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Shri 1008 Shri Teekacharyara aradhane in the SF Bay area, Ca on Friday August 3, 2007 at 7.30PM.....

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|| Shri Harihi Om || || Shri LakshmiNarasimhAya Namaha || || Shri Digvijayaramo Vijayathe || || Shri HanumaBheemaMadhvAya Namo Namaha

|| || Shri Jayatheertha Gurubhyo Namaha |||| Hari Sarvotthama || || Hare Srinivasa || || Vayu Jeevotthama ||Dhyaana Sloka: Sriman Nyaya sudhayena Nirmitaadhimataamataa| TaM Jnanadi GunopetaM Jayathirtha GuruM Bhaje

|| Yasya VakkamadhenurnaH KaamitarthaN Prayachhathi| Seve TaM JayayogeendraM kaamabaanachhidaM Sadaa|| ChitraiH Padaischa GambheeraiH Vakiarmanairya KhanditaiH| Guru BhavaM Vyanjayanthi Bhatee Shree Jayathirtha VaaK | Dear

Haribhaktas, We are celebrating Shri 1008 Shri JayatheertharaAradhane (Madhya) an evening function, on this Friday August 3rd, 2007 at 7.30PM hosted by Smt Suma, Shri Srihari Sangli & Chi. Anandathirtha, Chi. Vishnuthirtha at their residence in San Jose, California. - SVBM/VMSProgram Details : Please note that the program will start on time at 7.30PM SHARP. (Please arrive 15 minutes early) 7.30 - 8 PM : Stothra Pathana - Shri Venkatesha stotra, shri Vishnusahasranama, Shri Jayatheertha stothra, Shri Nyayasudha stotra, Gurugala taratamya

stothra, Shri Raghavendra stothra, Shri Vijaya Kavacha. 8 - 9.30 PM : Taratamya Bhajane 9.30 - 10.30 PM - Pravachana from Bangalore, India (conf call) by Shri N. Seshachar Topic : "An introduction to Shriman Nyaya Sudha"

Brief Information about the speaker: Shri N. Seshachar (chikkappa of Shri Suresh Rao) has worked as an assistant executive engineer in PWD and learnt tenets of Madhwa shastras from some of the well known pandits such as Panditarathna Sri Gowdigere

D.Srinivasachar, Sri.Prabhanjanachar, Sri.Balagaru Srinivasachar, Chaturvedi Vedavyasachar and gamaki from Raghavendra rao. The conference call number as below: Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 772-3001 Participant Access Code: 179875# 10.30 - 11PM : PalahAra - POTLUCK (non-rice items) Please contact Smt. Suma Srihari for details at suma_hari Please treat this as a personal invitation from us, attend and get the blessings of Shri Hari, Vayu, Gurugalu. Below are our address, directions and contact numbers.- Srihari & SumaAddress:Suma and Srihari Sangli3362, Kuykendall PlSan Jose,

CA - 95148http://maps./maps_result?addr=3362+Kuykendall+Pl & csz=san+jose%2C+ca+-+95134 & country=us & new=1 & name= & qty=Contact numbers:Home : (408) 532 - 6346Cell : (408) 832 - 9924 (408) 832 - 6766Directions:-----------From Sunnyvale (via 101)- 101-South- Capitol Expy East Exit (this exit is after Tully Ave exit)- Pass 4 lights- Right onto Quimby Ave- Pass 2 lights- Left onto Ruby Ave- 5th left turn onto your left- Last house onto your left is oursFrom Cupertino (via 280)- 280-South- Continue forward after 280 becomes 680 (this is at 101 intersection)- Capitol Expy exit (Expy starts off at this

point)- Pass 6 lights- Left onto Quimby Ave- Pass 2 lights- Left onto Ruby Ave- 5th left turn onto your left- Last house onto your left is oursFrom Fremont (via 680)- 680-South- Capitol Expy exit (Expy starts off at this point)- Pass 6 lights- Left onto Quimby Ave- Pass 2 lights- Left onto Ruby Ave- 5th left turn onto your left- Last house onto your left is ours *************************************************************************Excerpts from the posting by Sri G.R.Raghunatha Rao"<grrrao on dvaita list**************************************************************************************************************************************************Sri Teekakritpadrara

