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Varna, Gopalakrishna

ITPL_MF ; Dhyana_Sandhya ;

it_madhva_sangha ; jignaasa ;

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Cc: b_krishna

Monday, July 09, 2007 10:27 AM

Brief histroy of Shri Vijayendra Theertharu



4. Shri Vijayeendra theerthara - 1

Posted by: " Bala R Krishna " b_krishna b_krishna

Thu Jul 5, 2007 10:18 pm ((PDT))



Shri Lakshmi HayagreevAbhina

Shri Lakshmi Narasimhaya namaha

Shri Maha Ganapathiye namaha

Shri vAdirAja thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Vijayeendra thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Raghavendra thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Vishnu thiirtha gurubhyo namaha

Shri Purandara dAsarAya Gurubhyo nahama



Dear Shri Vishnu Bhaktas,

Thursday, July 12th 2007, jyEsta bahula triyOdashi being the arAdhana of

Sri Vijayeendra thiirtharu, with the prerane of Sri Hari, vAyu and gurugalu,

would like to post a series of postings related to the life sketch of Sri

Vijayeendra thiirtharu.

Please apologize if you notice any mistakes.



*** Introduction ***


Shri Harihi Om

|| NarasimhO AkhilA jnAna matha dHwanta divAkaraha

Jayathya mitha SujnAna sukHa shaktHi payOnidhihi ||


|| AchAryO pavanOsmAkum AchAryAnEcha bhArathi

dEvo NarAyanaha Shrishaha dEvi mangala devatha||



Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was a `sarva-tantra-swatantra', a master of the

sixty-four arts, a winsome and magnetic personality, and the author of over

a hundred works (104 are attributed to him). In the eyes of his

contemporaries, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was verily an incarnation of Srimad

Acharya come to reinforce his own siddhanta against contemporary opposition.

Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha established his headquarters in Kumbakonam which

belonged to the Nayak dynasty. Tanjavur and Kumbakonam were a replica of the

Vijayanagara kingdom, in the cultivation of the art of dance, music,

literature, Vedic studies and Darshana-s (philosophical doctrines). It was

the age of Venkatamukhi, the authority on Karnatic Music, of Govinda

Dikshita, the accomplished minister of the Nayakas, of Appayya Dikshita, the

uncrowned monarch of Shaiva Advaita, and of Tatacharya the sun of

VisishhTâdvaita. It was in this climate of culture and plenitude

that Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha found congenial soil for his labour of love in

the cause of Srimad Ananda Tîrtha's Sadvaishnava siddhanta. Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha saved Madhva siddhanta from a very real and serious threat of

extinction in South India, during the 16th century. Hence the followers of

Madhva siddhanta should always remain grateful to the memory of Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha's illustrious personality. When the redoubtable Appayya

Dikshita and Tatacharya drew Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha into philosophical

controversies by their adverse criticisms of Srimad Acharya's works, Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha took them on single-handedly and successfully dispelled

their criticisms.

Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was not a bigoted sectarian. He was the very essence

and embodiment of catholicity of outlook. This is shown by his generous

patronage to scholars of different persuasions, and the uniformly friendly

relations he maintained throughout his life with his greatest adversary in

thought. Kumbakonam is the city of temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Lord

Shiva in equal strength and prestige. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha, was, by common

consent in charge of all the religious institutions there.


Birth of Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha


Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was born by the great blessings of Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha.

It so happened that Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha had come to a small village where Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha's parents resided. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha's parents were

very old at the time when Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha came to their village.


they served Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha with devotion. Pleased by their devotion and

service, Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha blessed the old couple that a charming son would

be born to them. The old couple had no children , and they lamented, " How can

we have children at this old age? We are very unlucky and we do not have

the puNya (good deeds) to have children in this lifetime. " Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha

said, " Lord Sri Moola Gopala Krishna has made me utter these words , and it

is His sole responsibility to make it come true. " Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha also

told them that they were going to have two sons and they should give one of

them to him. The old couple were very happy and promised Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha

that they would act accordingly by dedicating one of their sons to the

service of the Lord.


