name has a hundred meanings. This was disclosed by SrimadAnandatheertharu during his discourse . Each word in the Vedas glorifyHimonly as stated by Lord Krishna in the BG .vedaishcha sarvam ahameva vedyavedAntakrit vedavideva cha aham II BG 15.15Each word in the Mahabharata also ultimately descirbes the exploits oftheLord, provided the devotee has the insight to see it. The vedas ,shastrashave been written in a coded language wherein three meanings can beaccruedto each verse.Only that "Knowledge can be called as knowledge which has beencontemplatedon and implemented in one's life."Vijaya Dasaru says :Ananda Ananda matte paramAnandaAnandana kaMda

enandade vEdavrindaA modalu shakarAntha varnagalellaswAmiyAda vishnuvina nAma vendu tilidavageAnanda Ananda matte paramAnandaOne who knows that all the varnas beginning from 'A' and endingwith'sha'are all the names of Vishnu and can visualize His glory with everysyllablesthat one utter, such a person will be in total ecstasy again and again.Purandara Dasaru glorifies the Lord's name by saying :neenyAko ninna hangyAko ninna nAma oMdiddare sAkoPurandara Dasaru exhorts the jeeva in the human body to maximize his/herbrith by chanting the names of the Lord even while doing worldly,mundanejobs that are required for survival.narajanma bandAga nAlige iruvAga krishnA ena bAradekrishnana nenedere kashtaondishtillA krishnA enabAradeIn the next stanza Sri Vyasarajaru proposes the means of attaining thegoaldescribed earlier.******kamalanAbana chinneyanu dharisi koMDu mereyirOyamana bhaTaru

nODi anji aDavi pOguvaro II******He suggests that one should have those adornments on the body that showthathe is a Haribhakta . Looking towards the spiritual side : SriVyasarayarumay want to convey that a person who has done the upasana of the Lord asKamalanAbha is one who's mind is unadhered to any attachment of theworldeven though existing in it. "Kamalanabha" is the Lord with the lotus inhisnavel. Such a person will not be born again, and will not be chased bytheservants of Yama. It means such a person will reach his higher goal ofmukthi.The marks of Lord Vishnu should be borne by the sadhaka during hissojournin this world.He should cultivate the 30 bhagavatha darmas described inthe7th and 8th skandas of Srimad Bhagavatham.They are: 1. sarvataH manasOsaMga - Detachment from worldy objects withsteady conviction that Paramatma is Sarvothama.2. sAdusaMga - Constant association with the

devotess of the Lord.3.shouchaH : External and Internal purity. Internal purity is the resultofperformance of enjoined duties undesirous of fruits.4.tapaH : The mind should be incessantly emgaged in the contemplation ofthedivinde and not stray to sinful thoughts.5. titikshA : Tolerance towards duals like pain,pleasure and love,hateasconferred by God in consonance with karmas.6.mounam : Constant meditation on the glories of the auspisiousattributesof the Lord and zero of usage of the tongue for other speech.7.swAdyAya : Study of scriptures which sublimates to the knowledge thatallwords speak of the glory of Paramatma.8.Arjavam : Being straightforward in thought , word and deep. Nohypocracy.9.brahmacharya : Abstinence from pleasure through any of the senseorgansand engagement of the sense oragans to propitate the Lord.10.ahimsA : Renouncing kama-desire which is the instigator to cause

paintoothers , paves the way to enlightenment.11.samatvam - Treat honour and disgrace with the same state of mind.12.sarvatra AtmeshavaranvIksha The Lord is the same infinite attributesinall His myraid forms both inside and outside.13.kaivalyam - Always know that he is a dependent doer and is aninstrubment in the Lord's hands.14.aniketanam -Understand that all objects in samsara are of a fleetingnature and realise that reaching Lord Vishnu's abode is his goal.15.viviktadeshasevi tvam - Live and do sadhana while in the human bodybuttreat it as a temple of the Lord.16.chIravasanam- Doing one's appointed assignments as the adoration oftheLord,withoutcraving for results life after life .Such existence tattersthecloak of prArabdha.17.santosham yenakenachit - Being content with what he earns the sadhakalives doing sadhana to attain spiritual progress.18. parArthaHa : Never wishing for the wealth

of others19.satayam : Words which contributes to the well being of the Noblesouls.20. abayam :Free from the fear of persecution , physically and mentally21.shama dama -Fixing the mind on the Lord with complete sense-restraint22. shravanam -Listen to the glories of the Lord23. kirthanam -Sing the glories of the Lord.24. smaranam -Contemplation of the Supreme Lord.25. sevA - Dedicated service to the Absolute master and Lord of theuniverse with body, mind and speech.26. Ijya-puja - Adoration of the Almighty with the sixteen types ofservice.27.avanatiH: Bowing to the Lord with deep devotion again andagain -cultivation of humility28.saKyam - Conviction that the Lord is his sure and sole, affectionatecaretaker.29.dAsyam -Accept the Supremacy of the Lord and realise what a privelegeitis to serve someone of such infinite and boundless attributes.30.Atmasamarpanam - Total unconditional surrender of the

body, mind andsoulto the benevelent Supreme Lord.******janma vetti madhva matavA anusarIsi neDeyirOsummAnadi sri krishnA tanna lOka koDuvanO******Sri Vyasaraju is exhorting such people who are disciples of SriMadhvacharyato follow the tennets of the philosophy and he says that the Lord willeasily bestow His grace on such a devotee and grant the sadhaka a placeinHis world.This is based on my limited understanding.Alternate interpretations are welcome.Sri KrishnarpanamastuI am not the doer , Lord Hari is the doer.R. ParimalaRef for Bhagavata Dharmas ; Bhagavatha Saarodhara composed by Sri VishnuTeertharu -Translated to English by Prof G.V.Nadgouda-- Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.Version: 7.5.428 / Virus Database: 268.17.6/646 - Release 1/23/073:36 AMThis email is confidential. If you are not the addressee

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