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Uttaradi Matha - Website Update & projects underway

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Namaskaara,There are lots of initiatives taken by Uttaradi matha for all interested in our philosophy, please find below the brief info about the same. You may feel this note is bit lengthy but worth reading to know the updates.Haraye Namaha,

Gururaja Upendra_In the service of Sri Hari, Vayu and Guru and by the inspiration, grace and instructions of Sri 1008 SriSatyatma Tirtha Swamiji for spreading the word of Shri Madhvacharya to all eligible souls and creating dharma jagriti in the world, the following projects have been recently launched by Uttaradi Math on the net.1. Web resource on Vedanta according to the philosophy of Shri Madhvacharya - A Complete on-line resource for various levels of readers with e-Texts, e-Books, presentations and articles(in Sanskrit and other languages) on the philosophy of Madhvacharya is being developed. Compilation of important and rare stotras for parayana is also provided. For Sanskrit lovers, a collection ofpoems and songs in Sanskrit is provided.http://www.uttaradimath.org/vedanta_home/vedanta.html2. Uttaradi Math Info Center - A place to getinformation about the Official Announcements, Eventsand News from Uttaradi Math. Registered users will be automatically notified of Audio updates of ShriSwamiji on our web site by e-mail. You can also listen to the recent Ramayana Pravachana of Sri Swamiji at Kote High School, Excerpts of the upanyasa are alsoprovided in English.http://www.uttaradimath.org/blog/3. A Vedanta Blog - containing periodic postings under different categories. Registered users can to the category(ies) of their choice. The following categories are presently active. 1. Acharya Vani2. Sumadhva Vijaya(Plans are in place to add few more categories.Registered users will automatically get notified upon addition of new categories)http://www.uttaradimath.org/vedanta/Google Desktop users can get the RSS feed from our blogs directly to their desktop. Just add these url'sto the web clips sectionhttp://www.uttaradimath.org/blog/feed/http://www.uttaradimath.org/vedanta/feed/4. A um-vedanta-list dedicated for philosophical postings and discussions to quench thephilosophical thirst of all sattvic souls on the internet.http://groups. um-vedanta-list/Description: This is a closed unmoderated group for philosophical discussions among students and scholars of Dvaita Vedanta of Sri Madhvacharya. Please don't send personal requests, suggestions, comments to this List. Please restrict your postings to purely

philosophical discussions. 5. Sarvamula Translation Project (STP)Plans are in place to translate all the sarvamula and related texts into English. As a part of this project a series of postings of the translation of Anuvyakhyana (sAdhanAdhyAya) of ShriMadhvacharya is being provided on a daily basis under the title 'Acharya Vani' on the Vedanta Blog as wellas on um-vedanta-list. Apart from the translation of Anuvyakhyana, translations of the following texts are presently in progressa. Translation of Sumadhva Vijaya of shrI nArAyaNapaNDitAchArya. The daily postings of Sumadhva Vijaya translation are available on daily basis on our Vedanta Blogb. The first book of dvaita vedanta "pramANachandrika" (introducing epistemology and ontology ofMadhva School)that is taught in traditional gurukulAs is being translated providing detailed notes andillustrations where ever necessary. Portions of the translations are

available on our Vedanta Page.c. Translation with word to word meaning, notes,illustrations and chapter summary of shrimadbhAgavataM with Tatparya of Shrimadhvacharya into English based on the kannada translation of the sameby Pt. Guttal Rangacharya (Presently Skandha 3,9 & 10 of the kannada version are available in print,skandhas 1,2,4,5,11,12 are ready for print and are in different stages of the printing process. Skandhas 6 & 7 are being presently translated by Sri Acharya)5. Vedanta Dipika - A detailed course to teach Vedanta from basics consisting four modules - VyakaranaDipika, Nyaya Dipika, Mimamsa Dipika and Vedanta Dipika using ppt slides as teaching aids. Plans areafoot to provide this course online starting this Akshaya Trithiya.6. Presenting concepts of the Philosophy of Madhvacharya through Power Point Presentations1. sR^iShTi - A presentation on bhAgavata III skandha depicting the creation of panca

bhutas.(This isavailable for download from our download section)2. svapna - A presentation on the concept of svapna according to the Philosophy of MadhvacharyavAshiShTakR^iShNa mama dehi karAvalaMbaM. We pray bhagavAn vedavyAsa and achArya madhva to give us the necessary strength, devotion and intellect to succesfully accomplish this little seva and submithumbly at their holy feet. How can I help?Interested haribhaktas can join as volunteers to help us in various areas ranging from web design(integration of all our services), html programming, proof corrections, DTP of various texts etc. If you are interested to participate in this seva please send a mail to info. Ideas and suggestions on making our services more informative and useful to spiritual aspirants of our madhva community are most welcome.jAjvalyete viShNuvAyUsma devauvedavyAsAnandatIrthAbhidAnauAlways in the service of Hari, Vayu and

Guru,haraye namaH,R.RachuriMail: info Web: www.uttaradimath.org" saaDhana shariiravidhu nii dhayadhi kottadhdhu "

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