Punya Dina (Malakheda)( 1365-1388) 6th in the line of Sri Uttaradhi mutt.To remember him on his Aradhana day is the way to purge the dross of dailylife.(Excerpts from the lecture by G R Raghunatha Rao at Sri Krishna-SriRaghavendra Mutt,(Pejavar ) T’ Nagar, Chennai –600 017(Courtesy, The Hindu dated 26th July 1997)God’s grace ensures continuity of tradition:The mercy that the Lord extends to humanity is limitless. It may be inseveral ways and forms, either directly or without the knowledge of therecipients. But the extraordinary concern. He shows towards them is toensure that there is continuity in their efforts to enlarge their spiritualknowledge. This will be possible only when there is a permanent successionof spiritual guides who can transmit it to those who approach them.At times it may appear that with the end of an Acharya, there is no one totake charge of the task of spreading

God’s mission. There will then appearanother saint who can take charge of administering the religious tradition.God will also see to it that those who are deputed as torchbearers are menof extraordinary distinction. These saints will never claim to be men ofmerit., but out of utter humility say that they are god’s servantsentrusted with a specific task, though they might be outstanding scholarsand writers. “ I do not know the Vedas nor the scriptures nor grammar,’ abrilliant saint- commentator said.He was asked “ How then were you able to contribute so many religious textsand commentaries?”His reply was, “ I did not write them. I surrendered myself to my spiritualmentor, Sri MadhwaCharya, who had blessed and guided me to complete thistough assignment. The credit must go to him. “This famous master was Sri Jayatheertha, one of the foremost among thedisciples of Sri Madhwacharya, but for whose efforts

the founder’sphilosophy would not have been properly disseminated.Nyaya Sudha is Sri Jaytheertha’s “magnum opus” and hailed as the best guideto religious literature for understanding the significance of God’s variousmanifestations. It is said that one should read “Sudha” before looking intothe “pada”(Text). Because of his commentaries, he was called “ Teekacharya”:Outlining his genius, Sri G R Raghunatha Rao, in his lecture on the occasionof the saint’s Aradhana said that before taking to the monastic order; thesaint as known as Dhondu Rao , a gift of God to his parents who belonged toa family of chieftains.He became the successor of Sri Akshoya Theertha who was in search of adisciple to adorn the pontificate. Sri Jayatheertha’s triumph in theVedanthic debate with VidyaraNya finds a place in his biography. Hisdefinition of “ devotion” consisting of four ingredients is the mostcomprehensive one. He defended

Madhwa’s concept of God and His system. Heattained “Brindavan” at Malkhed near Gulbarga which even after nearly sixcenturies continues to be a centre of spiritual vibration.II) - Courtesy- Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, Chennai News letter - July2002…Shree Jayatheertha, as a commentator of Sri Madhwa’s works has a permanentplace in the firmament of spiritual literature. The common people rememberhim for his renunciation and by the learned for his brilliant erudition. Atan early age he renounced pleasures of a married life. He has writtenelaborate commentaries on most of the works of Shree Madhwacharya,His magnum opus ' Nyaya Suda" - the commentary on Sri Madhwa’s ‘AnuVakhyaana’ [a commentary on Bramha sutras] an erudite work in the field ofdvaita philosophy. He showed his multi faceted genius in Nya Sudha. Hererefutes the dual concept of Brahma as NirguNa and SaguNa. All vedic textsaccording to him have set

forth one form of Bramha, i e NarayaNa. Hesuggests that Sri Madhwa’s five-fold difference is fundamental and real. Onthe authority of scriptures he establishes the intrinsic gradation of thesouls. Further he holds the view that the grace of Lord NarayaNa who issupreme alone can liberate us and sanctions mokshaIII ) Sri Jayatheertha:Dhondoo, the Poorvashram name of Sri Jayathirtha, belonged to the family ofchieftain of the palace. He was brought up in luxury and comfort .One day hewent for riding very far from his palace and came to the banks of the riverBheemarathi. Feeling very thirsty and impatient even to get off his horse,he led his horse into the river and drank water directly by applying hismouth to the water. On the other bank of the river was the Ashram of ShreeAkshobhya thirtha, a great grand disciple of Shree Madhwa charya. This greatsaint was in the evening of his life and was anxiously looking for