A couple of years passed and Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha arrived at the same village

where Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha's parents lived. Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha was given a

grand reception by the old couple and they took the saint to their home. The

old couple had been blessed with two children whom they had named

'VittalaCharya' and 'Guru Prasada " and they told Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha that his

words had come true and that they were ready to fulfill their promise to

him. Sri Vyâsa

Tîrtha picked the older child 'VittalaCharya' and told his parents not to

worry about him and that Lord Krishna would be very pleased by this

donation. From that day, 'VittalaCharya' became the beloved child of Sri

Vyâsa Tîrtha. Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha performed 'Choula' and 'Upanayana' to

VittalaCharya started teaching him the Vedanta shâstra-s, tarka, mîmâmsa,

etc. After seeing the latter's devotion and vairagya (being totally

uninterested in worldly things and

totally getting involved in serving the Lord), Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha offered the

sacred sanyâsâshrama to VittalaCharya at a very young age and named him as

Sri Vishnu Tîrtha. Sri Vishnu Tîrtha under the guidence of Sri Vyâsa Tîrtha

became the master of the four-and-sixty traditional arts, and a great



*** Victory in Kanchi ***


As we know from history, Kanchi was a center for learning and at the time

Hundreds of great pundits were living in Kanchi. The famous pundit Sri

Appayya Dîkshita had his residence in Kanchi. When Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

came to Kanchi, Sri Appayya Dîkshita was not in town but, the other pundits

were introducing themselves to protect the respect and fame of the city.

Many Advaita and VishishhTaadvaita pundits were defeated by Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha in the space of four to five months. After that, Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha had to debate against two great `mîmaamsa' pundits and it appeared as

though the debate was reaching a deadlocked state. After a couple of days

passed, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha translated the pundits' 'puurvapaksha' and


criticizing them one by one by giving proofs. The pundits were astonished by

Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha's knowledge, spiritual powers, and

the way he was tackling the issues. The words coming out from Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha was like the sacred mother river Ganga. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

concluded his talk by establishing the `siddhaanta' of Srimadh Achaarya. The

judges were extremely impressed and gave a judgement declaring Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha the winner. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha's guru Sri Surendra

Tîrtha became extremely happy seeing this victory.


*** Victory in Karnataka ***


After the victory in Kanchi, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha came to Karnataka while

Sri Surendra Tîrtha went on tour to Sri Rameshwara. For manydays, Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha settled in Karnataka worshipping Sri Moola Raama, giving

spiritual advice to the devotees, conquoring many pundits and thereby

established the Veda-mata siddhaanta of Srimadh Achaarya. Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha was in Kolar, Karnataka for about a month and easily conquered

pundits like Sri Sudarshana Charya, Sri Krishna Batta and Araadhya. For the

rememberance of this victory, Sri Vijayîndra theeertha built a temple of Sri

Vijaya Maaruti which can

Be seen even now in Kolar. From Kolar, Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha moved to

Tumkur, Karnataka. From Tumkur, Sri Vyaasa Tîrtha and Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha arrived in Udupi to have the darshan of Lord Sri Krishna. While they

were in Udupi, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha came to know that his Guru

Sri Surendra Tîrtha was not in good health. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha got

permission from Sri Vyaasa Tîrtha to go to Kanchi in order to take care of

his Guru. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha looked after his guru so well that Sri

Surendra Tîrtha became healthy and fit.


Sri Surendra Tîrtha had two main responsibalites. The first one was was to

find a successor to rule the Vedanta empire of Srimad Achaarya. This was

accomplished by getting Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha from Sri Vyaasa Tîrtha. The

second one was to visit all sacred places and temples in India. Sri Surendra

Tîrtha decided to undertake the second assignment and one auspicious day he

started his tour. After a couple of days, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha got a

message that Sri Vyaasa Tîrtha was very keen in seeing him. Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha immediately rushed to Vijayanagara to see his vidyaa-guru. Sri Vyaasa

Tîrtha was very happy to see his shishhya (student) and gave Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha many `upadesha'-s and duties to be performed in order to establish


`siddhaanta' of Srimadh Achaarya. In the month of phalguna, Krishna

paksha(second half), Chouthi (Fourth day), Sri Vyaasa Tîrtha left this

world to Vaikunta. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha left Vijayanagara and moved

towards Madurai. During this travel, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha visited Vyaasa

Samudra, NanjanGud and Sri Ranga. From Sri Ranga, he moved to Madurai at the

request of the king Vishvanatha Nayaka. At the same time, Sri Surendra

Tîrtha completed his India tour and came to Madurai. It took nearly four

years for Sri Surendra Tîrtha to complete the tour and Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

was happy to see his Guru back. Both the saints decided to move to Tanjore

in order to establish the Veda matha-siddanta there. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

composed many

works during the time he traveled between Vijayanagara and Madurai.


