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Madhwa's Teachings-Chtuhshloki Bhagawat recital during Proshthapadi.

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Proshthapadi from 12/9/1907 to 26/9/2007


Shastras advise us Shrimad Bhagawat Shravana during Proshthapadi for

earning greater merit. Therefore, scholars, every year, make it a

point to give discourses on Shrimad Bhagawat during this period. They

have been following this tradition for millennia. Proshtapadi, this

year, starts from 12th Sptember & ends on 26th September and in tune

the age old tradition, discourses on Shrimad Bhagawat are arranged in

every city, town, village and locality for the benefit of a large

number of people.


" Madhwa's Teachings " appeals to all its members to attend the

discourses. It advises them to do parayana of Chatuhshloki Bhagawat,

which appears on page No20, Stuti Sindhu,Part-1 However it is

reproduced below, for the convenience of the members, if they are not

in a position to attend to discourses due to unavoidable

circumstances. They are advised to do the parayana in " madi " for a

minimum of 11 times, for it is small and would not take much time to

complete. .



Chatuhshlokee Bhagawatam.


Jnyaanam parama guhyam, me yad vijnyaana samanvitam;

sarahasyam tadangam cha, grihaan gaditam mayaa.

Yaavanaham yathaa bhaavaha, yadroopa guna karmakaha;

tathaiva tatva vijnyanam, astu te madanugrahaat.

Ahamevaasamevagre, naanyad yat sad satparam;

paschaadaham twametaccha, yoavashishyeta sosmyaham.

Rutertham yatprateeyeta, na prateeyeta chaatmani;

tad vidyaadaatmano maayaam, yathaabhaaso yathaa tamaha.

Yathaa mahaanti bhootaani, bhoote shoocchaavasheshu cha;

Pravishtaanyapravishtaani tathaa teshu na teshwaham.

Etaavadeva jijnyaasyam, tattvajijnyaasunaatmanaha;

anyavyatirekhaabhyaam, yat syaat sarvtra sarwadaa.


With best regards,



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