asuitable disciple. Only on the previous night he had dreamt a dream in whichShree Madhwa charya directed him to take as his disciple the young man onhorseback who would come next day to the river to drink water directly fromthe river sitting on horse back. Shree Akshobhya thirtha was very glad thathis dream had come true. " Kim pashuH Poorva Dehe? " was the question byhim, to this young man. He told him that destiny had marked him for adifferent role and that he should accept Sanyasa and take over from him theworship of Shree Rama and thus pave the way for his own salvation. SriJayathirtha acknowledges with gratitude what he has learnt from his Guru. Inhis paem, says." Akshobhyathirtha Gurunaa Shukhavat Shikshitasya Me "Among the disciples of Shree Madhwacharya, who have made substantialcontributions to dvaita Philosophy and literature, Shree Jayathirtha ranksas the foremost.It is no exaggeration,

according to Sri U R Acharya, to say that but forShree Jayathirtha's commentaries, his followers would not have grasped thefull import of Madhwacharya’s works on Dvaita philosophy. No wonder thenthat Shree Jayathirtha is called " Teekacharya". His greatest work is "Nyaya sudha " which is an exhaustive and elaborate commentary on ShreeMadhwacharya's " Anu vyakhyana " which is itself an explanatory works on theBramha Sutras. It has been described as " Sudha vaa pataneeya Vasudha Vaapaalaneeya "Sree C M Padmanabhacharya referring to Sudha says" One does not know what toadmire most in his work so remarkably perfect is it in every way."Apart from the above, his other works are ' Tatwa Prakashika'; on BramhaSutra Bashya---, ' Prameya Deepika " on Geetha Bhashya and ' Nyaya deepika"on Geetha Tatparya. His original works are " PramaaNa paddahati " ( awork on logic. , --" Vadavali"( a work on Meta physics);

"ShataparadhaStotra "and ' Padya malika" on ' Pancharatragama".In his work Shree Jayathirtha establishes beyond doubt that all otherinterpretations put on the Bramha sutras are faulty in one respect or theother. The dvaita interpretation as propounded by Shree Madhwacharya isalone the correct one, in harmony with the ideas of Shree Veda Vyasa, theauthor of the Bramha sutra. " Sudha" therefore, has the pride of place inthe entire field of Madhwa literature.Vidyaranya who read his works and had debate with him, was overwhelmed bythe scholarly mind of Sri Jayathirtha. In order to express his gratitude andappreciation for the profound knowledge he had and for his works, arranges aprocession by keeping his works along him on the Howdah and thus paysrespect to him.-" Tam Samaarohya NagendraM Jayathirtha JayaspadaM|- Sri Sankarshanacharyakruta Jayathirtha vijaya.Das gupta in his " Bharatiya Tatwajnana

Itihasa" says" Jayathirtha is one of the most eminent dialectical thinkers in IndianPhilosophy."Dr.B N K Sharma in his Dvaita Vedanta Siddhanta and other Sahitya Itihasa"referring to the Style of Sri Teekacharya describes:"He was a master of graceful style, rich in vocabulary and chaste andpolished in his expression. His sense of proportion and freedom from emptyflourish and verbiage, add much to the beauty of his writings and thespontaneity of their appeal, The grace and dignity of his style have greatlyenhanced the prestige of the system among whose makers there are not manygood stylists."The great Sri Vyasaraya describes as:" ChitraiH Padaischa GambheeraiHVakiarmanairya KhanditaiH|Guru BhavaM Vyanjayanthi BhateeShree Jayathirtha VaaK||"Prof Raghavacharya says " Fineness of statement, lucidity of style,penetrating clarity of an analysis, resourcefulness is difficult exegesisthe

vision of the architectonic of the work."He lived for only 42 years and his Brindavanam in Malakheda on the banks ofthe Kagini River in the Gulbarga district has become an important place ofpilgrimage for all Madhwas. Sri Chalari Shanakarashanacharya has written thebiography of Sri Jayathirtha in sanskrit kavya called" Jaya theertha Vijaya" on the same lines as ' Madhwa vijaya " written by Narayana Panditacharya.Sriman Nyaya sudhayenaNirmitaadhimataamataa|TaM Jnanadi GunopetaMJayathirtha GuruM Bhaje ||Yasya VakkamadhenurnaHKaamitarthaN Prayachhathi|Seve TaM JayayogeendraMkaamabaanachhidaM Sadaa||Dhyaana Sloka:ChitraiH Padaischa GambheeraiHVakiarmanairya KhanditaiH|Guru BhavaM Vyanjayanthi BhateeShree Jayathirtha VaaK |

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