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MYP_Projects - Nitya Karma Work shop...9th Sep

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Namaste all,


One more program behind us now, SUCCESFULLY.

We are just done with our Nitya Karma Workshop-1 for men.


The Workshop was greatly appreciated by Sri Vidya Prasanna Theertha Swamiji of Sri Kukke Subramanya Mutt, who inaugurated the workshop, blessed us with his ashirvachana and sudarshana with mantrakshate. He was enthralled to see the commitment from Madhwa Bandhus both from participants and the organisers to learn, uphold and nurture the Madhwa Siddhantha & rituals.


Sri Ananda Teerthachar Nagasampige, leader of this workshop had all praises for the participants on their interest & jijnaase and dedication from the organisers' side.

He has offered himself for the subsequent workshops to be conducted on the related topics and would be available always, forever for clarifying any of the queries.

He was so gracious and overwhelmingly supportive of MYP's cause and objectives that he has offered his sambhavane and dakshine as his contribution to MYP's jnana karyas.

Our sincere gratitudes to Sri Achar for his gesture and immense regards for making this event a grand success.

We thank each one of the participants, who took all the trouble of coming and spending the whole day with us in learning the basics of our siddhantha / acharane and have supported the cause & objectives with your huge contributions. We sincerely hope, the workshop was successful in meeting your expectations and needs. We would do a thorough analysis of the feedback rendered and will take appropriate actions on the areas of attention.


We look forward to you all for our next event... Nitya Karma Workshop for Ladies, the date of which is yet to be decided. We request you to nominate your spouse, mother, sister, relatives and other madhwa bandhus with the mindset of learning the necessary & essential nitya karmas, observed by ladies (married & unmarried) on a daily basis.


Please watch t his space or more details on the same.


Congratulations to the entire core team on the successful execution of this project.


This NKW was a big achievement in the sense that it was the biggest gathering to chave witnessed so many Madhwa Bandhus under one roof. This clearly shows the strength in unity and proves the concept of being together and achieving collectively.


Please join us TODAY, to make a difference in the way we are perceived today by the bigger mass and achieve our shared vision and common goals.


Send in a request to MadhwaYuvaParishat-




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