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sarasa bhArati vilAsa-3

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|| hariH om ||

sarasa bhArati vilAsa-3


This is an english translation of shri sarasa bhArati vilAsa by bhAvi samIra shri vAdiraja guru sArvabhouma.This translation is based on kannada translation by shri Acharya sANUru bhIma bhaT (Second edition, printed at shri ranga printers and binders, Bangalore)


Index of vilAsas with Contents in brief:

...contd from the last post


· Seventh vilAsa: condemnation of other doctrines, composition of bhAshyas etc..shrImad AcharyA-s intellect being blemishless and pure towards shrI hari by establishing supremacy of vishNu. The taitteriya verse "namaste vAyo twameva pratyakshaM brahmAsi" indicates, that on te subject of parA ( supreme shrI hari) vAyudeva is blemishless (shukla) (parashukla)

· Eight vilAsa: talavakAra, ChAndogya, shaTprashna, bhrahadAraNyaka, aitireya etc point towards blemishless purity of vAyudeva in both his original and incarnated forms and his superiority over rudra deva

· Nineth vilAsa: Many incidents point to the blemishes in the intellect of garuDa, shesha, balarAma, rudra, dUrvAsa, ashwatthAma, indra and other devatA-s owing to kali-s entering into these devatA-s.

· Tenth vilAsa: vedA-s which extoll devatA-s like rudra and others, also describe their defects like wrong knowledge, dependance on another thus establishing the supremacy of vishNu. rudra, having defects in him, doesnt possess the qualities of brahmA the creator, protector, destroyer..etc as per the brahma sUtra patyurasAmanjasyat.h

· Eleventh vilAsa: rudrA-s defects, as pointed out by patyurasAmanjasyat.h of brahma sUtra, have been amply described in bhAgavata. None of these blemishes, found in rudra devA, find a place in shrI hari. shrI hari-s process of creation is not owing to His semen, but owing to His will alone.

· Twelfth vilAsa: The defects in shaMbhu, as mentioned in the brahma sUtra, are agreeable to shaMbhu incarnate shuka muni. The defects pointed out by sUtra-s are acceptable to be applied to rudra, who himself is also a prime adhikAri to the sUtra-s. Only lord hari has the power of 'doership- -non doership-doing differently'. None else possess this.Not my efforts, but hayavadanaA-s grace alone is the cause for this poetry. rukmiNIsha vijaya was composed by me to obtain laxmi devi-s grace and sarasa bhArati vilAsa to get bhArati devi-s grace.



These are the twelve vilAsA-s and the subjects discussed in them..


(Next post...the First vilAsa...)



sriram nayak


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