*** The debate between Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha and Lingaraja ***


The citizens of Kumbakonam were delighted to learn about the presence of Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha in Madurai. There were strong reasons to get delighted.

For the past fifteen to twenty years, there had lived a Shaiva scholar named

Lingaraja in Kumbakonam who not only captured the management of all the

temples in the city but also was converting all the Brahmins into Saivites.

The Saiva saint was very skilled and was also the possessor of occult

powers. The Brahmin pundits were unable to compete with Lingaraja and were

extremely dissappointed for not able to stand in front of this Saiva saint.

The Bramhin community became extremely happy at the arrival of Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha to Madurai and they requested Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha to

come to Kumbakonam and establish the Veda-mata-siddhânta in their city. Sri

Surendra Tîrtha after hearing the incidents from the citizens of Kumbakonam,

gave permission to Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha to reside in Kumbakonam and stop

the disaster of forceful Saiva conversion by Lingaraja. Sri Surendra Tîrtha

blessed Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha with best wishes and said that Sri Moola Raama

would be pleased by the establishment of Srimad Acharya's siddanta in



Then one day, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was in deep meditation. Suddenly, he saw

Lord Vishnu and Srimad Acharya in his heart. At the same time, Sri Vyaasa

Tîrtha appeared in front of Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha and blessed him. Moments

later, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha saw the divine mother Sri Durga devi sitting on

a lion, having many weapons in her hand and having a pleasing face. It was

the divine mother Sri Mangalambike in front of Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha came to

bless him. The divine mother blessed the saint, prophesizing that he would

be victorious in the debate with Lingaraja. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha came to

Kumbakonam and Sri Lingaraja came to know about it. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

and Lingaraja agree that the debate be in the temple of Sri Kumbeswara. It

was decided that if Lingaraja is defeated he has to stop forceful conversion

of people into saivism and surrender all the property and management of the

temples to Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha. If Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha is defeated, he

would convert into a saivite and become a follower of Lingaraja. Lingaraja

started the arguement by stateing that the Vedas have weakness and vedas

were human composed . Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha very easily criticised Lingaraja

by giving many proofs which showed that Vedas are true and that vedas are

not composed by any one(ApouruSheyaa). Vedas are known by three words namely

'Veda', 'Shruthi' and 'Drushthi'. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha explained the

meaning of these words as follows: Veda meaning 'Vedyatha ithe vedaha' which

means Vedas are the ones that are understood, Shruthi meaning 'Shrooyatha

ithe Shruthihi' which means that Vedas are the ones that are being heard and

Drushthi meaning 'Drushyatha ithe Drushtihi' which means that vedas are the

ones that are seen. So, Vedas are the ones that are understood, heard and

seen and it is not composed by any one. This way, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

proved his point that Vedas are 'ApouruSheyaa'.


Then came the topic who is supreme. Lingaraja with the help of Kourma,

Lainga puranas started to state that Lord Shiva is the supreme and

challenged Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha how he can prove that Sri Naaraayana is

supreme. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha said although it is mentioned that Lord Shiva

is supreme in puranas like Lainga, Kourma etc., this point is against the

Shrutis and Saathvika puranas and so it is not true.

Also, puranas like Lainga,Shaiva etc., are thamasik. Lingaraja became

furious and demanded how Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha can prove that Lainga, Kourma

puranas are Thamasik. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha gave proof by stateing that this

division (Saathvik, Raajasik and Thaamasik) is done by Sri Veda Vyaasa

himself who is the authority said as follows.


Vaishnavam Naaradeeyam Cha thatha Bhagavatham Shubham Garudam Cha thatha

Paadmam Varaaham Shubha Darshane ShaDeThani Puranaani Saathvikaani Mathaani

why Bramhaandam BrahmaVaivartham Maarkaandaiyam thathaiva cha

BhavidhshyadhVaamanam Braamham Raajasaani Nibhodhamae Maathsyam Kourmam

thatha Laingam Shaivam Skaandam Thathaiva cha AagnaeYam cha ShaDethani

Thaamasa NirayaPradaha


which means that there are six puranas that are Saathvik. These puranas are

Vishnu, Naarada, Bhaagavatha, Garuda, Padma and Varaaha.

