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Aradhane Invitation - Sri Rajendra Theertharu - May 2nd.

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|| Sri Moola Gopala Krishno Vijayathe |||| Sri Moola Pattabhi Ramo Vijayathe ||

|| Sri Vyasarajo Vijayathe ||


Namaskara All


We are glad to inform you about our next programme around the corner.

Aradhane of Sri Rajendra Theertharu, being celebrated at the premises of Sri Brahmanyachar (NR Colony Mutt) near Vidyapeeta in Bangalore on 2nd May 2007.


We are still on the initial stages of the planning and wanted to make sure you all block your calenders on this day for the occasion as well as we would seek contributions from one and all to make this prgramme a grand success and get blessed by the Yathigalu and Sri Hari, Vayu Gurugalu.


We plan to have Pooja, Pravachana, Vakhyartha followed by Theertha Prasada. We are expecting around 300+ people to attend this and to make ends meet, and celebrate the occasion for the first time in a grand manner, we invite contributions from you all.


You could help the Samithi in one of the following ways


1. Become Life Members by paying Rs 1000/=




2. Pick up the cost of one of the below by sponsoring the entire event:A) Entire Theertha Prasada for all Brahmana/Mutthaide and other invitees - approx Rs 22,500You could sponsor part of the above event as well. B) Puja, Decoration, and incidentals - Rs. 2000 C) Dakshine to Vaidikas and others - Rs. 3000 D) Sambhavane for lectures & participants in discussions- Rs. 3000 E) Rajendra Prashasthi (if included) - Rs.5 ,000 (includes a shawl, a silver article and fruits)




3. Your Shakthyanusara contributions, as inspired by Sri Moola Gopala Krishna.


Please contact Sri NAPS Rao at 2669 5032 or myself at 998 056 3675for details on how you can help us with your contributions.


Some important information about Sri Rajendra Theertharu:


As we all know Sri Rajendra Theertharu was one of the first progenitor of the Poorvadi Matha which came to be named after our great Sri Vyasaraja. He was the Prashishya of Teekacharyaru and the Shishya of Sri Vidyadhirajaru. Sri Rajendra Theertharu spent a lot of his time in North India and his visit is recorded in the annals and lineage of Bengal Vaishnavism. He is believed to have visited Kashi, Mithila and other centers of scholarship in his time and acquired a large number of followers. He was also followed by his Shishya Sri Jayadhvaja, who firmed up his north Indian base further, (he is called Jayadharma in Chaithanya school). There are many references to great devotees like Meerabai, Surdas etc of the North, who owe their Bhakthi pantha to these great sages.


Though nothing is known about Sri Rajendra's compositions, it is known that he was the Vidyaguru of two great scholars in his time - Sri Vibhudendra Theertharu, who was the Guru of Sri Sripadarajaru and Sri Vishnudasacharya, who wrote "Vadarathnavali" , a great work on dialectics, which was a precursor to Nyayamrutha of Sri Vyasaraja Theertharu.


His lineage subsequently has become known for profound scholars apart from Sri Vyasaraja himself such as Sri Kambaluru Ramachandra tirtharu, Sheshachandrikachar yaru, Bhashyadipikacharya ru etc, which is unmatched by any other lineage in Madhva scholarship. It is also well known that both Sri Vadiraja and Sri Vijayindra were themselves disciples of Sri Vyasarajaru. It is not impossible that his compositions have been lost in the mists of time.


Some canards have been spread about the reason as to why the junior ponitff Sri Kavindra Theertharu was selected by the Guru for continuing the worship of Moola Rama etc. It has been stated that Sri Rajendra Theertharu was not accepted as he was deficient in some aspects of worship of the deities of the Matha and did not change even when asked by his Guru to do so. These seem to the creations of people with small minds who judge the actions of great souls by their own puny standards as an after thought. In fact, the very cascade of great scholars with divine personalities who followed Sri Rajendra Theertharu effectively answers these stupid stories.


Infact Dr. BNK Sharma says that after Sri Madhwacharya, the first ones to cross beyond Vindhya Mountains were Sri Vidyadhirajaru and Sri Rajendra Theertharu. Its believed that Sri Jayatheertharu gave ashrama to Sri Vidyadhirajaru at Triveni Sangama (refer: Anu Jayatheertha Vijaya) and was more focussed towards propogation of Madhwa Siddhantha in the northern part of India. And the other 3 desciples of Sri Jayatheertharu went on to start Mutts at Sri Rangam, Majjige Halli and Koodli. Likewise Sri Vidyadhirajaru instructed Sri Rajendra Theertharu to propogate Madhwa Siddhantha in the Eastern and Northern parts of India.


During the last few days of his Ashrama, Sri Vidyadhirajaru gave ashrama to Sri Kaveendra Theertharu, (which later came to be split and known as Raghavendra and Uttaradi Mathas)however Sri Rajendra Theertha is known to be the 'Jyeshta' of the Ashram. Also its been quoted by the charama shloka of Sri Kaveendra Theertharu as,

|| vindrarooDa padAsakthaM Rajendra muni sEvithaM |

Sri Kaveendra munim vandE bhajatham chandra sannibhaM ||

(The reference to Sri Rajendra offering his obeiseance to Sri Kavindra is incongruous, to say the least).



Sri Rajendra Theertharu is thus a great scholar with a very wide following in all parts of the country and whose contributions to Madhva school is still to be properly studied. He brought forth a very rich sustained tradition of scholars, who have done yeoman service to Ttavavada..


Now lets recite the Dhyana shloka of Sri Rajendra Theertharu ---


viBhudendrAdi shishyadheen navakrutha sudhaMbudhihi |

aPaTayath sa Rajendra TheerthO Bhoodabhishtadah ||


Sarvam Sri Gopala Krishnarpanamasthu |




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