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Fwd: Shri Vijayeendra theerthara Smarane - last part

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Varna, Gopalakrishna

ITPL_MF ; Dhyana_Sandhya ;

it_madhva_sangha ; jignaasa ;


Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:53 AM

Subject:FW:. Shri Vijayeendra theerthara Smarane - last part



1a. Shri Vijayeendra theerthara Smarane - last part

Posted by: " Bala R Krishna " b_krishna b_krishna

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:02 pm ((PDT))



Shri Lakshmi HayagreevAbhina

Shri Lakshmi Narasimhaya namaha

Shri Maha Ganapathiye namaha

Shri vAdirAja thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Vijayeendra thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Raghavendra thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Vishnu thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Purandara dAsarAya Gurubhyo nahama


Dear Shri Vishnu Bhaktas,


Today, jyEsta bahula dwadashi is the poorva ArAdhane of

Sri Sri VijayIndra thiirtharu and tomorrow (Thursday) is the Madhya

ArAdhane as per PDT.

The vrundAvana of Sri VijayIndra thiirtharu is in KumbhakOna, TN, India.


A nice picture of Shri Vijayeendra Gurugalu is at :






We hope you enjoyed the postings of Shri Shri Vijayeendra Gurugalu and

we pray Shri Vijayeendra Gurugala antargatha Shri Bharathi Ramana vAyu

antargatha Shri Lakshmi Narasimha abhinna Shriman mUla rAma devaru to

bless all of us.


Victory against a Buddhist from China


The glory of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha was spread over India and other

countries. The title 'Ajeya'(victorious) to Sri Vijayiindra thertha

was most appropriate as the saint used to win against all who were

talented in sixty four arts. It so happened that a Buddhist wanted to

contest against our Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha

easily conquored the buddhist by showing lot of proof in the Vedas and

Shastras. The buddhist was amazed at Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and told

to the mass of people that he had never in his life seen such a

scholar like Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtharu.


Mastery in jewelary art.


There were some people in Kumbakona who were jealous of Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha and they inspired a jeweler named Vinayaka

Ramachandra joshi to contest against the saint. The jeweler invited

Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha to the contest. The jeweler and Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha started to work on a ornament. Both of them worked

for many hours for a couple of days and each of them came up with a

beautiful ornament made up of nine different pearls(nava rathna). The

judges saw both the ornaments and the ornament created by Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha was much superior than the jeweler. The jeweler

was stunned seeing the art work of the saint and told the judges that

this kind of jewelery work is not possible by a normal human being and

the saint must be a 'Devamsha Sambootha' i.e. a Sura or Deva. Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha had carved Lord Sri Raama, Sri Seetha and Sri

Laksmana in the ornament and this ornament (Sri Raama padaka) can be

seen even now in Sri Raghavendra Swamy mutt.


Sri Basava(Ox) transformed into Sri Hanuma


Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha's fame started growing day by day and this

became a real pain to some bad people who could not resist it. There

were a group of wicked people who were supporters of Lingaraja who was

defeated by Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha, waiting for a chance to bring a

black mark to the saint. As mentioned earlier, the management of all

the temples belonging to the sects of Advaita and Vishishtadvaita in

Kumbakonam were held by Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and the people

beloging to these two sects were living in peace and harmony. The

wicked group worked out a plan wherein they tried to separate the

people belonging to the sects of Advaita and Vishishtadvaita. The

wicked people thought that by separating these two sects, it would

bring a black mark on Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha. The temples of Sri

Kumbeswara and Saaranga Paani were separated by a lake. Right from

ancient times, the lake belonged to Sri Saaranga Paani temple. The

wicked group of people approached the priests of Sri Kumbeswara temple

and told them that the lake belonged to Sri Kumbeswara temple and not

Sri Saaranaga Paani temple. The priests beleived the wicked people

words and this slowly spread to the sects of Advaita and

Vishishtadvaita which created a cold war between the sects. The wicked

people convinced the Advaita people sect that the lake has many signs

belonging to Lord Shiva and so the lake belonged to Sri Kumbeswara.

Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha came to know about this cold war and decided

to stop this cold war. A test was arranged to see if there were really

signs of Lord Shiva in the lake. It was decided that if the lake had

Shaiva signs then the lake will be the property of Sri Kumbeswara and

if it had Vaishnava signs it would remain the property of Sri Saaranga

Paani. On the night before the test day, the wicked group of people

brought thousands of Lord Shiva Linga stones and they drowned them in

the lake. The next morning was the test day and Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha came near the lake, meditated on Lord Sri Moola Raama and

poured some MantraAkshita(Red colored sacred rice) into the lake. A

team of four to six people dived into the lake and they started

bringing the items that were found in the lake. What a surprise!! All

the items taken out from the lake were idols of Lord Sri Hanuman and

Sri ShaaliGraama stones. The wicked group of people could not beleive

themselves as they had personally poured thousands of Lord Shiva Linga

stones into the lake. It was the miracle and the great devotion of Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha that all the Sri Basava and Lord Shiva linga

stones were transformed into Sri Hanuma and Sri Shaaligraama stones.

This proved that the lake belonged to Sri Saaranga Paani temple and

the sects of people belonging to Advaita and Vishishtadvaita who

beleived the words of wicked group nodded their heads in shame and

surrendered to Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha to pardon them. The wicked

people group who were desciples of Sri Linga Raaja fled the scene in



Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha names Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha as his successor


There was a great scholar named Sri NaaraayanaAcharya who was a

desciple of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha. Sri NaaraayanaAcharya was a

expert in Nyaaya & Vedanta shastra, was a great poet and belonged to

Shastika community. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha offers the

Paramahamsaashrama to Sri NaaraayanaAcharya and the new saint was

named Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha.


For many years, Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha served Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha

with great devotion and respect. On 28th June 1614, Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha decides to make Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha as his prime successor

and placed him on the throne sat by Srimadh Acharya. Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha gave the keys to Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha for the boxes

containing Sri Moola Raama and other sacred idols and the library

having the sacred works composed by Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and other

saints. Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha performed the pooja of Sri Moola Raama

the same day he was named the prime successor. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha

preached many upadeshas to Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha and to his devotees.


Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtharu completes his incarnation and enters



Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha gave his final upadesha(teachings) to his

devotees by telling that the teachings preached by him were the same

preached by Srimadh Acharyaru. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha urged his

devotees to follow the path shown by Srimad Acharya and said that this

path will lead a person to the doors of Sri Vaikunta (the home of

Sriman Naaraayana). Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha then started meditating on

the lotus feet of Sri Moola Raama and started chanting 'Om namo

Naaraayanaya'. The sacred word 'Naaraayana', 'Naaraayana' started

coming out of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and there was a bright shine of

Bramha tejas coming out of the saint. Finally, Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha, offered his 'Aatma Phuspa' at the lotus feet of Lord Sri

Naaraayana and the saint successfully completed his incarnation on

this earth. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha was very respectfully and with

great devotion was placed in a Brindavana in Kumbakonam.


Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha could not resist the separation of his guru Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha and started crying like a small child. Sri

Sudeendra Tiirtha accompanied by great scholar devotees took a holy

dip in the river Cauvery and performed the pooja of Sri Moola Raama in

front of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha brindavana. After the pooja, Sri

Sudheendra Tiirtha placed the idols of Sri Moola Raama, Sri Jaya Raama

and Sri Digvijaya Raama in a gold plate and placed it over the the

sacred Brindavana of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha. Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha

then performed kanakaabhisheka(pooja by pouring items made of gold),

mahamangalaarathi(seva of many lights) and bowed at the brindavana.

Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha then composed the charama sloka of Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha as shown below.


BhakThaaNaam MaanaSaam Bhoja Bhaanave Kaamadhenave

NamaThaam Kalpatharuve Jayeendra Guruve Namaha


Born by the grace of Sri Vyaasa Tiirtha in 1517, Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha got his education from Sri Chandrika Acharya. The saint was

then gifted by Sri Vyaasa Tiirtha to Sri Surendra Tiirtha, ruled the

throne of Srimad Acharya, served his guru Sri Surendra Tiirtha, showed

many great miracles, won many scholars which proved that he was

undoubtedly victorious(Ajeya), got respected by many kings and

emporers, composed 104 great works, reestablished the siddanta of

Srimad Acharya, in the year 1614 offered the throne of Srimad Acharya

to Sri Sudheendra Tiirtha and at the orders of Lord Sri Vishnu and

Srimadh Acharya completed his incarnation by offering his 'Aatma

Phuspa' at the lotus feet of Lord Sriman Naaraayana.


In the seva of Sri Hari, vAyu and Gurugalu,

Bala Krishna

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