The Raajasik puranas are Bramhaanda, BramhaVaivartha, Maarkaandaeya,

Bhavishyothara, Vaamana and Bramha. The six thamasik puranas are Maathsya,

Kourma, Lainga, Skaanda, Shaiva and Aagnaeya. Please note that even in

rajasa and thamasa purAns, there are sAthvika portions ( like in skAnda

Kourma purAnas) and they have to be respected as sAthvika portions.


Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha also mentioned that the Smruthi Shaastras are of three

kinds Saathvika, Raajasa and Thamasa. The judges got convinced about the

proof given by Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha and told Lingaraja that the proof has

been given. The judges continued to state that since the debate was based on

Shastras and only texts that can be believed are the Saatvika ones, so, as

per the Shrutis and Saatvika Puranas, Sri Naaraayana is the Supreme (Sri

Hari Sarvothamma) and Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha is correct in this arguement.


Lingaraja now turned the point towards Lord Sri Narasimha. He started

telling that Lord Narasimha was defeated by Sri Veera Bhadra. Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha criticized this by stateing that the information about Lord Narasimha

being defeated by Lord Veera Bhadra is in Skaanda Puraana. Skaanda puraana

is Thamasik and hence cannot be taken as a proof. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha very

cleverly solved this point by quoteing that in Shaiva puraana, it is

mentioned that Lord Rudra in the form of Sharabha defeats Lord Narasimha.

But, in Skaanda puraana, it is mentioned that Lord Veera Bhadra defeats Lord

Narasimha. So, who defeated Lord Narasimha? Is it Lord Rudra or Lord Veera

Bhadra? If you say it is Lord Rudra then, it is against Shaiva puraana. If

you say it is Lord Rudra then it is against Skaanda Puraana. Lingaraja's

argument was based on the Thamasa puranas and Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha created

a suspision in Lingaraja's argument. Lingaraja became so confused and all

the people who were watching the argument were amazed at the way Sri

Vijayîndra Tiirtha disproved Lingaraja's point by creating this suspision.

Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha continued further and said that the authentic

information is only in Saatvika puranas and since Lingaraja's point is based

on Thamasik puranaas which is against various Shrutis, Smrutis and Saatvika

puranas, it is a bluder to tell that Lord Narasimha was defeated by Lord

Rudra or Lord Veera Bhadra.

Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha described Lord Narasimha as 'Narasimhasya KaeValam

Jyothireka ManaaDyantam' which means that Lord Sri Narasimha is Infinite in

auspecious qualities and who has no destruction (Akshara). For the one who

is infinite and who is undestructable, how can it have an end? So, as

mentioned in the Saatvika puranas, Lord Narasimha destroyed Sharabha. Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha gave one more proof from a Shruthi as 'Harim Harantha

Manuyanthi VishVasyeeShaanam VrushaBham Matheenaam' which means that Lord

Rudra who is praised by 'Eeshaana' word was destroyed by Lord Hari(i.e. Lord

Narasimha). Also, the Smruthi states that


BramhaanaMindram RudramCha Yamam Varunamaevacha| Nihasya Harathe



Which means that Lord Bramha, Lord Indra, Lord Rudra, Lord Yama, Lord Varuna

get destroyed by Lord Hari (i.e. Lord Narasimha) during the Pralaya period.

This means that Lord Hari is the supreme(Sarvothamma), Lord Hari is the

creator, Protector and destroyer of these worlds, Lord Hari is the

ParaBramha as mentioned in the Vedas, Shrutis, Smrutis and Puraanas.


This way the argument went for many days, and everyday, Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha turned out to be the winner and all the points that Lingaraja upheld

were very easily turn down by Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha. At last, Lingaraja

became speechless and accepted the defeat by bowing his head.


Needless to say, the judges concluded that Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was won the

argument and hence is victorious. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha praised Lingaraja

that he was a great scholar and could not establish the Shaiva matha because

all your arguments were based on thamasik puranas which are not correct. Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha commended Lingaraja that it was a great pleasure to argue

with a scholar like him, wished him best wishes and gave lot of gifts to

him. Lingaraja then came forward, bowed at Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha and

surrendered the keys of all the temples and the Shaiva mutt. Lingaraja then

decided to leave the town of Kumbakonam.


*** Establishment of Sanskrit University(Vidyaa peetha) ***


Kumbakonam was chosen by Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha to establish a Sanskrit

University. Establishing a Sanskrit University was one of the dream of Sri

Vyaasa Tîrtha. The university was the center for learning Vedas, Chandassu,

Vyaakarana, Astrology, Tarka, poetic arts, Puraanas, Dharma shastra etc. The

university provided excellent boarding and lodging facilities. The king of

Vijayanagara Sri Chavappa Nayaka offered lot of land and money for the

developent of the university. The university had the atmosphere of the old

guru kula style. Sri Surendra Tîrtha became the chansellor of the

university. The sanskrit university became one of the best centres for

learning in India.


