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[vijayavittala] Brahmanya Theertharu

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Sree Brahmanya Theertha Gurubhyonnamaha. Plz share pic.of Brahmanya Theertharu with Sree NaraNarayanaru at Badrikashrama.srinivittala <srinivittala wrote: Namaskaragalu,I saw the update on Vijayadasaru.net and about the details of SriBrahmanya Theertharu.I furnish some more details on the same for further information belowHare srinivasacrsrinivasanSri Brahmanya Tirtha's -vrindavnaABBUR- The Brindhavana of Sri Brhmanya TheertharuAcross

the KANVA RIVER and surrounded by green fields there emerges acalm serine village ABBUR, the divine resting place of Sri BrhmanyaTheertharu.Sri Brahmanya Tirtha. He was the third descendant from Sri Rajendra Tirtha in the linesenior of disciples coming from Sri Vidyadhiraja Tirtha. I could findvery little on his life, save and except where it says that it was dueto the blessings of Brahmanya Tirtha that the parents of Vyasa Tirtha,(Brahmanya Tirtha's disciples), owed the birth of their childrennotably Sri Vyasa Tirtha. As his permanent residence, Brahmanya Tirtha lived mostly atChannapatna or Abbur in Karnataka State There he had a Mutt of his ownwhich later he was to entrust to his disciple Sridhar Tirtha. ThisMutt, which still survives today, is called the Kundapur Mutt. Hisother disciple was the famous Sri Vyasa Tirtha. Brahmanya Tirtha's only accredited literary work was a 'gloss' on theTatparya of

Jaya Tirtha. However, even this is challenged as notentirely well founded, mostly because his disciple Vyasa Tirtha made no reference to it anywhere! It is so unfortunate that these great devotees' lives have slippedinto obscurity, whether it was by their choice out of humility or justthe influence of time. I guess now we will never really know. The Lordhas his plan. To quote from Sri Venkoba Rao"The Mutt lists give his demise as 1467 AD., this is accepted by theVy-carita(B. Venkobarao, Vy-carita, introduction.). "It is howeveropen to many objections. In the first place, it gives his discipleVyasa Tirtha a pontifical sway of over 70 years, which is too long. Italso bestows on the latter a life of over 90 years, which is notcorroborated by other evidences. Venkoborao himself refers (pp.cxiv-cxv) to a tradition according to which Brahmanya died soon aftera famine. On page 100 of his Forgotten Empire, Sewell

says that 'aboutthe 1475., there was a terrible famine in the Deccan and in thecountry of the Telugus, which lasted for two years(Also Ferishta, C.Scott edn. I, 162. S.I. I., page 227.). Venkobarao himself refers totwo such famines which broke out in the years 1423-1425 and1472-1474.,(Dharwar Gazetter, pp. 404-406.). The second one, it willbe seen, syncronises with the date mentioned by Sewell. It ismanifestly impossible that Brahmanya Tirtha could have died in thefirst famine. The date is too early for him. We have therefore toassume that it was after the famine of 1475-1476., that he died. Theevent, thus, cannot be placed earlier than 1476."(B.N.K. Sharma. 1961.History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta. Page 460.). d) Sri BramhaNya Thirtha P.D. (Abbur-Near Channapatna) -- 1446(as per Sri VyasaRayaMutt-11th Pontiff of Sri VyasarayaMutt-Poorvashrama Name Narasimhacharya They wanted to construct a

mantapafor the Brindavanam (1461), as per the usual practice. But they couldnot do so. The Brindavanam is exposedtosun From the sloka it is understood that he was Sooryamsha.(Page 57 Karnataka Bhaktha Vijaya by Belur Keshavadas 1974Edn).Took ashram from Sri Purushoththama Thirtha. On account of hisblessings, Vahnipura (Bannur) Ramacharya got a son named as Yathiraja who laterbecame the famous Sri Vyasaraya. Undertook Badari yatre and had Darshan ofNara NarayaNa- Offered prayer to get a good disciple. While returning at Sathenahalli in Dharwar district performed Pranadevara Prathishte. The Yuvaraja of Channapatna had lost his legs on account of the mischief of the Junior Maharani. He took shelter at the feet of SriBrahmanyathirtha. He used to apply his pada Mruththika daily and in course of time got his legs back. He came to power and requested the saint to acceptsomething as a token of

gratitude. The saint did not want anything except the idolof Sri Vital kept in the Treasury. Even now this Idol is being pronounced as "BrhamaNya KaraaRchitha Sri Vitala Devaru" (J H B Acharya, 1977, "Haridasaru" )On that sad note we push on to the next in line. Sadness turns tojubilation as we remember the increadible life of the disciple ofBrahmanya Tirtha, Sri Vyasa Tirtha.

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