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Please Help Vinay by Registering in Bone Marrow drive this Thursday, June 14 2007

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Dear Devotees,Please Register to be a Marrow Donor and Help Vinay! Our friend Vinay is 28 years old and has Acute MyeloidLeukemia (AML). He was diagnosed in November of 2006and was informed this week that he is in need of abone marrow transplant. When-------------> Thursday, June 14th, 07:00 to 09:00 PM Where------------> 477 Rt 27, Iselin, NJ 08830 Contact-----------> Dr. Sudhindra (856-692-8409) Keshav Raj - 908-226-5459 , Yogeendra Bhat- 732-589-8080About Vinay As many of you are aware, Vinay grew up in Fremont,California and attended Ardenwood Elementary, WaltersJunior High, Kennedy High School, UC Berkeley beforegoing on to getting a Masters and MD at BostonUniversity. He was married in 2005 to Rashmi, anaspiring physician from Los Angeles, California. Theyhave lived in Boston since the wedding. Vinay is knownamongst his family and friends as being a kind, honestand loving human being. Please go through the website for details.www.helpvinay.org Please register during the forthcoming gathering onThursday, June 14. Locations to Register: Thursday, June 14, 7 pm to 9:30 pm( Sri Krishna Brindavan's Thursday Puja Hall) 477 Route 27 Iselin, NJ 08830 Visit www.asianmarrow.org or www.marrow.org forother locations. Every year many South Asian patients are diagnosedwith blood-related diseases. In order to survive,Vinay and many other patients need a bone marrowtransplant from a matching donor. Nearly 30% ofpatients will find a matching donor within theirfamilies. The remaining 70% must search for anunrelated donor. Unfortunately, a very smallpercentage of South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, SriLankans and

Bangladeshis) are registered to be marrowdonors. South Asians comprise approximately only 1% ofthe National Marrow Donor Registry. How Can you Help? Signing up is so easy. If you come up as a match for apatient, and donate some of your marrow, you couldmake a miracle happen! HOW TO REGISTER 1. Fill out a consent form 2. Provide a swab of cheek cells for tissue typing AM I ELIGIBLE? • Ages 18 - 60 • Be in good general health WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MATCH? Marrow Donation: A small amount of marrow is collected from your hipbone using a needle and syringe. Anesthesia is

usedduring this simple hospital procedure. Afterwards,you may be sore for a few days to a few weeks, butnormal activity may be resumed. Your marrowreplenishes itself within a few weeks. PBSC Donation You receive injections of Filgrastim for 5 days toincrease the blood-forming cells in your bloodstream.You may experience flu-like symptoms for a few days. Blood is drawn from your arm using a sterile needleand passes through a machine that separates the bloodcells. The remaining blood returns to your other arm. So, please come forward to register yourself and bethe savior of precious lives. We all will pray the God Almighty whole heartily forthe speedy recovery of Vinay and pray to give him goodhealth. Thanks, Yogeendra Bhat Uli732-549-6959 PS: Please bring your photo id. You are required towrite your SSN in the form. In case, if you are notcomfortable to provide your SSN, then still you canregister by showing your photo ID and providing twocontact information of your friends/relatives.

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