The king of Vijayanagara empire requested Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha to come and

settle in Vijayanagara for some time. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha with the

permission from Sri Surendra Tîrtha accepts the offer and moves to

Vijayanagar. The king of Vijayanagar expresses his desire to perform

RathnaaBhisheka( Honor of sitting on the Vijayanaga throne) to Sri

Vijayîndra Tîrtha. Although, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha did not like it very

much, he had to accept the request made by the king. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha

sat on the throne of Vijayanaga empire, the pundits praise Sri Vijayîndra

Tîrtha as


" Sri MadhVaidika Sadvaishnava Siddantha SamsthapanaAcharya Sri JagadhGuru

Sriman MadvaAcharya Mukya Samsthaana Poorvaadhi Mateya Vidyaa

SimhaasanaaDheeshwara Srimad Raghunandana Tîrtha SriPaada karakamala

Sanjaatha, Srimadh Surendra Tîrtha Sripaada Varakumaaraka Sri Sri Srimadh

Vijayîndra Tîrtha Yathi SaarvaBhouma Jaya Jaya Bahu parAkh Bahu parAkh bahu

parAkh " .


The king of Vijayanagara offered many land, Gold, and many other precious

metals to Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha. Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha contributed everyhing

that he received from the king to the pundits and to the sanskrit

university. The people of Vijayanagara were amazed at the generosity of the

saint donated all the wealth for a good cause.


*** Wizard surrenders to Sri Vijayeendra Theertha ***


One afternoon, Sri Vijayîndra Tîrtha was reading some works and a disciple

came running and told the saint that a wizard from Kerala has come to see

you. The appearance of the wizard was so dreadful and he started talking to

the saint with a attitude 'Are you Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha? You defeated

Lingaraja and said that any one can challenge you in 64 different arts. If

are bold enough, can you challenge my wizard craft?'. Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha very seriously tells the wizard that by Lord Sri Hari's grace he can

easily win against the witch craft. The wizard then drew seven concentric

lines and placed a lemon in the centre. The wizard started mermurring some

words and said that this witch craft is very dangerous and you have to cross

all the seven lines and get that lemon fruit. The wizard continued to tell

that at each line crossing there is fire, weapons and snakes to kill you.

The wizard said 'Are you sure you want to take this task?'. Sri Vijayiindra

Tiirtha with a smile said to the wizard that your witch craft based on devil

worship should be criticized and people like you are bad elements in the

soceity and it is not a big deal to defeat you, one of my student will take

the challenge. Sri Vijayeebdra Tiirtha called one of his student named

BheemaSena and told him get the lemon crossing the lines. BheemaSena, bowed

to Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and started to cross the lines one by one. When

BheemaSena crossed the forth line he saw a a big ball of fire and the fire

was turned into milk and sprinkled on him. At the fifth line, a snake

approached him and to the surprise a Garuda bird came and carried away the

snake. At the sixth line, a sharp weapon came to destroy BheemaSena. Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha meditated on Lord Moola Raama and the weapon was

transformed into a flower garland and BheemaSena had it in his neck. The

wizard bacame very afraid at the action of BheemaSena and did not know what

to do. BheemaSena easily crossed the seventh line, lifted the lemon and laid

it at the feet of Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha. Thus, it was a victory to Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha and the wizard accepted his defeat. The wizard bowed at

Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha and said that none so far had guts to defeat him

but, I got defeated by a student of yours. Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha advised

the wizard not to practise the witch craft and move in a good path. Sri

Vijayiindra Tiirtha chanted on Lord Narasimha, composed a song on the lord

called 'Narasimha Stotra / Astaka' to commemarate the victory and

surrendered the victory certificate at the feet of Lord Narasimha.

This icon of Lord Narasimha can be seen even now in Sri Raghavendra swamy

mutt as 'Shodasha Baahu(16 handed) Sri Narasimha Murthy'.


Sri NarsimhAstaka starts with " Bhoo kandum vAranAdum parava viratam dumpa

dumpOru dumpum ... " composed by Sri VijayIndra thiirtharu and will try to

post this stothra soon.


In the seva of Sri Hari vAyu and gurugalu,

Bala Krishna

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